موضوع، بودجه و پیشنهاد دارایی متن آگهی را دریافت کنید

Google Ads API SmartCampaignSuggestService را برای پیشنهاد جزئیات پیکربندی هنگام ایجاد کمپین های هوشمند نشان می دهد. از جزئیات کسب و کار در حال تبلیغ (در قالب یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ) برای پیشنهاد مضامین کلیدواژه، مقدار بودجه، و همچنین سرفصل ها و توضیحات برای تبلیغات فردی استفاده می کند.

یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ایجاد کنید

ایجاد پیشنهادهای کمپین هوشمند نیاز به استفاده از یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo دارد که حاوی جزئیاتی درباره کسب و کار در حال تبلیغ است. از آنجایی که می‌توانید از یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo برای بازیابی انواع مختلف پیشنهادات کمپین هوشمند استفاده کنید، می‌توانید ابتدا یکی را ایجاد کرده و چندین بار از آن استفاده مجدد کنید.

الزامات کلیدی برای SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo :

  • یک صفحه فرود مورد نیاز است که می تواند یک وب سایت موجود ( final_url ) یا یک صفحه فرود خودکار باشد که برای کمپین شما با استفاده از اطلاعات نمایه کسب و کار به دست آمده با شناسه business_profile_location ایجاد شده است. اگر قصد دارید از صفحه فرود خودکار استفاده کنید، هنگام ایجاد پیشنهادات، حتماً قسمت business_profile_location تنظیم کنید.

    • اگر final_url تنظیم شده باشد، می‌توان business_profile_location یا business_name تنظیم کرد.
    • اگر final_url تنظیم نشده باشد، باید business_profile_location تنظیم شود.
  • هنگامی که برای بازیابی پیشنهادات موضوع کلیدواژه از روش SuggestKeywordThemes استفاده می شود، لازم نیست قسمت keyword_themes تنظیم کنید.

  • وقتی برای بازیابی پیشنهادهای تبلیغاتی از روش SuggestSmartCampaignAd استفاده می‌شود، فیلدهای language_code و keyword_themes مورد نیاز است.

  • برای پیشنهادات بهینه باید تا حد امکان جزئیات به شی اضافه شود.


private SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, String businessProfileLocation, String businessName) {
  SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo.Builder suggestionInfoBuilder =
          // Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
          // Adds the language code for the campaign.
          // Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's also
          // possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity" field,
          // for example:
          // .setProximity(
          //     ProximityInfo.newBuilder()
          //         .setAddress(
          //             AddressInfo.newBuilder()
          //                 .setPostalCode(INSERT_POSTAL_CODE)
          //                 .setProvinceCode(INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE)
          //                 .setCountryCode(INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE)
          //                 .setProvinceName(INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME)
          //                 .setStreetAddress(INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS)
          //                 .setStreetAddress2(INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2)
          //                 .setCityName(INSERT_CITY_NAME)
          //                 .build())
          //         .setRadius(INSERT_RADIUS)
          //         .setRadiusUnits(INSERT_RADIUS_UNITS)
          //         .build())
          // For more information on proximities see:
          // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
          // Adds LocationInfo objects to the list of locations. You have the option of
          // providing multiple locations when using location-based suggestions.
                  // Sets one location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
          // Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
          // This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
          // Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
                  // Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
                  // Sets the start hour to 9am.
                  // Sets the end hour to 5pm.
                  // Sets the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.

  // Sets either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on whichever is
  // provided.
  if (businessProfileLocation != null) {
  } else {
  return suggestionInfoBuilder.build();

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
/// The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
/// budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.
/// Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
/// "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
/// SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="businessProfileLocation">The identifier of a Business Profile location.
/// </param>
/// <param name="businessName">The name of a Business Profile.</param>
/// <returns>A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance .</returns>
private SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo GetSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(GoogleAdsClient client,
    string businessProfileLocation, string businessName)
    // Note: This is broken since businessLocationId is not yet renamed in
    // SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo. The use of dynamic temporarily fixes the broken build.
    // TODO(Anash): Revert the type change once this field is fixed.
    dynamic suggestionInfo = new SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo
        // Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
        FinalUrl = LANDING_PAGE_URL,
        LanguageCode = LANGUAGE_CODE,
        // Construct location information using the given geo target constant. It's
        // also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
        // field on suggestion_info, for example:
        // Proximity = new ProximityInfo
        // {
        //     Address = new AddressInfo
        //     {
        //         PostalCode = "INSERT_POSTAL_CODE",
        //         ProvinceCode = "INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE",
        //         CountryCode = "INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE",
        //         ProvinceName = "INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME",
        //         StreetAddress = "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS",
        //         StreetAddress2 = "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2",
        //         CityName = "INSERT_CITY_NAME"
        //     },
        //     Radius = Double.Parse("INSERT_RADIUS"),
        //     RadiusUnits = ProximityRadiusUnits.Kilometers
        // }
        // For more information on proximities see:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
        LocationList = new LocationList()
            Locations =
                new LocationInfo
                    // Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target
                    // constant.
                    GeoTargetConstant =

    // Add the Business Profile location if provided.
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(businessProfileLocation))
        suggestionInfo.BusinessProfileLocation = businessProfileLocation;
        suggestionInfo.BusinessContext = new BusinessContext
            BusinessName = businessName,

    // Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open. This schedule
    // describes a business that is open on Mondays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
    AdScheduleInfo adScheduleInfo = new AdScheduleInfo
        // Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
        DayOfWeek = DayOfWeekEnum.Types.DayOfWeek.Monday,
        // Set the start hour to 9 AM.
        StartHour = 9,
        // Set the end hour to 5 PM.
        EndHour = 17,
        // Set the start and end minutes to zero.
        StartMinute = MinuteOfHourEnum.Types.MinuteOfHour.Zero,
        EndMinute = MinuteOfHourEnum.Types.MinuteOfHour.Zero


    return suggestionInfo;


private static function getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(
    ?string $businessProfileLocationResourceName,
    ?string $businessName
): SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo {
    $suggestionInfo = new SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo([
        // Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
        'final_url' => self::LANDING_PAGE_URL,

        // Adds the language code for the campaign.
        'language_code' => self::LANGUAGE_CODE,

        // Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's also
        // possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity" field,
        // for example:
        // 'proximity' => new ProximityInfo([
        //     'address' => mew AddressInfo([
        //         'post_code' => INSERT_POSTAL_CODE,
        //         'province_code' => INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE,
        //         'country_code' => INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE,
        //         'province_name' => INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME,
        //         'street_address' => INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS,
        //         'street_address2' => INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2,
        //         'city_name' => INSERT_CITY_NAME
        //     ]),
        //     'radius' => INSERT_RADIUS,
        //     'radius_units' => INSERT_RADIUS_UNITS
        // ])
        // For more information on proximities see:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo

        // Adds LocationInfo objects to the list of locations. You have the option of
        // providing multiple locations when using location-based suggestions.
        'location_list' => new LocationList([
            // Sets one location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
            'locations' => [new LocationInfo([
                'geo_target_constant' => ResourceNames::forGeoTargetConstant(

        // Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
        // This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
        // Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
        'ad_schedules' => [new AdScheduleInfo([
            // Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
            'day_of_week' => DayOfWeek::MONDAY,
            // Sets the start hour to 9am.
            'start_hour' => 9,
            // Sets the end hour to 5pm.
            'end_hour' => 17,
            // Sets the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.
            'start_minute' => MinuteOfHour::ZERO,
            'end_minute' => MinuteOfHour::ZERO

    // Sets either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on whichever is
    // provided.
    if ($businessProfileLocationResourceName) {
    } else {
        $suggestionInfo->setBusinessContext(new BusinessContext([
            'business_name' => $businessName
    return $suggestionInfo;


def get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(
    client, business_profile_location, business_name
    """Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.

    The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
    budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.

    Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
    "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        business_profile_location: the resource name of a Business Profile
        business_name: the name of a Business Profile.

        A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
    suggestion_info = client.get_type("SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo")

    # Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
    suggestion_info.final_url = _LANDING_PAGE_URL

    # Add the language code for the campaign.
    suggestion_info.language_code = _LANGUAGE_CODE

    # Construct location information using the given geo target constant. It's
    # also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
    # field on suggestion_info, for example:
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.post_code = INSERT_POSTAL_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.province_code = INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.country_code = INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.province_name = INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.street_address = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.street_address2 = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.city_name = INSERT_CITY_NAME
    # suggestion_info.proximity.radius = INSERT_RADIUS
    # suggestion_info.proximity.radius_units = RADIUS_UNITS
    # For more information on proximities see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
    location = client.get_type("LocationInfo")
    # Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
    location.geo_target_constant = client.get_service(
    # Add the LocationInfo object to the list of locations on the
    # suggestion_info object. You have the option of providing multiple
    # locations when using location-based suggestions.

    # Set either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on
    # whichever is provided.
    if business_profile_location:
        suggestion_info.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
        suggestion_info.business_context.business_name = business_name

    # Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
    # This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
    # Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
    ad_schedule_info = client.get_type("AdScheduleInfo")
    # Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
    ad_schedule_info.day_of_week = client.enums.DayOfWeekEnum.MONDAY
    # Set the start hour to 9am.
    ad_schedule_info.start_hour = 9
    # Set the end hour to 5pm.
    ad_schedule_info.end_hour = 17
    # Set the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.
    zero_minute_of_hour = client.enums.MinuteOfHourEnum.ZERO
    ad_schedule_info.start_minute = zero_minute_of_hour
    ad_schedule_info.end_minute = zero_minute_of_hour

    return suggestion_info


# Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
# The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
# budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.
# Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
# "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
# SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
def get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(

  # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
  # use the suggestion_info field instead.
  suggestion_info = client.resource.smart_campaign_suggestion_info do |si|
    # Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
    si.final_url = LANDING_PAGE_URL
    # Add the language code for the campaign.
    si.language_code = LANGUAGE_CODE
    # Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's
    # also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
    # field on suggestion_info, for example:
    # si.proximity = client.resource.proximity_info do |proximity|
    #   proximity.address = client.resource.address_info do |address|
    #     address.post_code = INSERT_POSTAL_CODE
    #     address.province_code = INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE
    #     address.country_code = INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE
    #     address.province_name = INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME
    #     address.street_address = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS
    #     address.street_address2 = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2
    #     address.city_name = INSERT_CITY_NAME
    #   end
    #   proximity.radius = INSERT_RADIUS
    #   proximity.radius_units = :INSERT_RADIUS_UNIT_ENUM
    # end
    # For more information on proximities see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
    si.location_list = client.resource.location_list do |loc_list|
      # Adds the location_info object to the list of locations on the
      # suggestion_info object. You have the option of providing multiple
      # locations when using location-based suggestions.
      loc_list.locations << client.resource.location_info do |li|
        li.geo_target_constant = client.path.geo_target_constant(GEO_TARGET_CONSTANT)
    # Set either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on
    # whichever is provided.
    if business_profile_location
      si.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
      si.business_context = client.resource.business_context do |bc|
        bc.business_name = business_name
    # Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
    # This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
    # Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
    si.ad_schedules += [
      client.resource.ad_schedule_info do |as|
        # Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
        as.day_of_week = :MONDAY
        # Sets the start hour to 9:00am.
        as.start_hour = 9
        as.start_minute = :ZERO
        # Sets the end hour to 5:00pm.
        as.end_hour = 17
        as.end_minute = :ZERO



# Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
# The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a budget
# amount as well as creatives for the ad.
# Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions you must set the
# "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields on the
# SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
sub _get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info {
  my ($business_profile_location, $business_name) = @_;

  my $suggestion_info =
      # Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
      finalUrl => LANDING_PAGE_URL,
      # Add the language code for the campaign.
      languageCode => LANGUAGE_CODE,
      # Construct location information using the given geo target constant.
      # It's also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the
      # "proximity" field on suggestion_info, for example:
      # proximity => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::ProximityInfo->new({
      #     address => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::AddressInfo->new({
      #         postalCode     => "INSERT_POSTAL_CODE",
      #         provinceCode   => "INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE",
      #         countryCode    => "INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE",
      #         provinceName   => "INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME",
      #         streetAddress  => "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS",
      #         streetAddress2 => "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2",
      #         cityName       => "INSERT_CITY_NAME"
      #       }
      #     ),
      #     radius      => "INSERT_RADIUS",
      #     radiusUnits => MILES
      #   }
      # ),
      # For more information on proximities see:
      # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
      locationList =>

  # Add the LocationInfo object to the list of locations on the SuggestionInfo
  # object. You have the option of providing multiple locations when using
  # location-based suggestions.
  push @{$suggestion_info->{locationList}{locations}},
      # Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
      geoTargetConstant =>

  # Set one of the business_profile_location or business_name, whichever is provided.
  if (defined $business_profile_location) {
    $suggestion_info->{businessProfileLocation} =
  } else {
    $suggestion_info->{businessContext} =
        businessName => $business_name

  # Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open. This
  # example schedule describes a business that is open on Mondays from 9:00 AM
  # to 5:00 PM.
  push @{$suggestion_info->{adSchedules}},
      # Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
      dayOfWeek => MONDAY,
      # Set the start hour to 9 AM.
      startHour => 9,
      # Set the end hour to 5 PM.
      endHour => 17,
      # Set the start and end minutes to zero.
      startMinute => ZERO,
      endMinute   => ZERO

  return $suggestion_info;

فهرستی از مضامین کلمات کلیدی بسازید

موضوع کلمه کلیدی یک کلمه یا عبارت واحد است که نشان دهنده گروهی از عبارات جستجوی مرتبط است. به عنوان مثال " نانوایی " مربوط به " نانوایی نزدیک من " و " نانوایی محلی " است. آنها در Google Ads API توسط منبع KeywordTheme نشان داده می شوند که معمولاً به یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo متصل می شود و می تواند یک KeywordThemeConstant یا یک موضوع کلیدواژه رایگان باشد.

موضوعات کلیدواژه پیشنهادی

با توجه به یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ، روش سرویس SuggestKeywordThemes با استفاده از جزئیات کسب و کار شما، موقعیت مکانی آن و محتوای وب سایت، مضامین کلیدواژه را پیشنهاد می کند.

برای بهینه سازی کامل عملکرد کمپین هوشمند خود، هنگام ایجاد تم های کلیدواژه از روش SuggestKeywordThemes استفاده کنید. از آنجایی که جزئیات خاصی را در مورد کسب و کار و وب سایت آن جمع آوری می کند، مضامین کلمات کلیدی بسیار بهتری را نسبت به دو استراتژی دیگر ایجاد می کند که بهترین گزینه ها به عنوان گزینه های پشتیبان در نظر گرفته می شوند.


private List<KeywordTheme> getKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  // Creates the service client.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    // Sends the request.
    SuggestKeywordThemesResponse response =
    // Prints some information about the result.
        "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes method.%n",
    return new ArrayList(response.getKeywordThemesList());

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants suggestions with the SmartCampaignSuggestService.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo">The suggestion information.</param>
/// <returns>The suggestions.</returns>
private List<KeywordThemeConstant> GetKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =

    SuggestKeywordThemesRequest request = new SuggestKeywordThemesRequest()
        SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo,
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString()

    SuggestKeywordThemesResponse response =

    // Prints some information about the result.
    Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved {response.KeywordThemes.Count} keyword theme " +
        $"constant suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes method.");
    return response.KeywordThemes.ToList().ConvertAll(x => x.KeywordThemeConstant);


private static function getKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
): array {
    $smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient =

    // Issues a request to retrieve the keyword themes.
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient->suggestKeywordThemes(
        (new SuggestKeywordThemesRequest())

        "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes "
        . "method.%s",
    return iterator_to_array($response->getKeywordThemes()->getIterator());


def get_keyword_theme_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves KeywordThemes using the given suggestion info.

    Here we use the SuggestKeywordThemes method, which uses all of the business
    details included in the given SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance to
    generate keyword theme suggestions. This is the recommended way to
    generate keyword themes because it uses detailed information about your
    business, its location, and website content to generate keyword themes.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a list of KeywordThemes.
    smart_campaign_suggest_service = client.get_service(
    request = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemesRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    response = smart_campaign_suggest_service.suggest_keyword_themes(

        f"Retrieved {len(response.keyword_themes)} keyword theme suggestions "
        "from the SuggestKeywordThemes method."
    return response.keyword_themes


def get_keyword_theme_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_keyword_themes(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  puts "Retrieved #{response.keyword_themes.size} keyword theme" \
    " suggestions from SuggestKeywordThemes service."
  return response.keyword_themes


# Retrieves KeywordThemes using the given suggestion info.
# Here we use the SuggestKeywordThemes method, which uses all of the business
# details included in the given SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance to generate
# keyword theme suggestions. This is the recommended way to generate keyword themes
# because it uses detailed information about your business, its location, and
# website content to generate keyword themes.
sub _get_keyword_theme_suggestions {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  my $response =
        customerId     => $customer_id,
        suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  printf "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes"
    . "method.\n",
    scalar @{$response->{keywordThemes}};

  return $response->{keywordThemes};

با توجه به یک کلمه یا عبارت، KeywordThemeConstantService KeywordThemeConstants پیشنهاد می کند که از داده های تکمیل خودکار متن داده شده مشتق شده اند. اگر برای مثال، کسب و کاری که تبلیغ می شود، وب سایت یا اطلاعات کافی برای استفاده از روش SuggestKeywordThemes نداشته باشد، این استراتژی جایگزین مفیدی است. این روش فقط در صورتی باید استفاده شود که روش SuggestKeywordThemes قابل استفاده نباشد یا پیشنهادات ناکافی را برگرداند.


private List<KeywordTheme> getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, String keywordText) {
  try (KeywordThemeConstantServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createKeywordThemeConstantServiceClient()) {
    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest request =
    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsResponse response = client.suggestKeywordThemeConstants(request);
    // Converts the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency with the
    // response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    return response.getKeywordThemeConstantsList().stream()
            keywordThemeConstant ->

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants that are derived from autocomplete data for the
/// given keyword text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="keywordText">A keyword used for generating keyword auto completions.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A list of KeywordThemeConstants.</returns>
private IEnumerable<KeywordThemeConstant> GetKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient client, string keywordText)
    KeywordThemeConstantServiceClient keywordThemeConstantServiceClient =

    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest request = new SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest
        QueryText = keywordText,
        CountryCode = COUNTRY_CODE,
        LanguageCode = LANGUAGE_CODE

    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsResponse response =

    Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved {response.KeywordThemeConstants.Count} keyword theme " +
        $"constants using the keyword '{keywordText}'.");
    return response.KeywordThemeConstants.ToList();


private static function getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    string $keywordText
): array {
    $keywordThemeConstantService = $googleAdsClient->getKeywordThemeConstantServiceClient();

    // Issues a request to retrieve the keyword theme constants.
    $response = $keywordThemeConstantService->suggestKeywordThemeConstants(
        (new SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest())

        "Retrieved %d keyword theme constants using the keyword: '%s'.%s",

    // Maps the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency with the
    // response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    return array_map(function (KeywordThemeConstant $keywordThemeConstant) {
        return new KeywordTheme([
            'keyword_theme_constant' => $keywordThemeConstant
    }, iterator_to_array($response->getKeywordThemeConstants()->getIterator()));


def get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text):
    """Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants for the given keyword text.

