Erweiterte Conversions für Leads implementieren

Mit erweiterten Conversions für Leads können Sie die Genauigkeit Ihrer indem Sie Klick-Conversions hochladen, die folgenden Text enthalten: gehashte Nutzerkennungen und einige optionale Zusatzinformationen, die Google Ads die Conversion der Anzeige zuordnen, die zum Lead geführt hat.

Lesen Sie den Leitfaden für den Einstieg und erfüllen Sie die Voraussetzungen für erweiterte Conversions für Leads, bevor Sie mit der Implementierung fortfahren.

Sie können erweiterte Conversions für Leads über die Google Ads-Benutzeroberfläche hochladen: wie in der Google Merchant Center-Hilfe beschrieben, oder über die Google Ads API, wie in diesem Leitfaden beschrieben.

Integration entwerfen


Hier sehen Sie den gesamten Ablauf zum Hochladen erweiterter Conversions für Leads im Bereich Google Ads API

  1. Prüfen Sie, ob Sie die folgenden Voraussetzungen erfüllt haben:

    1. Aktivieren Sie Conversion-Tracking.

    2. Akzeptieren Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen für Kundendaten.

    3. Konfigurieren Sie das Tagging in den Lead-Formularen auf Ihrer Website.

    Eine ausführliche Anleitung finden Sie unter Voraussetzungen implementieren.

  2. Lead-Daten wie E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postanschrift.

  3. Speichern Sie die normalisierten und gehashten Lead-Daten in ClickConversion-Objekten. Führen Sie für jede ClickConversion folgende Schritte aus:

    1. Fülle user_identifiers mit den normalisierten und gehashten Lead-Daten aus. Wenn Sie mehrere Nutzer-IDs haben, erstellen Sie für jede eine separate UserIdentifier. Es können bis zu fünf IDs sein.

    2. Optional, aber dringend empfohlen: Geben Sie order_id ein.

    3. Optional: Füllen Sie gclid aus für die genaueste Messung.

    4. Achten Sie darauf, dass das Feld consent des ClickConversion-Objekt.

    5. Legen Sie conversion_action als Ressourcennamen einer ConversionAction mit einer type von UPLOAD_CLICKS fest. Dies sollte der Ressourcenname des ConversionAction, die Sie bei der Implementierung der Voraussetzungen.

  4. ClickConversion Erstellungsvorgänge hochladen in: ConversionUploadService, Einstellung partial_failure an true.

  5. Prüfen Sie Ihre Uploads.

Best Practices

Beachten Sie beim Implementieren erweiterter Conversions die folgenden Best Practices für Leads.

Kunden-ID prüfen

Wenn Sie Conversions hochladen, muss die Kundennummer auf das Konto festgelegt sein, das die Conversion-Aktion enthält und in dem das Conversion-Tracking erfolgt. Zur Überprüfung die ausgelieferte Google Ads-Anzeige Customer abfragen möchten, Ressource für die ConversionTrackingSetting Führen Sie die folgende Abfrage mit GoogleAdsService.SearchStream aus, um den Wert von customer.conversion_tracking_setting.google_ads_conversion_customer zu ermitteln.

Geben Sie gegebenenfalls mehrere Kennzeichnungen an.

Wenn Sie einer Conversion eine order_id zuweisen, sollten Sie sie unbedingt einschließen. Wenn Sie die gclid für eine Conversion haben, empfehlen wir, sie zusätzlich zur user_identifiers zu senden, um die Leistung zu verbessern. Wenn Sie für die Conversion mehr als einen UserIdentifier haben, kann die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Übereinstimmung durch die Aufnahme mehrerer UserIdentifier erhöht werden. Geben Sie alle IDs in derselben ClickConversion an.

Teilweise Fehler beim Einrichten der Integration prüfen

Wenn Sie die Integration erweiterter Conversions für Leads zum ersten Mal einrichten, prüfen und beheben Sie alle Teilfehler im Feld partial_failure_error der Antwort. Falls es Probleme mit der Einrichtung gibt, müssen Sie diese zu untersuchen und zu beheben. Weitere Informationen und Beispiele zur Fehlerbehandlung bei teilweisen Fehlern finden Sie im Leitfaden zu teilweisen Fehlern.

Sehen Sie sich bei der Prüfung von Fehlern mit teilweisem Fehler die Tabelle Häufige Fehler in der Anleitung zur Fehlerbehebung an. Sobald Sie alle Probleme behoben haben, die zu Fehlern mit teilweisen Ausfällen geführt haben, und die Integration abgeschlossen ist, können Sie die Offline-Datendiagnose verwenden, um den Status Ihrer Conversions regelmäßig zu überprüfen.

