Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamları oluşturun

Google Ads API ile Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamları (DSA) ayarlamak için aşağıdaki adımları uygulayın:

  1. Kampanya oluşturun ve kampanya alanını belirtin.
  2. Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamlarıyla ilgili özellikler için bir reklam grubu oluşturun.
  3. Bir veya daha fazla DSA oluşturun.
  4. Kampanyadaki dinamik arama ağı reklamlarının gösterilmesi için bir veya daha fazla ölçüt belirtin.

Kampanyayı oluşturma

Kampanyanızda Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamları kullanacağınızı Google Ads'e bildirmek için önce alanla bir Campaign oluşturmanız gerekir advertising_channel_type şuna ayarlandı: AdvertisingChannelType.SEARCH. Ayrıca, Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamları çalışır. Bu, dynamic_search_ads_setting içinde Campaign DynamicSearchAdsSetting.

Aşağıdaki örnekte bir Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamı kampanyası oluşturulur.


private static String addCampaign(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, String budgetResourceName) {
  // Creates the campaign.
  Campaign campaign =
          .setName("Interplanetary Cruise #" + getPrintableDateTime())
          // Enables the campaign for DSAs.
          .setStartDate(new DateTime().plusDays(1).toString("yyyyMMdd"))
          .setEndDate(new DateTime().plusDays(30).toString("yyyyMMdd"))

  // Creates the operation.
  CampaignOperation operation = CampaignOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(campaign).build();

  // Creates the campaign service client.
  try (CampaignServiceClient campaignServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createCampaignServiceClient()) {
    // Adds the campaign.
    MutateCampaignsResponse response =
            Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));

    String campaignResourceName = response.getResults(0).getResourceName();
    // Displays the results.
    System.out.printf("Added campaign with resource name '%s'.%n", campaignResourceName);
    return campaignResourceName;


private static string AddCampaign(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
    string budgetResourceName)
    // Get the CampaignService.
    CampaignServiceClient campaignService = client.GetService(Services.V17.CampaignService);

    // Create the campaign.
    Campaign campaign = new Campaign()
        Name = "Interplanetary Cruise #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),
        AdvertisingChannelType = AdvertisingChannelType.Search,
        Status = CampaignStatus.Paused,
        ManualCpc = new ManualCpc(),
        CampaignBudget = budgetResourceName,

        // Enable the campaign for DSAs.
        DynamicSearchAdsSetting = new DynamicSearchAdsSetting()
            DomainName = "example.com",
            LanguageCode = "en"

        StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"),
        EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30).ToString("yyyyMMdd")

    // Create the operation.
    CampaignOperation operation = new CampaignOperation()
        Create = campaign

    // Add the campaign.
    MutateCampaignsResponse response =
            new CampaignOperation[] { operation });

    // Displays the result.
    string campaignResourceName = response.Results[0].ResourceName;
    Console.WriteLine($"Added campaign with resource name '{campaignResourceName}'.");
    return campaignResourceName;


private static function createCampaign(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    string $campaignBudgetResourceName
) {
    $campaign = new Campaign([
        'name' => 'Interplanetary Cruise #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
        'advertising_channel_type' => AdvertisingChannelType::SEARCH,
        'status' => CampaignStatus::PAUSED,
        'manual_cpc' => new ManualCpc(),
        'campaign_budget' => $campaignBudgetResourceName,
        // Enables the campaign for DSAs.
        'dynamic_search_ads_setting' => new DynamicSearchAdsSetting([
            'domain_name' => 'example.com',
            'language_code' => 'en'
        // Optional: Sets the start and end dates for the campaign, beginning one day from
        // now and ending a month from now.
        'start_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+1 day')),
        'end_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+1 month'))

    // Creates a campaign operation.
    $campaignOperation = new CampaignOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to add campaigns.
    $campaignServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getCampaignServiceClient();
    /** @var MutateCampaignsResponse $campaignResponse */
    $campaignResponse = $campaignServiceClient->mutateCampaigns(
        MutateCampaignsRequest::build($customerId, [$campaignOperation])