    These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the
    given keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        keyword_text: a keyword used for generating keyword themes.

        a list of KeywordThemes.
    keyword_theme_constant_service = client.get_service(
    request = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest")
    request.query_text = keyword_text
    request.country_code = _COUNTRY_CODE
    request.language_code = _LANGUAGE_CODE

    response = keyword_theme_constant_service.suggest_keyword_theme_constants(

        f"Retrieved {len(response.keyword_theme_constants)} keyword theme "
        f"constants using the keyword: '{keyword_text}'"

    # Map the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency
    # with the response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    keyword_themes = []
    KeywordTheme = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemesResponse").KeywordTheme
    for keyword_theme_constant in response.keyword_theme_constants:
        keyword_theme = KeywordTheme()
        keyword_theme.keyword_theme_constant = keyword_theme_constant

    return keyword_themes


# Retrieves keyword_theme_constants for the given criteria.
# These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the given
# keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.
def get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text)
  response = client.service.keyword_theme_constant.suggest_keyword_theme_constants(
    query_text: keyword_text,
    country_code: COUNTRY_CODE,
    language_code: LANGUAGE_CODE,

  puts "Retrieved #{response.keyword_theme_constants.size} keyword theme" \
    "constants using the keyword: '#{keyword_text}'"

  response.keyword_theme_constants.map do |ktc|
    client.resource.keyword_theme do |kt|
      kt.keyword_theme_constant = ktc


# Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants for the given keyword text.
# These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the given
# keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.
sub _get_keyword_text_auto_completions {
  my ($api_client, $keyword_text) = @_;

  my $response = $api_client->KeywordThemeConstantService()->suggest(
        queryText    => $keyword_text,
        countryCode  => COUNTRY_CODE,
        languageCode => LANGUAGE_CODE

  printf "Retrieved %d keyword theme constants using the keyword '%s'.\n",
    scalar @{$response->{keywordThemeConstants}}, $keyword_text;

  # Map the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency
  # with the response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
  my $keyword_themes = [];
  foreach my $keyword_theme_constant (@{$response->{keywordThemeConstants}}) {
    push @$keyword_themes,
        keywordThemeConstant => $keyword_theme_constant

  return $keyword_themes;

مضامین کلیدواژه آزاد

در نهایت، با تنظیم فیلد free_form_keyword_theme در یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo ، مضامین کلیدواژه رایگان را می‌توان به صورت دستی ایجاد کرد.

استفاده از قالب‌های کلیدواژه آزاد معمولاً توصیه نمی‌شود، زیرا تأثیر کمتری نسبت به تم‌های کلیدواژه پیشنهادی دارند. با این حال، آنها در شرایطی مفید هستند که یک اصطلاح بسیار خاص باید مورد هدف قرار گیرد، یا زمانی که می خواهید یک اصطلاح را به طور منفی هدف قرار دهید .

روش SuggestKeywordThemes ممکن است تم های کلیدواژه رایگان را پیشنهاد کند، اما فقط در صورتی که یک final_url در درخواست ارائه دهید.


if (freeFormKeywordText != null) {

سی شارپ



// Optionally includes any free-form keywords in verbatim.
if (!empty($freeFormKeywordText)) {
    $keywordThemeInfos[] =
        new KeywordThemeInfo(['free_form_keyword_theme' => $freeFormKeywordText]);


def get_free_form_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text):
    """Creates a KeywordThemeInfo using the given free-form keyword text.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        free_form_keyword_text: a keyword used to create a free-form keyword

        a KeywordThemeInfo instance.
    info = client.get_type("KeywordThemeInfo")
    info.free_form_keyword_theme = free_form_keyword_text
    return info


def get_freeform_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text)
  client.resource.keyword_theme_info do |kti|
    kti.free_form_keyword_theme = free_form_keyword_text


# Creates a KeywordInfo instance using the given free-form keyword text.
sub _get_free_form_keyword_theme_info {
  my ($free_form_keyword_text) = @_;

  return Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordThemeInfo->new({
    freeFormKeywordTheme => $free_form_keyword_text

این دو استراتژی باید به گونه ای اعمال شوند که هر یک از انواع مختلف تم های کلیدواژه به یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo متصل شود:


// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many of the
// entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number of times to
// retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo =
    getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(googleAdsClient, businessProfileLocation, businessName);

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this strategy for
// generating keyword themes.
List<KeywordTheme> keywordThemes =
    getKeywordThemeSuggestions(googleAdsClient, customerId, suggestionInfo);

// If a keyword text is given, retrieves keyword theme constant suggestions from the
// KeywordThemeConstantService, maps them to KeywordThemes, and appends them to the existing
// list.
// This logic should ideally only be used if the suggestions from the
// getKeywordThemeSuggestions function are insufficient.
if (keywordText != null) {
  keywordThemes.addAll(getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(googleAdsClient, keywordText));

// Converts the list of KeywordThemes to a list of KeywordThemes objects.
List<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos = getKeywordThemeInfos(keywordThemes);

// Optionally includes any freeForm keywords in verbatim.
if (freeFormKeywordText != null) {

// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.
suggestionInfo = suggestionInfo.toBuilder().addAllKeywordThemes(keywordThemeInfos).build();

سی شارپ

// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many
// of the entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
// of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ad
//creatives, and campaign criteria.
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo =
    GetSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(client, businessProfileLocation, businessName);

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this
// strategy for generating keyword themes.
List<KeywordThemeConstant> keywordThemeConstants =
    GetKeywordThemeSuggestions(client, customerId, suggestionInfo);

// Optionally retrieves auto-complete suggestions for the given keyword text and
// adds them to the list of keyWordThemeConstants.
if (keywordText != null)
        client, keywordText));

// Converts the KeywordThemeConstants to KeywordThemeInfos.
List<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos = keywordThemeConstants.Select(
    constant =>
        new KeywordThemeInfo { KeywordThemeConstant = constant.ResourceName })

// Optionally includes any freeform keywords verbatim.
if (freeFormKeywordText != null)
    keywordThemeInfos.Add(new KeywordThemeInfo()
        FreeFormKeywordTheme = freeFormKeywordText

// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.


// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many of the
// entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number of times to
// retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ads, and campaign criteria.
$suggestionInfo = self::getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this strategy for
// generating keyword themes.
$keywordThemes =
    self::getKeywordThemeSuggestions($googleAdsClient, $customerId, $suggestionInfo);

// Optionally retrieves auto-complete suggestions for the given keyword text and adds them
// to the list of keyword themes.
if (!empty($keywordText)) {
    $keywordThemes = array_merge(
        self::getKeywordTextAutoCompletions($googleAdsClient, $keywordText)

// Maps the list of KeywordThemes to KeywordThemeInfos.
$keywordThemeInfos = array_map(function (KeywordTheme $keywordTheme) {
    if ($keywordTheme->getKeywordThemeConstant()) {
        return new KeywordThemeInfo([
            'keyword_theme_constant' => $keywordTheme->getKeywordThemeConstant()
    } elseif ($keywordTheme->getFreeFormKeywordTheme()) {
        return new KeywordThemeInfo([
            'free_form_keyword_theme' => $keywordTheme->getFreeFormKeywordTheme()
    } else {
        throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
            'A malformed KeywordTheme was encountered: ' . $keywordTheme->getKeywordTheme()
}, $keywordThemes);

// Optionally includes any free-form keywords in verbatim.
if (!empty($freeFormKeywordText)) {
    $keywordThemeInfos[] =
        new KeywordThemeInfo(['free_form_keyword_theme' => $freeFormKeywordText]);
// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.
$suggestionInfo = $suggestionInfo->setKeywordThemes($keywordThemeInfos);


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
suggestion_info = get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(
    client, business_profile_location, business_name

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
keyword_themes = get_keyword_theme_suggestions(
    client, customer_id, suggestion_info

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and
# append them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used
# if the suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions function are
# insufficient.
if keyword_text:
        get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text)

# Map the KeywordThemes retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
keyword_theme_infos = map_keyword_themes_to_keyword_infos(
    client, keyword_themes

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if free_form_keyword_text:
        get_free_form_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text)

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
suggestion_info.keyword_themes = keyword_theme_infos


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
suggestion_info = get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
keyword_themes = get_keyword_theme_suggestions(

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and append
# them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used if the
# suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions function are
# insufficient.
if keyword_text
  keyword_themes += get_keyword_text_auto_completions(

# Map the KeywordThemeConstants retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
keyword_theme_infos = map_keyword_themes_to_keyword_infos(

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if free_form_keyword_text
  keyword_theme_infos << get_freeform_keyword_theme_info(

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
suggestion_info.keyword_themes += keyword_theme_infos


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
my $suggestion_info =

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
my $keyword_themes =
  _get_keyword_theme_suggestions($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info);

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and
# append them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used
# if the suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions funtion are
# insufficient.
if (defined $keyword_text) {
  push @$keyword_themes,
    @{_get_keyword_text_auto_completions($api_client, $keyword_text)};

# Map the KeywordThemeConstants retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
my $keyword_theme_infos = _map_keyword_themes_to_infos($keyword_themes);

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if (defined $free_form_keyword_text) {
  push @$keyword_theme_infos,

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
$suggestion_info->{keywordThemes} = $keyword_theme_infos;

مقدار بودجه پیشنهادی را دریافت کنید

SmartCampaignSuggestService دارای یک روش SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions است که در صورت داشتن مجموعه ای از موضوعات کلیدواژه و جزئیات کسب و کار، سه سطح از گزینه های بودجه روزانه را پیشنهاد می کند. سطوح low ، high و recommended و هر گزینه همچنین شامل حداقل و حداکثر تعداد کلیک‌های روزانه تخمینی می‌شود.


private long getBudgetSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest.Builder request =

  // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
  // "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
  // and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
  // request.setCampaign("INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE");

  // Uses the suggestion_info field instead, since these suggestions are for a new campaign.

  // Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse response =
    BudgetOption recommendation = response.getRecommended();
        "A daily budget amount of %d micros was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of %d"
            + " clicks and an estimated maximum of %d per day.%n",
    return recommendation.getDailyAmountMicros();

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
/// Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new and existing
/// Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns achieve optimal
/// performance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo"></param>
/// <returns>A daily budget amount in micros.</returns>
private long GetBudgetSuggestion(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient = client.GetService

    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest request =
        new SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest
            CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
            // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
            // "Campaign" field of the request to the resource name of a campaign and
            // leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
            // Campaign = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE",

            // Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
            // SuggestionInfo field instead.
            SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo,

    LocationInfo locationInfo = new LocationInfo
        // Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
        GeoTargetConstant = ResourceNames.GeoTargetConstant(GEO_TARGET_CONSTANT)

    // Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse response =

    // Three tiers of options will be returned: "low", "high", and "recommended".
    // Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros, where
    // one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
    Console.WriteLine($"A daily budget amount of " +
        $"{response.Recommended.DailyAmountMicros}" +
        $" was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of " +
        $"{response.Recommended.Metrics.MinDailyClicks} clicks and an estimated " +
        $"maximum of {response.Recommended.Metrics.MaxDailyClicks} clicks per day.");

    return response.Recommended.DailyAmountMicros;


private static function getBudgetSuggestion(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
): int {

    // Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    $smartCampaignSuggestService = $googleAdsClient->getSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient();
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestService->suggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions(
        (new SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest())
            // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the "campaign"
            // field equal to the resource name of a campaign:
            // ->setCampaign('INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE');
            // Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
            // suggestion_info field instead.

    // Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and "recommended". Here we will
    // use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros, where one million is
    // equivalent to one currency unit.
    $recommendation = $response->getRecommended();
        "A daily budget amount of %d micros was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of "
        . "%d clicks and an estimated maximum of %d per day.%s",

    return $recommendation->getDailyAmountMicros();


def get_budget_suggestion(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.

    Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new
    and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
    campaigns achieve optimal performance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a daily budget amount in micros.
    sc_suggest_service = client.get_service("SmartCampaignSuggestService")
    request = client.get_type("SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
    # "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
    # and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:

    # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
    # use the suggestion_info field instead.
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    # Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    response = sc_suggest_service.suggest_smart_campaign_budget_options(

    # Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and
    # "recommended". Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is
    # specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
    recommendation = response.recommended
        f"A daily budget amount of {recommendation.daily_amount_micros} micros "
        "was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of "
        f"{recommendation.metrics.min_daily_clicks} clicks and an estimated "
        f"maximum of {recommendation.metrics.max_daily_clicks} per day."

    return recommendation.daily_amount_micros


# Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new
# and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
# campaigns achieve optimal performance.
def get_budget_suggestion(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  # Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_smart_campaign_budget_options(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
    # "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
    # and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
    # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
    # use the suggestion_info field instead.
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  # Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and
  # "recommended". Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is
  # specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
  recommendation = response.recommended
  puts "A daily budget amount of #{recommendation.daily_amount_micros} micros" \
    " was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of" \
    " #{recommendation.metrics.min_daily_clicks} clicks and an estimated" \
    " maximum of #{recommendation.metrics.max_daily_clicks} per day."



# Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns
# achieve optimal performance.
sub _get_budget_suggestion {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  my $request =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
      # "campaign" field of the request to the resource name of a campaign and
      # leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
      # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
      # "suggestion_info" field instead.
      suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  # Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  my $response = $api_client->SmartCampaignSuggestService()

  # Three tiers of options will be returned: "low", "high", and "recommended".
  # Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros,
  # where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
  printf "A daily budget amount of %d was suggested, garnering an estimated " .
    "minimum of %d clicks and an estimated maximum of %d clicks per day.\n",

  return $response->{recommended}{dailyAmountMicros};

دارایی های متن آگهی پیشنهادی را دریافت کنید

SmartCampaignSuggestService دارای یک روش SuggestSmartCampaignAd است که یک نمونه SmartCampaignAdInfo با پیشنهادهایی برای حداکثر سه عنوان و دو توضیح برای تبلیغات کمپین هوشمند شما برمی گرداند. هر عنوان و توضیحات در فیلد یک نمونه AdTextAsset متصل به SmartCampaignAdInfo موجود است.

این روش ممکن است هیچ پیشنهادی برگرداند، یا نمونه‌های AdTextAsset که برگردانده می‌شوند ممکن است یک رشته خالی به عنوان مقدار فیلد text خود داشته باشند. توصیه می کنیم این پیشنهادها را قبل از استفاده برای ایجاد تبلیغات مرور کنید تا مطمئن شوید که تبلیغات همیشه با حداقل 3 عنوان و 2 توضیح ایجاد می شوند. اگر این حداقل رعایت نشود، یا اگر هر یک از متن دارایی خیلی کوتاه باشد، درخواست با خطا انجام نخواهد شد.

پیشنهادات برای دارایی‌های تبلیغاتی عمدتاً از محتوای وب‌سایت نشأت می‌گیرند، بنابراین اگر یک final_url در نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo مشخص نشده باشد، پیشنهادها صرفاً از موضوعات کلیدواژه ارائه‌شده در درخواست ایجاد می‌شوند.


private SmartCampaignAdInfo getAdSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to use
  // suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.

  // Issues a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    SuggestSmartCampaignAdResponse response =

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to three headlines
    // and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions may have empty strings as text.
    // Before setting these on the ad you should review them and filter out any empty values.
    SmartCampaignAdInfo adSuggestions = response.getAdInfo();
    for (AdTextAsset headline : adSuggestions.getHeadlinesList()) {
      System.out.println(!headline.getText().isEmpty() ? headline.getText() : "None");
    for (AdTextAsset description : adSuggestions.getDescriptionsList()) {
      System.out.println(!description.getText().isEmpty() ? description.getText() : "None");
    return adSuggestions;

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
/// Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new
/// and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps
/// the campaigns achieve optimal performance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client"></param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo">a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance
/// with details about the business being advertised.</param>
/// <returns>A SmartCampaignAdInfo instance with suggested headlines and
/// descriptions.</returns>
private SmartCampaignAdInfo GetAdSuggestions(GoogleAdsClient client,
    long customerId, SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =

    SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest request = new SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
        // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to
        // use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
        SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo

    // Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    SuggestSmartCampaignAdResponse response =

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
    // three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
    // may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
    // review them and filter out any empty values.
    SmartCampaignAdInfo adSuggestions = response.AdInfo;

    if (adSuggestions != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"The following headlines were suggested:");
        foreach (AdTextAsset headline in adSuggestions.Headlines)

        Console.WriteLine($"And the following descriptions were suggested:");
        foreach (AdTextAsset description in adSuggestions.Descriptions)
        Console.WriteLine("No ad suggestions were found.");
        adSuggestions = new SmartCampaignAdInfo();

    return adSuggestions;


private static function getAdSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
) {
    // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to use
    // suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.

    // Issues a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    $smartCampaignSuggestService = $googleAdsClient->getSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient();
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestService->suggestSmartCampaignAd(
        (new SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest())

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to three headlines
    // and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions may have empty strings as text.
    // Before setting these on the ad you should review them and filter out any empty values.
    $adSuggestions = $response->getAdInfo();
    if (is_null($adSuggestions)) {
        return null;
    print 'The following headlines were suggested:' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($adSuggestions->getHeadlines() as $headline) {
        print "\t" . ($headline->getText() ?: 'None') . PHP_EOL;
    print 'And the following descriptions were suggested:' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($adSuggestions->getDescriptions() as $description) {
        print "\t" . ($description->getText() ?: 'None') . PHP_EOL;
    return $adSuggestions;


def get_ad_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.

    Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
    existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
    campaigns achieve optimal performance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a SmartCampaignAdInfo instance with suggested headlines and
    sc_suggest_service = client.get_service("SmartCampaignSuggestService")
    request = client.get_type("SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id

    # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible
    # to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    response = sc_suggest_service.suggest_smart_campaign_ad(request=request)

    # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
    # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
    # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
    # review them and filter out any empty values.
    ad_suggestions = response.ad_info

    print("The following headlines were suggested:")
    for headline in ad_suggestions.headlines:
        print(f"\t{headline.text or '<None>'}")

    print("And the following descriptions were suggested:")
    for description in ad_suggestions.descriptions:
        print(f"\t{description.text or '<None>'}")

    return ad_suggestions


# Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
# campaigns achieve optimal performance.
def get_ad_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_smart_campaign_ad(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible
    # to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
  # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
  # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
  # review them and filter out any empty values.
  ad_suggestions = response.ad_info

  # If there are no suggestions, the response will be blank.
  return nil if ad_suggestions.nil?

  puts 'The following headlines were suggested:'
  ad_suggestions.headlines.each do  |headline|
    puts "\t#{headline.text || '<None>'}"

  puts 'And the following descriptions were suggested:'
  ad_suggestions.descriptions.each do |description|
    puts "\t#{description.text || '<None>'}"



# Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns
# achieve optimal performance.
sub _get_ad_suggestions {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  my $response =
        customerId => $customer_id,
        # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only
        # possible to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
        suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
  # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
  # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
  # review them and filter out any empty values.
  my $ad_suggestions = $response->{adInfo};
  printf "The following headlines were suggested:\n";
  foreach my $headline (@{$ad_suggestions->{headlines}}) {
    printf "\t%s\n", defined $headline->{text} ? $headline->{text} : "<None>";
  printf "And the following descriptions were suggested:\n";
  foreach my $description (@{$ad_suggestions->{descriptions}}) {
    printf "\t%s\n",
      defined $description->{text} ? $description->{text} : "<None>";

  return $ad_suggestions;


Google Ads API SmartCampaignSuggestService را برای پیشنهاد جزئیات پیکربندی هنگام ایجاد کمپین های هوشمند نشان می دهد. از جزئیات کسب و کار در حال تبلیغ (در قالب یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ) برای پیشنهاد مضامین کلیدواژه، مقدار بودجه، و همچنین سرفصل ها و توضیحات برای تبلیغات فردی استفاده می کند.

یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ایجاد کنید

ایجاد پیشنهادهای کمپین هوشمند نیاز به استفاده از یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo دارد که حاوی جزئیاتی درباره کسب و کار در حال تبلیغ است. از آنجایی که می‌توانید از یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo برای بازیابی انواع مختلف پیشنهادات کمپین هوشمند استفاده کنید، می‌توانید ابتدا یکی را ایجاد کرده و چندین بار از آن استفاده مجدد کنید.

