Enum FeedbackType


An enum representing the supported types of feedback. Feedback types can be accessed from FormApp.FeedbackType.

To call an enum, you call its parent class, name, and property. For example, FormApp.FeedbackType.CORRECT.

// Open a form by ID and add a new list item.
const form = FormApp.openById('1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
const item = form.addListItem();
item.setTitle('Do you prefer cats or dogs?');
// Set "Dogs" as the correct answer to this question.
  item.createChoice('Dogs', true),
  item.createChoice('Cats', false),
// Add feedback which will be shown for correct responses; ie "Dogs".
    FormApp.createFeedback().setDisplayText('Dogs rule, cats drool.').build(),


CORRECTEnumFeedback that is automatically displayed to respondents for a question answered correctly. Correct feedback can only be attached to a question type that supports autograding (e.g. radio, checkbox, select)
INCORRECTEnumFeedback that is automatically displayed to respondents for a question answered incorrectly. Incorrect feedback can only be attached to a question type that supports autograding (e.g. radio, checkbox, select)
GENERALEnumFeedback that is automatically displayed to respondents when they submit their response. General feedback can only be attached to question types that do not support auto-grading, but are gradeable (ie everything but grid)