Mehrere Conversions in einer einzigen Anfrage senden

Wenn Sie mehrere Conversions hochladen möchten, fassen Sie die Vorgänge in einem Batch zusammen. UploadClickConversionsRequest, anstatt eine Uploadanfrage pro Conversion zu senden.

Leitfaden zu Kontingenten lesen .

Wenn Sie mit der Offlinedatendiagnose mehrere Anfragen in einem logischen Job gruppieren möchten, müssen Sie für alle Anfragen denselben Wert für job_id festlegen. Dies kann nützlich sein, wenn nur ein einziger Job oder Prozess zum Hochladen verwendet wird. mithilfe mehrerer Anfragen eine große Anzahl von Conversions erzielen. Wenn Sie die job_id festlegen für jede dieser Anfragen denselben Wert, dann können Sie Eintrag für den Job aus job_summaries Wenn Sie stattdessen die Google Ads API die Zuweisung eines systemgenerierten Werts zum job_id erlauben jeder Anfrage einen separaten Eintrag im job_summaries, was die Analyse des Gesamtzustands Ihrer Arbeit erschweren könnte.

Alle verfügbaren Offline-Conversion-Ereignisse hochladen

Damit Sie vollständige und korrekte Conversion-Berichte erhalten, sollten Sie alle verfügbaren Offline-Conversion-Ereignisse hochladen, auch solche, die nicht aus Google Ads stammen.

Wenn Sie alle Conversion-Ereignisse hochladen, führt das bei allen Ereignissen, die nicht aus Google Ads stammen, zu CLICK_NOT_FOUND-Fehlern. Da diese Fehler beim Hochladen aller Conversion-Ereignisse UploadClickConversionsRequest hat das Feld debug_enabled.

  • Wenn debug_enabled den Wert false hat oder nicht konfiguriert ist, führt die Google Ads API nur grundlegende Eingabevalidierung, überspringt nachfolgende Uploadprüfungen und gibt Erfolg kein Klick für die angegebene user_identifiers gefunden wird.

    Das ist die Standardeinstellung.

  • Wenn debug_enabled den Wert true hat, führt die Google Ads API alle Validierungen und gibt einen CLICK_NOT_FOUND-Fehler für alle ClickConversion zurück, bei denen keine Google Ads-Conversion für die angegebenen user_identifiers.

Während der Entwicklung und des Tests können Sie debug_enabled auf true festlegen, um Probleme leichter zu erkennen. Wenn Sie beispielsweise eine Reihe von Conversions und user_identifiers haben, von denen Sie wissen, dass sie aus Google Ads-Conversions stammen, können Sie mit der Einstellung true prüfen, ob diese Uploads zu einem CLICK_NOT_FOUND-Fehler führen. Wenn Sie jedoch die Entwicklung und Tests abgeschlossen haben, empfehlen wir, debug_enabled auf false festzulegen, um zu viele Fehler zu vermeiden.

Keine externen Attributionsdaten verwenden

Legen Sie external_attribution_data nicht für ClickConversion fest und geben Sie keinen Wert an: conversion_action mit externem Attributionsmodell. In Google Ads werden extern zugeordnete Conversions für Uploads mithilfe von IDs nicht unterstützt.

Daten für den Upload vorbereiten

Aus Datenschutzgründen müssen die folgenden Daten mit dem SHA256-Algorithmus gehasht werden bevor sie hochgeladen werden:

  • E-Mail-Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • Vorname
  • Nachname
  • Adresse

Die folgenden Daten dürfen nicht gehasht werden:

  • Land
  • Bundesstaat
  • Stadt
  • Postleitzahl

Um die Hash-Ergebnisse zu standardisieren, müssen Sie vor dem der Hash-Technologie eines dieser Werte:

  • Entfernen Sie Leerzeichen am Anfang und Ende.
  • Verwenden Sie nur Kleinbuchstaben im Text.
  • Formatieren Sie Telefonnummern gemäß dem E164-Standard.
  • Entfernen Sie alle Punkte (.) vor dem Domainnamen in und


private String normalizeAndHash(MessageDigest digest, String s)
    throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
  // Normalizes by first converting all characters to lowercase, then trimming spaces.
  String normalized = s.toLowerCase();
  // Removes leading, trailing, and intermediate spaces.
  normalized = normalized.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
  // Hashes the normalized string using the hashing algorithm.
  byte[] hash = digest.digest(normalized.getBytes("UTF-8"));
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
  for (byte b : hash) {
    result.append(String.format("%02x", b));

  return result.toString();