الزامات کلیدی برای SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo :

  • یک صفحه فرود مورد نیاز است که می تواند یک وب سایت موجود ( final_url ) یا یک صفحه فرود خودکار باشد که برای کمپین شما با استفاده از اطلاعات نمایه کسب و کار به دست آمده با شناسه business_profile_location ایجاد شده است. اگر قصد دارید از صفحه فرود خودکار استفاده کنید، هنگام ایجاد پیشنهادات، حتماً قسمت business_profile_location تنظیم کنید.

    • اگر final_url تنظیم شده باشد، می‌توان business_profile_location یا business_name تنظیم کرد.
    • اگر final_url تنظیم نشده باشد، باید business_profile_location تنظیم شود.
  • هنگامی که برای بازیابی پیشنهادات موضوع کلیدواژه از روش SuggestKeywordThemes استفاده می شود، لازم نیست قسمت keyword_themes تنظیم کنید.

  • وقتی برای بازیابی پیشنهادهای تبلیغاتی از روش SuggestSmartCampaignAd استفاده می‌شود، فیلدهای language_code و keyword_themes مورد نیاز است.

  • برای پیشنهادات بهینه باید تا حد امکان جزئیات به شی اضافه شود.


private SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, String businessProfileLocation, String businessName) {
  SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo.Builder suggestionInfoBuilder =
          // Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
          // Adds the language code for the campaign.
          // Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's also
          // possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity" field,
          // for example:
          // .setProximity(
          //     ProximityInfo.newBuilder()
          //         .setAddress(
          //             AddressInfo.newBuilder()
          //                 .setPostalCode(INSERT_POSTAL_CODE)
          //                 .setProvinceCode(INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE)
          //                 .setCountryCode(INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE)
          //                 .setProvinceName(INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME)
          //                 .setStreetAddress(INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS)
          //                 .setStreetAddress2(INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2)
          //                 .setCityName(INSERT_CITY_NAME)
          //                 .build())
          //         .setRadius(INSERT_RADIUS)
          //         .setRadiusUnits(INSERT_RADIUS_UNITS)
          //         .build())
          // For more information on proximities see:
          // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
          // Adds LocationInfo objects to the list of locations. You have the option of
          // providing multiple locations when using location-based suggestions.
                  // Sets one location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
          // Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
          // This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
          // Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
                  // Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
                  // Sets the start hour to 9am.
                  // Sets the end hour to 5pm.
                  // Sets the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.

  // Sets either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on whichever is
  // provided.
  if (businessProfileLocation != null) {
  } else {
  return suggestionInfoBuilder.build();

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
/// The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
/// budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.
/// Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
/// "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
/// SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="businessProfileLocation">The identifier of a Business Profile location.
/// </param>
/// <param name="businessName">The name of a Business Profile.</param>
/// <returns>A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance .</returns>
private SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo GetSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(GoogleAdsClient client,
    string businessProfileLocation, string businessName)
    // Note: This is broken since businessLocationId is not yet renamed in
    // SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo. The use of dynamic temporarily fixes the broken build.
    // TODO(Anash): Revert the type change once this field is fixed.
    dynamic suggestionInfo = new SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo
        // Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
        FinalUrl = LANDING_PAGE_URL,
        LanguageCode = LANGUAGE_CODE,
        // Construct location information using the given geo target constant. It's
        // also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
        // field on suggestion_info, for example:
        // Proximity = new ProximityInfo
        // {
        //     Address = new AddressInfo
        //     {
        //         PostalCode = "INSERT_POSTAL_CODE",
        //         ProvinceCode = "INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE",
        //         CountryCode = "INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE",
        //         ProvinceName = "INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME",
        //         StreetAddress = "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS",
        //         StreetAddress2 = "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2",
        //         CityName = "INSERT_CITY_NAME"
        //     },
        //     Radius = Double.Parse("INSERT_RADIUS"),
        //     RadiusUnits = ProximityRadiusUnits.Kilometers
        // }
        // For more information on proximities see:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
        LocationList = new LocationList()
            Locations =
                new LocationInfo
                    // Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target
                    // constant.
                    GeoTargetConstant =

    // Add the Business Profile location if provided.
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(businessProfileLocation))
        suggestionInfo.BusinessProfileLocation = businessProfileLocation;
        suggestionInfo.BusinessContext = new BusinessContext
            BusinessName = businessName,

    // Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open. This schedule
    // describes a business that is open on Mondays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
    AdScheduleInfo adScheduleInfo = new AdScheduleInfo
        // Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
        DayOfWeek = DayOfWeekEnum.Types.DayOfWeek.Monday,
        // Set the start hour to 9 AM.
        StartHour = 9,
        // Set the end hour to 5 PM.
        EndHour = 17,
        // Set the start and end minutes to zero.
        StartMinute = MinuteOfHourEnum.Types.MinuteOfHour.Zero,
        EndMinute = MinuteOfHourEnum.Types.MinuteOfHour.Zero


    return suggestionInfo;


private static function getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(
    ?string $businessProfileLocationResourceName,
    ?string $businessName
): SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo {
    $suggestionInfo = new SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo([
        // Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
        'final_url' => self::LANDING_PAGE_URL,

        // Adds the language code for the campaign.
        'language_code' => self::LANGUAGE_CODE,

        // Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's also
        // possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity" field,
        // for example:
        // 'proximity' => new ProximityInfo([
        //     'address' => mew AddressInfo([
        //         'post_code' => INSERT_POSTAL_CODE,
        //         'province_code' => INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE,
        //         'country_code' => INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE,
        //         'province_name' => INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME,
        //         'street_address' => INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS,
        //         'street_address2' => INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2,
        //         'city_name' => INSERT_CITY_NAME
        //     ]),
        //     'radius' => INSERT_RADIUS,
        //     'radius_units' => INSERT_RADIUS_UNITS
        // ])
        // For more information on proximities see:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo

        // Adds LocationInfo objects to the list of locations. You have the option of
        // providing multiple locations when using location-based suggestions.
        'location_list' => new LocationList([
            // Sets one location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
            'locations' => [new LocationInfo([
                'geo_target_constant' => ResourceNames::forGeoTargetConstant(

        // Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
        // This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
        // Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
        'ad_schedules' => [new AdScheduleInfo([
            // Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
            'day_of_week' => DayOfWeek::MONDAY,
            // Sets the start hour to 9am.
            'start_hour' => 9,
            // Sets the end hour to 5pm.
            'end_hour' => 17,
            // Sets the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.
            'start_minute' => MinuteOfHour::ZERO,
            'end_minute' => MinuteOfHour::ZERO

    // Sets either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on whichever is
    // provided.
    if ($businessProfileLocationResourceName) {
    } else {
        $suggestionInfo->setBusinessContext(new BusinessContext([
            'business_name' => $businessName
    return $suggestionInfo;


def get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(
    client, business_profile_location, business_name
    """Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.

    The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
    budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.

    Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
    "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        business_profile_location: the resource name of a Business Profile
        business_name: the name of a Business Profile.

        A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
    suggestion_info = client.get_type("SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo")

    # Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
    suggestion_info.final_url = _LANDING_PAGE_URL

    # Add the language code for the campaign.
    suggestion_info.language_code = _LANGUAGE_CODE

    # Construct location information using the given geo target constant. It's
    # also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
    # field on suggestion_info, for example:
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.post_code = INSERT_POSTAL_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.province_code = INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.country_code = INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.province_name = INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.street_address = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.street_address2 = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.city_name = INSERT_CITY_NAME
    # suggestion_info.proximity.radius = INSERT_RADIUS
    # suggestion_info.proximity.radius_units = RADIUS_UNITS
    # For more information on proximities see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
    location = client.get_type("LocationInfo")
    # Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
    location.geo_target_constant = client.get_service(
    # Add the LocationInfo object to the list of locations on the
    # suggestion_info object. You have the option of providing multiple
    # locations when using location-based suggestions.

    # Set either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on
    # whichever is provided.
    if business_profile_location:
        suggestion_info.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
        suggestion_info.business_context.business_name = business_name

    # Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
    # This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
    # Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
    ad_schedule_info = client.get_type("AdScheduleInfo")
    # Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
    ad_schedule_info.day_of_week = client.enums.DayOfWeekEnum.MONDAY
    # Set the start hour to 9am.
    ad_schedule_info.start_hour = 9
    # Set the end hour to 5pm.
    ad_schedule_info.end_hour = 17
    # Set the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.
    zero_minute_of_hour = client.enums.MinuteOfHourEnum.ZERO
    ad_schedule_info.start_minute = zero_minute_of_hour
    ad_schedule_info.end_minute = zero_minute_of_hour

    return suggestion_info


# Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
# The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
# budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.
# Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
# "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
# SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
def get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(

  # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
  # use the suggestion_info field instead.
  suggestion_info = client.resource.smart_campaign_suggestion_info do |si|
    # Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
    si.final_url = LANDING_PAGE_URL
    # Add the language code for the campaign.
    si.language_code = LANGUAGE_CODE
    # Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's
    # also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
    # field on suggestion_info, for example:
    # si.proximity = client.resource.proximity_info do |proximity|
    #   proximity.address = client.resource.address_info do |address|
    #     address.post_code = INSERT_POSTAL_CODE
    #     address.province_code = INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE
    #     address.country_code = INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE
    #     address.province_name = INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME
    #     address.street_address = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS
    #     address.street_address2 = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2
    #     address.city_name = INSERT_CITY_NAME
    #   end
    #   proximity.radius = INSERT_RADIUS
    #   proximity.radius_units = :INSERT_RADIUS_UNIT_ENUM
    # end
    # For more information on proximities see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
    si.location_list = client.resource.location_list do |loc_list|
      # Adds the location_info object to the list of locations on the
      # suggestion_info object. You have the option of providing multiple
      # locations when using location-based suggestions.
      loc_list.locations << client.resource.location_info do |li|
        li.geo_target_constant = client.path.geo_target_constant(GEO_TARGET_CONSTANT)
    # Set either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on
    # whichever is provided.
    if business_profile_location
      si.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
      si.business_context = client.resource.business_context do |bc|
        bc.business_name = business_name
    # Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
    # This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
    # Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
    si.ad_schedules += [
      client.resource.ad_schedule_info do |as|
        # Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
        as.day_of_week = :MONDAY
        # Sets the start hour to 9:00am.
        as.start_hour = 9
        as.start_minute = :ZERO
        # Sets the end hour to 5:00pm.
        as.end_hour = 17
        as.end_minute = :ZERO



# Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
# The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a budget
# amount as well as creatives for the ad.
# Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions you must set the
# "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields on the
# SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
sub _get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info {
  my ($business_profile_location, $business_name) = @_;

  my $suggestion_info =
      # Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
      finalUrl => LANDING_PAGE_URL,
      # Add the language code for the campaign.
      languageCode => LANGUAGE_CODE,
      # Construct location information using the given geo target constant.
      # It's also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the
      # "proximity" field on suggestion_info, for example:
      # proximity => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::ProximityInfo->new({
      #     address => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::AddressInfo->new({
      #         postalCode     => "INSERT_POSTAL_CODE",
      #         provinceCode   => "INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE",
      #         countryCode    => "INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE",
      #         provinceName   => "INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME",
      #         streetAddress  => "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS",
      #         streetAddress2 => "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2",
      #         cityName       => "INSERT_CITY_NAME"
      #       }
      #     ),
      #     radius      => "INSERT_RADIUS",
      #     radiusUnits => MILES
      #   }
      # ),
      # For more information on proximities see:
      # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
      locationList =>

  # Add the LocationInfo object to the list of locations on the SuggestionInfo
  # object. You have the option of providing multiple locations when using
  # location-based suggestions.
  push @{$suggestion_info->{locationList}{locations}},
      # Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
      geoTargetConstant =>

  # Set one of the business_profile_location or business_name, whichever is provided.
  if (defined $business_profile_location) {
    $suggestion_info->{businessProfileLocation} =
  } else {
    $suggestion_info->{businessContext} =
        businessName => $business_name

  # Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open. This
  # example schedule describes a business that is open on Mondays from 9:00 AM
  # to 5:00 PM.
  push @{$suggestion_info->{adSchedules}},
      # Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
      dayOfWeek => MONDAY,
      # Set the start hour to 9 AM.
      startHour => 9,
      # Set the end hour to 5 PM.
      endHour => 17,
      # Set the start and end minutes to zero.
      startMinute => ZERO,
      endMinute   => ZERO

  return $suggestion_info;

فهرستی از مضامین کلمات کلیدی بسازید

موضوع کلمه کلیدی یک کلمه یا عبارت واحد است که نشان دهنده گروهی از عبارات جستجوی مرتبط است. به عنوان مثال " نانوایی " مربوط به " نانوایی نزدیک من " و " نانوایی محلی " است. آنها در Google Ads API توسط منبع KeywordTheme نشان داده می شوند که معمولاً به یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo متصل می شود و می تواند یک KeywordThemeConstant یا یک موضوع کلیدواژه رایگان باشد.

تم های پیشنهادی کلمات کلیدی

با توجه به یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ، روش سرویس SuggestKeywordThemes با استفاده از جزئیات کسب و کار شما، موقعیت مکانی آن و محتوای وب سایت، مضامین کلیدواژه را پیشنهاد می کند.

برای بهینه سازی کامل عملکرد کمپین هوشمند خود، هنگام ایجاد تم های کلیدواژه از روش SuggestKeywordThemes استفاده کنید. از آنجایی که جزئیات خاصی را در مورد کسب و کار و وب سایت آن جمع آوری می کند، مضامین کلمات کلیدی بسیار بهتری را نسبت به دو استراتژی دیگر ایجاد می کند که بهترین گزینه ها به عنوان گزینه های پشتیبان در نظر گرفته می شوند.


private List<KeywordTheme> getKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  // Creates the service client.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    // Sends the request.
    SuggestKeywordThemesResponse response =
    // Prints some information about the result.
        "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes method.%n",
    return new ArrayList(response.getKeywordThemesList());

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants suggestions with the SmartCampaignSuggestService.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo">The suggestion information.</param>
/// <returns>The suggestions.</returns>
private List<KeywordThemeConstant> GetKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =

    SuggestKeywordThemesRequest request = new SuggestKeywordThemesRequest()
        SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo,
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString()

    SuggestKeywordThemesResponse response =

    // Prints some information about the result.
    Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved {response.KeywordThemes.Count} keyword theme " +
        $"constant suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes method.");
    return response.KeywordThemes.ToList().ConvertAll(x => x.KeywordThemeConstant);


private static function getKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
): array {
    $smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient =

    // Issues a request to retrieve the keyword themes.
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient->suggestKeywordThemes(
        (new SuggestKeywordThemesRequest())

        "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes "
        . "method.%s",
    return iterator_to_array($response->getKeywordThemes()->getIterator());


def get_keyword_theme_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves KeywordThemes using the given suggestion info.

    Here we use the SuggestKeywordThemes method, which uses all of the business
    details included in the given SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance to
    generate keyword theme suggestions. This is the recommended way to
    generate keyword themes because it uses detailed information about your
    business, its location, and website content to generate keyword themes.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a list of KeywordThemes.
    smart_campaign_suggest_service = client.get_service(
    request = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemesRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    response = smart_campaign_suggest_service.suggest_keyword_themes(

        f"Retrieved {len(response.keyword_themes)} keyword theme suggestions "
        "from the SuggestKeywordThemes method."
    return response.keyword_themes


def get_keyword_theme_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_keyword_themes(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  puts "Retrieved #{response.keyword_themes.size} keyword theme" \
    " suggestions from SuggestKeywordThemes service."
  return response.keyword_themes


# Retrieves KeywordThemes using the given suggestion info.
# Here we use the SuggestKeywordThemes method, which uses all of the business
# details included in the given SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance to generate
# keyword theme suggestions. This is the recommended way to generate keyword themes
# because it uses detailed information about your business, its location, and
# website content to generate keyword themes.
sub _get_keyword_theme_suggestions {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  my $response =
        customerId     => $customer_id,
        suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  printf "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes"
    . "method.\n",
    scalar @{$response->{keywordThemes}};

  return $response->{keywordThemes};

با توجه به یک کلمه یا عبارت، KeywordThemeConstantService KeywordThemeConstants پیشنهاد می کند که از داده های تکمیل خودکار متن داده شده مشتق شده اند. اگر برای مثال، کسب و کاری که تبلیغ می شود، وب سایت یا اطلاعات کافی برای استفاده از روش SuggestKeywordThemes نداشته باشد، این استراتژی جایگزین مفیدی است. این روش فقط در صورتی باید استفاده شود که روش SuggestKeywordThemes قابل استفاده نباشد یا پیشنهادات ناکافی را برگرداند.


private List<KeywordTheme> getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, String keywordText) {
  try (KeywordThemeConstantServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createKeywordThemeConstantServiceClient()) {
    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest request =
    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsResponse response = client.suggestKeywordThemeConstants(request);
    // Converts the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency with the
    // response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    return response.getKeywordThemeConstantsList().stream()
            keywordThemeConstant ->

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants that are derived from autocomplete data for the
/// given keyword text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="keywordText">A keyword used for generating keyword auto completions.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A list of KeywordThemeConstants.</returns>
private IEnumerable<KeywordThemeConstant> GetKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient client, string keywordText)
    KeywordThemeConstantServiceClient keywordThemeConstantServiceClient =

    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest request = new SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest
        QueryText = keywordText,
        CountryCode = COUNTRY_CODE,
        LanguageCode = LANGUAGE_CODE

    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsResponse response =

    Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved {response.KeywordThemeConstants.Count} keyword theme " +
        $"constants using the keyword '{keywordText}'.");
    return response.KeywordThemeConstants.ToList();


private static function getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    string $keywordText
): array {
    $keywordThemeConstantService = $googleAdsClient->getKeywordThemeConstantServiceClient();

    // Issues a request to retrieve the keyword theme constants.
    $response = $keywordThemeConstantService->suggestKeywordThemeConstants(
        (new SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest())

        "Retrieved %d keyword theme constants using the keyword: '%s'.%s",

    // Maps the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency with the
    // response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    return array_map(function (KeywordThemeConstant $keywordThemeConstant) {
        return new KeywordTheme([
            'keyword_theme_constant' => $keywordThemeConstant
    }, iterator_to_array($response->getKeywordThemeConstants()->getIterator()));


def get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text):
    """Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants for the given keyword text.

    These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the
    given keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        keyword_text: a keyword used for generating keyword themes.

        a list of KeywordThemes.
    keyword_theme_constant_service = client.get_service(
    request = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest")
    request.query_text = keyword_text
    request.country_code = _COUNTRY_CODE
    request.language_code = _LANGUAGE_CODE

    response = keyword_theme_constant_service.suggest_keyword_theme_constants(

        f"Retrieved {len(response.keyword_theme_constants)} keyword theme "
        f"constants using the keyword: '{keyword_text}'"

    # Map the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency
    # with the response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    keyword_themes = []
    KeywordTheme = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemesResponse").KeywordTheme
    for keyword_theme_constant in response.keyword_theme_constants:
        keyword_theme = KeywordTheme()
        keyword_theme.keyword_theme_constant = keyword_theme_constant

    return keyword_themes


# Retrieves keyword_theme_constants for the given criteria.
# These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the given
# keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.
def get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text)
  response = client.service.keyword_theme_constant.suggest_keyword_theme_constants(
    query_text: keyword_text,
    country_code: COUNTRY_CODE,
    language_code: LANGUAGE_CODE,

  puts "Retrieved #{response.keyword_theme_constants.size} keyword theme" \
    "constants using the keyword: '#{keyword_text}'"

  response.keyword_theme_constants.map do |ktc|
    client.resource.keyword_theme do |kt|
      kt.keyword_theme_constant = ktc


# Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants for the given keyword text.
# These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the given
# keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.
sub _get_keyword_text_auto_completions {
  my ($api_client, $keyword_text) = @_;

  my $response = $api_client->KeywordThemeConstantService()->suggest(
        queryText    => $keyword_text,
        countryCode  => COUNTRY_CODE,
        languageCode => LANGUAGE_CODE

  printf "Retrieved %d keyword theme constants using the keyword '%s'.\n",
    scalar @{$response->{keywordThemeConstants}}, $keyword_text;

  # Map the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency
  # with the response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
  my $keyword_themes = [];
  foreach my $keyword_theme_constant (@{$response->{keywordThemeConstants}}) {
    push @$keyword_themes,
        keywordThemeConstant => $keyword_theme_constant

  return $keyword_themes;

مضامین کلیدواژه آزاد

در نهایت، با تنظیم فیلد free_form_keyword_theme در یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo ، مضامین کلیدواژه رایگان را می‌توان به صورت دستی ایجاد کرد.

