This service allows scripts to configure and build card and widget components and behaviors for a UI. The UI structures you build with this service are automatically available in both desktop and mobile devices, so you don't need to develop separate UIs for both.
Name | Brief description |
Action | An action that enables interactivity within UI elements. |
Action | The response object that may be returned from a callback function (e.g., a form response handler) to perform one or more actions on the client. |
Action | A builder for Action objects. |
Action | A class that represents the status for a request to either invoke or submit a dialog. |
Attachment | Represents an attachment created by an add-on. |
Authorization | An authorization action that will send the user to the AuthorizationUrl when clicked. |
Authorization | An error that can be returned to trigger an authorization card to be shown to the user. |
Border | A class that represents a complete border style that can be applied to widgets. |
Border | An enum that represents the border types that can be applied to widgets. |
Button | A base class for all buttons. |
Button | Holds a set of Button objects that are displayed in a row. |
Calendar | Represents a response that makes changes to the calendar event that the user is currently editing in reaction to an action taken in the UI, such as a button click. |
Calendar | A builder for Calendar objects. |
Card | A context card that represents a single view in the UI. |
Card | A clickable menu item that is added to the card header menu. |
Card | A builder for Card objects. |
Card | The header of a Card . |
Card | A card section holds groups of widgets and provides visual separation between them. |
Card | Card |
Card | A builder for Card objects. |
Carousel | Carousel, also known as slider, rotates and displays a list of widgets in a slideshow format, with buttons navigating to the previous or next widget. |
Carousel | A card that can be displayed as a carousel item. |
Chat | A class that represents the parameters that a Chat app can use to configure how its response is posted. |
Chat | For a Selection widget that uses a multiselect menu, a data source from Google Chat. |
Chat | The response object for a card message in Google Chat. |
Chat | A builder for Chat objects. |
Chat | A data source that populates Google Chat spaces as selection items for a multiselect menu. |
Chip | A Chip with an icon and text label. |
Chip | Holds a set of Chip objects that are displayed in a row, wrapping to the next line to
horizontal scrollable. |
Chip | An enum that specifies the layout for Chip . |
Collapse | A customizable collapse and expand control. |
Column | A column. |
Columns | The Columns widget displays up to 2 columns in a card or dialog. |
Common | A data source shared by all Google Workspace applications. |
Compose | The response object that may be returned from a callback method for compose action in a Gmail add-on. |
Compose | A builder for Compose objects. |
Composed | An enum value that specifies whether the composed email is a standalone or reply draft. |
Content | An enum value that specifies the content type of the content generated by a Update . |
Date | An input field that allows inputing a date. |
Date | An input field that allows users to input a date and time. |
Decorated | A widget that displays text with optional decorations. |
Dialog | For details, see Open interactive dialogs in the Google Chat documentation. |
Dialog | A builder for Dialog objects. |
Display | An enum that defines the display style of card. |
Divider | A horizontal divider. |
Drive | Represents a response that makes changes to Drive while Drive items are selected and in reaction to an action taken in the UI, such as a button click. |
Drive | A builder for Drive objects. |
Editor | Makes changes to an Editor, such as Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides in reaction to an action taken in the UI. |
Editor | A builder for Editor objects. |
Fixed | The fixed footer shown at the bottom of a Card . |
Grid | An organized grid to display a collection of grid items. |
Grid | The items users interact with within a grid widget. |
Grid | An enum that defines the image and text style of a GridItem. |
Horizontal | An enum that specifies the horizontal alignment of a widget. |
Horizontal | An enum that sets how widgets fill the space of a column. |
Host | For a Selection widget that uses a multiselect menu, a data source from a Google
Workspace application. |
Icon | Predefined icons that can be used in various UI objects, such as Image or Decorated widgets. |
Icon | A predefined icon, a material design icon, or an icon from a URL with a customizable crop style. |
Image | A widget that shows a single image. |
Image | A Image with an image displayed on it. |
Image | An enum that specifies the style for Image . |
