Utwórz korekty sezonowe

Korekty sezonowe to zaawansowane narzędzie, za pomocą którego możesz przekazywać do inteligentnego określania stawek informacje o spodziewanych zmianach we współczynnikach konwersji ze względu na przyszłe wydarzenia. Więcej informacji o działaniu korekt sezonowych znajdziesz na stronie pomocy dotyczącej korekt sezonowych.

Automatyczne tworzenie korekt sezonowych za pomocą narzędzia BiddingSeasonalityAdjustments.


BiddingSeasonalityAdjustments ma wymagane wartości scope, które można ustawić na poniższe wartości. Dodatkowe opcje konfiguracji zależne od zakresu są ustawiane odpowiednio do używanego zakresu.

  • CAMPAIGN – dostosowanie zostanie zastosowane do określonych kampanii. W polu campaigns ustaw listę nazw zasobów kampanii, do których będzie mieć zastosowanie to dostosowanie.
    • Maksymalna liczba kampanii na BiddingSeasonalityAdjustment to 2000.
  • CHANNEL – dostosowanie zostanie zastosowane do kampanii, które należą do określonych typów kanałów. W polu advertising_channel_types ustaw listę AdvertisingChannelTypes, do których będzie mieć zastosowanie to dostosowanie.


Oprócz ich zakresu korekty sezonowe można skonfigurować za pomocą opcjonalnej listy typów urządzeń, do których będą stosowane korekty. Jeśli ustawisz parametr devices, korekta sezonowa będzie stosowana tylko do ruchu z określonych typów urządzeń. Jeśli go nie podasz, dostosowanie zostanie uwzględnione w przypadku wszystkich typów urządzeń.

Daty, godziny i modyfikator współczynnika konwersji

Oprócz zakresu i urządzeń opcjonalnych każda korekta sezonowa ma start_date_time, end_date_time i conversion_rate_modifier. Data i godziny określają przyszły przedział czasu, którego dotyczy korekta, a modyfikator to oczekiwany mnożnik współczynnika konwersji. Daty i godziny są podane w strefie czasowej konta.


Poniższy przykład pokazuje, jak utworzyć korektę sezonową z zakresem CHANNEL. Skomentowane sekcje pokazują, jak określić kampanie w przypadku, gdy zamiast tego ustawisz zakres CAMPAIGN.


BiddingSeasonalityAdjustment seasonalityAdjustment =
        // A unique name is required for every seasonality adjustment.
        .setName("Seasonality adjustment #" + getPrintableDateTime())
        // The CHANNEL scope applies the conversionRateModifier to all campaigns of specific
        // advertising channel types. In this example, the conversionRateModifier will only
        // apply to Search campaigns. Use the CAMPAIGN scope to instead limit the scope to
        // specific campaigns.
        // If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s) according to
        // the commented out line below.
        // .addCampaigns("INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE")
        // The conversionRateModifier is the expected future conversion rate change. When this
        // field is unset or set to 1.0, no adjustment will be applied to traffic. The allowed
        // range is 0.1 to 10.0.

BiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentOperation operation =

MutateBiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentsResponse response =
        customerId.toString(), ImmutableList.of(operation));
    "Added seasonality adjustment with resource name: %s%n",


BiddingSeasonalityAdjustment seasonalityAdjustment =
    new BiddingSeasonalityAdjustment()
        // A unique name is required for every seasonality adjustment.
        Name = "Seasonality adjustment #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),
        // The CHANNEL scope applies the conversionRateModifier to all campaigns of
        // specific advertising channel types. In this example, the
        // conversionRateModifier will only apply to Search campaigns. Use the
        // CAMPAIGN scope to instead limit the scope to specific campaigns.
        Scope = SeasonalityEventScope.Channel,
        AdvertisingChannelTypes = { AdvertisingChannelType.Search },
        // If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s)
        // according to the commented out line below.
        // Campaigns = { "INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE" },
        // The date range should be less than 14 days.
        StartDateTime = startDateTime,
        EndDateTime = endDateTime,
        // The conversionRateModifier is the expected future conversion rate change.
        // When this field is unset or set to 1.0, no adjustment will be applied to
        // traffic. The allowed range is 0.1 to 10.0.
        ConversionRateModifier = conversionRateModifier

BiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentOperation operation =
    new BiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentOperation()
        Create = seasonalityAdjustment

    MutateBiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentsResponse response =
            customerId.ToString(), new[] { operation });
    Console.WriteLine($"Added seasonality adjustment with resource name: " +
catch (GoogleAdsException e)
    Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");