استفاده از قالب‌های کلیدواژه آزاد معمولاً توصیه نمی‌شود، زیرا تأثیر کمتری نسبت به تم‌های کلیدواژه پیشنهادی دارند. با این حال، آنها در شرایطی مفید هستند که یک اصطلاح بسیار خاص باید مورد هدف قرار گیرد، یا زمانی که می خواهید یک اصطلاح را به طور منفی هدف قرار دهید .

روش SuggestKeywordThemes ممکن است تم های کلیدواژه رایگان را پیشنهاد کند، اما فقط در صورتی که یک final_url در درخواست ارائه دهید.


if (freeFormKeywordText != null) {

سی شارپ



// Optionally includes any free-form keywords in verbatim.
if (!empty($freeFormKeywordText)) {
    $keywordThemeInfos[] =
        new KeywordThemeInfo(['free_form_keyword_theme' => $freeFormKeywordText]);


def get_free_form_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text):
    """Creates a KeywordThemeInfo using the given free-form keyword text.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        free_form_keyword_text: a keyword used to create a free-form keyword

        a KeywordThemeInfo instance.
    info = client.get_type("KeywordThemeInfo")
    info.free_form_keyword_theme = free_form_keyword_text
    return info


def get_freeform_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text)
  client.resource.keyword_theme_info do |kti|
    kti.free_form_keyword_theme = free_form_keyword_text


# Creates a KeywordInfo instance using the given free-form keyword text.
sub _get_free_form_keyword_theme_info {
  my ($free_form_keyword_text) = @_;

  return Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordThemeInfo->new({
    freeFormKeywordTheme => $free_form_keyword_text

این دو استراتژی باید به گونه ای اعمال شوند که هر یک از انواع مختلف تم های کلیدواژه به یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo متصل شود:


// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many of the
// entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number of times to
// retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo =
    getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(googleAdsClient, businessProfileLocation, businessName);

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this strategy for
// generating keyword themes.
List<KeywordTheme> keywordThemes =
    getKeywordThemeSuggestions(googleAdsClient, customerId, suggestionInfo);

// If a keyword text is given, retrieves keyword theme constant suggestions from the
// KeywordThemeConstantService, maps them to KeywordThemes, and appends them to the existing
// list.
// This logic should ideally only be used if the suggestions from the
// getKeywordThemeSuggestions function are insufficient.
if (keywordText != null) {
  keywordThemes.addAll(getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(googleAdsClient, keywordText));

// Converts the list of KeywordThemes to a list of KeywordThemes objects.
List<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos = getKeywordThemeInfos(keywordThemes);

// Optionally includes any freeForm keywords in verbatim.
if (freeFormKeywordText != null) {

// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.
suggestionInfo = suggestionInfo.toBuilder().addAllKeywordThemes(keywordThemeInfos).build();

سی شارپ

// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many
// of the entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
// of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ad
//creatives, and campaign criteria.
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo =
    GetSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(client, businessProfileLocation, businessName);

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this
// strategy for generating keyword themes.
List<KeywordThemeConstant> keywordThemeConstants =
    GetKeywordThemeSuggestions(client, customerId, suggestionInfo);

// Optionally retrieves auto-complete suggestions for the given keyword text and
// adds them to the list of keyWordThemeConstants.
if (keywordText != null)
        client, keywordText));

// Converts the KeywordThemeConstants to KeywordThemeInfos.
List<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos = keywordThemeConstants.Select(
    constant =>
        new KeywordThemeInfo { KeywordThemeConstant = constant.ResourceName })

// Optionally includes any freeform keywords verbatim.
if (freeFormKeywordText != null)
    keywordThemeInfos.Add(new KeywordThemeInfo()
        FreeFormKeywordTheme = freeFormKeywordText

// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.


// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many of the
// entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number of times to
// retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ads, and campaign criteria.
$suggestionInfo = self::getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this strategy for
// generating keyword themes.
$keywordThemes =
    self::getKeywordThemeSuggestions($googleAdsClient, $customerId, $suggestionInfo);

// Optionally retrieves auto-complete suggestions for the given keyword text and adds them
// to the list of keyword themes.
if (!empty($keywordText)) {
    $keywordThemes = array_merge(
        self::getKeywordTextAutoCompletions($googleAdsClient, $keywordText)

// Maps the list of KeywordThemes to KeywordThemeInfos.
$keywordThemeInfos = array_map(function (KeywordTheme $keywordTheme) {
    if ($keywordTheme->getKeywordThemeConstant()) {
        return new KeywordThemeInfo([
            'keyword_theme_constant' => $keywordTheme->getKeywordThemeConstant()
    } elseif ($keywordTheme->getFreeFormKeywordTheme()) {
        return new KeywordThemeInfo([
            'free_form_keyword_theme' => $keywordTheme->getFreeFormKeywordTheme()
    } else {
        throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
            'A malformed KeywordTheme was encountered: ' . $keywordTheme->getKeywordTheme()
}, $keywordThemes);

// Optionally includes any free-form keywords in verbatim.
if (!empty($freeFormKeywordText)) {
    $keywordThemeInfos[] =
        new KeywordThemeInfo(['free_form_keyword_theme' => $freeFormKeywordText]);
// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.
$suggestionInfo = $suggestionInfo->setKeywordThemes($keywordThemeInfos);


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
suggestion_info = get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(
    client, business_profile_location, business_name

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
keyword_themes = get_keyword_theme_suggestions(
    client, customer_id, suggestion_info

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and
# append them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used
# if the suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions function are
# insufficient.
if keyword_text:
        get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text)

# Map the KeywordThemes retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
keyword_theme_infos = map_keyword_themes_to_keyword_infos(
    client, keyword_themes

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if free_form_keyword_text:
        get_free_form_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text)

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
suggestion_info.keyword_themes = keyword_theme_infos


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
suggestion_info = get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
keyword_themes = get_keyword_theme_suggestions(

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and append
# them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used if the
# suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions function are
# insufficient.
if keyword_text
  keyword_themes += get_keyword_text_auto_completions(

# Map the KeywordThemeConstants retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
keyword_theme_infos = map_keyword_themes_to_keyword_infos(

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if free_form_keyword_text
  keyword_theme_infos << get_freeform_keyword_theme_info(

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
suggestion_info.keyword_themes += keyword_theme_infos


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
my $suggestion_info =

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
my $keyword_themes =
  _get_keyword_theme_suggestions($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info);

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and
# append them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used
# if the suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions funtion are
# insufficient.
if (defined $keyword_text) {
  push @$keyword_themes,
    @{_get_keyword_text_auto_completions($api_client, $keyword_text)};

# Map the KeywordThemeConstants retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
my $keyword_theme_infos = _map_keyword_themes_to_infos($keyword_themes);

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if (defined $free_form_keyword_text) {
  push @$keyword_theme_infos,

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
$suggestion_info->{keywordThemes} = $keyword_theme_infos;

مقدار بودجه پیشنهادی را دریافت کنید

SmartCampaignSuggestService دارای یک روش SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions است که در صورت داشتن مجموعه ای از موضوعات کلیدواژه و جزئیات کسب و کار، سه سطح از گزینه های بودجه روزانه را پیشنهاد می کند. سطوح low ، high و recommended و هر گزینه همچنین شامل حداقل و حداکثر تعداد کلیک‌های روزانه تخمینی می‌شود.


private long getBudgetSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest.Builder request =

  // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
  // "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
  // and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
  // request.setCampaign("INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE");

  // Uses the suggestion_info field instead, since these suggestions are for a new campaign.

  // Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse response =
    BudgetOption recommendation = response.getRecommended();
        "A daily budget amount of %d micros was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of %d"
            + " clicks and an estimated maximum of %d per day.%n",
    return recommendation.getDailyAmountMicros();

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
/// Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new and existing
/// Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns achieve optimal
/// performance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo"></param>
/// <returns>A daily budget amount in micros.</returns>
private long GetBudgetSuggestion(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient = client.GetService

    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest request =
        new SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest
            CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
            // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
            // "Campaign" field of the request to the resource name of a campaign and
            // leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
            // Campaign = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE",

            // Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
            // SuggestionInfo field instead.
            SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo,

    LocationInfo locationInfo = new LocationInfo
        // Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
        GeoTargetConstant = ResourceNames.GeoTargetConstant(GEO_TARGET_CONSTANT)

    // Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse response =

    // Three tiers of options will be returned: "low", "high", and "recommended".
    // Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros, where
    // one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
    Console.WriteLine($"A daily budget amount of " +
        $"{response.Recommended.DailyAmountMicros}" +
        $" was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of " +
        $"{response.Recommended.Metrics.MinDailyClicks} clicks and an estimated " +
        $"maximum of {response.Recommended.Metrics.MaxDailyClicks} clicks per day.");

    return response.Recommended.DailyAmountMicros;


private static function getBudgetSuggestion(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
): int {

    // Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    $smartCampaignSuggestService = $googleAdsClient->getSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient();
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestService->suggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions(
        (new SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest())
            // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the "campaign"
            // field equal to the resource name of a campaign:
            // ->setCampaign('INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE');
            // Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
            // suggestion_info field instead.

    // Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and "recommended". Here we will
    // use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros, where one million is
    // equivalent to one currency unit.
    $recommendation = $response->getRecommended();
        "A daily budget amount of %d micros was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of "
        . "%d clicks and an estimated maximum of %d per day.%s",

    return $recommendation->getDailyAmountMicros();


def get_budget_suggestion(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.

    Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new
    and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
    campaigns achieve optimal performance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a daily budget amount in micros.
    sc_suggest_service = client.get_service("SmartCampaignSuggestService")
    request = client.get_type("SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
    # "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
    # and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:

    # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
    # use the suggestion_info field instead.
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    # Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    response = sc_suggest_service.suggest_smart_campaign_budget_options(

    # Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and
    # "recommended". Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is
    # specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
    recommendation = response.recommended
        f"A daily budget amount of {recommendation.daily_amount_micros} micros "
        "was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of "
        f"{recommendation.metrics.min_daily_clicks} clicks and an estimated "
        f"maximum of {recommendation.metrics.max_daily_clicks} per day."

    return recommendation.daily_amount_micros


# Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new
# and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
# campaigns achieve optimal performance.
def get_budget_suggestion(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  # Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_smart_campaign_budget_options(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
    # "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
    # and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
    # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
    # use the suggestion_info field instead.
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  # Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and
  # "recommended". Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is
  # specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
  recommendation = response.recommended
  puts "A daily budget amount of #{recommendation.daily_amount_micros} micros" \
    " was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of" \
    " #{recommendation.metrics.min_daily_clicks} clicks and an estimated" \
    " maximum of #{recommendation.metrics.max_daily_clicks} per day."



# Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns
# achieve optimal performance.
sub _get_budget_suggestion {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  my $request =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
      # "campaign" field of the request to the resource name of a campaign and
      # leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
      # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
      # "suggestion_info" field instead.
      suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  # Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  my $response = $api_client->SmartCampaignSuggestService()

  # Three tiers of options will be returned: "low", "high", and "recommended".
  # Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros,
  # where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
  printf "A daily budget amount of %d was suggested, garnering an estimated " .
    "minimum of %d clicks and an estimated maximum of %d clicks per day.\n",

  return $response->{recommended}{dailyAmountMicros};

دارایی های متن آگهی پیشنهادی را دریافت کنید

SmartCampaignSuggestService دارای یک روش SuggestSmartCampaignAd است که یک نمونه SmartCampaignAdInfo با پیشنهادهایی برای حداکثر سه عنوان و دو توضیح برای تبلیغات کمپین هوشمند شما برمی گرداند. هر عنوان و توضیحات در فیلد یک نمونه AdTextAsset متصل به SmartCampaignAdInfo موجود است.

این روش ممکن است هیچ پیشنهادی برگرداند، یا نمونه‌های AdTextAsset که برگردانده می‌شوند ممکن است یک رشته خالی به عنوان مقدار فیلد text خود داشته باشند. توصیه می کنیم این پیشنهادها را قبل از استفاده برای ایجاد تبلیغات مرور کنید تا مطمئن شوید که تبلیغات همیشه با حداقل 3 عنوان و 2 توضیح ایجاد می شوند. اگر این حداقل رعایت نشود، یا اگر هر یک از متن دارایی خیلی کوتاه باشد، درخواست با خطا انجام نخواهد شد.

پیشنهادات برای دارایی‌های تبلیغاتی عمدتاً از محتوای وب‌سایت نشأت می‌گیرند، بنابراین اگر یک final_url در نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo مشخص نشده باشد، پیشنهادها صرفاً از موضوعات کلیدواژه ارائه‌شده در درخواست ایجاد می‌شوند.


private SmartCampaignAdInfo getAdSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to use
  // suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.

  // Issues a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    SuggestSmartCampaignAdResponse response =

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to three headlines
    // and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions may have empty strings as text.
    // Before setting these on the ad you should review them and filter out any empty values.
    SmartCampaignAdInfo adSuggestions = response.getAdInfo();
    for (AdTextAsset headline : adSuggestions.getHeadlinesList()) {
      System.out.println(!headline.getText().isEmpty() ? headline.getText() : "None");
    for (AdTextAsset description : adSuggestions.getDescriptionsList()) {
      System.out.println(!description.getText().isEmpty() ? description.getText() : "None");
    return adSuggestions;

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
/// Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new
/// and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps
/// the campaigns achieve optimal performance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client"></param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo">a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance
/// with details about the business being advertised.</param>
/// <returns>A SmartCampaignAdInfo instance with suggested headlines and
/// descriptions.</returns>
private SmartCampaignAdInfo GetAdSuggestions(GoogleAdsClient client,
    long customerId, SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =

    SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest request = new SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
        // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to
        // use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
        SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo

    // Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    SuggestSmartCampaignAdResponse response =

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
    // three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
    // may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
    // review them and filter out any empty values.
    SmartCampaignAdInfo adSuggestions = response.AdInfo;

    if (adSuggestions != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"The following headlines were suggested:");
        foreach (AdTextAsset headline in adSuggestions.Headlines)

        Console.WriteLine($"And the following descriptions were suggested:");
        foreach (AdTextAsset description in adSuggestions.Descriptions)
        Console.WriteLine("No ad suggestions were found.");
        adSuggestions = new SmartCampaignAdInfo();

    return adSuggestions;


private static function getAdSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
) {
    // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to use
    // suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.

    // Issues a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    $smartCampaignSuggestService = $googleAdsClient->getSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient();
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestService->suggestSmartCampaignAd(
        (new SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest())

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to three headlines
    // and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions may have empty strings as text.
    // Before setting these on the ad you should review them and filter out any empty values.
    $adSuggestions = $response->getAdInfo();
    if (is_null($adSuggestions)) {
        return null;
    print 'The following headlines were suggested:' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($adSuggestions->getHeadlines() as $headline) {
        print "\t" . ($headline->getText() ?: 'None') . PHP_EOL;
    print 'And the following descriptions were suggested:' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($adSuggestions->getDescriptions() as $description) {
        print "\t" . ($description->getText() ?: 'None') . PHP_EOL;
    return $adSuggestions;


def get_ad_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.

    Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
    existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
    campaigns achieve optimal performance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a SmartCampaignAdInfo instance with suggested headlines and
    sc_suggest_service = client.get_service("SmartCampaignSuggestService")
    request = client.get_type("SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id

    # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible
    # to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    response = sc_suggest_service.suggest_smart_campaign_ad(request=request)

    # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
    # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
    # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
    # review them and filter out any empty values.
    ad_suggestions = response.ad_info

    print("The following headlines were suggested:")
    for headline in ad_suggestions.headlines:
        print(f"\t{headline.text or '<None>'}")

    print("And the following descriptions were suggested:")
    for description in ad_suggestions.descriptions:
        print(f"\t{description.text or '<None>'}")

    return ad_suggestions


# Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
# campaigns achieve optimal performance.
def get_ad_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_smart_campaign_ad(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible
    # to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
  # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
  # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
  # review them and filter out any empty values.
  ad_suggestions = response.ad_info

  # If there are no suggestions, the response will be blank.
  return nil if ad_suggestions.nil?

  puts 'The following headlines were suggested:'
  ad_suggestions.headlines.each do  |headline|
    puts "\t#{headline.text || '<None>'}"

  puts 'And the following descriptions were suggested:'
  ad_suggestions.descriptions.each do |description|
    puts "\t#{description.text || '<None>'}"



# Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns
# achieve optimal performance.
sub _get_ad_suggestions {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  my $response =
        customerId => $customer_id,
        # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only
        # possible to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
        suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
  # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
  # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
  # review them and filter out any empty values.
  my $ad_suggestions = $response->{adInfo};
  printf "The following headlines were suggested:\n";
  foreach my $headline (@{$ad_suggestions->{headlines}}) {
    printf "\t%s\n", defined $headline->{text} ? $headline->{text} : "<None>";
  printf "And the following descriptions were suggested:\n";
  foreach my $description (@{$ad_suggestions->{descriptions}}) {
    printf "\t%s\n",
      defined $description->{text} ? $description->{text} : "<None>";

  return $ad_suggestions;


Google Ads API SmartCampaignSuggestService را برای پیشنهاد جزئیات پیکربندی هنگام ایجاد کمپین های هوشمند نشان می دهد. از جزئیات کسب و کار در حال تبلیغ (در قالب یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ) برای پیشنهاد مضامین کلیدواژه، مقدار بودجه، و همچنین سرفصل ها و توضیحات برای تبلیغات فردی استفاده می کند.

یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ایجاد کنید

ایجاد پیشنهادهای کمپین هوشمند نیاز به استفاده از یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo دارد که حاوی جزئیاتی درباره کسب و کار در حال تبلیغ است. از آنجایی که می‌توانید از یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo برای بازیابی انواع مختلف پیشنهادات کمپین هوشمند استفاده کنید، می‌توانید ابتدا یکی را ایجاد کرده و چندین بار از آن استفاده مجدد کنید.

الزامات کلیدی برای SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo :

  • یک صفحه فرود مورد نیاز است که می تواند یک وب سایت موجود ( final_url ) یا یک صفحه فرود خودکار باشد که برای کمپین شما با استفاده از اطلاعات نمایه کسب و کار به دست آمده با شناسه business_profile_location ایجاد شده است. اگر قصد دارید از صفحه فرود خودکار استفاده کنید، هنگام ایجاد پیشنهادات، حتماً قسمت business_profile_location تنظیم کنید.

    • اگر final_url تنظیم شده باشد، می‌توان business_profile_location یا business_name تنظیم کرد.
    • اگر final_url تنظیم نشده باشد، باید business_profile_location تنظیم شود.
  • هنگامی که برای بازیابی پیشنهادات موضوع کلیدواژه از روش SuggestKeywordThemes استفاده می شود، لازم نیست قسمت keyword_themes تنظیم کنید.

  • وقتی برای بازیابی پیشنهادهای تبلیغاتی از روش SuggestSmartCampaignAd استفاده می‌شود، فیلدهای language_code و keyword_themes مورد نیاز است.