 * Returns the result of normalizing and hashing an email address. For this use case, Google Ads
 * requires removal of any '.' characters preceding {@code} or {@code}.
 * @param digest the digest to use to hash the normalized string.
 * @param emailAddress the email address to normalize and hash.
private String normalizeAndHashEmailAddress(MessageDigest digest, String emailAddress)
    throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
  String normalizedEmail = emailAddress.toLowerCase();
  String[] emailParts = normalizedEmail.split("@");
  if (emailParts.length > 1 && emailParts[1].matches("^(gmail|googlemail)\\.com\\s*")) {
    // Removes any '.' characters from the portion of the email address before the domain if the
    // domain is or
    emailParts[0] = emailParts[0].replaceAll("\\.", "");
    normalizedEmail = String.format("%s@%s", emailParts[0], emailParts[1]);
  return normalizeAndHash(digest, normalizedEmail);


/// <summary>
/// Normalizes the email address and hashes it. For this use case, Google Ads requires
/// removal of any '.' characters preceding <code></code> or
/// <code></code>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="emailAddress">The email address.</param>
/// <returns>The hash code.</returns>
private string NormalizeAndHashEmailAddress(string emailAddress)
    string normalizedEmail = emailAddress.ToLower();
    string[] emailParts = normalizedEmail.Split('@');
    if (emailParts.Length > 1 && (emailParts[1] == "" ||
        emailParts[1] == ""))
        // Removes any '.' characters from the portion of the email address before
        // the domain if the domain is or
        emailParts[0] = emailParts[0].Replace(".", "");
        normalizedEmail = $"{emailParts[0]}@{emailParts[1]}";
    return NormalizeAndHash(normalizedEmail);

/// <summary>
/// Normalizes and hashes a string value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value to normalize and hash.</param>
/// <returns>The normalized and hashed value.</returns>
private static string NormalizeAndHash(string value)
    return ToSha256String(digest, ToNormalizedValue(value));

/// <summary>
/// Hash a string value using SHA-256 hashing algorithm.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="digest">Provides the algorithm for SHA-256.</param>
/// <param name="value">The string value (e.g. an email address) to hash.</param>
/// <returns>The hashed value.</returns>
private static string ToSha256String(SHA256 digest, string value)
    byte[] digestBytes = digest.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value));
    // Convert the byte array into an unhyphenated hexadecimal string.
    return BitConverter.ToString(digestBytes).Replace("-", string.Empty);

/// <summary>
/// Removes leading and trailing whitespace and converts all characters to
/// lower case.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value to normalize.</param>
/// <returns>The normalized value.</returns>
private static string ToNormalizedValue(string value)
    return value.Trim().ToLower();


private static function normalizeAndHash(string $hashAlgorithm, string $value): string
    // Normalizes by first converting all characters to lowercase, then trimming spaces.
    $normalized = strtolower($value);
    // Removes leading, trailing, and intermediate spaces.
    $normalized = str_replace(' ', '', $normalized);
    return hash($hashAlgorithm, strtolower(trim($normalized)));

 * Returns the result of normalizing and hashing an email address. For this use case, Google
 * Ads requires removal of any '.' characters preceding "" or "".
 * @param string $hashAlgorithm the hash algorithm to use
 * @param string $emailAddress the email address to normalize and hash
 * @return string the normalized and hashed email address
private static function normalizeAndHashEmailAddress(
    string $hashAlgorithm,
    string $emailAddress
): string {
    $normalizedEmail = strtolower($emailAddress);
    $emailParts = explode("@", $normalizedEmail);
    if (
        count($emailParts) > 1
        && preg_match('/^(gmail|googlemail)\.com\s*/', $emailParts[1])
    ) {
        // Removes any '.' characters from the portion of the email address before the domain
        // if the domain is or
        $emailParts[0] = str_replace(".", "", $emailParts[0]);
        $normalizedEmail = sprintf('%s@%s', $emailParts[0], $emailParts[1]);
    return self::normalizeAndHash($hashAlgorithm, $normalizedEmail);


def normalize_and_hash_email_address(email_address):
    """Returns the result of normalizing and hashing an email address.

    For this use case, Google Ads requires removal of any '.' characters
    preceding "" or ""

        email_address: An email address to normalize.

        A normalized (lowercase, removed whitespace) and SHA-265 hashed string.
    normalized_email = email_address.lower()
    email_parts = normalized_email.split("@")
    # Checks whether the domain of the email address is either ""
    # or "". If this regex does not match then this statement
    # will evaluate to None.
    is_gmail = re.match(r"^(gmail|googlemail)\.com$", email_parts[1])

    # Check that there are at least two segments and the second segment
    # matches the above regex expression validating the email domain name.
    if len(email_parts) > 1 and is_gmail:
        # Removes any '.' characters from the portion of the email address
        # before the domain if the domain is or
        email_parts[0] = email_parts[0].replace(".", "")
        normalized_email = "@".join(email_parts)

    return normalize_and_hash(normalized_email)

def normalize_and_hash(s):
    """Normalizes and hashes a string with SHA-256.

