Publisher Data Catalogs

Publisher Data Catalogs are curated by the publisher of the dataset for use by Google Earth Engine users and shared publicly as collections of Earth Engine assets. These Catalogs are not managed by Google.


Data publishers who meet the following requirements can request to publish a Publisher Data Catalog:

  • Data are available publicly at no cost under a minimally restrictive (e.g., an attribution-only) license.
  • Must pay for Publisher Data Catalog storage using Earth Engine for Commercial Use.
    • For Earth Engine customers in Public Sector Operations:
      • Must have a mandate & funding to distribute public data.
    • For Earth Engine customers in Private Sector:
      • Citable publication with methodology strongly recommended.
  • Must have a technical person on-staff assigned to the upload who is familiar with git pull requests and is willing to spend ~1 day to add the first catalog entry, plus data upload time. If you don't have technical person on-staff familiar with git pull requests, you can work with a Partner Advantage Partner, such as NGIS, who has made datasets available as part of the Preview. See the NGIS program website to understand eligibility and register interest with NGIS.

  • Must provide a written intent (i.e. email acknowledgement from supervisor) for maintaining the dataset for a certain time, including:

    • Not removing the data without a deprecation announcement.
    • Fixing errors and adding new versions as appropriate.

If you meet these requirements, and want to become a Publisher Data Catalog, fill out this form.