    $campaignResourceName = $campaignResponse->getResults()[0]->getResourceName();
    printf("Added campaign named '%s'.%s", $campaignResourceName, PHP_EOL);

    return $campaignResourceName;


def create_campaign(client, customer_id, budget_resource_name):
    """Creates a Dynamic Search Ad Campaign under the given customer ID.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID str.
        budget_resource_name: a resource_name str for a Budget

        A resource_name str for the newly created Campaign.
    # Retrieve a new campaign operation object.
    campaign_operation = client.get_type("CampaignOperation")
    campaign = campaign_operation.create
    campaign.name = f"Interplanetary Cruise #{uuid4()}"
    campaign.advertising_channel_type = (
    # Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent the
    # ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added targeting
    # and the ads are ready to serve.
    campaign.status = client.enums.CampaignStatusEnum.PAUSED
    campaign.manual_cpc.enhanced_cpc_enabled = True
    campaign.campaign_budget = budget_resource_name
    # Required: Enable the campaign for DSAs by setting the campaign's dynamic
    # search ads setting domain name and language.
    campaign.dynamic_search_ads_setting.domain_name = "example.com"
    campaign.dynamic_search_ads_setting.language_code = "en"
    # Optional: Sets the start and end dates for the campaign, beginning one day
    # from now and ending a month from now.
    campaign.start_date = (datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)).strftime(
    campaign.end_date = (datetime.now() + timedelta(days=30)).strftime("%Y%m%d")

    # Retrieve the campaign service.
    campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService")

    # Issues a mutate request to add campaign.
    response = campaign_service.mutate_campaigns(
        customer_id=customer_id, operations=[campaign_operation]
    resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name

    print(f'Created campaign with resource_name: "{resource_name}"')


def create_campaign(client, customer_id, budget_resource_name)
  campaign = client.resource.campaign do |c|
    c.name = "Interplanetary Cruise #{(Time.now.to_f * 1000).to_i}"

    c.advertising_channel_type = :SEARCH
    c.status = :PAUSED
    c.manual_cpc = client.resource.manual_cpc
    c.campaign_budget = budget_resource_name

    c.dynamic_search_ads_setting = client.resource.dynamic_search_ads_setting do |s|
      s.domain_name =  "example.com"
      s.language_code =  "en"

    c.start_date = DateTime.parse((Date.today + 1).to_s).strftime('%Y%m%d')
    c.end_date = DateTime.parse(Date.today.next_year.to_s).strftime('%Y%m%d')

  operation = client.operation.create_resource.campaign(campaign)

  response = client.service.campaign.mutate_campaigns(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operations: [operation],
  puts("Created campaign with ID: #{response.results.first.resource_name}")


sub create_campaign {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $campaign_budget_resource_name) = @_;

  # Create a campaign.
  my $campaign = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::Campaign->new({
      name                   => "Interplanetary Cruise #" . uniqid(),
      advertisingChannelType => SEARCH,
      status => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::CampaignStatusEnum::PAUSED,
      manualCpc      => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common::ManualCpc->new(),
      campaignBudget => $campaign_budget_resource_name,
      # Enable the campaign for DSAs.
      dynamicSearchAdsSetting =>
          domainName   => "example.com",
          languageCode => "en"
      # Optional: Set the start and end dates for the campaign, beginning one day from
      # now and ending a month from now.
      startDate => strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24)),
      endDate   => strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30)),

  # Create a campaign operation.
  my $campaign_operation =
    new({create => $campaign});

  # Add the campaign.
  my $campaigns_response = $api_client->CampaignService()->mutate({
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operations => [$campaign_operation]});

  my $campaign_resource_name = $campaigns_response->{results}[0]{resourceName};

  printf "Created campaign '%s'.\n", $campaign_resource_name;

  return $campaign_resource_name;

Reklam grubunu oluşturma

DSA özelliklerini kullanmak için bir AdGroup oluşturmanız gerekir type alanı şu şekilde ayarlandı: SEARCH_DYNAMIC_ADS. Bu reklam grubu türü aşağıdaki kısıtlamaları uygular:

  • Bu reklam grubu türü yalnızca Arama Ağı kampanyalarına eklenebilir.
  • Kampanya düzeyinde ayarlanmış geçerli bir DynamicSearchAdsSetting olmalıdır
  • reklam grubunun eklenmesidir. AdGroupError.CANNOT_ADD_ADGROUP_OF_TYPE_DSA_TO_CAMPAIGN_WITHOUT_DSA_SETTING bu ayar eksikse hatası verilir.
  • Bu reklam grubu türünde pozitif anahtar kelimelere izin verilmez. Kitle, dinamik reklam hedeflere ve negatif anahtar kelimelere izin verilir.
  • Tüm reklam gruplarında olduğu gibi, type alanı oluşturma işleminden sonra değiştirilemez.
  • Bu reklam grubunda yalnızca Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamları ile ilgili reklam biçimlerine izin verilir.

Aşağıdaki kod örneğinde SEARCH_DYNAMIC_ADS reklam grubunun nasıl oluşturulacağı gösterilmektedir.


private static String addAdGroup(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, String campaignResourceName) {
  // Creates the ad group.
  AdGroup adGroup =
          .setName("Earth to Mars Cruises #" + getPrintableDateTime())

  // Creates the operation.
  AdGroupOperation operation = AdGroupOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(adGroup).build();

  // Creates the ad group service client.
  try (AdGroupServiceClient adGroupServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAdGroupServiceClient()) {
    MutateAdGroupsResponse response =
            Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));
    String adGroupResourceName = response.getResults(0).getResourceName();
    // Displays the results.
    System.out.printf("Added ad group with resource name '%s'.%n", adGroupResourceName);
    return adGroupResourceName;


private static string AddAdGroup(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
    string campaignResourceName)
    // Get the AdGroupService.
    AdGroupServiceClient adGroupService = client.GetService(Services.V17.AdGroupService);

    // Create the ad group.
    AdGroup adGroup = new AdGroup()
        Name = "Earth to Mars Cruises #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),
        Campaign = campaignResourceName,
        Type = AdGroupType.SearchDynamicAds,
        Status = AdGroupStatus.Paused,
        TrackingUrlTemplate = "http://tracker.examples.com/traveltracker/{escapedlpurl}",
        CpcBidMicros = 50_000

    // Create the operation.
    AdGroupOperation operation = new AdGroupOperation()
        Create = adGroup

    // Add the ad group.
    MutateAdGroupsResponse response =
            new AdGroupOperation[] { operation });

    // Display the results.
    string adGroupResourceName = response.Results[0].ResourceName;
    Console.WriteLine($"Added ad group with resource name '{adGroupResourceName}'.");

    return adGroupResourceName;


private static function createAdGroup(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    string $campaignResourceName
) {
    // Constructs an ad group and sets an optional CPC value.
    $adGroup = new AdGroup([
        'name' => 'Earth to Mars Cruises #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
        'campaign' => $campaignResourceName,
        'status' => AdGroupStatus::PAUSED,
        'type' => AdGroupType::SEARCH_DYNAMIC_ADS,
        'tracking_url_template' => 'http://tracker.examples.com/traveltracker/{escapedlpurl}',
        'cpc_bid_micros' => 10000000

    // Creates an ad group operation.
    $adGroupOperation = new AdGroupOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to add the ad groups.
    $adGroupServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAdGroupServiceClient();
    /** @var MutateAdGroupsResponse $adGroupResponse */
    $adGroupResponse = $adGroupServiceClient->mutateAdGroups(
        MutateAdGroupsRequest::build($customerId, [$adGroupOperation])

    $adGroupResourceName = $adGroupResponse->getResults()[0]->getResourceName();
    printf("Added ad group named '%s'.%s", $adGroupResourceName, PHP_EOL);

    return $adGroupResourceName;


def create_ad_group(client, customer_id, campaign_resource_name):
    """Creates a Dynamic Search Ad Group under the given Campaign.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID str.
        campaign_resource_name: a resource_name str for a Campaign.