  • برای پیشنهادات بهینه باید تا حد امکان جزئیات به شی اضافه شود.


private SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, String businessProfileLocation, String businessName) {
  SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo.Builder suggestionInfoBuilder =
          // Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
          // Adds the language code for the campaign.
          // Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's also
          // possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity" field,
          // for example:
          // .setProximity(
          //     ProximityInfo.newBuilder()
          //         .setAddress(
          //             AddressInfo.newBuilder()
          //                 .setPostalCode(INSERT_POSTAL_CODE)
          //                 .setProvinceCode(INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE)
          //                 .setCountryCode(INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE)
          //                 .setProvinceName(INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME)
          //                 .setStreetAddress(INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS)
          //                 .setStreetAddress2(INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2)
          //                 .setCityName(INSERT_CITY_NAME)
          //                 .build())
          //         .setRadius(INSERT_RADIUS)
          //         .setRadiusUnits(INSERT_RADIUS_UNITS)
          //         .build())
          // For more information on proximities see:
          // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
          // Adds LocationInfo objects to the list of locations. You have the option of
          // providing multiple locations when using location-based suggestions.
                  // Sets one location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
          // Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
          // This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
          // Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
                  // Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
                  // Sets the start hour to 9am.
                  // Sets the end hour to 5pm.
                  // Sets the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.

  // Sets either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on whichever is
  // provided.
  if (businessProfileLocation != null) {
  } else {
  return suggestionInfoBuilder.build();

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
/// The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
/// budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.
/// Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
/// "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
/// SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="businessProfileLocation">The identifier of a Business Profile location.
/// </param>
/// <param name="businessName">The name of a Business Profile.</param>
/// <returns>A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance .</returns>
private SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo GetSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(GoogleAdsClient client,
    string businessProfileLocation, string businessName)
    // Note: This is broken since businessLocationId is not yet renamed in
    // SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo. The use of dynamic temporarily fixes the broken build.
    // TODO(Anash): Revert the type change once this field is fixed.
    dynamic suggestionInfo = new SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo
        // Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
        FinalUrl = LANDING_PAGE_URL,
        LanguageCode = LANGUAGE_CODE,
        // Construct location information using the given geo target constant. It's
        // also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
        // field on suggestion_info, for example:
        // Proximity = new ProximityInfo
        // {
        //     Address = new AddressInfo
        //     {
        //         PostalCode = "INSERT_POSTAL_CODE",
        //         ProvinceCode = "INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE",
        //         CountryCode = "INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE",
        //         ProvinceName = "INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME",
        //         StreetAddress = "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS",
        //         StreetAddress2 = "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2",
        //         CityName = "INSERT_CITY_NAME"
        //     },
        //     Radius = Double.Parse("INSERT_RADIUS"),
        //     RadiusUnits = ProximityRadiusUnits.Kilometers
        // }
        // For more information on proximities see:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
        LocationList = new LocationList()
            Locations =
                new LocationInfo
                    // Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target
                    // constant.
                    GeoTargetConstant =

    // Add the Business Profile location if provided.
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(businessProfileLocation))
        suggestionInfo.BusinessProfileLocation = businessProfileLocation;
        suggestionInfo.BusinessContext = new BusinessContext
            BusinessName = businessName,

    // Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open. This schedule
    // describes a business that is open on Mondays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
    AdScheduleInfo adScheduleInfo = new AdScheduleInfo
        // Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
        DayOfWeek = DayOfWeekEnum.Types.DayOfWeek.Monday,
        // Set the start hour to 9 AM.
        StartHour = 9,
        // Set the end hour to 5 PM.
        EndHour = 17,
        // Set the start and end minutes to zero.
        StartMinute = MinuteOfHourEnum.Types.MinuteOfHour.Zero,
        EndMinute = MinuteOfHourEnum.Types.MinuteOfHour.Zero


    return suggestionInfo;


private static function getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(
    ?string $businessProfileLocationResourceName,
    ?string $businessName
): SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo {
    $suggestionInfo = new SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo([
        // Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
        'final_url' => self::LANDING_PAGE_URL,

        // Adds the language code for the campaign.
        'language_code' => self::LANGUAGE_CODE,

        // Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's also
        // possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity" field,
        // for example:
        // 'proximity' => new ProximityInfo([
        //     'address' => mew AddressInfo([
        //         'post_code' => INSERT_POSTAL_CODE,
        //         'province_code' => INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE,
        //         'country_code' => INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE,
        //         'province_name' => INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME,
        //         'street_address' => INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS,
        //         'street_address2' => INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2,
        //         'city_name' => INSERT_CITY_NAME
        //     ]),
        //     'radius' => INSERT_RADIUS,
        //     'radius_units' => INSERT_RADIUS_UNITS
        // ])
        // For more information on proximities see:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo

        // Adds LocationInfo objects to the list of locations. You have the option of
        // providing multiple locations when using location-based suggestions.
        'location_list' => new LocationList([
            // Sets one location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
            'locations' => [new LocationInfo([
                'geo_target_constant' => ResourceNames::forGeoTargetConstant(

        // Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
        // This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
        // Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
        'ad_schedules' => [new AdScheduleInfo([
            // Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
            'day_of_week' => DayOfWeek::MONDAY,
            // Sets the start hour to 9am.
            'start_hour' => 9,
            // Sets the end hour to 5pm.
            'end_hour' => 17,
            // Sets the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.
            'start_minute' => MinuteOfHour::ZERO,
            'end_minute' => MinuteOfHour::ZERO

    // Sets either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on whichever is
    // provided.
    if ($businessProfileLocationResourceName) {
    } else {
        $suggestionInfo->setBusinessContext(new BusinessContext([
            'business_name' => $businessName
    return $suggestionInfo;


def get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(
    client, business_profile_location, business_name
    """Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.

    The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
    budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.

    Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
    "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        business_profile_location: the resource name of a Business Profile
        business_name: the name of a Business Profile.

        A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
    suggestion_info = client.get_type("SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo")

    # Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
    suggestion_info.final_url = _LANDING_PAGE_URL

    # Add the language code for the campaign.
    suggestion_info.language_code = _LANGUAGE_CODE

    # Construct location information using the given geo target constant. It's
    # also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
    # field on suggestion_info, for example:
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.post_code = INSERT_POSTAL_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.province_code = INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.country_code = INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.province_name = INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.street_address = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.street_address2 = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.city_name = INSERT_CITY_NAME
    # suggestion_info.proximity.radius = INSERT_RADIUS
    # suggestion_info.proximity.radius_units = RADIUS_UNITS
    # For more information on proximities see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
    location = client.get_type("LocationInfo")
    # Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
    location.geo_target_constant = client.get_service(
    # Add the LocationInfo object to the list of locations on the
    # suggestion_info object. You have the option of providing multiple
    # locations when using location-based suggestions.

    # Set either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on
    # whichever is provided.
    if business_profile_location:
        suggestion_info.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
        suggestion_info.business_context.business_name = business_name

    # Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
    # This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
    # Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
    ad_schedule_info = client.get_type("AdScheduleInfo")
    # Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
    ad_schedule_info.day_of_week = client.enums.DayOfWeekEnum.MONDAY
    # Set the start hour to 9am.
    ad_schedule_info.start_hour = 9
    # Set the end hour to 5pm.
    ad_schedule_info.end_hour = 17
    # Set the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.
    zero_minute_of_hour = client.enums.MinuteOfHourEnum.ZERO
    ad_schedule_info.start_minute = zero_minute_of_hour
    ad_schedule_info.end_minute = zero_minute_of_hour

    return suggestion_info


# Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
# The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
# budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.
# Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
# "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
# SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
def get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(

  # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
  # use the suggestion_info field instead.
  suggestion_info = client.resource.smart_campaign_suggestion_info do |si|
    # Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
    si.final_url = LANDING_PAGE_URL
    # Add the language code for the campaign.
    si.language_code = LANGUAGE_CODE
    # Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's
    # also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
    # field on suggestion_info, for example:
    # si.proximity = client.resource.proximity_info do |proximity|
    #   proximity.address = client.resource.address_info do |address|
    #     address.post_code = INSERT_POSTAL_CODE
    #     address.province_code = INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE
    #     address.country_code = INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE
    #     address.province_name = INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME
    #     address.street_address = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS
    #     address.street_address2 = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2
    #     address.city_name = INSERT_CITY_NAME
    #   end
    #   proximity.radius = INSERT_RADIUS
    #   proximity.radius_units = :INSERT_RADIUS_UNIT_ENUM
    # end
    # For more information on proximities see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
    si.location_list = client.resource.location_list do |loc_list|
      # Adds the location_info object to the list of locations on the
      # suggestion_info object. You have the option of providing multiple
      # locations when using location-based suggestions.
      loc_list.locations << client.resource.location_info do |li|
        li.geo_target_constant = client.path.geo_target_constant(GEO_TARGET_CONSTANT)
    # Set either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on
    # whichever is provided.
    if business_profile_location
      si.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
      si.business_context = client.resource.business_context do |bc|
        bc.business_name = business_name
    # Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
    # This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
    # Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
    si.ad_schedules += [
      client.resource.ad_schedule_info do |as|
        # Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
        as.day_of_week = :MONDAY
        # Sets the start hour to 9:00am.
        as.start_hour = 9
        as.start_minute = :ZERO
        # Sets the end hour to 5:00pm.
        as.end_hour = 17
        as.end_minute = :ZERO



# Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
# The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a budget
# amount as well as creatives for the ad.
# Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions you must set the
# "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields on the
# SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
sub _get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info {
  my ($business_profile_location, $business_name) = @_;

  my $suggestion_info =
      # Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
      finalUrl => LANDING_PAGE_URL,
      # Add the language code for the campaign.
      languageCode => LANGUAGE_CODE,
      # Construct location information using the given geo target constant.
      # It's also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the
      # "proximity" field on suggestion_info, for example:
      # proximity => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::ProximityInfo->new({
      #     address => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::AddressInfo->new({
      #         postalCode     => "INSERT_POSTAL_CODE",
      #         provinceCode   => "INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE",
      #         countryCode    => "INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE",
      #         provinceName   => "INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME",
      #         streetAddress  => "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS",
      #         streetAddress2 => "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2",
      #         cityName       => "INSERT_CITY_NAME"
      #       }
      #     ),
      #     radius      => "INSERT_RADIUS",
      #     radiusUnits => MILES
      #   }
      # ),
      # For more information on proximities see:
      # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
      locationList =>

  # Add the LocationInfo object to the list of locations on the SuggestionInfo
  # object. You have the option of providing multiple locations when using
  # location-based suggestions.
  push @{$suggestion_info->{locationList}{locations}},
      # Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
      geoTargetConstant =>

  # Set one of the business_profile_location or business_name, whichever is provided.
  if (defined $business_profile_location) {
    $suggestion_info->{businessProfileLocation} =
  } else {
    $suggestion_info->{businessContext} =
        businessName => $business_name

  # Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open. This
  # example schedule describes a business that is open on Mondays from 9:00 AM
  # to 5:00 PM.
  push @{$suggestion_info->{adSchedules}},
      # Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
      dayOfWeek => MONDAY,
      # Set the start hour to 9 AM.
      startHour => 9,
      # Set the end hour to 5 PM.
      endHour => 17,
      # Set the start and end minutes to zero.
      startMinute => ZERO,
      endMinute   => ZERO

  return $suggestion_info;

فهرستی از مضامین کلمات کلیدی بسازید

موضوع کلمه کلیدی یک کلمه یا عبارت واحد است که نشان دهنده گروهی از عبارات جستجوی مرتبط است. به عنوان مثال " نانوایی " مربوط به " نانوایی نزدیک من " و " نانوایی محلی " است. آنها در Google Ads API توسط منبع KeywordTheme نشان داده می شوند که معمولاً به یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo متصل می شود و می تواند یک KeywordThemeConstant یا یک موضوع کلیدواژه رایگان باشد.

موضوعات کلیدواژه پیشنهادی

با توجه به یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ، روش سرویس SuggestKeywordThemes با استفاده از جزئیات کسب و کار شما، موقعیت مکانی آن و محتوای وب سایت، مضامین کلیدواژه را پیشنهاد می کند.

برای بهینه سازی کامل عملکرد کمپین هوشمند خود، هنگام ایجاد تم های کلیدواژه از روش SuggestKeywordThemes استفاده کنید. از آنجایی که جزئیات خاصی را در مورد کسب و کار و وب سایت آن جمع آوری می کند، مضامین کلمات کلیدی بسیار بهتری را نسبت به دو استراتژی دیگر ایجاد می کند که بهترین گزینه ها به عنوان گزینه های پشتیبان در نظر گرفته می شوند.


private List<KeywordTheme> getKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  // Creates the service client.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    // Sends the request.
    SuggestKeywordThemesResponse response =
    // Prints some information about the result.
        "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes method.%n",
    return new ArrayList(response.getKeywordThemesList());

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants suggestions with the SmartCampaignSuggestService.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo">The suggestion information.</param>
/// <returns>The suggestions.</returns>
private List<KeywordThemeConstant> GetKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =

    SuggestKeywordThemesRequest request = new SuggestKeywordThemesRequest()
        SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo,
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString()

    SuggestKeywordThemesResponse response =

    // Prints some information about the result.
    Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved {response.KeywordThemes.Count} keyword theme " +
        $"constant suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes method.");
    return response.KeywordThemes.ToList().ConvertAll(x => x.KeywordThemeConstant);


private static function getKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
): array {
    $smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient =

    // Issues a request to retrieve the keyword themes.
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient->suggestKeywordThemes(
        (new SuggestKeywordThemesRequest())

        "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes "
        . "method.%s",
    return iterator_to_array($response->getKeywordThemes()->getIterator());


def get_keyword_theme_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves KeywordThemes using the given suggestion info.

    Here we use the SuggestKeywordThemes method, which uses all of the business
    details included in the given SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance to
    generate keyword theme suggestions. This is the recommended way to
    generate keyword themes because it uses detailed information about your
    business, its location, and website content to generate keyword themes.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a list of KeywordThemes.
    smart_campaign_suggest_service = client.get_service(
    request = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemesRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    response = smart_campaign_suggest_service.suggest_keyword_themes(

        f"Retrieved {len(response.keyword_themes)} keyword theme suggestions "
        "from the SuggestKeywordThemes method."
    return response.keyword_themes


def get_keyword_theme_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_keyword_themes(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  puts "Retrieved #{response.keyword_themes.size} keyword theme" \
    " suggestions from SuggestKeywordThemes service."
  return response.keyword_themes


# Retrieves KeywordThemes using the given suggestion info.
# Here we use the SuggestKeywordThemes method, which uses all of the business
# details included in the given SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance to generate
# keyword theme suggestions. This is the recommended way to generate keyword themes
# because it uses detailed information about your business, its location, and
# website content to generate keyword themes.
sub _get_keyword_theme_suggestions {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  my $response =
        customerId     => $customer_id,
        suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  printf "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes"
    . "method.\n",
    scalar @{$response->{keywordThemes}};

  return $response->{keywordThemes};

با توجه به یک کلمه یا عبارت، KeywordThemeConstantService KeywordThemeConstants پیشنهاد می کند که از داده های تکمیل خودکار متن داده شده مشتق شده اند. اگر برای مثال، کسب و کاری که تبلیغ می شود، وب سایت یا اطلاعات کافی برای استفاده از روش SuggestKeywordThemes نداشته باشد، این استراتژی جایگزین مفیدی است. این روش فقط در صورتی باید استفاده شود که روش SuggestKeywordThemes قابل استفاده نباشد یا پیشنهادات ناکافی را برگرداند.


private List<KeywordTheme> getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, String keywordText) {
  try (KeywordThemeConstantServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createKeywordThemeConstantServiceClient()) {
    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest request =
    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsResponse response = client.suggestKeywordThemeConstants(request);
    // Converts the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency with the
    // response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    return response.getKeywordThemeConstantsList().stream()
            keywordThemeConstant ->

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants that are derived from autocomplete data for the
/// given keyword text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="keywordText">A keyword used for generating keyword auto completions.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A list of KeywordThemeConstants.</returns>
private IEnumerable<KeywordThemeConstant> GetKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient client, string keywordText)
    KeywordThemeConstantServiceClient keywordThemeConstantServiceClient =

    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest request = new SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest
        QueryText = keywordText,
        CountryCode = COUNTRY_CODE,
        LanguageCode = LANGUAGE_CODE

    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsResponse response =

    Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved {response.KeywordThemeConstants.Count} keyword theme " +
        $"constants using the keyword '{keywordText}'.");
    return response.KeywordThemeConstants.ToList();


private static function getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    string $keywordText
): array {
    $keywordThemeConstantService = $googleAdsClient->getKeywordThemeConstantServiceClient();

    // Issues a request to retrieve the keyword theme constants.
    $response = $keywordThemeConstantService->suggestKeywordThemeConstants(
        (new SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest())

        "Retrieved %d keyword theme constants using the keyword: '%s'.%s",

    // Maps the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency with the
    // response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    return array_map(function (KeywordThemeConstant $keywordThemeConstant) {
        return new KeywordTheme([
            'keyword_theme_constant' => $keywordThemeConstant
    }, iterator_to_array($response->getKeywordThemeConstants()->getIterator()));


def get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text):
    """Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants for the given keyword text.

    These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the
    given keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        keyword_text: a keyword used for generating keyword themes.

        a list of KeywordThemes.
    keyword_theme_constant_service = client.get_service(
    request = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest")
    request.query_text = keyword_text
    request.country_code = _COUNTRY_CODE
    request.language_code = _LANGUAGE_CODE

    response = keyword_theme_constant_service.suggest_keyword_theme_constants(

        f"Retrieved {len(response.keyword_theme_constants)} keyword theme "
        f"constants using the keyword: '{keyword_text}'"

    # Map the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency
    # with the response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    keyword_themes = []
    KeywordTheme = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemesResponse").KeywordTheme
    for keyword_theme_constant in response.keyword_theme_constants:
        keyword_theme = KeywordTheme()
        keyword_theme.keyword_theme_constant = keyword_theme_constant

    return keyword_themes


# Retrieves keyword_theme_constants for the given criteria.
# These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the given
# keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.
def get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text)
  response = client.service.keyword_theme_constant.suggest_keyword_theme_constants(
    query_text: keyword_text,
    country_code: COUNTRY_CODE,
    language_code: LANGUAGE_CODE,

  puts "Retrieved #{response.keyword_theme_constants.size} keyword theme" \
    "constants using the keyword: '#{keyword_text}'"

  response.keyword_theme_constants.map do |ktc|
    client.resource.keyword_theme do |kt|
      kt.keyword_theme_constant = ktc


# Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants for the given keyword text.
# These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the given
# keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.
sub _get_keyword_text_auto_completions {
  my ($api_client, $keyword_text) = @_;

  my $response = $api_client->KeywordThemeConstantService()->suggest(
        queryText    => $keyword_text,
        countryCode  => COUNTRY_CODE,
        languageCode => LANGUAGE_CODE

  printf "Retrieved %d keyword theme constants using the keyword '%s'.\n",
    scalar @{$response->{keywordThemeConstants}}, $keyword_text;

  # Map the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency
  # with the response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
  my $keyword_themes = [];
  foreach my $keyword_theme_constant (@{$response->{keywordThemeConstants}}) {
    push @$keyword_themes,
        keywordThemeConstant => $keyword_theme_constant

  return $keyword_themes;

مضامین کلیدواژه آزاد

در نهایت، با تنظیم فیلد free_form_keyword_theme در یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo ، مضامین کلیدواژه رایگان را می‌توان به صورت دستی ایجاد کرد.

