Paging Through Results

GoogleAdsService.Search supports paging in fixed page sizes of 10,000 rows. The result set of the query is split into multiple responses, each of which 10,000 objects.

As an example, for the following query:

FROM ad_group_criterion
WHERE ad_group_criterion.type = KEYWORD

If your account contains 50,000 keywords, the result set will contain 10,000 GoogleAdsRow objects in the first response, along with a next_page_token.

To retrieve the next 10,000 rows, send the request again, but update the request's page_token to the response's next_page_token. Note that next_page_token is not populated in the response that contains the last batch of rows.

Our client libraries handle paging automatically. You only have to iterate through the rows of the response. When all rows in the current page have been returned, the client library fetches a new page of rows automatically on your behalf until the entire dataset is retrieved. If using REST instead of gRPC, you must explicitly make a request for each new page.

The Google Ads API internally caches the entire dataset, so subsequent requests are faster than the initial one.

Your query must remain exactly the same in subsequent requests to take advantage of the cached data; the requests won't contribute towards your quota, particularly for basic access. If the query differs and is sent along with the same page token, an error is returned.