يمكن تطبيق الميزانية على حملة واحدة، أو تمت مشاركتها عبر العديد من الحملات.
ضبط إعدادات الجهاز
عند إنشاء حساب جديد
باستخدام Google Ads API، يمكنك تحديد ما إذا كان
فيمكن مشاركته مع
(تلقائي): يمكن مشاركتها بين حملات متعددةfalse
: يمكن استخدامها في حملة واحدة فقط
تظهر الميزانيات المشتركة بشكلٍ صريح في المكتبة المشتركة لحساب ما ضمن واجهة مستخدم "إعلانات Google"، في حين أن الميزانية غير المشتركة لا تظهر إلا ضمن نطاقها إعدادات الحملة
في المثال التالي حيث تم إنشاء ميزانية جديدة، تتم مشاركة الميزانية
لأنّه تم ضبط explicitly_shared
على true
private String createSharedCampaignBudget(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId) { try (CampaignBudgetServiceClient campaignBudgetServiceClient = googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createCampaignBudgetServiceClient()) { // Creates a shared budget. CampaignBudget budget = CampaignBudget.newBuilder() .setName("Shared Interplanetary Budget #" + getPrintableDateTime()) .setAmountMicros(50_000_000L) .setDeliveryMethod(BudgetDeliveryMethod.STANDARD) .setExplicitlyShared(true) .build(); // Constructs an operation that will create a shared budget. CampaignBudgetOperation operation = CampaignBudgetOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(budget).build(); // Sends the operation in a mutate request. MutateCampaignBudgetsResponse response = campaignBudgetServiceClient.mutateCampaignBudgets( Long.toString(customerId), Lists.newArrayList(operation)); MutateCampaignBudgetResult mutateCampaignBudgetResult = response.getResults(0); // Prints the resource name of the created object. System.out.printf( "Created shared budget with resource name: '%s'.%n", mutateCampaignBudgetResult.getResourceName()); return mutateCampaignBudgetResult.getResourceName(); } }
private string CreateSharedBudget(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, string name, long amount) { // Get the CampaignBudgetService. CampaignBudgetServiceClient campaignBudgetService = client.GetService(Services.V17.CampaignBudgetService); // Create a shared budget. CampaignBudget budget = new CampaignBudget() { Name = name, AmountMicros = amount, DeliveryMethod = BudgetDeliveryMethodEnum.Types.BudgetDeliveryMethod.Standard, ExplicitlyShared = true }; // Create the operation. CampaignBudgetOperation campaignBudgetOperation = new CampaignBudgetOperation() { Create = budget }; // Make the mutate request. MutateCampaignBudgetsResponse retVal = campaignBudgetService.MutateCampaignBudgets( customerId.ToString(), new CampaignBudgetOperation[] { campaignBudgetOperation }); return retVal.Results[0].ResourceName; }
private static function createSharedCampaignBudget( GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId ) { // Creates a shared budget. $budget = new CampaignBudget([ 'name' => 'Shared Interplanetary Budget #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(), 'delivery_method' => BudgetDeliveryMethod::STANDARD, // Sets the amount of budget. 'amount_micros' => 50000000, // Makes the budget explicitly shared. 'explicitly_shared' => true ]); // Constructs a campaign budget operation. $campaignBudgetOperation = new CampaignBudgetOperation(); $campaignBudgetOperation->setCreate($budget); // Issues a mutate request to create the budget. $campaignBudgetServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getCampaignBudgetServiceClient(); $response = $campaignBudgetServiceClient->mutateCampaignBudgets( MutateCampaignBudgetsRequest::build($customerId, [$campaignBudgetOperation]) ); /** @var CampaignBudget $addedBudget */ $addedBudget = $response->getResults()[0]; printf( "Created a shared budget with resource name '%s'.%s", $addedBudget->getResourceName(), PHP_EOL ); return $addedBudget->getResourceName(); }
# Create a budget, which can be shared by multiple campaigns. campaign_budget_operation = client.get_type("CampaignBudgetOperation") campaign_budget = campaign_budget_operation.create campaign_budget.name = f"Interplanetary Budget {uuid.uuid4()}" campaign_budget.delivery_method = ( client.enums.BudgetDeliveryMethodEnum.STANDARD ) campaign_budget.amount_micros = 500000 campaign_budget.explicitly_shared = True # Add budget. try: campaign_budget_response = ( campaign_budget_service.mutate_campaign_budgets( customer_id=customer_id, operations=[campaign_budget_operation] ) ) campaign_budget_id = campaign_budget_response.results[0].resource_name print(f'Budget "{campaign_budget_id}" was created.') except GoogleAdsException as ex: handle_googleads_exception(ex)
# Create a budget, which can be shared by multiple campaigns. budget = client.resource.campaign_budget do |cb| cb.name = "Interplanetary budget ##{(Time.new.to_f * 1000).to_i}" cb.amount_micros = 50_000_000 cb.delivery_method = :STANDARD cb.explicitly_shared = true end operation = client.operation.create_resource.campaign_budget(budget) response = client.service.campaign_budget.mutate_campaign_budgets( customer_id: customer_id, operations: [operation], ) budget_id = response.results.first.resource_name
sub create_shared_campaign_buget { my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_; # Create a shared budget. my $campaign_budget = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::CampaignBudget->new({ name => "Shared Interplanetary Budget #" . uniqid(), deliveryMethod => STANDARD, # Set the amount of budget. amountMicros => 50000000, # Makes the budget explicitly shared. explicitlyShared => 'true' }); # Create a campaign budget operation. my $campaign_budget_operation = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Services::CampaignBudgetService::CampaignBudgetOperation ->new({create => $campaign_budget}); # Add the campaign budget. my $campaign_budgets_response = $api_client->CampaignBudgetService()->mutate({ customerId => $customer_id, operations => [$campaign_budget_operation]}); my $campaign_budget_resource_name = $campaign_budgets_response->{results}[0]{resourceName}; printf "Created a shared budget with resource name: '%s'.\n", $campaign_budget_resource_name; return $campaign_budget_resource_name; }
تحديد ما إذا كانت ميزانية حملة مشتركة أم لا
يمكنك استرداد قيمة إعداد الميزانية من خلال البحث عن
. في ما يلي طلب البحث GAQL للحقل، مع الفلترة
على رقم تعريف الميزانية:
SELECT campaign_budget.explicitly_shared FROM campaign_budget WHERE campaign_budget.id = campaign_budget_id