استفاده از قالب‌های کلیدواژه آزاد معمولاً توصیه نمی‌شود، زیرا تأثیر کمتری نسبت به تم‌های کلیدواژه پیشنهادی دارند. با این حال، آنها در شرایطی مفید هستند که یک اصطلاح بسیار خاص باید مورد هدف قرار گیرد، یا زمانی که می خواهید یک اصطلاح را به طور منفی هدف قرار دهید .

روش SuggestKeywordThemes ممکن است تم های کلیدواژه رایگان را پیشنهاد کند، اما فقط در صورتی که یک final_url در درخواست ارائه دهید.


if (freeFormKeywordText != null) {

سی شارپ



// Optionally includes any free-form keywords in verbatim.
if (!empty($freeFormKeywordText)) {
    $keywordThemeInfos[] =
        new KeywordThemeInfo(['free_form_keyword_theme' => $freeFormKeywordText]);


def get_free_form_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text):
    """Creates a KeywordThemeInfo using the given free-form keyword text.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        free_form_keyword_text: a keyword used to create a free-form keyword

        a KeywordThemeInfo instance.
    info = client.get_type("KeywordThemeInfo")
    info.free_form_keyword_theme = free_form_keyword_text
    return info


def get_freeform_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text)
  client.resource.keyword_theme_info do |kti|
    kti.free_form_keyword_theme = free_form_keyword_text


# Creates a KeywordInfo instance using the given free-form keyword text.
sub _get_free_form_keyword_theme_info {
  my ($free_form_keyword_text) = @_;

  return Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordThemeInfo->new({
    freeFormKeywordTheme => $free_form_keyword_text

این دو استراتژی باید به گونه ای اعمال شوند که هر یک از انواع مختلف تم های کلیدواژه به یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo متصل شود:


// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many of the
// entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number of times to
// retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo =
    getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(googleAdsClient, businessProfileLocation, businessName);

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this strategy for
// generating keyword themes.
List<KeywordTheme> keywordThemes =
    getKeywordThemeSuggestions(googleAdsClient, customerId, suggestionInfo);

// If a keyword text is given, retrieves keyword theme constant suggestions from the
// KeywordThemeConstantService, maps them to KeywordThemes, and appends them to the existing
// list.
// This logic should ideally only be used if the suggestions from the
// getKeywordThemeSuggestions function are insufficient.
if (keywordText != null) {
  keywordThemes.addAll(getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(googleAdsClient, keywordText));

// Converts the list of KeywordThemes to a list of KeywordThemes objects.
List<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos = getKeywordThemeInfos(keywordThemes);

// Optionally includes any freeForm keywords in verbatim.
if (freeFormKeywordText != null) {

// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.
suggestionInfo = suggestionInfo.toBuilder().addAllKeywordThemes(keywordThemeInfos).build();

سی شارپ

// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many
// of the entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
// of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ad
//creatives, and campaign criteria.
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo =
    GetSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(client, businessProfileLocation, businessName);

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this
// strategy for generating keyword themes.
List<KeywordThemeConstant> keywordThemeConstants =
    GetKeywordThemeSuggestions(client, customerId, suggestionInfo);

// Optionally retrieves auto-complete suggestions for the given keyword text and
// adds them to the list of keyWordThemeConstants.
if (keywordText != null)
        client, keywordText));

// Converts the KeywordThemeConstants to KeywordThemeInfos.
List<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos = keywordThemeConstants.Select(
    constant =>
        new KeywordThemeInfo { KeywordThemeConstant = constant.ResourceName })

// Optionally includes any freeform keywords verbatim.
if (freeFormKeywordText != null)
    keywordThemeInfos.Add(new KeywordThemeInfo()
        FreeFormKeywordTheme = freeFormKeywordText

// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.


// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many of the
// entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number of times to
// retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ads, and campaign criteria.
$suggestionInfo = self::getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this strategy for
// generating keyword themes.
$keywordThemes =
    self::getKeywordThemeSuggestions($googleAdsClient, $customerId, $suggestionInfo);

// Optionally retrieves auto-complete suggestions for the given keyword text and adds them
// to the list of keyword themes.
if (!empty($keywordText)) {
    $keywordThemes = array_merge(
        self::getKeywordTextAutoCompletions($googleAdsClient, $keywordText)

// Maps the list of KeywordThemes to KeywordThemeInfos.
$keywordThemeInfos = array_map(function (KeywordTheme $keywordTheme) {
    if ($keywordTheme->getKeywordThemeConstant()) {
        return new KeywordThemeInfo([
            'keyword_theme_constant' => $keywordTheme->getKeywordThemeConstant()
    } elseif ($keywordTheme->getFreeFormKeywordTheme()) {
        return new KeywordThemeInfo([
            'free_form_keyword_theme' => $keywordTheme->getFreeFormKeywordTheme()
    } else {
        throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
            'A malformed KeywordTheme was encountered: ' . $keywordTheme->getKeywordTheme()
}, $keywordThemes);

// Optionally includes any free-form keywords in verbatim.
if (!empty($freeFormKeywordText)) {
    $keywordThemeInfos[] =
        new KeywordThemeInfo(['free_form_keyword_theme' => $freeFormKeywordText]);
// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.
$suggestionInfo = $suggestionInfo->setKeywordThemes($keywordThemeInfos);


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
suggestion_info = get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(
    client, business_profile_location, business_name

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
keyword_themes = get_keyword_theme_suggestions(
    client, customer_id, suggestion_info

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and
# append them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used
# if the suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions function are
# insufficient.
if keyword_text:
        get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text)

# Map the KeywordThemes retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
keyword_theme_infos = map_keyword_themes_to_keyword_infos(
    client, keyword_themes

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if free_form_keyword_text:
        get_free_form_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text)

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
suggestion_info.keyword_themes = keyword_theme_infos


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
suggestion_info = get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
keyword_themes = get_keyword_theme_suggestions(

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and append
# them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used if the
# suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions function are
# insufficient.
if keyword_text
  keyword_themes += get_keyword_text_auto_completions(

# Map the KeywordThemeConstants retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
keyword_theme_infos = map_keyword_themes_to_keyword_infos(

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if free_form_keyword_text
  keyword_theme_infos << get_freeform_keyword_theme_info(

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
suggestion_info.keyword_themes += keyword_theme_infos


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
my $suggestion_info =

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
my $keyword_themes =
  _get_keyword_theme_suggestions($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info);

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and
# append them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used
# if the suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions funtion are
# insufficient.
if (defined $keyword_text) {
  push @$keyword_themes,
    @{_get_keyword_text_auto_completions($api_client, $keyword_text)};

# Map the KeywordThemeConstants retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
my $keyword_theme_infos = _map_keyword_themes_to_infos($keyword_themes);

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if (defined $free_form_keyword_text) {
  push @$keyword_theme_infos,

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
$suggestion_info->{keywordThemes} = $keyword_theme_infos;

مقدار بودجه پیشنهادی را دریافت کنید

SmartCampaignSuggestService دارای یک روش SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions است که در صورت داشتن مجموعه ای از موضوعات کلیدواژه و جزئیات کسب و کار، سه سطح از گزینه های بودجه روزانه را پیشنهاد می کند. سطوح low ، high و recommended و هر گزینه همچنین شامل حداقل و حداکثر تعداد کلیک‌های روزانه تخمینی می‌شود.


private long getBudgetSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest.Builder request =

  // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
  // "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
  // and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
  // request.setCampaign("INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE");

  // Uses the suggestion_info field instead, since these suggestions are for a new campaign.

  // Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse response =
    BudgetOption recommendation = response.getRecommended();
        "A daily budget amount of %d micros was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of %d"
            + " clicks and an estimated maximum of %d per day.%n",
    return recommendation.getDailyAmountMicros();

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
/// Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new and existing
/// Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns achieve optimal
/// performance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo"></param>
/// <returns>A daily budget amount in micros.</returns>
private long GetBudgetSuggestion(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient = client.GetService

    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest request =
        new SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest
            CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
            // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
            // "Campaign" field of the request to the resource name of a campaign and
            // leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
            // Campaign = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE",

            // Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
            // SuggestionInfo field instead.
            SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo,

    LocationInfo locationInfo = new LocationInfo
        // Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
        GeoTargetConstant = ResourceNames.GeoTargetConstant(GEO_TARGET_CONSTANT)

    // Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse response =

    // Three tiers of options will be returned: "low", "high", and "recommended".
    // Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros, where
    // one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
    Console.WriteLine($"A daily budget amount of " +
        $"{response.Recommended.DailyAmountMicros}" +
        $" was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of " +
        $"{response.Recommended.Metrics.MinDailyClicks} clicks and an estimated " +
        $"maximum of {response.Recommended.Metrics.MaxDailyClicks} clicks per day.");

    return response.Recommended.DailyAmountMicros;


private static function getBudgetSuggestion(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
): int {

    // Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    $smartCampaignSuggestService = $googleAdsClient->getSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient();
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestService->suggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions(
        (new SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest())
            // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the "campaign"
            // field equal to the resource name of a campaign:
            // ->setCampaign('INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE');
            // Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
            // suggestion_info field instead.

    // Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and "recommended". Here we will
    // use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros, where one million is
    // equivalent to one currency unit.
    $recommendation = $response->getRecommended();
        "A daily budget amount of %d micros was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of "
        . "%d clicks and an estimated maximum of %d per day.%s",

    return $recommendation->getDailyAmountMicros();


def get_budget_suggestion(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.

    Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new
    and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
    campaigns achieve optimal performance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a daily budget amount in micros.
    sc_suggest_service = client.get_service("SmartCampaignSuggestService")
    request = client.get_type("SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
    # "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
    # and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:

    # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
    # use the suggestion_info field instead.
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    # Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    response = sc_suggest_service.suggest_smart_campaign_budget_options(

    # Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and
    # "recommended". Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is
    # specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
    recommendation = response.recommended
        f"A daily budget amount of {recommendation.daily_amount_micros} micros "
        "was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of "
        f"{recommendation.metrics.min_daily_clicks} clicks and an estimated "
        f"maximum of {recommendation.metrics.max_daily_clicks} per day."

    return recommendation.daily_amount_micros


# Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new
# and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
# campaigns achieve optimal performance.
def get_budget_suggestion(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  # Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_smart_campaign_budget_options(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
    # "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
    # and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
    # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
    # use the suggestion_info field instead.
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  # Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and
  # "recommended". Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is
  # specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
  recommendation = response.recommended
  puts "A daily budget amount of #{recommendation.daily_amount_micros} micros" \
    " was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of" \
    " #{recommendation.metrics.min_daily_clicks} clicks and an estimated" \
    " maximum of #{recommendation.metrics.max_daily_clicks} per day."



# Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns
# achieve optimal performance.
sub _get_budget_suggestion {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  my $request =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
      # "campaign" field of the request to the resource name of a campaign and
      # leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
      # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
      # "suggestion_info" field instead.
      suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  # Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  my $response = $api_client->SmartCampaignSuggestService()

  # Three tiers of options will be returned: "low", "high", and "recommended".
  # Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros,
  # where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
  printf "A daily budget amount of %d was suggested, garnering an estimated " .
    "minimum of %d clicks and an estimated maximum of %d clicks per day.\n",

  return $response->{recommended}{dailyAmountMicros};

دارایی های متن آگهی پیشنهادی را دریافت کنید

SmartCampaignSuggestService دارای یک روش SuggestSmartCampaignAd است که یک نمونه SmartCampaignAdInfo با پیشنهادهایی برای حداکثر سه عنوان و دو توضیح برای تبلیغات کمپین هوشمند شما برمی گرداند. هر عنوان و توضیحات در فیلد یک نمونه AdTextAsset متصل به SmartCampaignAdInfo موجود است.

این روش ممکن است هیچ پیشنهادی برگرداند، یا نمونه‌های AdTextAsset که برگردانده می‌شوند ممکن است یک رشته خالی به عنوان مقدار فیلد text خود داشته باشند. توصیه می کنیم این پیشنهادها را قبل از استفاده برای ایجاد تبلیغات مرور کنید تا مطمئن شوید که تبلیغات همیشه با حداقل 3 عنوان و 2 توضیح ایجاد می شوند. اگر این حداقل رعایت نشود، یا اگر هر یک از متن دارایی خیلی کوتاه باشد، درخواست با خطا انجام نخواهد شد.

پیشنهادات برای دارایی‌های تبلیغاتی عمدتاً از محتوای وب‌سایت نشأت می‌گیرند، بنابراین اگر یک final_url در نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo مشخص نشده باشد، پیشنهادها صرفاً از موضوعات کلیدواژه ارائه‌شده در درخواست ایجاد می‌شوند.


private SmartCampaignAdInfo getAdSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to use
  // suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.

  // Issues a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    SuggestSmartCampaignAdResponse response =

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to three headlines
    // and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions may have empty strings as text.
    // Before setting these on the ad you should review them and filter out any empty values.
    SmartCampaignAdInfo adSuggestions = response.getAdInfo();
    for (AdTextAsset headline : adSuggestions.getHeadlinesList()) {
      System.out.println(!headline.getText().isEmpty() ? headline.getText() : "None");
    for (AdTextAsset description : adSuggestions.getDescriptionsList()) {
      System.out.println(!description.getText().isEmpty() ? description.getText() : "None");
    return adSuggestions;

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
/// Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new
/// and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps
/// the campaigns achieve optimal performance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client"></param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo">a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance
/// with details about the business being advertised.</param>
/// <returns>A SmartCampaignAdInfo instance with suggested headlines and
/// descriptions.</returns>
private SmartCampaignAdInfo GetAdSuggestions(GoogleAdsClient client,
    long customerId, SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =

    SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest request = new SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
        // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to
        // use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
        SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo

    // Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    SuggestSmartCampaignAdResponse response =

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
    // three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
    // may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
    // review them and filter out any empty values.
    SmartCampaignAdInfo adSuggestions = response.AdInfo;

    if (adSuggestions != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"The following headlines were suggested:");
        foreach (AdTextAsset headline in adSuggestions.Headlines)

        Console.WriteLine($"And the following descriptions were suggested:");
        foreach (AdTextAsset description in adSuggestions.Descriptions)
        Console.WriteLine("No ad suggestions were found.");
        adSuggestions = new SmartCampaignAdInfo();

    return adSuggestions;


private static function getAdSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
) {
    // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to use
    // suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.

    // Issues a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    $smartCampaignSuggestService = $googleAdsClient->getSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient();
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestService->suggestSmartCampaignAd(
        (new SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest())

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to three headlines
    // and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions may have empty strings as text.
    // Before setting these on the ad you should review them and filter out any empty values.
    $adSuggestions = $response->getAdInfo();
    if (is_null($adSuggestions)) {
        return null;
    print 'The following headlines were suggested:' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($adSuggestions->getHeadlines() as $headline) {
        print "\t" . ($headline->getText() ?: 'None') . PHP_EOL;
    print 'And the following descriptions were suggested:' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($adSuggestions->getDescriptions() as $description) {
        print "\t" . ($description->getText() ?: 'None') . PHP_EOL;
    return $adSuggestions;


def get_ad_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.

    Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
    existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
    campaigns achieve optimal performance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a SmartCampaignAdInfo instance with suggested headlines and
    sc_suggest_service = client.get_service("SmartCampaignSuggestService")
    request = client.get_type("SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id

    # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible
    # to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    response = sc_suggest_service.suggest_smart_campaign_ad(request=request)

    # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
    # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
    # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
    # review them and filter out any empty values.
    ad_suggestions = response.ad_info

    print("The following headlines were suggested:")
    for headline in ad_suggestions.headlines:
        print(f"\t{headline.text or '<None>'}")

    print("And the following descriptions were suggested:")
    for description in ad_suggestions.descriptions:
        print(f"\t{description.text or '<None>'}")

    return ad_suggestions


# Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
# campaigns achieve optimal performance.
def get_ad_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_smart_campaign_ad(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible
    # to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
  # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
  # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
  # review them and filter out any empty values.
  ad_suggestions = response.ad_info

  # If there are no suggestions, the response will be blank.
  return nil if ad_suggestions.nil?

  puts 'The following headlines were suggested:'
  ad_suggestions.headlines.each do  |headline|
    puts "\t#{headline.text || '<None>'}"

  puts 'And the following descriptions were suggested:'
  ad_suggestions.descriptions.each do |description|
    puts "\t#{description.text || '<None>'}"



# Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns
# achieve optimal performance.
sub _get_ad_suggestions {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  my $response =
        customerId => $customer_id,
        # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only
        # possible to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
        suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
  # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
  # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
  # review them and filter out any empty values.
  my $ad_suggestions = $response->{adInfo};
  printf "The following headlines were suggested:\n";
  foreach my $headline (@{$ad_suggestions->{headlines}}) {
    printf "\t%s\n", defined $headline->{text} ? $headline->{text} : "<None>";
  printf "And the following descriptions were suggested:\n";
  foreach my $description (@{$ad_suggestions->{descriptions}}) {
    printf "\t%s\n",
      defined $description->{text} ? $description->{text} : "<None>";

  return $ad_suggestions;


Google Ads API SmartCampaignSuggestService را برای پیشنهاد جزئیات پیکربندی هنگام ایجاد کمپین های هوشمند نشان می دهد. از جزئیات کسب و کار در حال تبلیغ (در قالب یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ) برای پیشنهاد مضامین کلیدواژه، مقدار بودجه، و همچنین سرفصل ها و توضیحات برای تبلیغات فردی استفاده می کند.

یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ایجاد کنید

ایجاد پیشنهادهای کمپین هوشمند نیاز به استفاده از یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo دارد که حاوی جزئیاتی درباره کسب و کار در حال تبلیغ است. از آنجایی که می‌توانید از یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo برای بازیابی انواع مختلف پیشنهادات کمپین هوشمند استفاده کنید، می‌توانید ابتدا یکی را ایجاد کرده و چندین بار از آن استفاده مجدد کنید.

الزامات کلیدی برای SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo :

  • یک صفحه فرود مورد نیاز است که می تواند یک وب سایت موجود ( final_url ) یا یک صفحه فرود خودکار باشد که برای کمپین شما با استفاده از اطلاعات نمایه کسب و کار به دست آمده با شناسه business_profile_location ایجاد شده است. اگر قصد دارید از صفحه فرود خودکار استفاده کنید، هنگام ایجاد پیشنهادات، حتماً قسمت business_profile_location تنظیم کنید.

    • اگر final_url تنظیم شده باشد، می‌توان business_profile_location یا business_name تنظیم کرد.
    • اگر final_url تنظیم نشده باشد، باید business_profile_location تنظیم شود.
  • هنگامی که برای بازیابی پیشنهادات موضوع کلیدواژه از روش SuggestKeywordThemes استفاده می شود، لازم نیست قسمت keyword_themes تنظیم کنید.

  • وقتی برای بازیابی پیشنهادهای تبلیغاتی از روش SuggestSmartCampaignAd استفاده می‌شود، فیلدهای language_code و keyword_themes مورد نیاز است.

  • برای پیشنهادات بهینه باید تا حد امکان جزئیات به شی اضافه شود.


private SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, String businessProfileLocation, String businessName) {
  SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo.Builder suggestionInfoBuilder =
          // Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
          // Adds the language code for the campaign.
          // Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's also
          // possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity" field,
          // for example:
          // .setProximity(
          //     ProximityInfo.newBuilder()
          //         .setAddress(
          //             AddressInfo.newBuilder()
          //                 .setPostalCode(INSERT_POSTAL_CODE)
          //                 .setProvinceCode(INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE)
          //                 .setCountryCode(INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE)
          //                 .setProvinceName(INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME)
          //                 .setStreetAddress(INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS)
          //                 .setStreetAddress2(INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2)
          //                 .setCityName(INSERT_CITY_NAME)
          //                 .build())
          //         .setRadius(INSERT_RADIUS)
          //         .setRadiusUnits(INSERT_RADIUS_UNITS)
          //         .build())
          // For more information on proximities see:
          // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
          // Adds LocationInfo objects to the list of locations. You have the option of
          // providing multiple locations when using location-based suggestions.
                  // Sets one location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
          // Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
          // This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
          // Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
                  // Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
                  // Sets the start hour to 9am.
                  // Sets the end hour to 5pm.
                  // Sets the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.

