Draw a vector collection for visualization using a simple style language.

UsageReturns, pointSize, pointShape, width, fillColor, styleProperty, neighborhood, lineType)Image
this: collectionFeatureCollectionThe collection to draw.
colorString, default: "black"A default color (CSS 3.0 color value e.g., 'FF0000' or 'red') to use for drawing the features. Supports opacity (e.g., 'FF000088' for 50% transparent red).
pointSizeInteger, default: 3The default size in pixels of the point markers.
pointShapeString, default: "circle"The default shape of the marker to draw at each point location. One of: `circle`, `square`, `diamond`, `cross`, `plus`, `pentagram`, `hexagram`, `triangle`, `triangle_up`, `triangle_down`, `triangle_left`, `triangle_right`, `pentagon`, `hexagon`, `star5`, `star6`. This argument also supports these Matlab marker abbreviations: `o`, `s`, `d`, `x`, `+`, `p`, `h`, `^`, `v`, `<`, `>`.
widthFloat, default: 2The default line width for lines and outlines for polygons and point shapes.
fillColorString, default: nullThe color for filling polygons and point shapes. Defaults to 'color' at 0.66 opacity.
stylePropertyString, default: nullA per-feature property expected to contain a dictionary. Values in the dictionary override any default values for that feature.
neighborhoodInteger, default: 5If styleProperty is used and any feature has a pointSize or width larger than the defaults, tiling artifacts can occur. Specifies the maximum neighborhood (pointSize + width) needed for any feature.
lineTypeString, default: "solid"The default line style for lines and outlines of polygons and point shapes. Defaults to 'solid'. One of: solid, dotted, dashed.


Code Editor (JavaScript)

// FeatureCollection of power plants in Belgium.
var fc = ee.FeatureCollection('WRI/GPPD/power_plants')
            .filter('country_lg == "Belgium"');

// Paint FeatureCollection to an image using collection-wide style arguments.
var fcVis ={
  color: '1e90ff',
  width: 2,
  fillColor: 'ff475788',  // with alpha set for partial transparency
  lineType: 'dotted',
  pointSize: 10,
  pointShape: 'circle'

// Display the FeatureCollection visualization (ee.Image) on the map.
Map.setCenter(4.326, 50.919, 9);
Map.addLayer(fcVis, null, 'Collection-wide style');

// Paint FeatureCollection to an image using feature-specific style arguments.
// A dictionary of style properties per power plant fuel type.
var fuelStyles = ee.Dictionary({
  Wind: {color: 'blue', pointSize: 5, pointShape: 'circle'},
  Gas: {color: 'yellow', pointSize: 6, pointShape: 'square'},
  Oil: {color: 'green', pointSize: 3, pointShape: 'diamond'},
  Coal: {color: 'red', pointSize: 3, pointShape: 'cross'},
  Hydro: {color: 'brown', pointSize: 3, pointShape: 'star5'},
  Biomass: {color: 'orange', pointSize: 4, pointShape: 'triangle'},
  Nuclear: {color: 'purple', pointSize: 6, pointShape: 'hexagram'},

// Add feature-specific style properties to each feature based on fuel type.
fc = {
  return feature.set('style', fuelStyles.get(feature.get('fuel1')));

// Style the FeatureCollection according to each feature's "style" property.
var fcVisCustom ={
  styleProperty: 'style',
  neighborhood: 8  // maximum "pointSize" + "width" among features

// Display the FeatureCollection visualization (ee.Image) on the map.
Map.addLayer(fcVisCustom, null, 'Feature-specific style');

Python setup

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap

Colab (Python)

# FeatureCollection of power plants in Belgium.
fc = ee.FeatureCollection('WRI/GPPD/power_plants').filter(
    'country_lg == "Belgium"'

# Paint FeatureCollection to an image using collection-wide style arguments.
fc_vis =
    fillColor='ff475788',  # with alpha set for partial transparency

# Display the FeatureCollection visualization (ee.Image) on the map.
m = geemap.Map()
m.set_center(4.326, 50.919, 9)
m.add_layer(fc_vis, None, 'Collection-wide style')

# Paint FeatureCollection to an image using feature-specific style arguments.
# A dictionary of style properties per power plant fuel type.
fuel_styles = ee.Dictionary({
    'Wind': {'color': 'blue', 'pointSize': 5, 'pointShape': 'circle'},
    'Gas': {'color': 'yellow', 'pointSize': 6, 'pointShape': 'square'},
    'Oil': {'color': 'green', 'pointSize': 3, 'pointShape': 'diamond'},
    'Coal': {'color': 'red', 'pointSize': 3, 'pointShape': 'cross'},
    'Hydro': {'color': 'brown', 'pointSize': 3, 'pointShape': 'star5'},
    'Biomass': {'color': 'orange', 'pointSize': 4, 'pointShape': 'triangle'},
    'Nuclear': {'color': 'purple', 'pointSize': 6, 'pointShape': 'hexagram'},

# Add feature-specific style properties to each feature based on fuel type.
fc =
    lambda feature: feature.set('style', fuel_styles.get(feature.get('fuel1')))

# Style the FeatureCollection according to each feature's "style" property.
fc_vis_custom =
    neighborhood=8,  # maximum "pointSize" + "width" among features

# Display the FeatureCollection visualization (ee.Image) on the map.
m.add_layer(fc_vis_custom, None, 'Feature-specific style')