    Private customer data must be hashed during upload, as described at:

        s: The string to perform this operation on.

        A normalized (lowercase, removed whitespace) and SHA-256 hashed string.
    return hashlib.sha256(s.strip().lower().encode()).hexdigest()


# Returns the result of normalizing and then hashing the string using the
# provided digest.  Private customer data must be hashed during upload, as
# described at
def normalize_and_hash(str)
  # Remove leading and trailing whitespace and ensure all letters are lowercase
  # before hasing.

# Returns the result of normalizing and hashing an email address. For this use
# case, Google Ads requires removal of any '.' characters preceding ''
# or ''.
def normalize_and_hash_email(email)
  email_parts = email.downcase.split("@")
  # Removes any '.' characters from the portion of the email address before the
  # domain if the domain is or
  if email_parts.last =~ /^(gmail|googlemail)\.com\s*/
    email_parts[0] = email_parts[0].gsub('.', '')


sub normalize_and_hash {
  my $value = shift;

  # Removes leading, trailing, and intermediate spaces.
  $value =~ s/\s+//g;
  return sha256_hex(lc $value);

# Returns the result of normalizing and hashing an email address. For this use
# case, Google Ads requires removal of any '.' characters preceding ''
# or ''.
sub normalize_and_hash_email_address {
  my $email_address = shift;

  my $normalized_email = lc $email_address;
  my @email_parts      = split('@', $normalized_email);
  if (scalar @email_parts > 1
    && $email_parts[1] =~ /^(gmail|googlemail)\.com\s*/)
    # Remove any '.' characters from the portion of the email address before the
    # domain if the domain is '' or ''.
    $email_parts[0] =~ s/\.//g;
    $normalized_email = sprintf '%s@%s', $email_parts[0], $email_parts[1];
  return normalize_and_hash($normalized_email);

Erweiterte Conversions hochladen

In den folgenden Snippets wird gezeigt, wie Sie einen Conversion-Upload erstellen, der IDs für E-Mail-Adressen und Telefonnummern enthält. Dabei werden nach Bedarf Standardisierung und Hash-Technologie angewendet. Wir empfehlen, gclid und order_id in die Conversion aufzunehmen, sofern verfügbar.

Nutzer-IDs zur Klick-Conversion hinzufügen


// Creates an empty builder for constructing the click conversion.
ClickConversion.Builder clickConversionBuilder = ClickConversion.newBuilder();

// Extracts user email and phone from the raw data, normalizes and hashes it, then wraps it in
// UserIdentifier objects.
// Creates a separate UserIdentifier object for each. The data in this example is hardcoded, but
// in your application you might read the raw data from an input file.

// IMPORTANT: Since the identifier attribute of UserIdentifier
// ( is a
// oneof
// (, you must set only ONE of
// hashedEmail, hashedPhoneNumber, mobileId, thirdPartyUserId, or addressInfo. Setting more
// than one of these attributes on the same UserIdentifier will clear all the other members
// of the oneof. For example, the following code is INCORRECT and will result in a
// UserIdentifier with ONLY a hashedPhoneNumber.
// UserIdentifier incorrectlyPopulatedUserIdentifier =
//     UserIdentifier.newBuilder()
//         .setHashedEmail("...")
//         .setHashedPhoneNumber("...")
//         .build();

ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> rawRecordBuilder =
    ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
        .put("email", "")
        // Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as required.
        .put("phone", "+1 800 5550102")
        // This example lets you put conversion details as arguments, but in reality you might
        // store this data alongside other user data, so we include it in this sample user
        // record.
        .put("conversionActionId", Long.toString(conversionActionId))
        .put("conversionDateTime", conversionDateTime)
        .put("conversionValue", Double.toString(conversionValue))
        .put("currencyCode", "USD");

// Adds entries for the optional fields.
if (orderId != null) {
  rawRecordBuilder.put("orderId", orderId);
if (gclid != null) {
  rawRecordBuilder.put("gclid", gclid);
if (adUserDataConsent != null) {

// Builds the map representing the record.
Map<String, String> rawRecord =;

// Creates a SHA256 message digest for hashing user identifiers in a privacy-safe way, as
// described at
MessageDigest sha256Digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");

// Creates a list for the user identifiers.
List<UserIdentifier> userIdentifiers = new ArrayList<>();

// Creates a user identifier using the hashed email address, using the normalize and hash method
// specifically for email addresses.
UserIdentifier emailIdentifier =
        // Optional: specify the user identifier source.
        // Uses the normalize and hash method specifically for email addresses.
        .setHashedEmail(normalizeAndHashEmailAddress(sha256Digest, rawRecord.get("email")))

// Creates a user identifier using normalized and hashed phone info.
UserIdentifier hashedPhoneNumberIdentifier =
        .setHashedPhoneNumber(normalizeAndHash(sha256Digest, rawRecord.get("phone")))
// Adds the hashed phone number identifier to the UserData object's list.

