Complete the upgrade

Once you are happy with the performance of your new campaign, you should complete your upgrade to Performance Max by choosing one of the following options.

Move budget to Performance Max and remove your existing campaign

Once you are ready to move budget to Performance Max, you will need to adjust the budget and remove the existing campaign that it replaces. When you do this, remember that you can still check the historical performance through reporting by setting the campaign.status to REMOVED in the WHERE clause of your query.

To move the entire budget to Performance Max, you will need to create a new budget for your Performance Max campaign with the appropriate spend and set the campaign budget. For Performance Max campaigns, this budget cannot be shared.

Then you should pause or remove your existing campaign as described in the remove campaign code example.

Move budget to Performance Max and retain your existing campaign

There are scenarios you might want to keep your existing campaigns serving. Perhaps they have different targeting settings or perhaps they contain a configuration that serves a specific purpose. In this case, you might want to increase the budget for the Performance Max campaign, but retain some proportional budget for campaigns you keep enabled.

To move more budget to Performance Max, you need to create a new budget for both campaigns with the appropriate spend and set the campaign budget. For Performance Max campaigns, this cannot be a shared budget.