Image | An image component that can be added to grid items. |
Image | A class that represents a crop style that can be applied to image components. |
Image | An enum that represents the crop styles applied to image components. |
Image | An enum that defines an image cropping style. |
Input | An enum that defines the input type of the widget. |
Interaction | An enum type that specifies what to do in response to an interaction with a user, such as a user clicking a button in a card message. |
| This class is deprecated. |
Link | Card action that displays a link preview card and smart chip in the host app. |
Load | An enum type that specifies the type of loading or progress indicator to display while an Action is being processed. |
Material | An object that supports all Google Font Icons. |
Navigation | A helper object that controls card navigation. |
Notification | A notification shown to the user as a response to interacting with a UI element. |
On | An enum that specifies what to do when a URL opened through an Open is closed. |
Open | An enum that specifies how to open a URL. |
Open | Represents an action to open a link with some options. |
Overflow | Holds a list of Overflow objects that are displayed in a pop-up menu. |
Overflow | An Overflow with an icon and text label. |
Platform | For a Selection widget that uses a multiselect menu, a data source from Google
Workspace. |
Response | An enum that represents the type of Chat app response. |
Selection | An input field that allows choosing between a set of predefined options. |
Selection | The format of the items that users can select. |
Status | An enum that represents the status code. |
Suggestions | Autocomplete suggestions to supplement a Text widget. |
Suggestions | A response object that can be returned from a suggestions callback function. |
Suggestions | A builder for Suggestions objects. |
Switch | A UI element that supports being toggled on or off. |
Switch | Type of a Switch widget control. |
Text | A Text with a text label. |
Text | An enum that specifies the style for Text . |
Text | A input field widget that accepts text input. |
Text | A widget that displays text and supports basic HTML formatting. |
Time | An input field that allows users to input a time. |
Universal | The response object that may be returned from a method that creates universal action. |
Universal | A builder for the Universal objects. |
Update | Represents an action that updates the email draft that the user is currently editing. |
Update | A builder for Update objects. |
Update | Updates the Bcc recipients of an email draft. |
Update | Updates the email draft body. |
Update | An enum value that specifies the type of an Update . |
Update | Updates the Cc recipients of an email draft. |
Update | Updates the subject line of an email draft. |
Update | Updates the To recipients of an email draft. |
Updated | The response of the updated widget. |
Validation | An object that defines the validation rule for the widget that it is attached to. |
Vertical | An enum that sets the vertical alignment of widgets in a column. |
Widget | Base class for all widgets that can be added to a Card . |
Wrap | An enum that sets the wrapping style for content within a column. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Action | Adds the names of the widgets that this Action needs for a valid submission. |
set | Action | Indicates whether this Action requires inputs from all widgets. |
set | Action | Sets the name of the callback function to be called. |
set | Action | Sets the interaction with a user, only required when opening a dialog. |
set | Action | Sets the loading indicator that displays while the action is in progress. |
set | Action | Allows custom parameters to be passed to the callback function. |
set | Action | Indicates whether form values are determined by the client's values or the server's values
after an action response updates the form's Card . |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Action | Builds the current action response and validates it. |
set | Action | Sets the response to a Navigation action. |
set | Action | Sets the notification to display when the action is activated. |
set | Action | Sets the URL to navigate to when the action is activated. |
set | Action | Sets a flag to indicate that this action changed the existing data state. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Action | Represents the status for a request to either open or submit a dialog. |
set | Action | The message to send users about the status of their request. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Attachment | Sets the icon URL for the attachment. |
set | Attachment | Sets the MIME type for the attachment. |
set | Attachment | Sets the resource URL for the attachment. |
set | Attachment | Sets the title for the attachment. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Authorization | Sets the authorization URL that user is taken to from the authorization prompt. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
