
public final class SchemaVisibilityConfig extends Object
implements Parcelable

A class to hold a all necessary Visibility information corresponding to the same schema. This pattern allows for easier association of these documents.

This does not correspond to any schema, the properties held in this class are kept in two separate schemas, VisibilityConfig and PublicAclOverlay.

Nested Class Summary

class SchemaVisibilityConfig.Builder The builder class of SchemaVisibilityConfig

Inherited Constant Summary

Field Summary

public static final Creator<SchemaVisibilityConfig> CREATOR

Public Method Summary

Returns a list of PackageIdentifiers of packages that can access this schema.
Returns the PackageIdentifier of the package that will be used as the target package in a call to PackageManager.canPackageQuery(String, String) to determine which packages can access this publicly visible schema.
Returns an array of Integers representing Android Permissions that the caller must hold to access the schema this SchemaVisibilityConfig represents.
writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary


public static final Creator<SchemaVisibilityConfig> CREATOR

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object o)

public List<PackageIdentifier> getAllowedPackages ()

Returns a list of PackageIdentifiers of packages that can access this schema.

public PackageIdentifier getPubliclyVisibleTargetPackage ()

Returns the PackageIdentifier of the package that will be used as the target package in a call to PackageManager.canPackageQuery(String, String) to determine which packages can access this publicly visible schema. Returns null if the schema is not publicly visible.

public Set<Set<Integer>> getRequiredPermissions ()

Returns an array of Integers representing Android Permissions that the caller must hold to access the schema this SchemaVisibilityConfig represents.

public int hashCode ()

public void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, int flags)