        A resource_name str for the newly created Ad Group.
    # Retrieve a new ad group operation object.
    ad_group_operation = client.get_type("AdGroupOperation")
    # Create an ad group.
    ad_group = ad_group_operation.create
    # Required: set the ad group's type to Dynamic Search Ads.
    ad_group.type_ = client.enums.AdGroupTypeEnum.SEARCH_DYNAMIC_ADS
    ad_group.name = f"Earth to Mars Cruises {uuid4()}"
    ad_group.campaign = campaign_resource_name
    ad_group.status = client.enums.AdGroupStatusEnum.PAUSED
    # Recommended: set a tracking URL template for your ad group if you want to
    # use URL tracking software.
    ad_group.tracking_url_template = (
    # Optional: Set the ad group bid value.
    ad_group.cpc_bid_micros = 10000000

    # Retrieve the ad group service.
    ad_group_service = client.get_service("AdGroupService")

    # Issues a mutate request to add the ad group.
    response = ad_group_service.mutate_ad_groups(
        customer_id=customer_id, operations=[ad_group_operation]
    resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name

    print(f'Created Ad Group with resource_name: "{resource_name}"')


def create_ad_group(client, customer_id, campaign_resource_name)
  ad_group = client.resource.ad_group do |ag|
    ag.type = :SEARCH_DYNAMIC_ADS
    ag.name = "Earth to Mars Cruises #{(Time.now.to_f * 1000).to_i}"

    ag.campaign =  campaign_resource_name

    ag.status = :PAUSED
    ag.tracking_url_template = "http://tracker.example.com/traveltracker/{escapedlpurl}"

    ag.cpc_bid_micros = 3_000_000

  operation = client.operation.create_resource.ad_group(ad_group)

  response = client.service.ad_group.mutate_ad_groups(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operations: [operation],

  puts("Created ad group with ID: #{response.results.first.resource_name}")


sub create_ad_group {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $campaign_resource_name) = @_;

  # Construct an ad group and set an optional CPC value.
  my $ad_group = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::AdGroup->new({
    name     => "Earth to Mars Cruises #" . uniqid(),
    campaign => $campaign_resource_name,
    status   => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::AdGroupStatusEnum::PAUSED,
    type     => SEARCH_DYNAMIC_ADS,
    trackingUrlTemplate =>
    cpcBidMicros => 3000000

  # Create an ad group operation.
  my $ad_group_operation =
    new({create => $ad_group});

  # Add the ad group.
  my $ad_groups_response = $api_client->AdGroupService()->mutate({
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operations => [$ad_group_operation]});

  my $ad_group_resource_name = $ad_groups_response->{results}[0]{resourceName};

  printf "Created ad group '%s'.\n", $ad_group_resource_name;

  return $ad_group_resource_name;

Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamı (DSA) oluşturma

Gerçek DSA oluşturmak için bir ExpandedDynamicSearchAdInfo nesnesi ve şu alanları ayarlayın:

  • Zorunlu: description
  • İsteğe bağlı: description2

Bu reklamın başlığı, görünen URL'si ve nihai URL'si tarafından sağlanan alan adına özgü bilgilere göre, Kampanya düzeyinde belirlenen DynamicSearchAdsSetting.


private static void addExpandedDSA(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, String adGroupResourceName) {
  // Creates an ad group ad.
  AdGroupAd adGroupAd =
          // Sets the ad as an expanded dynamic search ad
                          .setDescription("Buy tickets now!")

  // Creates the operation.
  AdGroupAdOperation operation = AdGroupAdOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(adGroupAd).build();

  // Creates the ad group ad service client.
  try (AdGroupAdServiceClient adGroupAdServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAdGroupAdServiceClient()) {
    // Adds the dynamic search ad.
    MutateAdGroupAdsResponse response =
            Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));
    // Displays the response.
        "Added ad group ad with resource name '%s'.%n", response.getResults(0).getResourceName());


private static void AddExpandedDSA(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
    string adGroupResourceName)
    // Get the AdGroupAdService.
    AdGroupAdServiceClient adGroupAdService =

    // Create an ad group ad.
    AdGroupAd adGroupAd = new AdGroupAd()
        AdGroup = adGroupResourceName,
        Status = AdGroupAdStatus.Paused,

        // Set the ad as an expanded dynamic search ad.
        Ad = new Ad()
            ExpandedDynamicSearchAd = new ExpandedDynamicSearchAdInfo()
                Description = "Buy tickets now!"

