
Vegetation Change Tracker, an automated approach for reconstructing recent forest disturbance history using dense Landsat time series stacks.

The output is a 2D array per pixel containing 6 rows x N years. The output rows contain: input years, VCT landcover mask, magnitude in term of the UD composite, magnitude of distubance in B4, magnitude of distubance in NDVI, magnitude of distubance in dNBR.

See: Huang, C., Goward, S.N., Masek, J.G., Thomas, N., Zhu, Z. and Vogelmann, J.E., 2010. An automated approach for reconstructing recent forest disturbance history using dense Landsat time series stacks. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114(1), pp.183-198.

ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.VCT(timeSeries, landCover, maxUd, minNdvi, forThrMax, nYears)Image
timeSeriesImageCollectionCollection from which to extract VCT disturbances, containing the bands: B3, B4, B5, B7, thermal, NDVI, DNBR, and COMP. This collection is expected to contain 1 image for each year, sorted by time.
landCoverImageCollectionCollection from which to extract VCT masks. This collection is expected to contain 1 image for each image in the timeSeries, sorted by time.
maxUdFloat, default: 4Maximum Z-score composite value for detecting forest.
minNdviFloat, default: 0.45Minimum NDVI value for forest.
forThrMaxFloat, default: 3Maximum threshold for forest.
nYearsInteger, default: 30Maximum number of years.