HTML Service


This service allows Apps Script applications to return HTML, usually as a user interface. If you're new to using this class, we recommend you also see the guide to Html Service



NameBrief description
HtmlOutputAn HtmlOutput object that can be served from a script.
HtmlOutputMetaTagAn object that represents a meta tag added to the page by calling HtmlOutput.addMetaTag(name, content).
HtmlServiceService for returning HTML and other text content from a script.
HtmlTemplateA template object for dynamically constructing HTML.
SandboxModeAn enum representing the sandbox modes that can be used for client-side HtmlService scripts.
XFrameOptionsModeAn enum representing the X-Frame-Options modes that can be used for client-side HtmlService scripts.



MethodReturn typeBrief description
addMetaTag(name, content)HtmlOutputAdds a meta tag to the page.
append(addedContent)HtmlOutputAppends new content to the content of this HtmlOutput.
appendUntrusted(addedContent)HtmlOutputAppends new content to the content of this HtmlOutput, using contextual escaping.
asTemplate()HtmlTemplateReturns an HtmlTemplate backed by this HtmlOutput.
clear()HtmlOutputClears the current content.
getAs(contentType)BlobReturn the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type.
getBlob()BlobReturn the data inside this object as a blob.
getContent()StringGets the content of this HtmlOutput.
getFaviconUrl()StringGets the URL for a favicon link tag added to the page by calling setFaviconUrl(iconUrl).
getHeight()IntegerGets the initial height of the custom dialog in Google Docs, Sheets, or Forms.
getMetaTags()HtmlOutputMetaTag[]Gets an array of objects that represent meta tags added to the page by calling addMetaTag(name, content).
getTitle()StringGets the title of the output page.
getWidth()IntegerGets the initial width of the custom dialog in Google Docs, Sheets, or Forms.
setContent(content)HtmlOutputSets the content of this HtmlOutput.
setFaviconUrl(iconUrl)HtmlOutputAdds a link tag for a favicon to the page.
setHeight(height)HtmlOutputSets the initial height of the custom dialog in Google Docs, Sheets, or Forms.
setSandboxMode(mode)HtmlOutputThis method now has no effect — previously it set the sandbox mode used for client-side scripts.
setTitle(title)HtmlOutputSets the title of the output page.
setWidth(width)HtmlOutputSets the initial width of a custom dialog in Google Docs, Sheets, or Forms.
setXFrameOptionsMode(mode)HtmlOutputSets the state of the page's X-Frame-Options header, which controls clickjacking prevention.



MethodReturn typeBrief description
getContent()StringGets the content of this meta tag.
getName()StringGets the name of this HtmlOutputMetaTag.



SandboxModeSandboxModeAn enum representing the sandbox modes that can be used for client-side HtmlService scripts.
XFrameOptionsModeXFrameOptionsModeAn enum representing the X-Frame-Options modes that can be used for client-side HtmlService scripts.


MethodReturn typeBrief description
createHtmlOutput()HtmlOutputCreates a new HtmlOutput object that can be returned from the script.
createHtmlOutput(blob)HtmlOutputCreates a new HtmlOutput object from a BlobSource resource.
createHtmlOutput(html)HtmlOutputCreates a new HtmlOutput object that can be returned from the script.
createHtmlOutputFromFile(filename)HtmlOutputCreates a new HtmlOutput object from a file in the code editor.
createTemplate(blob)HtmlTemplateCreates a new HtmlTemplate object from a BlobSource resource.
createTemplate(html)HtmlTemplateCreates a new HtmlTemplate object that can be returned from the script.
createTemplateFromFile(filename)HtmlTemplateCreates a new HtmlTemplate object from a file in the code editor.
getUserAgent()StringGets the user-agent string for the current browser.



MethodReturn typeBrief description
evaluate()HtmlOutputEvaluates this template and returns an HtmlOutput object.
getCode()StringGenerates a string of JavaScript code, based on the template file, that can be evaluated.
getCodeWithComments()StringGenerates a string of JavaScript code that can be evaluated, with each line of the code containing the original line from the template as a comment.
getRawContent()StringReturns the unprocessed content of this template.



EMULATEDEnumA legacy sandbox mode that emulates ECMAScript 5 strict mode using only the features available in ECMAScript 3.
IFRAMEEnumA sandbox mode that uses iframe sandboxing instead of the Caja sandbox technology used by the EMULATED and NATIVE modes.
NATIVEEnumA sandbox mode that is built on top of ECMAScript 5 strict mode.



ALLOWALLEnumNo X-Frame-Options header will be set.
DEFAULTEnumSets the default value for the X-Frame-Options header, which preserves normal security assumptions.