Audience insights

AudienceInsightsService allows users to integrate Google audience insights data into their proprietary tools. The data allows media agencies and media planners to gain a deeper understanding of their target audience, including demographics, interests, and online behavior.

Audience insights allow users to quickly understand an audience, a category, a topic or a brand by providing a high-level overview. By analyzing user behaviors on related topics, customers can use these audience insights to illuminate the associations and perceptions that consumers have, to arrive at new insights about their audiences.

The API has three main use cases:

  • Refine and Uncover Audiences: Understand consumers' unique interests and behaviors to identify new audiences for the brand, develop audience personas, and refine audience segmentation strategies.

  • Inform Campaign Planning: Translate data outputs into Youtube target audiences to plan against. Allows customers to identify potential reach of their targeted audiences to help them plan media campaigns. Enables customers to measure the overlap between audience segments to maximize the potential reach of their campaigns.

  • Develop Creative Messages: Tailor creative messages to your target audience after learning what they care about most.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for AudienceInsightsService, partners must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Existing access, or eligible for access, to Insights Finder.
  • Have a planning tool or user interface that will integrate the API.
  • Use the API for media planning purposes, or for other relevant use cases.
  • Complete a pre-screen assessment.
  • Follow data usage requirements and be willing to undergo periodic data audits.
  • Sign a data-licensing agreement that legally enforces data usage requirements.
  • Accept the Google Ads API terms of service.

Contact your Google representative for more information.

Generate audience composition insights

The generateAudienceCompositionInsights method returns a GenerateAudienceCompositionInsightsResponse, which contains a list of attributes that represent the requested audience of interest, with metrics that compare each attribute's share of the audience with its share of a baseline audience.

You must provide a target country for the audience. The list of supported dimensions for retrieving composition insights is enumerated at the dimensions field description of the GenerateAudienceCompositionInsightsRequest.

This method can help answer questions such as "What are the top affinities my target audience is interested in compared to the general population and how much more likely are they interested in those affinities compared to the general population?"

Generate audience overlap insights

The generateAudienceOverlapInsights method returns a GenerateAudienceOverlapInsightsResponse which contains a list of audience attributes with estimates of the overlap between their potential Youtube reach and that of a given primary attribute.

You must provide a target country and a primary attribute. Age range, gender, affinity segments, and in-market segments are supported as audience dimensions.

This method can help answer questions such as "How large is the incremental audience size when we target both Sports Fans and Music Lovers in the United States?"

Generate insights finder report

The generateInsightsFinderReport method creates a saved report in Insights Finder based on the given inputs specified in the GenerateInsightsFinderReportRequest and returns a GenerateInsightsFinderReportResponse containing an externally accessible link to open that report in the Insights Finder User Interface.

Generate suggested targeting insights

The generateSuggestedTargetingInsights method returns a collection of targeting insights (e.g. targetable audiences) that is relevant to the requested audience.

The requested audience may be in the form of either a structured format InsightsAudienceDefinition or as a text description InsightsAudienceDescription.

The generateAudienceCompositionInsights method returns insights for relevant individual attribute segments while the generateSuggestedTargetingInsights returns suggestions and insights of targetable Google audience segments.

This method helps answer questions such as "Give me targetable audience suggestions for fathers in their 30s who enjoy fishing."

Generate targeting suggestion metrics

The generateTargetingSuggestionMetrics method returns a GenerateTargetingSuggestionMetricsResponse , which contains the potential YouTube population that may be reached for each audience definition requested in the GenerateTargetingSuggestionMetricsRequest.

This method can help answer questions such as "How many Men aged 18+ interested in Camping in the United States can be reached on YouTube?"

List audience insights attributes

The listAudienceInsightsAttributes method returns a ListAudienceInsightsAttributesResponse that contains the list of available attributes for the requested dimensions.

For example, if Affinity User Interest is selected as a dimension in the request, it will give back a list of supported affinities such as "Sports Fans" or "Music Lovers." You may set multiple dimensions for a single request.

The attributes returned by this discoverability feature can be used as inputs for other AudienceInsightsService features.

List insights eligible dates

The listInsightsEligibleDates method returns a ListInsightsEligibleDatesResponse , which contains a list of months in the form "YYYY-MM", for which audience insights data is available.

The response also contains the actual dates representing the "last 30 days" that will be used for the generateAudienceCompositionInsights method, when the date_month is not set in the request.