// Adds the user identifiers to the conversion.


// Adds a user identifier using the hashed email address, using the normalize
// and hash method specifically for email addresses.
clickConversion.UserIdentifiers.Add(new UserIdentifier()
    HashedEmail = NormalizeAndHashEmailAddress(""),
    // Optional: Specifies the user identifier source.
    UserIdentifierSource = UserIdentifierSource.FirstParty

// Adds a user identifier using normalized and hashed phone info.
clickConversion.UserIdentifiers.Add(new UserIdentifier()
    HashedPhoneNumber = NormalizeAndHash("+1 800 5550102"),
    // Optional: Specifies the user identifier source.
    UserIdentifierSource = UserIdentifierSource.FirstParty

// Adds a user identifier with all the required mailing address elements.
clickConversion.UserIdentifiers.Add(new UserIdentifier()
    AddressInfo = new OfflineUserAddressInfo()
        // FirstName and LastName must be normalized and hashed.
        HashedFirstName = NormalizeAndHash("Alex"),
        HashedLastName = NormalizeAndHash("Quinn"),
        // CountryCode and PostalCode are sent in plain text.
        CountryCode = "US",
        PostalCode = "94045"


// Creates a click conversion with the specified attributes.
$clickConversion = new ClickConversion();

// Extract user email and phone from the raw data, normalize and hash it, then wrap it in
// UserIdentifier objects. Creates a separate UserIdentifier object for each.
// The data in this example is hardcoded, but in your application you might read the raw
// data from an input file.

// IMPORTANT: Since the identifier attribute of UserIdentifier
// ( is a
// oneof
// (, you must set only ONE
// of hashedEmail, hashedPhoneNumber, mobileId, thirdPartyUserId, or addressInfo. Setting
// more than one of these attributes on the same UserIdentifier will clear all the other
// members of the oneof. For example, the following code is INCORRECT and will result in a
// UserIdentifier with ONLY a hashedPhoneNumber.
// $incorrectlyPopulatedUserIdentifier = new UserIdentifier([
//    'hashed_email' => '...',
//    'hashed_phone_number' => '...'
// ]);

$rawRecord = [
    // Email address that includes a period (.) before the Gmail domain.
    'email' => '',
    // Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as required.
    'phone' => '+1 800 5550102',
    // This example lets you input conversion details as arguments, but in reality you might
    // store this data alongside other user data, so we include it in this sample user
    // record.
    'orderId' => $orderId,
    'gclid' => $gclid,
    'conversionActionId' => $conversionActionId,
    'conversionDateTime' => $conversionDateTime,
    'conversionValue' => $conversionValue,
    'currencyCode' => 'USD',
    'adUserDataConsent' => $adUserDataConsent

// Creates a list for the user identifiers.
$userIdentifiers = [];

// Uses the SHA-256 hash algorithm for hashing user identifiers in a privacy-safe way, as
// described at
$hashAlgorithm = "sha256";

// Creates a user identifier using the hashed email address, using the normalize and hash
// method specifically for email addresses.
$emailIdentifier = new UserIdentifier([
    // Uses the normalize and hash method specifically for email addresses.
    'hashed_email' => self::normalizeAndHashEmailAddress(
    // Optional: Specifies the user identifier source.
    'user_identifier_source' => UserIdentifierSource::FIRST_PARTY
$userIdentifiers[] = $emailIdentifier;

// Checks if the record has a phone number, and if so, adds a UserIdentifier for it.
if (array_key_exists('phone', $rawRecord)) {
    $hashedPhoneNumberIdentifier = new UserIdentifier([
        'hashed_phone_number' => self::normalizeAndHash(
    // Adds the hashed email identifier to the user identifiers list.
    $userIdentifiers[] = $hashedPhoneNumberIdentifier;

// Adds the user identifiers to the conversion.


# Extract user email and phone from the raw data, normalize and hash it,
# then wrap it in UserIdentifier objects. Create a separate UserIdentifier
# object for each. The data in this example is hardcoded, but in your
# application you might read the raw data from an input file.

