
Settings that control a partner cost.

A partner cost is any type of expense involved in running a campaign, other than the costs of purchasing impressions (which is called the media cost) and using third-party audience segment data (data fee). Some examples of partner costs include the fees for using DV360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.

JSON representation
  "costType": enum (PartnerCostType),
  "feeType": enum (PartnerCostFeeType),
  "invoiceType": enum (PartnerCostInvoiceType),

  // Union field fee_value can be only one of the following:
  "feeAmount": string,
  "feePercentageMillis": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field fee_value.

enum (PartnerCostType)

Required. The type of the partner cost.


enum (PartnerCostFeeType)

Required. The fee type for this partner cost.


enum (PartnerCostInvoiceType)

The invoice type for this partner cost.

  • Required when costType is one of:
  • Output only for other types.
Union field fee_value. Applicable when the cost_type is not PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DV360_FEE. For PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DV360_FEE the field will be 0 on read and an automated fee will be applied. fee_value can be only one of the following:

string (int64 format)

The CPM fee amount in micros of advertiser's currency.

Applicable when the feeType is PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_CPM_FEE. Must be greater than or equal to 0.

For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the advertiser's currency, set this field to 1500000.


string (int64 format)

The media fee percentage in millis (1/1000 of a percent).

Applicable when the feeType is PARTNER_FEE_TYPE_MEDIA_FEE. Must be greater than or equal to 0.

For example: 100 represents 0.1%.


Possible types of a partner cost.

PARTNER_COST_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Type value is not specified or is unknown in this version.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADLOOX The cost is charged for using Adloox. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADLOOX_PREBID The cost is charged for using Adloox Pre-Bid. Billed through DV360.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADSAFE The cost is charged for using AdSafe. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_ADXPOSE The cost is charged for using AdExpose. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_AGGREGATE_KNOWLEDGE The cost is charged for using Aggregate Knowledge. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_AGENCY_TRADING_DESK The cost is charged for using an Agency Trading Desk. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DV360_FEE The cost is charged for using DV360. Billed through DV360.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_COMSCORE_VCE The cost is charged for using comScore vCE. Billed through DV360.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DATA_MANAGEMENT_PLATFORM The cost is charged for using a Data Management Platform. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DEFAULT The default cost type. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DOUBLE_VERIFY The cost is charged for using DoubleVerify. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_DOUBLE_VERIFY_PREBID The cost is charged for using DoubleVerify Pre-Bid. Billed through DV360.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_EVIDON The cost is charged for using Evidon. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE_VIDEO The cost is charged for using Integral Ad Science Video. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_INTEGRAL_AD_SCIENCE_PREBID The cost is charged for using Integral Ad Science Pre-Bid. Billed through DV360.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_MEDIA_COST_DATA The cost is charged for using media cost data. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_MOAT_VIDEO The cost is charged for using MOAT Video. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_NIELSEN_DAR The cost is charged for using Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings. Billed through DV360.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_SHOP_LOCAL The cost is charged for using ShopLocal. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_TERACENT The cost is charged for using Teracent. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_THIRD_PARTY_AD_SERVER The cost is charged for using a third-party ad server. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_TRUST_METRICS The cost is charged for using TrustMetrics. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_VIZU The cost is charged for using Vizu. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_CUSTOM_FEE_1 The cost is charged as custom fee 1. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_CUSTOM_FEE_2 The cost is charged as custom fee 2. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_CUSTOM_FEE_3 The cost is charged as custom fee 3. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_CUSTOM_FEE_4 The cost is charged as custom fee 4. Billed by the partner.
PARTNER_COST_TYPE_CUSTOM_FEE_5 The cost is charged as custom fee 5. Billed by the partner.

The cost is charged for using Scibids. Billed through DV360.

This type is currently only available to certain customers. Other customers attempting to use this type will receive an error.


Possible fee types of a partner cost.

PARTNER_COST_FEE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Value is not specified or is unknown in this version.

The partner cost is a fixed CPM fee.

Not applicable when the partner cost costType is one of:


The partner cost is a percentage surcharge based on the media cost.

Not applicable when the partner costType is one of:



Possible invoice types of a partner cost.

PARTNER_COST_INVOICE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Type value is not specified or is unknown in this version.
PARTNER_COST_INVOICE_TYPE_DV360 Partner cost is billed through DV360.
PARTNER_COST_INVOICE_TYPE_PARTNER Partner cost is billed by the partner.