Integrate with both Structured Data Files and API

Both Structured Data Files (SDF) and Display & Video 360 API support bulk management of Display & Video 360 resource configurations. Each tool has unique limitations. This guide suggests ways to optimize your existing implementation by using both tools.

Use the Display & Video 360 API to support your SDF integration through programmatic retrieval of the files and relevant metadata.

Generate and download files using the API

By default, you download Structured Data Files manually using the Display & Video 360 interface. These downloads are generally restricted to a single advertiser and must be initiated from specific resource pages. Downloading a lot of SDF data through the interface can be complex and time-consuming.

Streamline this process by generating and downloading Structured Data Files programmatically using the Display & Video 360 API. Read our guide for step-by-step instructions on how to implement this feature.

Look up reference IDs using the API

Structured Data Files reflect the configurations of Display & Video 360 resources. Most SDF columns use numeric IDs to identify other resources or targeting configurations. You often need a reference to understand these IDs when reading and modifying SDF data.

Use the Display & Video 360 API to retrieve reference information in bulk. You can retrieve the available IDs used by most SDF columns using the relevant resource's GET or LIST functions.

Retrieve and cache reference information programmatically to use that cached information when parsing and modifying your Structured Data Files. You can regularly update your cache and, if needed, lookup unknown IDs in real time when parsing your SDFs to retrieve information on new resources.

Read the API reference documentation for an exhaustive list of available API services and methods.

Existing exceptions

A small number of reference IDs used by Structured Data Files can't be retrieved using the Display & Video 360 API:

  • Affinity & In Market Targeting: Retrieve Audience IDs used in these columns from the Display & Video 360 interface.
  • Conversion Floodlight Activity Ids: Retrieve Floodlight Activity IDs used in these columns from the Display & Video 360 interface.
  • Inventory Source Targeting: Retrieve Exchange IDs used in these columns from the published SDF exchange reference. Retrieve Inventory source IDs and sub-exchange IDs used in these columns using the Display & Video 360 API.
  • App Targeting: Retrieve App IDs used in these columns from the relevant app platform.

If you already use the Display & Video 360 API

Use SDF to support your Display & Video 360 API integration through bulk creation and updating of YouTube & Partners resources.

Update YouTube & Partners resources using SDF upload

You can't create or update YouTube & Partners resources, such as specific types of line items, ad groups, and ads, using the Display & Video 360 API. You can retrieve configurations and assigned targeting for these resources, but any updates must be done through the Display & Video 360 interface. This restricts bulk actions and limits the rate at which you can update these resources.

Use Structured Data Files upload to create or update YouTube & Partners resources in bulk through the Display & Video 360 interface. While you must upload Structured Data Files manually, you can complete the majority of the process, namely retrieving and modifying the files, programmatically.

Read the API guide on downloading SDFs and the documentation on SDF upload for more information.