set | Authorization | Sets the authorization URL that user is taken to from the authorization prompt. |
set | Authorization | The name of a function to call to generate a custom authorization prompt. |
set | Authorization | Sets the name that is displayed to the user when asking for authorization. |
throw | void | Triggers this exception to be thrown. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Border | Sets the corner radius of the border, for example 8. |
set | Border | Sets the color of the border. |
set | Border | Sets the type of the border. |
Property | Type | Description |
NO_BORDER | Enum | No border style. |
STROKE | Enum | Stroke border style. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Button | Sets an authorization action that opens a URL to the authorization flow when the object is clicked. |
set | Button | Sets an action that composes a draft email when the object is clicked. |
set | Button | Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked. |
set | Button | Sets an action that opens a URL in a tab when the object is clicked. |
set | Button | Sets a URL to be opened when the object is clicked. |
set | Button | Sets a pop-up menu to be opened when the object is clicked. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Button | Adds a button. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Calendar | Specifies that the response should add the attachments to the Calendar event when the associated UI action is taken. |
add | Calendar | Specifies that the response should add the indicated attendees to the Calendar event when the associated UI action is taken. |
build() | Calendar | Builds the current Calendar event action response and validates it. |
set | Calendar | Specifies that the response should set the indicated conference data to the Calendar event when the associated UI action is taken. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Card | Sets an authorization action that opens a URL to the authorization flow when the object is clicked. |
set | Card | Sets an action that composes a draft email when the object is clicked. |
set | Card | Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked. |
set | Card | Sets an action that opens a URL in a tab when the object is clicked. |
set | Card | Sets a URL to be opened when the object is clicked. |
set | Card | Sets the menu text for this action. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Card | Adds a Card to this Card. |
add | Card | Adds a section to this card. |
build() | Card | Builds the current card and validates it. |
set | Card | Sets the display style for this card. |
set | Card | Sets a fixed footer for this card. |
set | Card | Sets the header for this card. |
set | Card | Sets the name for this card. |
set | Card | Sets the peek card header. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Card | Sets the alternative text for the header image. |
set | Card | Sets the cropping of the icon in the card header. |
set | Card | Sets the image to use in the header by providing its URL or data string. |
set | Card | Sets the subtitle of the card header. |
set | Card | Sets the title of the card header. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Card | Adds the given widget to this section. |
set | Card | Sets the customizable expand and collapse buttons of the section. |
set | Card | Sets whether the section can be collapsed. |
set | Card | Sets the header of the section. |
set | Card | Sets the number of widgets that are still shown when this section is collapsed. |
Property | Type | Description |
Border | Border | The Border enumeration. |
Chip | Chip | The Chip enumeration. |
Composed | Composed | The Composed enumeration. |
Content | Content | The Content enumeration. |
Grid | Grid | The Grid enumeration. |
Horizontal | Horizontal | The Horizontal enumeration. |
Icon | Icon | The Icon enumeration. |
Image | Image | The Image enumeration. |
Image | Image | The Image enumeration. |
Image | Image | The Image enumeration. |
Input | Input | The Input enumeration. |
Load | Load | The Load enumeration. |
On | On | The On enumeration. |
Open | Open | The Open enumeration. |
Selection | Selection | The Selection enumeration. |
Text | Text | The Text enumeration. |
Update | Update | The Update enumeration. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Card | Sets the card of the card . |
set | Card | Sets the unique card ID of the card . |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Carousel | Adds a carousel card. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Carousel | Adds the given widget to the footer of this carousel card. |
add | Carousel | Adds the given widget to this carousel card. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Chat | Sets the dialog action to an event related to a dialog. |
