
public static class LocalDataReadRequest.Builder extends Object

Builder used to create new LocalDataReadRequests.

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

aggregate(LocalDataType inputDataType)
Adds the dataType to aggregate for this request.
bucketByTime(int duration, TimeUnit timeUnit)
Specifies bucket type as LocalBucket.TYPE_TIME and sets the duration of each bucket.
Finishes building and returns the request.
read(LocalDataType dataType)
Adds the dataType to read for this request.
setLimit(int limit)
Limits results to the latest limit data points.
setTimeRange(long start, long end, TimeUnit timeUnit)
Sets the time range for our query.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

public Builder ()

Public Methods

public LocalDataReadRequest.Builder aggregate (LocalDataType inputDataType)

Adds the dataType to aggregate for this request.

Aggregation should be requested in conjunction with bucketByTime(int, TimeUnit). At least one valid detailed data type should be specified in the request.

The resulting aggregated data can be queried via LocalDataReadResponse.getBuckets() and LocalBucket.getDataSet(LocalDataType).

inputDataType The input data type you're aggregating
IllegalStateException If the data type is already requested as detailed
IllegalArgumentException If the input data type is not supported for aggregation
NullPointerException If the data type is null

public LocalDataReadRequest.Builder bucketByTime (int duration, TimeUnit timeUnit)

Specifies bucket type as LocalBucket.TYPE_TIME and sets the duration of each bucket.

The detailed data across the time interval of the request is divided into sub-intervals of length duration, and aggregation is then performed over each sub-interval to return one LocalBucket of aggregated data per sub-interval.

Aggregation is performed for data type(s) specified in the request. Each bucket will have one LocalDataSet of aggregated data per requested aggregate LocalDataType.

IllegalArgumentException If another bucket type is already specified in the request or if an invalid duration is specified

public LocalDataReadRequest build ()

Finishes building and returns the request.

IllegalStateException If the builder doesn't have enough state to create a valid request

public LocalDataReadRequest.Builder read (LocalDataType dataType)

Adds the dataType to read for this request.

The resulting unaggregated data can be queried via LocalDataReadResponse.getDataSet(LocalDataType).

dataType The data type that you're reading
IllegalStateException If the data type is already requested as aggregate
NullPointerException If the data type is null

public LocalDataReadRequest.Builder setLimit (int limit)

Limits results to the latest limit data points. This parameter is ignored for aggregated queries. By default there is no limit.

This method is useful to reduce the amount of sent data.

public LocalDataReadRequest.Builder setTimeRange (long start, long end, TimeUnit timeUnit)

Sets the time range for our query. Defined start and end times are required for every read query.

start A start time, in the given unit since epoch, inclusive
end An end time, in the given unit since epoch, inclusive
timeUnit The unit of the start and end timestamps