Kampagnenkriterien erstellen

In Vorschläge abrufen wurde wie Sie eine Reihe von KeywordThemeConstant-Objekte anhand eines Wort oder Wortgruppe. In diesem Schritt verwenden wir dieselben Keyword-Themenkonstanten, Eine Reihe von CampaignCriterion-Objekten erstellen auf das die smarte Kampagne ausgerichtet werden soll.

Ähnlich wie der Budgetbetrag, der vom SmartCampaignSuggestService beim Erstellen eines Ihres Budgets, empfehlen wir Ihnen, Kampagnenkriterien basierend auf den Keyword-Themen-Konstanten, die aus dem KeywordThemeConstantService in Vorschläge abrufen.

Das sind die wichtigsten Anforderungen an die Kriterien für smarte Kampagnen:

Im folgenden Beispiel wurden die Konstanten des Keyword-Themas KeywordThemeInfo-Objekten, indem Sie ihre Ressourcenname auf der KeywordThemeInfo.keyword_theme_constant ein. Das Feld campaign wird mithilfe der temporären Ressource festgelegt. Name auf dem Kampagne aus dem vorherigen Schritt.


 * Creates {@link com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.CampaignCriterion} operations for add
 * each {@link KeywordThemeInfo}.
private Collection<? extends MutateOperation> createCampaignCriterionOperations(
    long customerId,
    List<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) {
  List<MutateOperation> keywordThemeOperations =
              keywordTheme -> {
                MutateOperation.Builder builder = MutateOperation.newBuilder();
                    .setCampaign(ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID))
                return builder.build();

  List<MutateOperation> locationOperations =
              location -> {
                MutateOperation.Builder builder = MutateOperation.newBuilder();
                    .setCampaign(ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID))
                return builder.build();

  return Stream.concat(keywordThemeOperations.stream(), locationOperations.stream())


/// <summary>
/// Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
/// <param name="keywordThemeInfos">A list of KeywordThemeInfos.</param>
/// <param name="suggestionInfo">A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.</param>
/// <returns>A list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.</returns>
private IEnumerable<MutateOperation> CreateCampaignCriterionOperations(long customerId,
    IEnumerable<KeywordThemeInfo> keywordThemeInfos, SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo
    List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = keywordThemeInfos.Select(
        keywordThemeInfo => new MutateOperation
            CampaignCriterionOperation = new CampaignCriterionOperation
                Create = new CampaignCriterion
                    // Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
                    Campaign = ResourceNames.Campaign(
                        customerId, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID),
                    // Set the keyword theme to each KeywordThemeInfo in turn.
                    KeywordTheme = keywordThemeInfo,

    // Create a location criterion for each location in the suggestion info.
            locationInfo => new MutateOperation()
                CampaignCriterionOperation = new CampaignCriterionOperation()
                    Create = new CampaignCriterion()
                        // Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
                        Campaign = ResourceNames.Campaign(customerId,
                        // Set the location to the given location.
                        Location = locationInfo
    return mutateOperations;


private static function createCampaignCriterionOperations(
    int $customerId,
    array $keywordThemeInfos,
    SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo $smartCampaignSuggestionInfo
): array {
    $operations = [];
    foreach ($keywordThemeInfos as $info) {
        // Creates the campaign criterion object.
        $campaignCriterion = new CampaignCriterion([
            // Sets the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
            'campaign' =>
                ResourceNames::forCampaign($customerId, self::SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID),
            // Sets the keyword theme to the given KeywordThemeInfo.
            'keyword_theme' => $info

        // Creates the MutateOperation that creates the campaign criterion and adds it to the
        // list of operations.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_criterion_operation' => new CampaignCriterionOperation([
                'create' => $campaignCriterion

    // Create a location criterion for each location in the suggestion info object to add
    // corresponding location targeting to the Smart campaign.
    foreach ($smartCampaignSuggestionInfo->getLocationList()->getLocations() as $location) {
        // Creates the campaign criterion object.
        $campaignCriterion = new CampaignCriterion([
            // Sets the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
            'campaign' =>
                ResourceNames::forCampaign($customerId, self::SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID),
            // Set the location to the given location.
            'location' => $location

