Conversion goals

Conversion goals help you organize your conversion actions so that you can more easily optimize toward your advertising objectives.

Conversion goals are grouped by the unique combinations of category (for example, PAGE_VIEW), and origin (for example, WEBSITE) in the set of ConversionActions in your account's Google Ads conversion customer.

Goal management overview

Conversion goals are organized in a hierarchy. Customer goals define the default goals for your entire account, while campaign goals override the customer goals for campaigns with specific bidding and optimization requirements.

The goal management workflow is as follows:

  1. Create a ConversionAction.

    When you create the conversion action, Google Ads automatically performs the following steps:

    • Creates a CustomerConversionGoal for the conversion action's category and origin if one doesn't already exist.
    • Creates a CampaignConversionGoal for each campaign and the conversion action's category and origin if one doesn't already exist.
    • Configures the biddable attribute of the CustomerConversionGoal and CampaignConversionGoal objects according to various rules covered later in this guide series.
  2. Update the CustomerConversionGoal objects that Google Ads created automatically to align with your objectives. Set biddable to true to bid and optimize towards ConversionActions with the goal's category and origin, and false otherwise. Google Ads automatically applies these updates to every campaign where you hadn't explicitly updated campaign goals or applied custom goals.

  3. If you have a campaign with unique goals that differ from your customer-level goals, configure its CampaignConversionGoal using one or both of the following steps.

    • Use update operations to modify the biddable attribute of any CampaignConversionGoal objects where the goal should differ from the customer-level goals.

    • If configuring the campaign's goals by category and origin doesn't suffice, use specific conversion actions for bidding and optimization by creating a CustomConversionGoal and updating the campaign's ConversionGoalCampaignConfig.

    As a result of the update operations, Google Ads ensures that the goal_config_level of the campaign's ConversionGoalCampaignConfig is set to CAMPAIGN and stops applying CustomerConversionGoal updates to the campaign's CampaignConversionGoal objects.

    If you want to transition the campaign back to using customer-level goals, set goal_config_level to CUSTOMER. Google Ads modifies its CampaignConversionGoal to match CustomerConversionGoal and as long as goal_config_level remains set to CUSTOMER, applies any changes to CustomerConversionGoal to the campaign's CampaignConversionGoal. The campaign in turn stops using any CustomConversionGoals.

Mutate requirements

When mutating a CustomerConversionGoal or CustomConversionGoal object, the customer_id of the request must match the ID of your account's Google Ads conversion customer account.

In contrast, when mutating a CampaignConversionGoal or ConversionGoalCampaignConfig object, the customer_id of the request must match the customer_id of your Google Ads account's Customer resource.

Conversion action settings

Although goals are organized by category and origin, you can set the primary_for_goal attribute of each ConversionAction to indicate the role it should play in bidding and how the action's conversions will appear in reports.

If primary_for_goal is true:

  • Google Ads includes the conversion action in bidding based on the biddable attribute of customer and campaign goals for the conversion action's category and origin.
  • Google Ads includes the conversion action's conversions and conversion values in Conversions and All conversions.

If primary_for_goal is false:

  • Google Ads doesn't include the conversion action in bidding or Conversions unless you use the conversion action in a CustomConversionGoal. You can still find the conversion action's conversions and conversion values in All conv. and its related fields in reports.

    See the campaign goals guide for more information about custom conversion goals.

Conversion actions with primary_for_goal set to true appear in the Google Ads UI as Primary action used for bidding optimization, otherwise they appear as Secondary action not used for bidding optimization.