set | Chat | The type of Chat app response. |
set | Chat | Sets the updated widget, used to provide autocomplete options for a widget. |
set | Chat | The URL for users to authenticate or configure. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Chat | A data source that populates Google Chat spaces as selection items for a multiselect menu. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Chat | Sets the card field of the message. |
build() | Chat | Builds the current action response and validates it. |
set | Chat | Sets the action response field of the message. |
set | Chat | Sets the text of the Chat message. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Chat | If set to true , the multi select menu selects the current Google Chat space as an item
by default. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Chip | Sets the alternative text of the chip for accessibility. |
set | Chip | Sets an authorization action that opens a URL to the authorization flow when the object is clicked. |
set | Chip | Sets an action that composes a draft email when the object is clicked. |
set | Chip | Sets whether the chip is disabled. |
set | Chip | Sets the icon to be used as the chip. |
set | Chip | Sets the title of the chip. |
set | Chip | Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked. |
set | Chip | Sets an action that opens a URL in a tab when the object is clicked. |
set | Chip | Sets a URL to be opened when the object is clicked. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Chip | Adds a chip. |
set | Chip | Sets the chip list layout. |
Property | Type | Description |
WRAPPED | Enum | The chip list wraps to the next line if there isn't enough horizontal space. |
HORIZONTAL_SCROLLABLE | Enum | The chips scroll horizontally if they don't fit in the available space. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Collapse | Sets the Button that is displayed for "show less" button. |
set | Collapse | Sets the Button that is displayed for "show more" button. |
set | Collapse | Sets the Horizontal of the Collapse . |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Column | Adds a widget to the column. |
set | Column | Sets the Horizontal of the Column . |
set | Column | Sets the Horizontal of the Column. |
set | Column | Sets the Vertical of the Column . |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Columns | Adds a Column to the Columns widget. |
set | Columns | Sets the wrap style of the columns, controls how the column resizes based on screen width. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNKNOWN | Enum | Default value. |
USER | Enum | Google Workspace users. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Compose | Builds the current compose action response and validates it. |
set | Compose | Sets the draft Gmail created
using Gmail or
similar functions. |
Property | Type | Description |
REPLY_AS_DRAFT | Enum | A draft that is a reply to another message. |
STANDALONE_DRAFT | Enum | A draft that is a standalone message. |
Property | Type | Description |
TEXT | Enum | Indicates that the generated content is plain text. |
MUTABLE_HTML | Enum | Indicates that the generated content is formatted as HTML. |
IMMUTABLE_HTML | Enum | Indicates that the generated content is formatted as HTML, but this content cannot be edited after it is generated. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Date | Sets the field name that identifies this picker in the event object that is generated when there is a UI interaction. |
set | Date | Sets an Action that the script performs whenever the picker input changes. |
set | Date | Sets the title displayed above the input field. |
set | Date | Sets the prefilled value to be set in the input field. |
set | Date | Sets the prefilled value to be set in the input field. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Date | Sets the field name that identifies this picker in the event object that is generated when there is a UI interaction. |
set | Date | Sets an Action that the script performs whenever the picker input changes. |
set | Date | Sets the number of minutes that the time zone should be offset from UTC. |
set | Date | Sets the title displayed above the input field. |
set | Date | Sets the prefilled value to be set in the input field. |
set | Date | Sets the prefilled value to be set in the input field. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Decorated | Sets an authorization action that opens a URL to the authorization flow when the object is clicked. |
set | Decorated | Sets the label text to be used as the key and is displayed below the text content. |
set | Decorated | Sets the Button that is displayed to the right of the text. |
set | Decorated | Sets an action that composes a draft email when the object is clicked. |
set | Decorated | Sets the optional Icon that is displayed to the right of the content. |