    // Create the operation.
    AdGroupAdOperation operation = new AdGroupAdOperation()
        Create = adGroupAd

    // Add the dynamic search ad.
    MutateAdGroupAdsResponse response = adGroupAdService.MutateAdGroupAds(
        customerId.ToString(), new AdGroupAdOperation[] { operation });

    // Display the response.
    Console.WriteLine($"Added ad group ad with resource name " +


private static function createExpandedDSA(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    string $adGroupResourceName
) {
    $adGroupAd = new AdGroupAd([
        'ad_group' => $adGroupResourceName,
        'status' => AdGroupAdStatus::PAUSED,
        'ad' => new Ad([
            'expanded_dynamic_search_ad' => new ExpandedDynamicSearchAdInfo([
                'description' => 'Buy tickets now!'

    $adGroupAdOperation = new AdGroupAdOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to add the ad group ads.
    $adGroupAdServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAdGroupAdServiceClient();
    /** @var MutateAdGroupAdsResponse $adGroupAdResponse */
    $adGroupAdResponse = $adGroupAdServiceClient->mutateAdGroupAds(
        MutateAdGroupAdsRequest::build($customerId, [$adGroupAdOperation])

    $adGroupAdResourceName = $adGroupAdResponse->getResults()[0]->getResourceName();
    printf("Added ad group ad named '%s'.%s", $adGroupAdResourceName, PHP_EOL);

    return $adGroupAdResourceName;


def create_expanded_dsa(client, customer_id, ad_group_resource_name):
    """Creates a dynamic search ad under the given ad group.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID str.
        ad_group_resource_name: a resource_name str for an Ad Group.
    # Retrieve a new ad group ad operation object.
    ad_group_ad_operation = client.get_type("AdGroupAdOperation")
    # Create and expanded dynamic search ad. This ad will have its headline,
    # display URL and final URL auto-generated at serving time according to
    # domain name specific information provided by DynamicSearchAdSetting at
    # the campaign level.
    ad_group_ad = ad_group_ad_operation.create
    # Optional: set the ad status.
    ad_group_ad.status = client.enums.AdGroupAdStatusEnum.PAUSED
    # Set the ad description.
    ad_group_ad.ad.expanded_dynamic_search_ad.description = "Buy tickets now!"
    ad_group_ad.ad_group = ad_group_resource_name

    # Retrieve the ad group ad service.
    ad_group_ad_service = client.get_service("AdGroupAdService")

    # Submit the ad group ad operation to add the ad group ad.
    response = ad_group_ad_service.mutate_ad_group_ads(
        customer_id=customer_id, operations=[ad_group_ad_operation]
    resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name

    print(f'Created Ad Group Ad with resource_name: "{resource_name}"')


def create_expanded_dsa(client, customer_id, ad_group_resource_name)
  ad_group_ad = client.resource.ad_group_ad do |aga|
    aga.status = :PAUSED
    aga.ad = client.resource.ad do |ad|
      ad.expanded_dynamic_search_ad = client.resource.expanded_dynamic_search_ad_info do |info|
        info.description = "Buy tickets now!"

    aga.ad_group = ad_group_resource_name

  operation = client.operation.create_resource.ad_group_ad(ad_group_ad)

  response = client.service.ad_group_ad.mutate_ad_group_ads(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operations: [operation],
  puts("Created ad group ad with ID: #{response.results.first.resource_name}")


sub create_expanded_dsa {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $ad_group_resource_name) = @_;

  # Create an ad group ad.
  my $ad_group_ad = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::AdGroupAd->new({
      adGroup => $ad_group_resource_name,
      status => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::AdGroupAdStatusEnum::PAUSED,
      ad     => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::Ad->new({
          expandedDynamicSearchAd =>
              description => "Buy tickets now!"

