Structured Data - v8.1 - Inventory Source

See the overview for an explanation of format.

ExchangeRequired for non tag guaranteed dealsstringYesThe exchange of the inventory source.
Product IdRequired for creating or editing non tag guaranteed deals or editing tag guaranteed deals.stringYesThe exchange-specific deal id of the inventory source. This value is not writeable on creation of tag guaranteed deals.
Inventory Source IdRequired only when editing existing Inventory SourcesstringNoThe DBM id of the inventory source. If this is left empty, then a new inventory source with the given Exchange and Deal id will be created.
Product NameYesstringYesThe inventory source name.
Commitment TypeYesstringYesThe commitment type of the inventory source. Only editable on creation. Allowed values are Guaranteed, Nonguaranteed
  • Guaranteed
  • Nonguaranteed
Rate TypeYesstringYesThe rate type of the inventory source. Only editable on creation. Only 'Auction' and 'Fixed' are allowed.
  • Auction
  • Fixed
Delivery MethodYesstringYesThe delivery method of the inventory source. Only editable on creation. Only 'Tag' and 'Programmatic' are allowed..
  • Tag
  • Programmatic
Publisher/SellerRequired only for tag guaranteed dealsstringYesThe deal's publisher's name
RateYesfloatYesA positive amount for the CPM of the deal. This could be a simple integer impression value, or a float for a currency amount. Currencies will be shown in the currency provided in the Currency column. This value cannot be edited for non-tag guaranteed deals, or for fully configured tag guaranteed deals.
Currency CodeYesstringYesThe currency used in the CPM of the deal
  • USD
  • ARS
  • AUD
  • BRL
  • CAD
  • CHF
  • CLP
  • CNY
  • COP
  • CZK
  • DKK
  • EUR
  • GBP
  • HKD
  • HUF
  • IDR
  • ILS
  • INR
  • JPY
  • MXN
  • MYR
  • NOK
  • NZD
  • PEN
  • PLN
  • RON
  • RUB
  • SEK
  • SGD
  • THB
  • TRY
  • TWD
  • ZAR
  • KRW
  • NGN
  • AED
  • EGP
  • VND
Start DateRequired only for tag guaranteed dealsstringYesA timestamp for the deal start date in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm. This value cannotbe edited for non-tag guaranteed deals, or for fully configured tag guaranteed deals.
End DateRequired only for tag guaranteed dealsstringYesA timestamp for the deal end date in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm. If no end date is given for a deal type other than tag guaranteed, then the deal will run indefinitely.
Acquired DateNostringNoA timestamp for the deal acquired date in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm.
StatusYesstringYesThe status setting for the entry.
  • Active
  • Paused
  • Archived
Paused ReasonRequired for pausing non-tag guaranteed deals.stringYesThe reason supplied by the buyer that the deal is paused. This field does not apply to preferred deals or private auctions.
Permissioned PartnersRequired if the Permissioned Advertisers field is empty.string, listYesA list of partner ids for the permissioned partners of this deal. List Format = (10; 20; 30;)
Permissioned AdvertisersRequired if the Permissioned Partners field is empty.string, listYesA list of advertiser ids for the permissioned advertisers of this deal. List Format = (11; 22; 33;)
Order IdNostringNoThe order id of the guaranteed deal. This field does not apply to preferred deals or private auctions
Order NameRequired only for tag guaranteed deals.stringYesThe order name of the guaranteed deal. This field does not apply to preferred deals or private auctions.
Units PurchasedRequired only for tag guaranteed dealsintegerYesThe number of guaranteed impressions for the reservation product. This is only writable for tag guaranteed deals. This field does not apply to preferred deals or private auctions.
FormatRequired only for tag guaranteed dealsstringYesThe creative type of the deal. e.g. Display or Video. This is only writable on creation of tag guaranteed deals, and for non-configured tag guaranteed deals. This field does not apply to preferred deals or private auctions.
  • Display
  • Video
  • Audio
SizesRequired only for tag guaranteed dealsstring, listYesThe required creative dimensions of the deal. This is only writable on creation of tag guaranteed deals and for non-configured tag guaranteed deals. If the creative type is DISPLAY, then the content is written as a list of the form <width>x<height>.e.g. "300x250; 728x90;". If the creative type is VIDEO, then the content is written as a list of durations in seconds. e.g. "15; 20;". This field does not apply to preferred deals or private auctions