See the overview for an explanation of format.
Field | Required | Type | Writable | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Campaign Id | Required only when editing existing campaigns | integer | No | Numeric ID value of the campaign. If left blank, a new Campaign ID will be created and a unique ID will be assigned. Optionally, when creating a new Campaign, you can use a custom identifier for the purpose of assigning Insertion Orders to the new Campaign. The format for a custom identifier is "ext[custom identifier]", for example, ext123. When the file is uploaded and processed, all custom identifiers will be replaced with DBM-assigned IDs and the objects will be associated (for example, Insertion Order to Campaign) based on the custom identifiers. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Advertiser Id | Yes | integer | No | Numeric ID value of the advertiser. It must be a valid existing advertiser ID | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name | Yes | string | Yes | The name of the entry. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Timestamp | Required when editing existing entries | integer | No | The timestamp for the entry, this is used by the system to verify that the entry has not changed between downloading and uploading. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Status | Yes | string | Yes | The status setting for the entry.
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Campaign Goal | Yes | string | Yes | Select one of the applicable campaign goals:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Campaign Goal KPI | Yes | string | Yes | Select one of the applicable campaign goal KPI:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Campaign Goal KPI Value | Yes | float | Yes | A positive number for campaign goal KPI. For campaign goal KPI 'Viewable %' and 'CTR' enter the value for this field in percentage, e.g. 80% would be entered as '80'. For KPI 'Other', this field is a short description of objective. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Creative Types | Yes | string, list | Yes | List of creative types you expect to use.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Campaign Budget | No | float | Yes | A positive budget amount for the campaign. It is always a float for a currency amount since it will be always monetary budget. Currencies will be shown in the advertiser's currency in standard units (not in 1/1,000,000s of a currency unit) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Campaign Start Date | Yes | string | Yes | The start date of the campaign in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Campaign End Date | No | string | Yes | The end date of the campaign in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Frequency Enabled | Yes | string | Yes | Enables/disables impression-based frequency capping on the campaign.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Frequency Exposures | Required when "Frequency Enabled" is "TRUE" | integer | Yes | A positive integer amount for the number of impressions in a given Frequency Amount, that is, the x in 'Show x impressions over y period'. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Frequency Period | Required when "Frequency Enabled" is "TRUE" | string | Yes | Specifies the time period unit for the frequency cap.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Frequency Amount | Required when "Frequency Enabled" is "TRUE" | integer | Yes | A positive integer amount for length of time of the Frequency Period type, that is, the y in 'Show x impressions over y period'. Frequency cap time periods must be 30 days or less. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Campaign Budget Segments | No | string, list of lists | Yes | The set of budget segments for the campaign. List format = (ID; Name; Type; Amount; Start Date; End Date; External Budget Source; External Budget ID; Invoice Grouping ID; Prisma Client Code; Prisma Product Code; Prisma Estimate Code; Prisma Type; Supplier;).
Example '(; My Budget; IMPRESSIONS; 234; 01/01/2020 00:00; ; MEDIA_OCEAN; ExternalId; InvoiceId; Client; Product; Estimate; DISPLAY; MySupplier;)' Where ID and End Date are not provided.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Demographic Targeting Gender | No | string, list | Yes | List of genders to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Demographic Targeting Age | No | string, list | Yes | Target to a user age range. Specify a from/to range by selecting a single From age and a single To age and whether to include unknown ages true/false. See the list of acceptable From/To ages. Example 1: to target 18-55 and include unknown ages, specify the format {From; To ; Include unknown True/False} = 18;55;true; Example 2: to target only users >35 years old and exclude unknown ages, specify the following = 35;+;false;. Acceptable values for From:
Acceptable values for To:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Demographic Targeting Household Income | No | string, list | Yes | Target a household income range. Specify a from/to range by selecting a single Top_of_Range income range and a single Bottom_of_Range income range and whether to include households with unknown income true/false. See the list of acceptable Top_of_Range/Bottom_of_Range ranges. Example 1: to target the top 10% to 50% of households and include households with unknown income, specify the format {Top_of_Range; Bottom_of_Range; Include unknown True/False} = Top 10%;41-50%;true; Example 2: to target only the lower 50% of households and exclude households with unknown income, specify the format {Top_of_Range; Bottom_of_Range; Include unknown True/False} = Lower 50%;Lower 50%;true; Acceptable values for Top_of_Range/Bottom_of_Range:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Demographic Targeting Parental Status | Yes | string, list | Yes | List of parental status to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values.
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Geography Targeting - Include | No | string, list | Yes | List of geographies to include in targeting. This column uses Display & Video 360 API List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Geography Targeting - Exclude | No | string, list | Yes | List of geographies to exclude in targeting. This column uses Display & Video 360 API List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Language Targeting - Include | No | string, list | Yes | List of languages to include in targeting. This column uses Display & Video 360 API List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Language Targeting - Exclude | No | string, list | Yes | List of languages to exclude in targeting. This column uses Display & Video 360 API List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Content Labels - Exclude | No | string, list | Yes | List of the digital content labels to exclude. List format = (G;PG; etc.).
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brand Safety Sensitivity Setting | No | string | Yes | Choose the sensitivity setting to block inventory based on the subject matter of its surrounding content.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brand Safety Custom Settings | Required when "Brand Safety Custom Setting" is "Use Custom" | string, list | Yes | If the Brand Safety Sensitivity Setting is 'Use custom', specify the list of standard content classifiers. For example, (Sexual;Alcohol;Tobacco;etc.).
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Third Party Verification Services | No | string | Yes | Third party verification services provider.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Third Party Verification Labels | No | string, list | Yes | If Third Party Verification Services is not "None", specify a list of labels supported by the selected provider. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Viewability Targeting Active View | No | string | Yes | Target predicted viewability percentages. Percentages are represented as floats. One of {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9} | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Position Targeting - Display On Screen | No | string, list | Yes | On screen display ad positions targeting. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Position Targeting - Video On Screen | No | string, list | Yes | On screen video ad positions targeting. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Position Targeting - Display Position In Content | No | string, list | Yes | Display ad content positions to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Position Targeting - Video Position In Content | No | string, list | Yes | Video ad content positions to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inventory Source Targeting - Authorized Seller Options | Required when "Type" is "Display" or "Video" or "Audio" | string | Yes | Setting to target authorized direct sellers, authorized direct seller and resellers, or authorized seller + unknown. "Authorized Direct" means only authorized sellers will be targeted. "Authorized Direct Sellers And Resellers" means targeting the authorized sellers and resellers. "Authorized and Non-Participating Publisher" means it will target authorized sellers, resellers, and unknown sellers.
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Inventory Source Targeting - Include | No | string, list | Yes | List of inventory sources, exchanges, and sub-exchanges to include in targeting. This column uses Display & Video 360 API List format = (InventorySource.inventorySourceId; exchangeId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inventory Source Targeting - Exclude | No | string, list | Yes | List of inventory sources, exchanges, and sub-exchanges to exclude in targeting. This column uses Display & Video 360 API List format = (InventorySource.inventorySourceId; exchangeId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inventory Source Targeting - Target New Exchanges | No | string | Yes | Setting to target new exchanges.
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Environment Targeting | No | string, list | Yes | List of environments to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values. Please note that 'Web Not Optimized' cannot be selected without selecting 'Web'.