set | Decorated | Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked. |
set | Decorated | Sets an action that opens a URL in a tab when the object is clicked. |
set | Decorated | Sets a URL to be opened when the object is clicked. |
set | Decorated | Sets the optional Icon to display before the text content. |
set | Decorated | Sets the Switch that is displayed to the right of the content. |
set | Decorated | Sets the text to be used as the value. |
set | Decorated | Sets the label text to be used as the key and is displayed above the text content. |
set | Decorated | Sets whether the value text should be displayed on a single line or multiple lines. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Dialog | Sets the card of the Dialog . |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Dialog | Sets the action status of Dialog . |
set | Dialog | Sets the dialog of the Dialog . |
Property | Type | Description |
PEEK | Enum | Show the card header at the bottom of add-on content over existing content. |
REPLACE | Enum | Show the card by replacing existing content. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Drive | Builds the current Drive action response. |
request | Drive | Specifies that the response requests file scope for the contextually-relevant item in Drive. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Editor | Builds the current Editor action response. |
request | Editor | Requests the drive.file scope for the current active Editor document. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Fixed | Set the primary button in the fixed footer. |
set | Fixed | Set the secondary button in the fixed footer. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Grid | Adds a new grid item to the grid. |
set | Grid | Sets an authorization action that opens a URL to the authorization flow when the object is clicked. |
set | Grid | Sets the border style applied to each grid item. |
set | Grid | Sets an action that composes a draft email when the object is clicked. |
set | Grid | The number of columns to display in the grid. |
set | Grid | Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked. |
set | Grid | Sets an action that opens a URL in a tab when the object is clicked. |
set | Grid | Sets a URL to be opened when the object is clicked. |
set | Grid | Sets the title text of the grid. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Grid | Sets the identifier for the grid item. |
set | Grid | Sets the image for this grid item. |
set | Grid | Sets the layout of text and image for the grid item. |
set | Grid | Sets the subtitle of the grid item. |
set | Grid | Sets the horizontal alignment of the grid item. |
set | Grid | Sets the title text of the grid item. |
Property | Type | Description |
TEXT_BELOW | Enum | The title and subtitle are shown below the grid item's image. |
TEXT_ABOVE | Enum | The title and subtitle are shown above the grid item's image. |
Property | Type | Description |
START | Enum | Align the widget to the start of the sentence side. |
CENTER | Enum | Align the widget to the center. |
END | Enum | Align the widget to the end of the sentence side. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Host | Sets the data source from Google Chat. |
Property | Type | Description |
NONE | Enum | No icon. |
AIRPLANE | Enum | ![]() |
BOOKMARK | Enum | ![]() |
BUS | Enum | ![]() |
CAR | Enum | ![]() |
CLOCK | Enum | ![]() |
DOLLAR | Enum | ![]() |
DESCRIPTION | Enum | ![]() |
EMAIL | Enum | ![]() |
EVENT_PERFORMER | Enum | ![]() |
EVENT_SEAT | Enum | ![]() |
FLIGHT_ARRIVAL | Enum | ![]() |
FLIGHT_DEPARTURE | Enum | ![]() |
HOTEL | Enum | ![]() |
HOTEL_ROOM_TYPE | Enum | ![]() |
INVITE | Enum | ![]() |
MAP_PIN | Enum | ![]() |
MEMBERSHIP | Enum | ![]() |
MULTIPLE_PEOPLE | Enum | ![]() |
OFFER | Enum | ![]() |
PERSON | Enum | ![]() |
PHONE | Enum | ![]() |
RESTAURANT_ICON | Enum | ![]() |
SHOPPING_CART | Enum | ![]() |
STAR | Enum | ![]() |
STORE | Enum | ![]() |
TICKET | Enum | ![]() |
TRAIN | Enum | ![]() |
VIDEO_CAMERA | Enum | ![]() |
VIDEO_PLAY | Enum | ![]() |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Icon | Sets the alternative text of the URL which is used for accessibility. |
set | Icon | Sets the predefined icon if the URL is not set. |
set | Icon | Sets the URL of the icon if the icon is not set. |
set | Icon | Sets the crop style for the image. |
set | Icon | Sets the material design icon. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Image | Sets the alternative text of the image for accessibility. |
set | Image | Sets an authorization action that opens a URL to the authorization flow when the object is clicked. |
set | Image | Sets an action that composes a draft email when the object is clicked. |
set | Image | Sets the image to use by providing its URL or data string. |
set | Image | Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked. |
