Updates the member list of a Customer Match audience.
Only supported for the following audienceType
HTTP request
POST https://displayvideo.googleapis.com/v4/firstPartyAndPartnerAudiences/{firstPartyAndPartnerAudienceId}:editCustomerMatchMembers
The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.
Path parameters
Parameters | |
firstPartyAndPartnerAudienceId |
Required. The ID of the Customer Match FirstPartyAndPartnerAudience whose members will be edited. |
Request body
The request body contains data with the following structure:
JSON representation |
{ "advertiserId": string, // Union field |
Fields | |
advertiserId |
Required. The ID of the owner advertiser of the updated Customer Match FirstAndThirdPartyAudience. |
Union field added_members . The members to be added to the Customer Match audience. added_members can be only one of the following: |
addedContactInfoList |
Input only. A list of contact information to define the members to be added. |
addedMobileDeviceIdList |
Input only. A list of mobile device IDs to define the members to be added. |
Union field removed_members . The members to be removed from the Customer Match audience. removed_members can be only one of the following: |
removedContactInfoList |
Input only. A list of contact information to define the members to be removed. |
removedMobileDeviceIdList |
Input only. A list of mobile device IDs to define the members to be removed. |
Response body
The response of FirstAndThirdPartyAudienceService.EditCustomerMatchMembers.
If successful, the response body contains data with the following structure:
JSON representation |
{ "firstPartyAndPartnerAudienceId": string } |
Fields | |
firstPartyAndPartnerAudienceId |
Required. The ID of the updated Customer Match FirstPartyAndPartnerAudience. |
Authorization scopes
Requires the following OAuth scope:
For more information, see the OAuth 2.0 Overview.