
public final class SetSchemaResponse extends Object
implements Parcelable

Nested Class Summary

class SetSchemaResponse.Builder Builder for SetSchemaResponse objects. 
class SetSchemaResponse.MigrationFailure The class represents a post-migrated GenericDocument that failed to be saved by AppSearchClient.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest, String)

Inherited Constant Summary

Field Summary

public static final Creator<SetSchemaResponse> CREATOR

Public Method Summary

Returns a Set of deleted schema types.
Returns a Set of schema type whose new definitions set in the AppSearchClient.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest, String) call were incompatible with the pre-existing schema.
Returns a Set of schema type that were migrated by the AppSearchClient.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest, String) call.
writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary


public static final Creator<SetSchemaResponse> CREATOR

Public Methods

public Set<String> getDeletedTypes ()

Returns a Set of deleted schema types.

A "deleted" type is a schema type that was previously a part of the database schema but was not present in the SetSchemaRequest object provided in the AppSearchClient.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest, String) call.

Documents for a deleted type are removed from the database.

public Set<String> getIncompatibleTypes ()

Returns a Set of schema type whose new definitions set in the AppSearchClient.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest, String) call were incompatible with the pre-existing schema.

If a Migrator is provided for this type and the migration is success triggered. The type will also appear in getMigratedTypes().

public Set<String> getMigratedTypes ()

Returns a Set of schema type that were migrated by the AppSearchClient.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest, String) call.

A "migrated" type is a schema type that has triggered a Migrator instance to migrate documents of the schema type to another schema type, or to another version of the schema type.

If a document fails to be migrated, a SetSchemaResponse.MigrationFailure will be generated for that document.

See Also

public List<SetSchemaResponse.MigrationFailure> getMigrationFailures ()

Returns a List of all failed SetSchemaResponse.MigrationFailure.

A SetSchemaResponse.MigrationFailure will be generated if the system trying to save a post-migrated GenericDocument but fail.

SetSchemaResponse.MigrationFailure contains the namespace, id and schemaType of the post-migrated GenericDocument and the error reason. Mostly it will be mismatch the schema it migrated to.

public void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, int flags)