set | Image | Sets an action that opens a URL in a tab when the object is clicked. |
set | Image | Sets a URL to be opened when the object is clicked. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Image | Sets the alternative text of the button for accessibility. |
set | Image | Sets an authorization action that opens a URL to the authorization flow when the object is clicked. |
set | Image | Sets an action that composes a draft email when the object is clicked. |
set | Image | Sets a predefined Icon to display on the button. |
set | Image | Sets the URL of an image to use as this button's icon. |
set | Image | Sets the button style. |
set | Image | Sets the material design icon. |
set | Image | Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked. |
set | Image | Sets an action that opens a URL in a tab when the object is clicked. |
set | Image | Sets a URL to be opened when the object is clicked. |
set | Image | Sets a pop-up menu to be opened when the object is clicked. |
Property | Type | Description |
BORDERLESS | Enum | Image button with no border. |
OUTLINED | Enum | Image button with clear background. |
FILLED | Enum | Image button with colored background. |
FILLED_TONAL | Enum | Image button with an alternative middle ground between filled and outlined buttons. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Image | Sets the alternative text of the image. |
set | Image | Sets the border style applied to the image. |
set | Image | Sets the crop style for the image. |
set | Image | Sets the URL of the image. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Image | Sets the aspect ratio to use if the crop type is RECTANGLE_CUSTOM . |
set | Image | Sets the crop type for the image. |
Property | Type | Description |
SQUARE | Enum | Square shape crop style. |
CIRCLE | Enum | Circle shape crop style. |
RECTANGLE_CUSTOM | Enum | Rectangle shape crop style with custom ratio. |
RECTANGLE_4_3 | Enum | Rectangle shape crop style with 4:3 ratio. |
Property | Type | Description |
SQUARE | Enum | No cropping. |
CIRCLE | Enum | Crop to a circle shape. |
Property | Type | Description |
TEXT | Enum | Accept regular text. |
INTEGER | Enum | Accept an integer. |
FLOAT | Enum | Accept a floating-point number. |
EMAIL | Enum | Accept an email address. |
Property | Type | Description |
INTERACTION_UNSPECIFIED | Enum | Default value. |
OPEN_DIALOG | Enum | Opens a dialog, a card-based interface that Chat apps use to interact with users. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set |
| Sets an authorization action that opens a URL to the authorization flow when the object is clicked. |
set |
| Sets an action that composes a draft email when the object is clicked. |
set |
| Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked. |
set |
| Sets an action that opens a URL in a tab when the object is clicked. |
set |
| Sets a URL to be opened when the object is clicked. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
set | Link | Sets the title that displays in the link preview above the preview card. |
set | Link | Sets the card that displays information about a link from a third-party or non-Google service. |
set | Link | Sets the title that displays in the smart chip for the link preview. |
Property | Type | Description |
SPINNER | Enum | Use a spinner indicator. |
NONE | Enum | Do not use an indicator. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Material | Whether the icon renders as filled. |
set | Material | Weight and grade affect a symbol’s thickness. |
set | Material | Sets the name of the icon. |
set | Material | The stroke weight of the icon. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
pop | Navigation | Pops a card from the navigation stack. |
pop | Navigation | Pops to the specified card by its card name. |
pop | Navigation | Pops the card stack to the root card. |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
push | Navigation | Pushes the given card onto the stack. |
update | Navigation | Does an in-place replacement of the current card. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Notification | Sets the text to show in the notification. |
Property | Type | Description |
NOTHING | Enum | Do nothing on close. |
RELOAD | Enum | Reloads the add-on on when the window closes. |
Property | Type | Description |
FULL_SIZE | Enum | Open in a full window or tab. |
OVERLAY | Enum | Open as an overlay such as a pop-up. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Open | Sets the behavior of the URL action when the URL window or tab is closed. |
set | Open | Sets the behavior of URL when it is opened. |
set | Open | Sets the URL to be opened. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Overflow | Adds a menu item. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Overflow | Sets an authorization action that opens a URL to the authorization flow when the object is clicked. |