        // Creates the MutateOperation that creates the campaign criterion and adds it to the
        // list of operations.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_criterion_operation' => new CampaignCriterionOperation([
                'create' => $campaignCriterion

    return $operations;


def create_campaign_criterion_operations(
    client, customer_id, keyword_theme_infos, suggestion_info
    """Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        keyword_theme_infos: a list of KeywordThemeInfos.
        suggestion_info: A SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo instance.

        a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
    campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService")

    operations = []
    for info in keyword_theme_infos:
        mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        campaign_criterion = (
        # Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
        campaign_criterion.campaign = campaign_service.campaign_path(
            customer_id, _SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
        # Set the keyword theme to the given KeywordThemeInfo.
        campaign_criterion.keyword_theme = info
        # Add the mutate operation to the list of other operations.

    # Create a location criterion for each location in the suggestion info
    # object to add corresponding location targeting to the Smart campaign
    for location_info in suggestion_info.location_list.locations:
        mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        campaign_criterion = (
        # Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
        campaign_criterion.campaign = campaign_service.campaign_path(
            customer_id, _SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
        # Set the location to the given location.
        campaign_criterion.location = location_info
        # Add the mutate operation to the list of other operations.

    return operations


# Creates a list of mutate_operations that create new campaign criteria.
def create_campaign_criterion_operations(
  operations = []

  keyword_theme_infos.each do |info|
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.campaign_criterion_operation =
        client.operation.create_resource.campaign_criterion do |cc|
        # Sets the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
        cc.campaign = client.path.campaign(
          customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID)
        # Sets the keyword theme to the given keyword_theme_info.
        cc.keyword_theme = info

  # Create a location criterion for each location in the suggestion info object
  # to add corresponding location targeting to the Smart campaign
  suggestion_info.location_list.locations.each do |location|
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.campaign_criterion_operation =
        client.operation.create_resource.campaign_criterion do |cc|
        # Sets the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
        cc.campaign = client.path.campaign(
          customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID)
        # Sets the location to the given location.
        cc.location = location



# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
sub _create_campaign_criterion_operations {
  my ($customer_id, $keyword_theme_infos, $suggestion_info) = @_;

  my $campaign_criterion_operations = [];

  foreach my $keyword_theme_info (@$keyword_theme_infos) {
    push @$campaign_criterion_operations,
        campaignCriterionOperation =>
            create =>
                # Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
                campaign =>
                  $customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
                # Set the keyword theme to the given KeywordThemeInfo.
                keywordTheme => $keyword_theme_info

  # Create a location criterion for each location in the suggestion info object
  # to add corresponding location targeting to the Smart campaign.
  foreach my $location_info (@{$suggestion_info->{locationList}{locations}}) {
    push @$campaign_criterion_operations,
        campaignCriterionOperation =>
            create =>
                # Set the campaign ID to a temporary ID.
                campaign =>
                  $customer_id, SMART_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
                # Set the location to the given location.
                location => $location_info

  return $campaign_criterion_operations;

Kampagnenkriterien mit auszuschließenden Keyword-Themen

Bei der auszuschließenden Ausrichtung auf ein Keyword-Themenkriterium in einer smarten Kampagne muss ein Keyword-Thema im freien Format indem Sie das Attribut free_form_keyword_theme Feld auf einem KeywordThemeInfo-Instanz.

Kriterien für auszuschließende Keyword-Themen verhalten sich anders als einzuschließende Keyword-Themen Kriterien. Ein einzuschließendes Kriterium für Keyword-Themen wird dagegen angepasst, um ähnliche Kriterien automatisch erfüllt, wird ein Kriterium nach Thema des auszuschließenden Keywords eingeschränkt , um nur exakt auf einen bestimmten Begriff auszurichten. Das Verhalten entspricht wie eine auszuschließende Wortgruppe wie das Keyword funktioniert.