  # Create an ad group ad operation.
  my $ad_group_ad_operation =
    ->new({create => $ad_group_ad});

  # Add the ad group ad.
  my $ad_group_ads_response = $api_client->AdGroupAdService()->mutate({
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operations => [$ad_group_ad_operation]});

  my $ad_group_ad_resource_name =

  printf "Created ad group ad '%s'.\n", $ad_group_ad_resource_name;

  return $ad_group_ad_resource_name;

final_urls alanı, Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamları. Dolayısıyla, Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamları oluştururken bu alanı ayarlayamazsınız. URL'yi kullanmak için kullanıyorsanız belirtmeniz gereken ek izleme parametreleri veya yönlendirmelerinin, tracking_url_template alanına ait verilerin gösterilmesini engelleyebilirsiniz. Bunu belirtirken alanında, Google Ads'in şunları yapmasına izin vermek için aşağıdaki parametrelerden birini eklemeniz gerekir: elde edilen eşleşen nihai URL'yi girin:

Parametre Açıklama

Çıkış karaktersiz açılış sayfası URL'si; örneğin, sona bir şey eklemek isterseniz:



Çıkış karakterli (URL kodlamalı) açılış sayfası URL'si. Örneğin:



Yalnızca hesaplanan URL'deki yol ve sorgu parametreleri, örneğin:



Açılış sayfası URL'sinin ? ve = değerlerini kodlar, arama sorgusuyla biter. tracking_url_template alanının en başında bulunursa bu değer aslında {unescapedurl} değeriyle değiştirilir. Örneğin:





DSA ölçütlerini belirtin

Son olarak, dinamik arama ağı reklamlarının yayınlanmasını tetiklemek için bazı ölçütler oluşturmanız gerekir. Bu işlem, sayfanın webpage alanı kullanılarak yapılır. AdGroupCriterion. Bu webpage alanı ayarlandı WebpageInfo nesnesi olarak, bir ile arasında bir üç conditions.

Bu conditions WebpageConditionInfo tam olarak neyin filtreleneceğini veya aranacağını belirtmenizi sağlayan örnekler kampanya ayarlarında daha önce belirtilen alan adı. Beş öğe var şu ölçütlere göre filtre uygulayabilirsiniz:

WebpageConditionOperand Açıklama
URL Bir sayfanın kısmi URL'siyle eşleşen dize.
CATEGORY Kesin olarak eşleştirilecek bir kategori içeren dize.
PAGE_TITLE Kısmi sayfa başlığıyla eşleşen bir dize.
PAGE_CONTENT Dizine eklenmiş herhangi bir sayfadaki içerikle eşleşen bir dize.
CUSTOM_LABEL Bir web sayfası özel etiket hedefleme koşuluyla eşleşen dize. Bkz. Hedef sayfa feed'i Özel etiketler kullanan URL'ler.

Örneğin, tüm web sayfalarını hedefleyen bir web sayfası ölçütü bir tatil sitesinin /children şubesinde bulunan (URL koşulu), ancak yalnızca "Özel Teklif" seçeneği bulunan sayfalar (PAGE_TITLE koşulu).

Sitenin kategorilerini keşfetme

Web sitemiz g.co/newsinitiative/labs üzerinden Google'ın geçerli olduğunu düşündüğü DomainCategory web sitenizin arama sonuçlarında görünen GAQL sorgusunda domain_category kaynağı var.

Aşağıdaki GAQL sorgusu, belirli bir sorgu için alan adı kategorileri listesini alır kimliğini temel alan, sitenin ve belirli bir kampanyanın kimliğine göre filtrelenen:

FROM domain_category
WHERE domain_category.domain = 'example.com'
  AND campaign.id = campaign_id

Sitenin bölümlerini hariç tutma

Ayrıca şunu da kullanabilirsiniz: Negatif anahtar kelimeleri ayarlamak için AdGroupCriterionService web sayfası ölçütleri. Örneğin, başka bir kampanya veya reklam grubuyla yönetmek istediğiniz belirli bir başlığı seçin.

Diğer kriterler

DSA kampanyaları ve reklam grupları yalnızca web sayfası ölçütleriyle sınırlı değildir; CANNOT TRANSLATE Kaliteyi daha da hassaslaştırmak ve artırmak için diğer ölçüt türlerini kullanmaya devam etmek belirlemektir. Ek kriterler kullanırken mantıklı olmalı, Ancak çok fazla anahtar kelime eklemek Dinamik Arama Ağı Reklamlarının etkisini otomatik hedefleme için kullanılır.