# IMPORTANT: Since the identifier attribute of UserIdentifier
# (
# is a oneof
# (, you must
# set only ONE of hashed_email, hashed_phone_number, mobile_id,
# third_party_user_id, or address_info. Setting more than one of these
# attributes on the same UserIdentifier will clear all the other members of
# the oneof. For example, the following code is INCORRECT and will result in
# a UserIdentifier with ONLY a hashed_phone_number:
# incorrectly_populated_user_identifier = client.get_type("UserIdentifier")
# incorrectly_populated_user_identifier.hashed_email = "...""
# incorrectly_populated_user_identifier.hashed_phone_number = "...""

raw_record = {
    # Email address that includes a period (.) before the Gmail domain.
    "email": "",
    # Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as
    # required.
    "phone": "+1 800 5550102",
    # This example lets you input conversion details as arguments,
    # but in reality you might store this data alongside other user data,
    # so we include it in this sample user record.
    "order_id": order_id,
    "gclid": gclid,
    "conversion_action_id": conversion_action_id,
    "conversion_date_time": conversion_date_time,
    "conversion_value": conversion_value,
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "ad_user_data_consent": ad_user_data_consent,

# Constructs the click conversion.
click_conversion = client.get_type("ClickConversion")
# Creates a user identifier using the hashed email address, using the
# normalize and hash method specifically for email addresses.
email_identifier = client.get_type("UserIdentifier")
# Optional: Specifies the user identifier source.
email_identifier.user_identifier_source = (
# Uses the normalize and hash method specifically for email addresses.
email_identifier.hashed_phone_number = normalize_and_hash_email_address(
# Adds the user identifier to the conversion.

# Checks if the record has a phone number, and if so, adds a UserIdentifier
# for it.
if raw_record.get("phone") is not None:
    phone_identifier = client.get_type("UserIdentifier")
    phone_identifier.hashed_phone_number = normalize_and_hash(
    # Adds the phone identifier to the conversion adjustment.


# Extract user email and phone from the raw data, normalize and hash it,
# then wrap it in UserIdentifier objects. Create a separate UserIdentifier
# object for each. The data in this example is hardcoded, but in your
# application you might read the raw data from an input file.

# IMPORTANT: Since the identifier attribute of UserIdentifier
# (
# is a oneof
# (, you must
# set only ONE of hashed_email, hashed_phone_number, mobile_id,
# third_party_user_id, or address_info. Setting more than one of these
# attributes on the same UserIdentifier will clear all the other members of
# the oneof. For example, the following code is INCORRECT and will result in
# a UserIdentifier with ONLY a hashed_phone_number:
# incorrectly_populated_user_identifier.hashed_email = "...""
# incorrectly_populated_user_identifier.hashed_phone_number = "...""

raw_record = {
  # Email address that includes a period (.) before the Gmail domain.
  "email" => "",
  # Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as
  # required.
  "phone" => "+1 800 5550102",
  # This example lets you input conversion details as arguments,
  # but in reality you might store this data alongside other user data,
  # so we include it in this sample user record.
  "order_id" => order_id,
  "gclid" => gclid,
  "conversion_action_id" => conversion_action_id,
  "conversion_date_time" => conversion_date_time,
  "conversion_value" => conversion_value,
  "currency_code" => "USD",
  "ad_user_data_consent" => ad_user_data_consent,

click_conversion = client.resource.click_conversion do |cc|
  cc.conversion_action = client.path.conversion_action(customer_id, conversion_action_id)
  cc.conversion_date_time = conversion_date_time
  cc.conversion_value = conversion_value.to_f
  cc.currency_code = 'USD'

  unless order_id.nil?
    cc.order_id = order_id

  unless raw_record["gclid"].nil?
    cc.gclid = gclid

  # Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are
  # uploading. For more details, see:
  unless raw_record["ad_user_data_consent"].nil?
    cc.consent = client.resource.consent do |c|
      c.ad_user_data = ad_user_data_consent

  # Creates a user identifier using the hashed email address, using the
  # normalize and hash method specifically for email addresses.
  # If using a phone number, use the normalize_and_hash method instead.
  cc.user_identifiers << client.resource.user_identifier do |ui|
    ui.hashed_phone_number = normalize_and_hash_email(raw_record["email"])
    # Optional: Specifies the user identifier source.
    ui.user_identifier_source = :FIRST_PARTY

  # Checks if the record has a phone number, and if so, adds a UserIdentifier
  # for it.
  unless raw_record["phone"].nil?
    cc.user_identifiers << client.resource.user_identifier do |ui|
      ui.hashed_phone_number = normalize_and_hash_email(raw_record["phone"])