set | Overflow | Sets an action that composes a draft email when the object is clicked. |
set | Overflow | Sets whether the menu item is disabled. |
set | Overflow | Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked. |
set | Overflow | Sets an action that opens a URL in a tab when the object is clicked. |
set | Overflow | Sets a URL to be opened when the object is clicked. |
set | Overflow | Sets the menu item's leading icon. |
set | Overflow | Sets the title of the menu item. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Platform | Sets the data source from Google Workspace. |
set | Platform | Used to populate spaces in multiselect menu. |
Property | Type | Description |
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED | Enum | Default type that's handled as NEW_MESSAGE . |
NEW_MESSAGE | Enum | Post as a new message in the topic. |
UPDATE_MESSAGE | Enum | Update the Chat app's message. |
UPDATE_USER_MESSAGE_CARDS | Enum | Update the cards on a user's message. |
REQUEST_CONFIG | Enum | Privately ask the user for additional authentication or configuration. |
DIALOG | Enum | Presents a dialog. |
UPDATE_WIDGET | Enum | Widget text autocomplete options query. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Selection | Adds a new item that can be selected. |
add | Selection | Adds a new item that can be selected, for multi-select menus. |
set | Selection | Sets external data source, such as a relational data base. |
set | Selection | Sets the key that identifies this selection input in the event object that is generated when there is a UI interaction. |
set | Selection | Sets the maximum number of items that a user can select. |
set | Selection | Sets the number of text characters that a user inputs before the app queries autocomplete and displays suggested items on the card. |
set | Selection | Sets an Action to be performed whenever the selection input changes. |
set | Selection | Sets a data source from Google Workspace. |
set | Selection | Sets the title to be shown ahead of the input field. |
set | Selection | Sets the type of this input. |
Property | Type | Description |
CHECK_BOX | Enum | Checkbox input style. |
RADIO_BUTTON | Enum | Radio button input style. |
DROPDOWN | Enum | Dropdown menu selection input style. |
SWITCH | Enum | A set of switches. |
MULTI_SELECT | Enum | A multiselect menu for static or dynamic data. |
Property | Type | Description |
OK | Enum | HTTP Mapping: 200 OK |
CANCELLED | Enum | HTTP Mapping: 499 Client Closed Request |
UNKNOWN | Enum | Unknown error. |
INVALID_ARGUMENT | Enum | The client specified an invalid argument. |
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED | Enum | HTTP Mapping: 504 Gateway Timeout |
NOT_FOUND | Enum | HTTP Mapping: 404 Not Found |
ALREADY_EXISTS | Enum | The entity that a client attempted to create already exists. |
PERMISSION_DENIED | Enum | HTTP Mapping: 403 Forbidden |
UNAUTHENTICATED | Enum | HTTP Mapping: 401 Unauthorized |
RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED | Enum | HTTP Mapping: 429 Too Many Requests |
FAILED_PRECONDITION | Enum | The operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required for the operation's execution. |
ABORTED | Enum | The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency issue such as a sequencer check failure or transaction abort. |
OUT_OF_RANGE | Enum | The operation was attempted past the valid range. |
UNIMPLEMENTED | Enum | HTTP Mapping: 501 Not Implemented |
INTERNAL | Enum | Internal errors. |
UNAVAILABLE | Enum | HTTP Mapping: 503 Service Unavailable |
DATA_LOSS | Enum | Unrecoverable data loss or corruption. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Suggestions | Add a text suggestion. |
add | Suggestions | Add a list of text suggestions. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Suggestions | Builds the current suggestions response and validates it. |
set | Suggestions | Sets the suggestions used in auto complete in text fields. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Switch | Sets the control type of the switch. |
set | Switch | Sets the key that identifies this switch in the event object that is generated when there is a UI interaction. |
set | Switch | Sets the action to take when the switch is toggled. |
set | Switch | Sets whether this switch should start as selected or unselected. |
set | Switch | Sets the value that is sent as the form input when this switch is toggled on. |
Property | Type | Description |
SWITCH | Enum | Toggle-styled control for a switch widget. |
CHECK_BOX | Enum | Checkbox-styled control for a switch widget. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Text | Sets the alternative text of the button for accessibility. |
set | Text | Sets an authorization action that opens a URL to the authorization flow when the object is clicked. |
