Contains the Google Maps SDK for Android model classes.


AdvancedMarkerOptions.CollisionBehavior Indicates how the marker is dealt with when involved in a collision with other markers or base map labels. 

Data-driven styling features are not available to the Navigation SDK. 

MapColorScheme Represents the integer value mapping for dark mode color scheme. 
Marker.CollisionBehavior This @interface is deprecated. No replacement. 


FeatureLayer.OnFeatureClickListener A user-defined function that will be used to handle FeatureClickEvent
FeatureLayer.StyleFactory The style factory function applied to every polygon in the affected feature layer. 
TileProvider An interface for a class that provides the tile images for a TileOverlay


AdvancedMarker Extends Marker, and provides additional premium features. 
AdvancedMarkerOptions Defines marker options for AdvancedMarker
BitmapDescriptor Defines a Bitmap image. 
BitmapDescriptorFactory Used to create a definition of a Bitmap image, used for marker icons and ground overlays. 
ButtCap Cap that is squared off exactly at the start or end vertex of a Polyline with solid stroke pattern, equivalent to having no additional cap beyond the start or end vertex. 
CameraPosition An immutable class that aggregates all camera position parameters such as location, zoom level, tilt angle, and bearing. 
CameraPosition.Builder Builds camera position. 
Cap Immutable cap that can be applied at the start or end vertex of a Polyline
Circle A circle on the earth's surface (spherical cap). 
CircleOptions Defines options for a Circle
CustomCap Bitmap overlay centered at the start or end vertex of a Polyline, orientated according to the direction of the line's first or last edge and scaled with respect to the line's stroke width. 
Dash An immutable class representing a dash used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline or the outline of a Polygon or Circle

Data-driven styling features are not available to the Navigation SDK. 

Dot An immutable class representing a dot used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline or the outline of a Polygon or Circle

Data-driven styling features are not available to the Navigation SDK. 


Data-driven styling features are not available to the Navigation SDK. 


Data-driven styling features are not available to the Navigation SDK. 


Data-driven styling features are not available to the Navigation SDK. 

FeatureLayerOptions.Builder A builder that helps configure an instance of FeatureLayerOptions

Data-driven styling features are not available to the Navigation SDK. 

FeatureStyle.Builder A builder that helps configure an instance of FeatureStyle
FollowMyLocationOptions An immutable class that represents the parameters used to specify the options when following the location of the user. 
FollowMyLocationOptions.Builder A builder that helps configure an instance of FollowMyLocationOptions
Gap An immutable class representing a gap used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline or the outline of a Polygon or Circle
GroundOverlay A ground overlay is an image that is fixed to a map. 
GroundOverlayOptions Defines options for a ground overlay. 
IndoorBuilding Represents a building. 
IndoorLevel Represents a level in a building. 
JointType Joint types for Polyline and outline of Polygon
LatLng An immutable class representing a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates, stored as degrees. 
LatLngBounds An immutable class representing a latitude/longitude aligned rectangle. 
LatLngBounds.Builder This is a builder that is able to create a minimum bound based on a set of LatLng points. 
MapCapabilities An immutable class that allows customers to track the availability of each capability. 
MapStyleOptions Defines styling options for a GoogleMap
Marker An icon placed at a particular point on the map's surface. 
MarkerOptions Defines MarkerOptions for a marker. 
PatternItem Immutable item used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline or the outline of a Polygon or Circle
PinConfig A class to configure the elements of an AdvancedMarker icon. 
PinConfig.Builder A builder for creating PinConfig instances. 
PinConfig.Glyph Defines a glyph, which is the element at the center of an AdvancedMarker icon. 

Data-driven styling features are not available to the Navigation SDK. 

PointOfInterest Contains information about a PointOfInterest that was clicked on. 
Polygon A polygon on the earth's surface. 
PolygonOptions Defines options for a polygon. 
Polyline A polyline is a list of points, where line segments are drawn between consecutive points. 
PolylineOptions Defines options for a polyline. 
RoundCap Cap that is a semicircle with radius equal to half the stroke width, centered at the start or end vertex of a Polyline with solid stroke pattern. 
SpriteStyle Describes a StampStyle, where the associated stamp is a repeating complete image. 
SpriteStyle.Builder Builder of SpriteStyle
SquareCap Cap that is squared off after extending half the stroke width beyond the start or end vertex of a Polyline with solid stroke pattern. 
StampStyle Describes the drawing style for a stamped image or texture over a StrokeStyle
StreetViewPanoramaCamera An immutable class that aggregates all camera position parameters. 
StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builder Builds panorama cameras. 
StreetViewPanoramaLink An immutable class that represents a link to another Street View panorama. 
StreetViewPanoramaLocation An immutable class that contains details of the user's current Street View panorama  
StreetViewPanoramaOrientation An immutable class that aggregates all user point of view parameters. 
StreetViewPanoramaOrientation.Builder Builds Street View panorama orientations. 
StreetViewSource Identifiers to limit Street View searches to selected sources. 
StrokeStyle Describes the drawing style for one-dimensional entities such as polylines. 
StrokeStyle.Builder Builder for StrokeStyle
StyleSpan Describes the style for some region of a polyline. 
TextureStyle Describes a StampStyle, where the associated stamp is used as a texture. 
TextureStyle.Builder Builder of TextureStyle
Tile Contains information about a Tile that is returned by a TileProvider
TileOverlay A Tile Overlay is a set of images which are displayed on top of the base map tiles. 
TileOverlayOptions Defines options for a TileOverlay. 
UrlTileProvider A partial implementation of TileProvider that only requires a URL that points to an image to be provided. 
VisibleRegion Contains the four points defining the four-sided polygon that is visible in a map's camera. 


RuntimeRemoteException A RuntimeException wrapper for RemoteException.