# Create an empty click conversion.
my $click_conversion =

# Extract user email and phone from the raw data, normalize and hash it,
# then wrap it in UserIdentifier objects. Create a separate UserIdentifier
# object for each.
# The data in this example is hardcoded, but in your application
# you might read the raw data from an input file.
# IMPORTANT: Since the identifier attribute of UserIdentifier
# (
# is a oneof
# (, you must set
# only ONE of hashed_email, hashed_phone_number, mobile_id, third_party_user_id,
# or address-info. Setting more than one of these attributes on the same UserIdentifier
# will clear all the other members of the oneof. For example, the following code is
# INCORRECT and will result in a UserIdentifier with ONLY a hashed_phone_number:
# my $incorrect_user_identifier = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V18::Common::UserIdentifier->new({
#   hashedEmail => '...',
#   hashedPhoneNumber => '...',
# });
my $raw_record = {
  # Email address that includes a period (.) before the Gmail domain.
  email => '',
  # Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as
  # required.
  phone => '+1 800 5550102',
  # This example lets you input conversion details as arguments,
  # but in reality you might store this data alongside other user data,
  # so we include it in this sample user record.
  orderId            => $order_id,
  gclid              => $gclid,
  conversionActionId => $conversion_action_id,
  conversionDateTime => $conversion_date_time,
  conversionValue    => $conversion_value,
  currencyCode       => "USD",
  adUserDataConsent  => $ad_user_data_consent
my $user_identifiers = [];

# Create a user identifier using the hashed email address, using the normalize
# and hash method specifically for email addresses.
my $hashed_email = normalize_and_hash_email_address($raw_record->{email});
      hashedEmail => $hashed_email,
      # Optional: Specify the user identifier source.
      userIdentifierSource => FIRST_PARTY

# Create a user identifier using normalized and hashed phone info.
my $hashed_phone = normalize_and_hash($raw_record->{phone});
      hashedPhone => $hashed_phone,
      # Optional: Specify the user identifier source.
      userIdentifierSource => FIRST_PARTY

# Add the user identifiers to the conversion.
$click_conversion->{userIdentifiers} = $user_identifiers;

Conversion-Details zu ClickConversion hinzufügen


// Adds details of the conversion.
        customerId, Long.parseLong(rawRecord.get("conversionActionId"))));

// Sets the order ID if provided.
if (rawRecord.containsKey("orderId")) {

// Sets the Google click ID (gclid) if provided.
if (rawRecord.containsKey("gclid")) {

// Sets the consent information, if provided.
if (rawRecord.containsKey("adUserDataConsent")) {
  // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading. See
  // for details.

// Calls build to build the conversion.
ClickConversion clickConversion =;


// Adds details of the conversion.
clickConversion.ConversionAction =
    ResourceNames.ConversionAction(customerId, conversionActionId);
clickConversion.ConversionDateTime = conversionDateTime;
clickConversion.ConversionValue = conversionValue;
clickConversion.CurrencyCode = "USD";

// Sets the order ID if provided.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderId))
    clickConversion.OrderId = orderId;

// Sets the Google click ID (gclid) if provided.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gclid))
    clickConversion.Gclid = gclid;



// Adds details of the conversion.
    ResourceNames::forConversionAction($customerId, $rawRecord['conversionActionId'])

// Sets the order ID if provided.
if (!empty($rawRecord['orderId'])) {

// Sets the Google click ID (gclid) if provided.
if (!empty($rawRecord['gclid'])) {

// Sets the ad user data consent if provided.
if (!empty($rawRecord['adUserDataConsent'])) {
    // Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are uploading. See
    // for details.
        new Consent(['ad_user_data' => $rawRecord['adUserDataConsent']])


# Add details of the conversion.
# Gets the conversion action resource name.
conversion_action_service = client.get_service("ConversionActionService")
click_conversion.conversion_action = (
        customer_id, raw_record["conversion_action_id"]
click_conversion.conversion_date_time = raw_record["conversion_date_time"]
click_conversion.conversion_value = raw_record["conversion_value"]
click_conversion.currency_code = raw_record["currency_code"]

# Sets the order ID if provided.
if raw_record.get("order_id"):
    click_conversion.order_id = raw_record["order_id"]

# Sets the gclid if provided.
if raw_record.get("gclid"):
    click_conversion.gclid = raw_record["gclid"]

# Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are
# uploading. For more details, see:
if raw_record["ad_user_data_consent"]:
    click_conversion.consent.ad_user_data = client.enums.ConsentStatusEnum[


cc.conversion_action = client.path.conversion_action(customer_id, conversion_action_id)
cc.conversion_date_time = conversion_date_time
cc.conversion_value = conversion_value.to_f
cc.currency_code = 'USD'

unless order_id.nil?
  cc.order_id = order_id

unless raw_record["gclid"].nil?
  cc.gclid = gclid

# Specifies whether user consent was obtained for the data you are
# uploading. For more details, see:
unless raw_record["ad_user_data_consent"].nil?
  cc.consent = client.resource.consent do |c|
    c.ad_user_data = ad_user_data_consent


