
public final class AppSearchSchema extends Object
implements Parcelable

The AppSearch Schema for a particular type of document.

For example, an e-mail message or a music recording could be a schema type.

The schema consists of type information, properties, and config (like tokenization type).

Nested Class Summary

class AppSearchSchema.BooleanPropertyConfig Configuration for a property containing a boolean. 
class AppSearchSchema.Builder Builder for objects
class AppSearchSchema.BytesPropertyConfig Configuration for a property containing a byte array. 
class AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig Configuration for a property containing another Document. 
class AppSearchSchema.DoublePropertyConfig Configuration for a property containing a double-precision decimal number. 
class AppSearchSchema.LongPropertyConfig Configuration for a property containing a 64-bit integer. 
class AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfig Common configuration for a single property (field) in a Document. 
class AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig Configuration for a property of type String in a Document. 

Inherited Constant Summary

Field Summary

public static final Creator<AppSearchSchema> CREATOR

Public Method Summary

equals(Object other)
Returns a natural language description of this schema type.
Returns the list of parent types of this schema for polymorphism.
Returns the list of AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfigs that are part of this schema.
Returns the name of this schema type, such as Email.
writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary


public static final Creator<AppSearchSchema> CREATOR

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object other)

public String getDescription ()

Returns a natural language description of this schema type.

Ex. The description for an Email type could be "A type of electronic message".

This information is purely to help apps consuming this type to understand its semantic meaning. This field has no effect in AppSearch - it is just stored with the AppSearchSchema. If AppSearchSchema.Builder.setDescription(String) is uncalled, then this method will return an empty string.

public List<String> getParentTypes ()

Returns the list of parent types of this schema for polymorphism.

public List<AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfig> getProperties ()

Returns the list of AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfigs that are part of this schema.

This method creates a new list when called.

public String getSchemaType ()

Returns the name of this schema type, such as Email.

public int hashCode ()

public String toString ()

public void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, int flags)