  // Sets either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on whichever is
  // provided.
  if (businessProfileLocation != null) {
  } else {
  return suggestionInfoBuilder.build();

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
/// The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
/// budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.
/// Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
/// "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
/// SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="businessProfileLocation">The identifier of a Business Profile location.
/// </param>
/// <param name="businessName">The name of a Business Profile.</param>
/// <returns>A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance .</returns>
private SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo GetSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(GoogleAdsClient client,
    string businessProfileLocation, string businessName)
    // Note: This is broken since businessLocationId is not yet renamed in
    // SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo. The use of dynamic temporarily fixes the broken build.
    // TODO(Anash): Revert the type change once this field is fixed.
    dynamic suggestionInfo = new SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo
        // Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
        FinalUrl = LANDING_PAGE_URL,
        LanguageCode = LANGUAGE_CODE,
        // Construct location information using the given geo target constant. It's
        // also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
        // field on suggestion_info, for example:
        // Proximity = new ProximityInfo
        // {
        //     Address = new AddressInfo
        //     {
        //         PostalCode = "INSERT_POSTAL_CODE",
        //         ProvinceCode = "INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE",
        //         CountryCode = "INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE",
        //         ProvinceName = "INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME",
        //         StreetAddress = "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS",
        //         StreetAddress2 = "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2",
        //         CityName = "INSERT_CITY_NAME"
        //     },
        //     Radius = Double.Parse("INSERT_RADIUS"),
        //     RadiusUnits = ProximityRadiusUnits.Kilometers
        // }
        // For more information on proximities see:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
        LocationList = new LocationList()
            Locations =
                new LocationInfo
                    // Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target
                    // constant.
                    GeoTargetConstant =

    // Add the Business Profile location if provided.
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(businessProfileLocation))
        suggestionInfo.BusinessProfileLocation = businessProfileLocation;
        suggestionInfo.BusinessContext = new BusinessContext
            BusinessName = businessName,

    // Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open. This schedule
    // describes a business that is open on Mondays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
    AdScheduleInfo adScheduleInfo = new AdScheduleInfo
        // Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
        DayOfWeek = DayOfWeekEnum.Types.DayOfWeek.Monday,
        // Set the start hour to 9 AM.
        StartHour = 9,
        // Set the end hour to 5 PM.
        EndHour = 17,
        // Set the start and end minutes to zero.
        StartMinute = MinuteOfHourEnum.Types.MinuteOfHour.Zero,
        EndMinute = MinuteOfHourEnum.Types.MinuteOfHour.Zero


    return suggestionInfo;


private static function getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(
    ?string $businessProfileLocationResourceName,
    ?string $businessName
): SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo {
    $suggestionInfo = new SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo([
        // Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
        'final_url' => self::LANDING_PAGE_URL,

        // Adds the language code for the campaign.
        'language_code' => self::LANGUAGE_CODE,

        // Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's also
        // possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity" field,
        // for example:
        // 'proximity' => new ProximityInfo([
        //     'address' => mew AddressInfo([
        //         'post_code' => INSERT_POSTAL_CODE,
        //         'province_code' => INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE,
        //         'country_code' => INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE,
        //         'province_name' => INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME,
        //         'street_address' => INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS,
        //         'street_address2' => INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2,
        //         'city_name' => INSERT_CITY_NAME
        //     ]),
        //     'radius' => INSERT_RADIUS,
        //     'radius_units' => INSERT_RADIUS_UNITS
        // ])
        // For more information on proximities see:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo

        // Adds LocationInfo objects to the list of locations. You have the option of
        // providing multiple locations when using location-based suggestions.
        'location_list' => new LocationList([
            // Sets one location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
            'locations' => [new LocationInfo([
                'geo_target_constant' => ResourceNames::forGeoTargetConstant(

        // Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
        // This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
        // Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
        'ad_schedules' => [new AdScheduleInfo([
            // Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
            'day_of_week' => DayOfWeek::MONDAY,
            // Sets the start hour to 9am.
            'start_hour' => 9,
            // Sets the end hour to 5pm.
            'end_hour' => 17,
            // Sets the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.
            'start_minute' => MinuteOfHour::ZERO,
            'end_minute' => MinuteOfHour::ZERO

    // Sets either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on whichever is
    // provided.
    if ($businessProfileLocationResourceName) {
    } else {
        $suggestionInfo->setBusinessContext(new BusinessContext([
            'business_name' => $businessName
    return $suggestionInfo;


def get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(
    client, business_profile_location, business_name
    """Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.

    The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
    budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.

    Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
    "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        business_profile_location: the resource name of a Business Profile
        business_name: the name of a Business Profile.

        A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
    suggestion_info = client.get_type("SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo")

    # Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
    suggestion_info.final_url = _LANDING_PAGE_URL

    # Add the language code for the campaign.
    suggestion_info.language_code = _LANGUAGE_CODE

    # Construct location information using the given geo target constant. It's
    # also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
    # field on suggestion_info, for example:
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.post_code = INSERT_POSTAL_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.province_code = INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.country_code = INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.province_name = INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.street_address = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.street_address2 = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2
    # suggestion_info.proximity.address.city_name = INSERT_CITY_NAME
    # suggestion_info.proximity.radius = INSERT_RADIUS
    # suggestion_info.proximity.radius_units = RADIUS_UNITS
    # For more information on proximities see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
    location = client.get_type("LocationInfo")
    # Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
    location.geo_target_constant = client.get_service(
    # Add the LocationInfo object to the list of locations on the
    # suggestion_info object. You have the option of providing multiple
    # locations when using location-based suggestions.

    # Set either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on
    # whichever is provided.
    if business_profile_location:
        suggestion_info.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
        suggestion_info.business_context.business_name = business_name

    # Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
    # This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
    # Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
    ad_schedule_info = client.get_type("AdScheduleInfo")
    # Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
    ad_schedule_info.day_of_week = client.enums.DayOfWeekEnum.MONDAY
    # Set the start hour to 9am.
    ad_schedule_info.start_hour = 9
    # Set the end hour to 5pm.
    ad_schedule_info.end_hour = 17
    # Set the start and end minute of zero, for example: 9:00 and 5:00.
    zero_minute_of_hour = client.enums.MinuteOfHourEnum.ZERO
    ad_schedule_info.start_minute = zero_minute_of_hour
    ad_schedule_info.end_minute = zero_minute_of_hour

    return suggestion_info


# Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
# The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a
# budget amount as well as creatives for the ad.
# Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions it's required that the
# "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields are set on the
# SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
def get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(

  # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
  # use the suggestion_info field instead.
  suggestion_info = client.resource.smart_campaign_suggestion_info do |si|
    # Adds the URL of the campaign's landing page.
    si.final_url = LANDING_PAGE_URL
    # Add the language code for the campaign.
    si.language_code = LANGUAGE_CODE
    # Constructs location information using the given geo target constant. It's
    # also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the "proximity"
    # field on suggestion_info, for example:
    # si.proximity = client.resource.proximity_info do |proximity|
    #   proximity.address = client.resource.address_info do |address|
    #     address.post_code = INSERT_POSTAL_CODE
    #     address.province_code = INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE
    #     address.country_code = INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE
    #     address.province_name = INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME
    #     address.street_address = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS
    #     address.street_address2 = INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2
    #     address.city_name = INSERT_CITY_NAME
    #   end
    #   proximity.radius = INSERT_RADIUS
    #   proximity.radius_units = :INSERT_RADIUS_UNIT_ENUM
    # end
    # For more information on proximities see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
    si.location_list = client.resource.location_list do |loc_list|
      # Adds the location_info object to the list of locations on the
      # suggestion_info object. You have the option of providing multiple
      # locations when using location-based suggestions.
      loc_list.locations << client.resource.location_info do |li|
        li.geo_target_constant = client.path.geo_target_constant(GEO_TARGET_CONSTANT)
    # Set either of the business_profile_location or business_name, depending on
    # whichever is provided.
    if business_profile_location
      si.business_profile_location = business_profile_location
      si.business_context = client.resource.business_context do |bc|
        bc.business_name = business_name
    # Adds a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open.
    # This schedule describes a schedule in which the business is open on
    # Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
    si.ad_schedules += [
      client.resource.ad_schedule_info do |as|
        # Sets the day of this schedule as Monday.
        as.day_of_week = :MONDAY
        # Sets the start hour to 9:00am.
        as.start_hour = 9
        as.start_minute = :ZERO
        # Sets the end hour to 5:00pm.
        as.end_hour = 17
        as.end_minute = :ZERO



# Builds a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object with business details.
# The details are used by the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest a budget
# amount as well as creatives for the ad.
# Note that when retrieving ad creative suggestions you must set the
# "final_url", "language_code" and "keyword_themes" fields on the
# SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.
sub _get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info {
  my ($business_profile_location, $business_name) = @_;

  my $suggestion_info =
      # Add the URL of the campaign's landing page.
      finalUrl => LANDING_PAGE_URL,
      # Add the language code for the campaign.
      languageCode => LANGUAGE_CODE,
      # Construct location information using the given geo target constant.
      # It's also possible to provide a geographic proximity using the
      # "proximity" field on suggestion_info, for example:
      # proximity => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::ProximityInfo->new({
      #     address => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::AddressInfo->new({
      #         postalCode     => "INSERT_POSTAL_CODE",
      #         provinceCode   => "INSERT_PROVINCE_CODE",
      #         countryCode    => "INSERT_COUNTRY_CODE",
      #         provinceName   => "INSERT_PROVINCE_NAME",
      #         streetAddress  => "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS",
      #         streetAddress2 => "INSERT_STREET_ADDRESS_2",
      #         cityName       => "INSERT_CITY_NAME"
      #       }
      #     ),
      #     radius      => "INSERT_RADIUS",
      #     radiusUnits => MILES
      #   }
      # ),
      # For more information on proximities see:
      # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/ProximityInfo
      locationList =>

  # Add the LocationInfo object to the list of locations on the SuggestionInfo
  # object. You have the option of providing multiple locations when using
  # location-based suggestions.
  push @{$suggestion_info->{locationList}{locations}},
      # Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
      geoTargetConstant =>

  # Set one of the business_profile_location or business_name, whichever is provided.
  if (defined $business_profile_location) {
    $suggestion_info->{businessProfileLocation} =
  } else {
    $suggestion_info->{businessContext} =
        businessName => $business_name

  # Add a schedule detailing which days of the week the business is open. This
  # example schedule describes a business that is open on Mondays from 9:00 AM
  # to 5:00 PM.
  push @{$suggestion_info->{adSchedules}},
      # Set the day of this schedule as Monday.
      dayOfWeek => MONDAY,
      # Set the start hour to 9 AM.
      startHour => 9,
      # Set the end hour to 5 PM.
      endHour => 17,
      # Set the start and end minutes to zero.
      startMinute => ZERO,
      endMinute   => ZERO

  return $suggestion_info;

فهرستی از مضامین کلمات کلیدی بسازید

موضوع کلمه کلیدی یک کلمه یا عبارت واحد است که نشان دهنده گروهی از عبارات جستجوی مرتبط است. به عنوان مثال " نانوایی " مربوط به " نانوایی نزدیک من " و " نانوایی محلی " است. آنها در Google Ads API توسط منبع KeywordTheme نشان داده می شوند که معمولاً به یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo متصل می شود و می تواند یک KeywordThemeConstant یا یک موضوع کلیدواژه رایگان باشد.

موضوعات کلیدواژه پیشنهادی

با توجه به یک نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo ، روش سرویس SuggestKeywordThemes با استفاده از جزئیات کسب و کار شما، موقعیت مکانی آن و محتوای وب سایت، مضامین کلیدواژه را پیشنهاد می کند.

برای بهینه سازی کامل عملکرد کمپین هوشمند خود، هنگام ایجاد تم های کلیدواژه از روش SuggestKeywordThemes استفاده کنید. از آنجایی که جزئیات خاصی را در مورد کسب و کار و وب سایت آن جمع آوری می کند، مضامین کلمات کلیدی بسیار بهتری را نسبت به دو استراتژی دیگر ایجاد می کند که بهترین گزینه ها به عنوان گزینه های پشتیبان در نظر گرفته می شوند.


private List<KeywordTheme> getKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  // Creates the service client.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    // Sends the request.
    SuggestKeywordThemesResponse response =
    // Prints some information about the result.
        "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes method.%n",
    return new ArrayList(response.getKeywordThemesList());

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants suggestions with the SmartCampaignSuggestService.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo">The suggestion information.</param>
/// <returns>The suggestions.</returns>
private List<KeywordThemeConstant> GetKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =

    SuggestKeywordThemesRequest request = new SuggestKeywordThemesRequest()
        SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo,
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString()

    SuggestKeywordThemesResponse response =

    // Prints some information about the result.
    Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved {response.KeywordThemes.Count} keyword theme " +
        $"constant suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes method.");
    return response.KeywordThemes.ToList().ConvertAll(x => x.KeywordThemeConstant);


private static function getKeywordThemeSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
): array {
    $smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient =

    // Issues a request to retrieve the keyword themes.
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient->suggestKeywordThemes(
        (new SuggestKeywordThemesRequest())

        "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes "
        . "method.%s",
    return iterator_to_array($response->getKeywordThemes()->getIterator());


def get_keyword_theme_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves KeywordThemes using the given suggestion info.

    Here we use the SuggestKeywordThemes method, which uses all of the business
    details included in the given SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance to
    generate keyword theme suggestions. This is the recommended way to
    generate keyword themes because it uses detailed information about your
    business, its location, and website content to generate keyword themes.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a list of KeywordThemes.
    smart_campaign_suggest_service = client.get_service(
    request = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemesRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    response = smart_campaign_suggest_service.suggest_keyword_themes(

        f"Retrieved {len(response.keyword_themes)} keyword theme suggestions "
        "from the SuggestKeywordThemes method."
    return response.keyword_themes


def get_keyword_theme_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_keyword_themes(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  puts "Retrieved #{response.keyword_themes.size} keyword theme" \
    " suggestions from SuggestKeywordThemes service."
  return response.keyword_themes


# Retrieves KeywordThemes using the given suggestion info.
# Here we use the SuggestKeywordThemes method, which uses all of the business
# details included in the given SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance to generate
# keyword theme suggestions. This is the recommended way to generate keyword themes
# because it uses detailed information about your business, its location, and
# website content to generate keyword themes.
sub _get_keyword_theme_suggestions {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  my $response =
        customerId     => $customer_id,
        suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  printf "Retrieved %d keyword theme suggestions from the SuggestKeywordThemes"
    . "method.\n",
    scalar @{$response->{keywordThemes}};

  return $response->{keywordThemes};

با توجه به یک کلمه یا عبارت، KeywordThemeConstantService KeywordThemeConstants پیشنهاد می کند که از داده های تکمیل خودکار متن داده شده مشتق شده اند. اگر برای مثال، کسب و کاری که تبلیغ می شود، وب سایت یا اطلاعات کافی برای استفاده از روش SuggestKeywordThemes نداشته باشد، این استراتژی جایگزین مفیدی است. این روش فقط در صورتی باید استفاده شود که روش SuggestKeywordThemes قابل استفاده نباشد یا پیشنهادات ناکافی را برگرداند.


private List<KeywordTheme> getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, String keywordText) {
  try (KeywordThemeConstantServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createKeywordThemeConstantServiceClient()) {
    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest request =
    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsResponse response = client.suggestKeywordThemeConstants(request);
    // Converts the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency with the
    // response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    return response.getKeywordThemeConstantsList().stream()
            keywordThemeConstant ->

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants that are derived from autocomplete data for the
/// given keyword text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="keywordText">A keyword used for generating keyword auto completions.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A list of KeywordThemeConstants.</returns>
private IEnumerable<KeywordThemeConstant> GetKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient client, string keywordText)
    KeywordThemeConstantServiceClient keywordThemeConstantServiceClient =

    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest request = new SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest
        QueryText = keywordText,
        CountryCode = COUNTRY_CODE,
        LanguageCode = LANGUAGE_CODE

    SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsResponse response =

    Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved {response.KeywordThemeConstants.Count} keyword theme " +
        $"constants using the keyword '{keywordText}'.");
    return response.KeywordThemeConstants.ToList();


private static function getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    string $keywordText
): array {
    $keywordThemeConstantService = $googleAdsClient->getKeywordThemeConstantServiceClient();

    // Issues a request to retrieve the keyword theme constants.
    $response = $keywordThemeConstantService->suggestKeywordThemeConstants(
        (new SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest())

        "Retrieved %d keyword theme constants using the keyword: '%s'.%s",

    // Maps the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency with the
    // response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    return array_map(function (KeywordThemeConstant $keywordThemeConstant) {
        return new KeywordTheme([
            'keyword_theme_constant' => $keywordThemeConstant
    }, iterator_to_array($response->getKeywordThemeConstants()->getIterator()));


def get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text):
    """Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants for the given keyword text.

    These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the
    given keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        keyword_text: a keyword used for generating keyword themes.

        a list of KeywordThemes.
    keyword_theme_constant_service = client.get_service(
    request = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest")
    request.query_text = keyword_text
    request.country_code = _COUNTRY_CODE
    request.language_code = _LANGUAGE_CODE

    response = keyword_theme_constant_service.suggest_keyword_theme_constants(

        f"Retrieved {len(response.keyword_theme_constants)} keyword theme "
        f"constants using the keyword: '{keyword_text}'"

    # Map the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency
    # with the response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
    keyword_themes = []
    KeywordTheme = client.get_type("SuggestKeywordThemesResponse").KeywordTheme
    for keyword_theme_constant in response.keyword_theme_constants:
        keyword_theme = KeywordTheme()
        keyword_theme.keyword_theme_constant = keyword_theme_constant

    return keyword_themes


# Retrieves keyword_theme_constants for the given criteria.
# These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the given
# keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.
def get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text)
  response = client.service.keyword_theme_constant.suggest_keyword_theme_constants(
    query_text: keyword_text,
    country_code: COUNTRY_CODE,
    language_code: LANGUAGE_CODE,

  puts "Retrieved #{response.keyword_theme_constants.size} keyword theme" \
    "constants using the keyword: '#{keyword_text}'"

  response.keyword_theme_constants.map do |ktc|
    client.resource.keyword_theme do |kt|
      kt.keyword_theme_constant = ktc


# Retrieves KeywordThemeConstants for the given keyword text.
# These KeywordThemeConstants are derived from autocomplete data for the given
# keyword text. They are mapped to KeywordThemes before being returned.
sub _get_keyword_text_auto_completions {
  my ($api_client, $keyword_text) = @_;

  my $response = $api_client->KeywordThemeConstantService()->suggest(
        queryText    => $keyword_text,
        countryCode  => COUNTRY_CODE,
        languageCode => LANGUAGE_CODE

  printf "Retrieved %d keyword theme constants using the keyword '%s'.\n",
    scalar @{$response->{keywordThemeConstants}}, $keyword_text;

  # Map the keyword theme constants to KeywordTheme instances for consistency
  # with the response from SmartCampaignSuggestService.SuggestKeywordThemes.
  my $keyword_themes = [];
  foreach my $keyword_theme_constant (@{$response->{keywordThemeConstants}}) {
    push @$keyword_themes,
        keywordThemeConstant => $keyword_theme_constant

  return $keyword_themes;

مضامین کلیدواژه آزاد

در نهایت، با تنظیم فیلد free_form_keyword_theme در یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo ، مضامین کلیدواژه رایگان را می‌توان به صورت دستی ایجاد کرد.