// Creates a bidding seasonality adjustment.
$seasonalityAdjustment = new BiddingSeasonalityAdjustment([
    // A unique name is required for every seasonality adjustment.
    'name' => 'Seasonality adjustment #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
    // The CHANNEL scope applies the conversionRateModifier to all campaigns of specific
    // advertising channel types. In this example, the conversionRateModifier will only
    // apply to Search campaigns. Use the CAMPAIGN scope to instead limit the scope to
    // specific campaigns.
    'scope' => SeasonalityEventScope::CHANNEL,
    'advertising_channel_types' => [AdvertisingChannelType::SEARCH],
    // If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s) according to
    // the commented out line below.
    // 'campaigns' => ['INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE'],
    'start_date_time' => $startDateTime,
    'end_date_time' => $endDateTime,
    // The conversionRateModifier is the expected future conversion rate change. When this
    // field is unset or set to 1.0, no adjustment will be applied to traffic. The allowed
    // range is 0.1 to 10.0.
    'conversion_rate_modifier' => $conversionRateModifier

// Creates a bidding seasonality adjustment operation.
$biddingSeasonalityAdjustmentOperation = new BiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentOperation();

// Submits the bidding seasonality adjustment operation to add the bidding seasonality
// adjustment.
$biddingSeasonalityAdjustmentServiceClient =
$response = $biddingSeasonalityAdjustmentServiceClient->mutateBiddingSeasonalityAdjustments(

    "Added seasonality adjustment with resource name: '%s'.%s",


bidding_seasonality_adjustment_service = client.get_service(
operation = client.get_type("BiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentOperation")
bidding_seasonality_adjustment = operation.create
# A unique name is required for every seasonality adjustment.
bidding_seasonality_adjustment.name = f"Seasonality adjustment #{uuid4()}"
# The CHANNEL scope applies the conversion_rate_modifier to all campaigns of
# specific advertising channel types. In this example, the
# conversion_rate_modifier will only apply to Search campaigns. Use the
# CAMPAIGN scope to instead limit the scope to specific campaigns.
bidding_seasonality_adjustment.scope = (
# If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s)
# according to the commented out line below.
# bidding_seasonality_adjustment.campaigns.append(
# )

bidding_seasonality_adjustment.start_date_time = start_date_time
bidding_seasonality_adjustment.end_date_time = end_date_time
# The conversion_rate_modifier is the expected future conversion rate
# change. When this field is unset or set to 1.0, no adjustment will be
# applied to traffic. The allowed range is 0.1 to 10.0.
bidding_seasonality_adjustment.conversion_rate_modifier = (

response = bidding_seasonality_adjustment_service.mutate_bidding_seasonality_adjustments(
    customer_id=customer_id, operations=[operation]

resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name

print(f"Added seasonality adjustment with resource name: '{resource_name}'")


client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::GoogleAdsClient.new

operation = client.operation.create_resource.bidding_seasonality_adjustment do |bsa|
  # A unique name is required for every seasonality adjustment.
  bsa.name = "Seasonality Adjustment #{(Time.new.to_f * 1000).to_i}"

  # The CHANNEL scope applies the conversion_rate_modifier to all campaigns
  # of specific advertising channel types. In this example, the
  # conversion_rate_modifier will only apply to Search campaigns. Use the
  # CAMPAIGN scope to instead limit the scope to specific campaigns.
  bsa.scope = :CHANNEL
  bsa.advertising_channel_types << :SEARCH

  # If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s)
  # according to the commented out line below.

  bsa.start_date_time = start_date_time
  bsa.end_date_time = end_date_time

  # The conversion_rate_modifier is the expected future conversion rate
  # change. When this field is unset or set to 1.0, no adjustment will be
  # applied to traffic. The allowed range is 0.1 to 10.0.
  bsa.conversion_rate_modifier = conversion_rate_modifier

response = client.service.bidding_seasonality_adjustment.mutate_bidding_seasonality_adjustments(
  customer_id: customer_id,
  operations: [operation],

puts "Added seasonality adjustment with resource name #{response.results.first.resource_name}"


my $seasonality_adjustment =
    # A unique name is required for every seasonality adjustment.
    name => "Seasonality adjustment #" . uniqid(),
    # The CHANNEL scope applies the conversion_rate_modifier to all campaigns
    # of specific advertising channel types. In this example, the conversion_rate_modifier
    # will only apply to Search campaigns. Use the CAMPAIGN scope to instead
    # limit the scope to specific campaigns.
    scope                   => CHANNEL,
    advertisingChannelTypes => [SEARCH],
    # If setting scope CAMPAIGN, add individual campaign resource name(s)
    # according to the commented out line below.
    # campaigns     => ["INSERT_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCE_NAME_HERE"],
    startDateTime => $start_date_time,
    endDateTime   => $end_date_time,
    # The conversion_rate_modifier is the expected future conversion rate change.
    # When this field is unset or set to 1.0, no adjustment will be applied to traffic.
    # The allowed range is 0.1 to 10.0.
    conversionRateModifier => $conversion_rate_modifier

my $operation =
    create => $seasonality_adjustment

my $response = $api_client->BiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentService()->mutate({
    customerId => $customer_id,
    operations => [$operation]});

printf "Added seasonality adjustment with resource name: '%s'.\n",