# Add details of the conversion.
$click_conversion->{conversionAction} =
  $customer_id, $raw_record->{conversionActionId});
$click_conversion->{conversionDateTime} = $raw_record->{conversionDateTime};
$click_conversion->{conversionValue}    = $raw_record->{conversionValue};
$click_conversion->{currencyCode}       = $raw_record->{currencyCode};

# Set the order ID if provided.
if (defined $raw_record->{orderId}) {
  $click_conversion->{orderId} = $raw_record->{orderId};

# Set the Google click ID (gclid) if provided.
if (defined $raw_record->{gclid}) {
  $click_conversion->{gclid} = $raw_record->{gclid};

# Set the consent information, if provided.
if (defined $raw_record->{adUserDataConsent}) {
  $click_conversion->{consent} =
      adUserData => $raw_record->{adUserDataConsent}});

ClickConversion hochladen


// Creates the conversion upload service client.
try (ConversionUploadServiceClient conversionUploadServiceClient =
    googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createConversionUploadServiceClient()) {
  // Uploads the click conversion. Partial failure should always be set to true.

  // NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.  However, if you have
  // multiple conversions to upload, it's best to upload multiple conversions per request
  // instead of sending a separate request per conversion. See the following for per-request
  // limits:
  UploadClickConversionsResponse response =
              // Enables partial failure (must be true).


// Uploads the click conversion. Partial failure should always be set to true.
// NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.
// However, if you have multiple conversions to upload, it's best to upload multiple
// conversions per request instead of sending a separate request per conversion.
// See the following for per-request limits:
UploadClickConversionsResponse response =
        new UploadClickConversionsRequest()
            CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
            Conversions = { clickConversion },
            // Enables partial failure (must be true).
            PartialFailure = true



// Issues a request to upload the click conversion.
$conversionUploadServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getConversionUploadServiceClient();
// NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.  However, if you have
// multiple conversions to upload, it's best to upload multiple conversions per request
// instead of sending a separate request per conversion. See the following for per-request
// limits:
$response = $conversionUploadServiceClient->uploadClickConversions(
    // Enables partial failure (must be true).
    UploadClickConversionsRequest::build($customerId, [$clickConversion], true)


# Creates the conversion upload service client.
conversion_upload_service = client.get_service("ConversionUploadService")
# Uploads the click conversion. Partial failure should always be set to
# True.
# NOTE: This request only uploads a single conversion, but if you have
# multiple conversions to upload, it's most efficient to upload them in a
# single request. See the following for per-request limits for reference:
response = conversion_upload_service.upload_click_conversions(
    # Enables partial failure (must be true).


response = client.service.conversion_upload.upload_click_conversions(
  customer_id: customer_id,
  conversions: [click_conversion],
  # Partial failure must be true.
  partial_failure: true,

if response.partial_failure_error
  puts "Partial failure encountered: #{response.partial_failure_error.message}"
  result = response.results.first
  puts "Uploaded click conversion that happened at #{result.conversion_date_time} " \
    "to #{result.conversion_action}."


# Upload the click conversion. Partial failure should always be set to true.
# NOTE: This request contains a single conversion as a demonstration.
# However, if you have multiple conversions to upload, it's best to
# upload multiple conversions per request instead of sending a separate
# request per conversion. See the following for per-request limits:
my $response =
    customerId  => $customer_id,
    conversions => [$click_conversion],
    # Enable partial failure (must be true).
    partialFailure => "true"

Uploads überprüfen

Verwenden Sie die Offline-Datendiagnose, um den Gesamtzustand deiner letzten Uploads. Ein erfolgreicher Upload bedeutet nicht unbedingt, dass es Übereinstimmungen gibt.

Wenn Sie Berichte zu Conversion-Messwerten für Ihre Kampagnen erstellen, lesen Sie den Hilfeartikel Messwerte der Benutzeroberfläche zuordnen, um die Messwerte der Google Ads-Benutzeroberfläche den Berichtsfeldern der Google Ads API zuzuordnen. Sie können auch die Ressource conversion_action abfragen, um die Gesamtzahl der Conversions und den Conversion-Wert insgesamt für eine bestimmte Conversion-Aktion aufzurufen.

Nächste Schritte

Wenn Sie Ihre Conversions anpassen müssen, rufen Sie die Seite Conversion-Upload Leitfaden für Anpassungen.

Eine Anleitung zur Fehlerbehebung bei der Integration erweiterter Conversions für Leads finden Sie im Leitfaden Fehlerbehebung.