استفاده از قالب‌های کلیدواژه آزاد معمولاً توصیه نمی‌شود، زیرا تأثیر کمتری نسبت به تم‌های کلیدواژه پیشنهادی دارند. با این حال، آنها در شرایطی مفید هستند که یک اصطلاح بسیار خاص باید مورد هدف قرار گیرد، یا زمانی که می خواهید یک اصطلاح را به طور منفی هدف قرار دهید .

روش SuggestKeywordThemes ممکن است تم های کلیدواژه رایگان را پیشنهاد کند، اما فقط در صورتی که یک final_url در درخواست ارائه دهید.


if (freeFormKeywordText != null) {

سی شارپ



// Optionally includes any free-form keywords in verbatim.
if (!empty($freeFormKeywordText)) {
    $keywordThemeInfos[] =
        new KeywordThemeInfo(['free_form_keyword_theme' => $freeFormKeywordText]);


def get_free_form_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text):
    """Creates a KeywordThemeInfo using the given free-form keyword text.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        free_form_keyword_text: a keyword used to create a free-form keyword

        a KeywordThemeInfo instance.
    info = client.get_type("KeywordThemeInfo")
    info.free_form_keyword_theme = free_form_keyword_text
    return info


def get_freeform_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text)
  client.resource.keyword_theme_info do |kti|
    kti.free_form_keyword_theme = free_form_keyword_text


# Creates a KeywordInfo instance using the given free-form keyword text.
sub _get_free_form_keyword_theme_info {
  my ($free_form_keyword_text) = @_;

  return Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::KeywordThemeInfo->new({
    freeFormKeywordTheme => $free_form_keyword_text

این دو استراتژی باید به گونه ای اعمال شوند که هر یک از انواع مختلف تم های کلیدواژه به یک نمونه KeywordThemeInfo متصل شود:


// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many of the
// entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number of times to
// retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo =
    getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(googleAdsClient, businessProfileLocation, businessName);

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this strategy for
// generating keyword themes.
List<KeywordTheme> keywordThemes =
    getKeywordThemeSuggestions(googleAdsClient, customerId, suggestionInfo);

// If a keyword text is given, retrieves keyword theme constant suggestions from the
// KeywordThemeConstantService, maps them to KeywordThemes, and appends them to the existing
// list.
// This logic should ideally only be used if the suggestions from the
// getKeywordThemeSuggestions function are insufficient.
if (keywordText != null) {
  keywordThemes.addAll(getKeywordTextAutoCompletions(googleAdsClient, keywordText));

// Converts the list of KeywordThemes to a list of KeywordThemes objects.
List<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos = getKeywordThemeInfos(keywordThemes);

// Optionally includes any freeForm keywords in verbatim.
if (freeFormKeywordText != null) {

// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.
suggestionInfo = suggestionInfo.toBuilder().addAllKeywordThemes(keywordThemeInfos).build();

سی شارپ

// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many
// of the entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
// of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ad
//creatives, and campaign criteria.
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo =
    GetSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(client, businessProfileLocation, businessName);

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this
// strategy for generating keyword themes.
List<KeywordThemeConstant> keywordThemeConstants =
    GetKeywordThemeSuggestions(client, customerId, suggestionInfo);

// Optionally retrieves auto-complete suggestions for the given keyword text and
// adds them to the list of keyWordThemeConstants.
if (keywordText != null)
        client, keywordText));

// Converts the KeywordThemeConstants to KeywordThemeInfos.
List<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos = keywordThemeConstants.Select(
    constant =>
        new KeywordThemeInfo { KeywordThemeConstant = constant.ResourceName })

// Optionally includes any freeform keywords verbatim.
if (freeFormKeywordText != null)
    keywordThemeInfos.Add(new KeywordThemeInfo()
        FreeFormKeywordTheme = freeFormKeywordText

// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.


// Gets the SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object which acts as the basis for many of the
// entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number of times to
// retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount, ads, and campaign criteria.
$suggestionInfo = self::getSmartCampaignSuggestionInfo(

// Generates a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method on the
// SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you use this strategy for
// generating keyword themes.
$keywordThemes =
    self::getKeywordThemeSuggestions($googleAdsClient, $customerId, $suggestionInfo);

// Optionally retrieves auto-complete suggestions for the given keyword text and adds them
// to the list of keyword themes.
if (!empty($keywordText)) {
    $keywordThemes = array_merge(
        self::getKeywordTextAutoCompletions($googleAdsClient, $keywordText)

// Maps the list of KeywordThemes to KeywordThemeInfos.
$keywordThemeInfos = array_map(function (KeywordTheme $keywordTheme) {
    if ($keywordTheme->getKeywordThemeConstant()) {
        return new KeywordThemeInfo([
            'keyword_theme_constant' => $keywordTheme->getKeywordThemeConstant()
    } elseif ($keywordTheme->getFreeFormKeywordTheme()) {
        return new KeywordThemeInfo([
            'free_form_keyword_theme' => $keywordTheme->getFreeFormKeywordTheme()
    } else {
        throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
            'A malformed KeywordTheme was encountered: ' . $keywordTheme->getKeywordTheme()
}, $keywordThemes);

// Optionally includes any free-form keywords in verbatim.
if (!empty($freeFormKeywordText)) {
    $keywordThemeInfos[] =
        new KeywordThemeInfo(['free_form_keyword_theme' => $freeFormKeywordText]);
// Includes the keyword suggestions in the overall SuggestionInfo object.
$suggestionInfo = $suggestionInfo->setKeywordThemes($keywordThemeInfos);


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
suggestion_info = get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(
    client, business_profile_location, business_name

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
keyword_themes = get_keyword_theme_suggestions(
    client, customer_id, suggestion_info

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and
# append them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used
# if the suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions function are
# insufficient.
if keyword_text:
        get_keyword_text_auto_completions(client, keyword_text)

# Map the KeywordThemes retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
keyword_theme_infos = map_keyword_themes_to_keyword_infos(
    client, keyword_themes

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if free_form_keyword_text:
        get_free_form_keyword_theme_info(client, free_form_keyword_text)

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
suggestion_info.keyword_themes = keyword_theme_infos


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
suggestion_info = get_smart_campaign_suggestion_info(

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
keyword_themes = get_keyword_theme_suggestions(

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and append
# them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used if the
# suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions function are
# insufficient.
if keyword_text
  keyword_themes += get_keyword_text_auto_completions(

# Map the KeywordThemeConstants retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
keyword_theme_infos = map_keyword_themes_to_keyword_infos(

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if free_form_keyword_text
  keyword_theme_infos << get_freeform_keyword_theme_info(

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
suggestion_info.keyword_themes += keyword_theme_infos


# The SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object acts as the basis for many of the
# entities necessary to create a Smart campaign. It will be reused a number
# of times to retrieve suggestions for keyword themes, budget amount,
# ad creatives, and campaign criteria.
my $suggestion_info =

# After creating a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo object we first use it to
# generate a list of keyword themes using the SuggestKeywordThemes method
# on the SmartCampaignSuggestService. It is strongly recommended that you
# use this strategy for generating keyword themes.
my $keyword_themes =
  _get_keyword_theme_suggestions($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info);

# If a keyword text is given, retrieve keyword theme constant suggestions
# from the KeywordThemeConstantService, map them to KeywordThemes, and
# append them to the existing list. This logic should ideally only be used
# if the suggestions from the get_keyword_theme_suggestions funtion are
# insufficient.
if (defined $keyword_text) {
  push @$keyword_themes,
    @{_get_keyword_text_auto_completions($api_client, $keyword_text)};

# Map the KeywordThemeConstants retrieved by the previous two steps to
# KeywordThemeInfo instances.
my $keyword_theme_infos = _map_keyword_themes_to_infos($keyword_themes);

# If a free-form keyword text is given we create a KeywordThemeInfo instance
# from it and add it to the existing list.
if (defined $free_form_keyword_text) {
  push @$keyword_theme_infos,

# Now add the generated keyword themes to the suggestion info instance.
$suggestion_info->{keywordThemes} = $keyword_theme_infos;

مقدار بودجه پیشنهادی را دریافت کنید

SmartCampaignSuggestService دارای یک روش SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions است که در صورت داشتن مجموعه ای از موضوعات کلیدواژه و جزئیات کسب و کار، سه سطح از گزینه های بودجه روزانه را پیشنهاد می کند. سطوح low ، high و recommended و هر گزینه همچنین شامل حداقل و حداکثر تعداد کلیک‌های روزانه تخمینی می‌شود.


private long getBudgetSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest.Builder request =

  // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
  // "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
  // and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
  // request.setCampaign("INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE");

  // Uses the suggestion_info field instead, since these suggestions are for a new campaign.

  // Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient client =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse response =
    BudgetOption recommendation = response.getRecommended();
        "A daily budget amount of %d micros was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of %d"
            + " clicks and an estimated maximum of %d per day.%n",
    return recommendation.getDailyAmountMicros();

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
/// Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new and existing
/// Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns achieve optimal
/// performance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo"></param>
/// <returns>A daily budget amount in micros.</returns>
private long GetBudgetSuggestion(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestServiceClient = client.GetService

    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest request =
        new SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest
            CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
            // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
            // "Campaign" field of the request to the resource name of a campaign and
            // leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
            // Campaign = "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE",

            // Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
            // SuggestionInfo field instead.
            SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo,

    LocationInfo locationInfo = new LocationInfo
        // Set the location to the resource name of the given geo target constant.
        GeoTargetConstant = ResourceNames.GeoTargetConstant(GEO_TARGET_CONSTANT)

    // Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse response =

    // Three tiers of options will be returned: "low", "high", and "recommended".
    // Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros, where
    // one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
    Console.WriteLine($"A daily budget amount of " +
        $"{response.Recommended.DailyAmountMicros}" +
        $" was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of " +
        $"{response.Recommended.Metrics.MinDailyClicks} clicks and an estimated " +
        $"maximum of {response.Recommended.Metrics.MaxDailyClicks} clicks per day.");

    return response.Recommended.DailyAmountMicros;


private static function getBudgetSuggestion(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
): int {

    // Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    $smartCampaignSuggestService = $googleAdsClient->getSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient();
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestService->suggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions(
        (new SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest())
            // You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the "campaign"
            // field equal to the resource name of a campaign:
            // ->setCampaign('INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE');
            // Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
            // suggestion_info field instead.

    // Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and "recommended". Here we will
    // use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros, where one million is
    // equivalent to one currency unit.
    $recommendation = $response->getRecommended();
        "A daily budget amount of %d micros was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of "
        . "%d clicks and an estimated maximum of %d per day.%s",

    return $recommendation->getDailyAmountMicros();


def get_budget_suggestion(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.

    Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new
    and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
    campaigns achieve optimal performance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a daily budget amount in micros.
    sc_suggest_service = client.get_service("SmartCampaignSuggestService")
    request = client.get_type("SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
    # "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
    # and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:

    # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
    # use the suggestion_info field instead.
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    # Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
    response = sc_suggest_service.suggest_smart_campaign_budget_options(

    # Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and
    # "recommended". Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is
    # specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
    recommendation = response.recommended
        f"A daily budget amount of {recommendation.daily_amount_micros} micros "
        "was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of "
        f"{recommendation.metrics.min_daily_clicks} clicks and an estimated "
        f"maximum of {recommendation.metrics.max_daily_clicks} per day."

    return recommendation.daily_amount_micros


# Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new
# and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
# campaigns achieve optimal performance.
def get_budget_suggestion(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  # Issues a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_smart_campaign_budget_options(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
    # "campaign" field of the request equal to the resource name of a campaign
    # and leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
    # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to
    # use the suggestion_info field instead.
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  # Three tiers of options will be returned, a "low", "high" and
  # "recommended". Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is
  # specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
  recommendation = response.recommended
  puts "A daily budget amount of #{recommendation.daily_amount_micros} micros" \
    " was suggested, garnering an estimated minimum of" \
    " #{recommendation.metrics.min_daily_clicks} clicks and an estimated" \
    " maximum of #{recommendation.metrics.max_daily_clicks} per day."



# Retrieves a suggested budget amount for a new budget.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to determine a daily budget for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns
# achieve optimal performance.
sub _get_budget_suggestion {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  my $request =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      # You can retrieve suggestions for an existing campaign by setting the
      # "campaign" field of the request to the resource name of a campaign and
      # leaving the rest of the request fields below unset:
      # Since these suggestions are for a new campaign, we're going to use the
      # "suggestion_info" field instead.
      suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  # Issue a request to retrieve a budget suggestion.
  my $response = $api_client->SmartCampaignSuggestService()

  # Three tiers of options will be returned: "low", "high", and "recommended".
  # Here we will use the "recommended" option. The amount is specified in micros,
  # where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
  printf "A daily budget amount of %d was suggested, garnering an estimated " .
    "minimum of %d clicks and an estimated maximum of %d clicks per day.\n",

  return $response->{recommended}{dailyAmountMicros};

دارایی های متن آگهی پیشنهادی را دریافت کنید

SmartCampaignSuggestService دارای یک روش SuggestSmartCampaignAd است که یک نمونه SmartCampaignAdInfo با پیشنهادهایی برای حداکثر سه عنوان و دو توضیح برای تبلیغات کمپین هوشمند شما برمی گرداند. هر عنوان و توضیحات در فیلد یک نمونه AdTextAsset متصل به SmartCampaignAdInfo موجود است.

این روش ممکن است هیچ پیشنهادی برگرداند، یا نمونه‌های AdTextAsset که برگردانده می‌شوند ممکن است یک رشته خالی به عنوان مقدار فیلد text خود داشته باشند. توصیه می کنیم این پیشنهادها را قبل از استفاده برای ایجاد تبلیغات مرور کنید تا مطمئن شوید که تبلیغات همیشه با حداقل 3 عنوان و 2 توضیح ایجاد می شوند. اگر این حداقل رعایت نشود، یا اگر هر یک از متن دارایی خیلی کوتاه باشد، درخواست با خطا انجام نخواهد شد.

پیشنهادات برای دارایی‌های تبلیغاتی عمدتاً از محتوای وب‌سایت نشأت می‌گیرند، بنابراین اگر یک final_url در نمونه SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo مشخص نشده باشد، پیشنهادها صرفاً از موضوعات کلیدواژه ارائه‌شده در درخواست ایجاد می‌شوند.


private SmartCampaignAdInfo getAdSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to use
  // suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.

  // Issues a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  try (SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient()) {
    SuggestSmartCampaignAdResponse response =

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to three headlines
    // and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions may have empty strings as text.
    // Before setting these on the ad you should review them and filter out any empty values.
    SmartCampaignAdInfo adSuggestions = response.getAdInfo();
    for (AdTextAsset headline : adSuggestions.getHeadlinesList()) {
      System.out.println(!headline.getText().isEmpty() ? headline.getText() : "None");
    for (AdTextAsset description : adSuggestions.getDescriptionsList()) {
      System.out.println(!description.getText().isEmpty() ? description.getText() : "None");
    return adSuggestions;

سی شارپ

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
/// Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new
/// and existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps
/// the campaigns achieve optimal performance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client"></param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo">a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance
/// with details about the business being advertised.</param>
/// <returns>A SmartCampaignAdInfo instance with suggested headlines and
/// descriptions.</returns>
private SmartCampaignAdInfo GetAdSuggestions(GoogleAdsClient client,
    long customerId, SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)
    SmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient smartCampaignSuggestService =

    SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest request = new SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
        // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to
        // use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
        SuggestionInfo = suggestionInfo

    // Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    SuggestSmartCampaignAdResponse response =

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
    // three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
    // may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
    // review them and filter out any empty values.
    SmartCampaignAdInfo adSuggestions = response.AdInfo;

    if (adSuggestions != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"The following headlines were suggested:");
        foreach (AdTextAsset headline in adSuggestions.Headlines)

        Console.WriteLine($"And the following descriptions were suggested:");
        foreach (AdTextAsset description in adSuggestions.Descriptions)
        Console.WriteLine("No ad suggestions were found.");
        adSuggestions = new SmartCampaignAdInfo();

    return adSuggestions;


private static function getAdSuggestions(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $suggestionInfo
) {
    // Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible to use
    // suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.

    // Issues a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    $smartCampaignSuggestService = $googleAdsClient->getSmartCampaignSuggestServiceClient();
    $response = $smartCampaignSuggestService->suggestSmartCampaignAd(
        (new SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest())

    // The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to three headlines
    // and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions may have empty strings as text.
    // Before setting these on the ad you should review them and filter out any empty values.
    $adSuggestions = $response->getAdInfo();
    if (is_null($adSuggestions)) {
        return null;
    print 'The following headlines were suggested:' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($adSuggestions->getHeadlines() as $headline) {
        print "\t" . ($headline->getText() ?: 'None') . PHP_EOL;
    print 'And the following descriptions were suggested:' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($adSuggestions->getDescriptions() as $description) {
        print "\t" . ($description->getText() ?: 'None') . PHP_EOL;
    return $adSuggestions;


def get_ad_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info):
    """Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.

    Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
    existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
    campaigns achieve optimal performance.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        suggestion_info: a SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance with details
          about the business being advertised.

        a SmartCampaignAdInfo instance with suggested headlines and
    sc_suggest_service = client.get_service("SmartCampaignSuggestService")
    request = client.get_type("SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id

    # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible
    # to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    request.suggestion_info = suggestion_info

    # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    response = sc_suggest_service.suggest_smart_campaign_ad(request=request)

    # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
    # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
    # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
    # review them and filter out any empty values.
    ad_suggestions = response.ad_info

    print("The following headlines were suggested:")
    for headline in ad_suggestions.headlines:
        print(f"\t{headline.text or '<None>'}")

    print("And the following descriptions were suggested:")
    for description in ad_suggestions.descriptions:
        print(f"\t{description.text or '<None>'}")

    return ad_suggestions


# Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the
# campaigns achieve optimal performance.
def get_ad_suggestions(client, customer_id, suggestion_info)
  # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  response = client.service.smart_campaign_suggest.suggest_smart_campaign_ad(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only possible
    # to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
    suggestion_info: suggestion_info,

  # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
  # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
  # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
  # review them and filter out any empty values.
  ad_suggestions = response.ad_info

  # If there are no suggestions, the response will be blank.
  return nil if ad_suggestions.nil?

  puts 'The following headlines were suggested:'
  ad_suggestions.headlines.each do  |headline|
    puts "\t#{headline.text || '<None>'}"

  puts 'And the following descriptions were suggested:'
  ad_suggestions.descriptions.each do |description|
    puts "\t#{description.text || '<None>'}"



# Retrieves creative suggestions for a Smart campaign ad.
# Using the SmartCampaignSuggestService to suggest creatives for new and
# existing Smart campaigns is highly recommended because it helps the campaigns
# achieve optimal performance.
sub _get_ad_suggestions {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  # Issue a request to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
  my $response =
        customerId => $customer_id,
        # Unlike the SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptions method, it's only
        # possible to use suggestion_info to retrieve ad creative suggestions.
        suggestionInfo => $suggestion_info

  # The SmartCampaignAdInfo object in the response contains a list of up to
  # three headlines and two descriptions. Note that some of the suggestions
  # may have empty strings as text. Before setting these on the ad you should
  # review them and filter out any empty values.
  my $ad_suggestions = $response->{adInfo};
  printf "The following headlines were suggested:\n";
  foreach my $headline (@{$ad_suggestions->{headlines}}) {
    printf "\t%s\n", defined $headline->{text} ? $headline->{text} : "<None>";
  printf "And the following descriptions were suggested:\n";
  foreach my $description (@{$ad_suggestions->{descriptions}}) {
    printf "\t%s\n",
      defined $description->{text} ? $description->{text} : "<None>";

  return $ad_suggestions;