set | Text | Sets the background color for Text button. |
set | Text | Sets an action that composes a draft email when the object is clicked. |
set | Text | Sets whether the button is disabled. |
set | Text | Sets a predefined Icon to display on the button. |
set | Text | Sets the URL of an image to use as this button's icon. |
set | Text | Sets the material design icon. |
set | Text | Sets an action that executes when the object is clicked. |
set | Text | Sets an action that opens a URL in a tab when the object is clicked. |
set | Text | Sets a URL to be opened when the object is clicked. |
set | Text | Sets a pop-up menu to be opened when the object is clicked. |
set | Text | Sets the text that displays on the button. |
set | Text | Sets the button style. |
Property | Type | Description |
OUTLINED | Enum | Normal text button with clear background. |
TEXT | Enum | DO NOT USE. |
FILLED | Enum | Text button with colored background. |
FILLED_TONAL | Enum | Normal text button with an alternative middle ground between filled and outlined buttons. |
BORDERLESS | Enum | Normal text button with no border. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Text | Sets the key that identifies this text input in the event object that is generated when there is a UI interaction. |
set | Text | Sets a hint for the text input. |
set | Text | Sets whether the input text shows on one line or multiple lines. |
set | Text | Sets an action to be performed whenever the text input changes. |
set | Text | Sets the suggestions for autocompletion in the text field. |
set | Text | Sets the callback action to fetch suggestions based on user input for autocompletion. |
set | Text | Sets the title to be shown above the input field. |
set | Text | Sets the validation rule for this widget. |
set | Text | Sets the pre-filled value to be set in the input field. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Text | Sets the maximum number of lines of text that are displayed in the widget. |
set | Text | Sets the text of the paragraph. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Time | Sets the field name that identifies this picker in the event object that is generated when there is a UI interaction. |
set | Time | Sets the prefilled hours value to set in the input field. |
set | Time | Sets the prefilled minutes value to set in the input field. |
set | Time | Sets an Action that the script performs whenever the picker input changes. |
set | Time | Sets the title displayed above the input field. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Universal | Builds the current universal action response and validates it. |
display | Universal | Displays the add-on with the specified cards. |
set | Universal | Sets the URL to open when the universal action is selected. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
print | String | Prints the JSON representation of this object. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Update | Builds the current update draft action response and validates it. |
set | Update | Sets an action that updates the email Bcc recipients of a draft. |
set | Update | Set an action that updates the email body of a draft. |
set | Update | Sets an action that updates the Cc recipients of a draft. |
set | Update | Sets an action that updates the subject line of a draft. |
set | Update | Sets an action that updates the To recipients of a draft. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Update | Updates the Bcc recipients of an email draft. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Update | Adds the specified content to the draft body. |
set | Update | Sets the Update of this update action on the draft body. |
Property | Type | Description |
IN_PLACE_INSERT | Enum | Default. |
INSERT_AT_START | Enum | Update actions insert content at the start of message body. |
INSERT_AT_END | Enum | Update actions insert content at the end of the message body. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Update | Updates the Cc recipients of an email draft. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Update | Updates the subject line of an email draft. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Update | Updates the To recipients of an email draft. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Updated | Adds a new item that can be selected. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
set | Validation | Sets the character limit of the widget. |
set | Validation | Sets the input type of the widget. |
Property | Type | Description |
CENTER | Enum | Vertically places the content at the center of the container. |
TOP | Enum | Vertically places the content at the top of the container. |
BOTTOM | Enum | Vertically places the content at the bottom of the container. |
Property | Type | Description |
NOWRAP | Enum | No wrapping. |
WRAP | Enum | Wraps the content for any widgets in a column. |