Get started with Customer Match

Customer Match lets you use your online and offline data to reach and re-engage with your customers across Search, the Shopping tab, Gmail, YouTube, and Display. Using information that your customers have shared with you, Customer Match targets ads to those customers and other customers like them. You can upload customer relationship management (CRM) data in bulk, append or remove data, or use these user lists to create a logical_user_list.

See the audience management overview for a list of different audience segment types to compare Customer Match with other user list options.

Find out more about Customer Match and audience targeting.


Not every account is eligible to use Customer Match. To use Customer Match, your account must have the following:

  • A good history of policy compliance
  • A good payment history

Depending on which requirements your account satisfies, different features are available. Refer to the Customer Match policy for eligibility requirements and restrictions.

Design your integration

Usage flow

Here is the recommended flow for creating and targeting a customer list:

  1. Create an empty customer list.

  2. Create an OfflineUserDataJob. It's far more efficient to create a single large job than several smaller jobs.

    Ensure that you populate the consent field of customer_match_user_list_metadata in your OfflineUserDataJob create requests. For remove requests, consent is not needed. The API returns OfflineUserDataJobError.CUSTOMER_NOT_ACCEPTED_CUSTOMER_DATA_TERMS if the job's consent.ad_user_data or consent.ad_personalization is set to DENIED.

    If a user has denied consent, you could create a job with a remove operation to remove the user's identifiers from the user list.

    If you are missing consent for specific users, create a separate job where you don't set the consent field of the job's customer_match_user_list_metadata, then add identifiers for those users using create operations for that separate job.

  3. Add operations using the OfflineUserDataJobService.AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations method. We recommend adding up to 10,000 total identifiers in a single call for optimal processing. A single AddOfflineUserDataJobOperations request can contain at most 100,000 identifiers across all of the UserData objects in the operations list.

    For example, if each of your UserData objects has one UserIdentifier for hashed_email and another UserIdentifier for hashed_phone_number, then sending 5,000 UserData objects per request is optimal since each request will contain 10,000 user identifiers in total.

  4. Repeat the previous step until all operations are added or until the job is at capacity. There are no limits on the number of operations you can add to a single job; however, we recommend no more than 1,000,000 operations per job for optimal processing.

  5. Run the job.

  6. Poll for successful upload.

  7. Verify match rate.

  8. Target the list.

OfflineUserDataJobService and UserDataService

There are two services available to upload Customer Match data. Select the service based on your use case as there can be limitations for a service.

Customer Match upload services
OfflineUserDataJobService (preferred) Most developers use this service. It is optimized for large uploads with high throughput and returns success metrics upon completion. This guide focuses primarily on this service.
UserDataService This service is optimized to upload a small number of identifiers at a time with sporadic updates and is not optimized to run continuously. It has a limit of 10 operations per request. In addition, a single request can't contain more than 100 items in total across all user_identifiers.

For guidance on uploads with this service, visit the guide for managing your Customer Match integration.

Starting with version v15 of the Google Ads API, you should populate the consent field of customer_match_user_list_metadata in your UploadUserDataRequest create requests. For remove requests, consent is not needed. The API returns a response with received_operations_count set to zero indicating the request was not processed if consent.ad_user_data or consent.ad_personalization is DENIED. If an identifier has a consent of DENIED, then you could request to remove the identifier from the user list using the remove operation of UploadUserDataRequest.

Best practices

Keep the following best practices in mind when designing your Customer Match integration:

  • Don't attempt to use multiple accounts to modify a single user list. A user list can only be modified by the Google Ads or data partner account that created it.

  • Maximize the number of operations per AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsRequest, up to 100,000 identifiers, to avoid RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED errors.

  • Don't mix create and remove operations within the same OfflineUserDataJob. Doing so can result in a CONFLICTING_OPERATION error.

  • Enable partial_failure in an AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsRequest so as to detect any problematic operations before running the job. Operations are validated when uploaded to an OfflineUserDataJob.

  • Avoid simultaneously running multiple OfflineUserDataJob processes that modify the same user list (that is, multiple jobs whose CustomerMatchUserListMetadata.user_list point to the same resource name). Doing so can result in a CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION error since multiple jobs are not permitted to operate on the same list at the same time. This error can also occur if attempting to simultaneously modify a list through the Google Ads UI and the Google Ads API. Note that this does not apply to adding operations to a PENDING job, which can be done at any time before the job is started.

  • If you have thousands of operations to apply, create one OfflineUserDataJob containing all of the operations. Don't create several jobs with only a few hundred operations each and run them sequentially or simultaneously. A single large job with all of your operations is far more efficient than multiple small jobs, and reduces the chances of you encountering errors in your workflow.

For ideas on how to leverage your customer lists for optimal targeting, visit the Help Center.

Create a customer list

First, create a customer list with the UserListService. Customer lists are created by setting the crm_based_user_list field on the user_list object. The crm_based_user_list field can be set on campaign types that support targeting customer lists:

Customer Match in different campaign types
Search network Ads show on the search network.
Display network Ads show on the display network, and on Gmail only if there are GSP creatives.
Display Expansion on Search campaigns Ads show on the search network, and on Gmail only if there are GSP creatives.
Video campaigns Ads show on YouTube only if there are in-stream TrueView ads.
Shopping campaigns Ads show in the Shopping tab.

crm_based_user_list contains three fields:

  • app_id: A string that uniquely identifies the mobile app from which the data was collected. This is required when creating CrmBasedUserList for uploading mobile advertising IDs.

  • upload_key_type: A matching key type of the list, which can be CONTACT_INFO, CRM_ID, or MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID. Mixed data types are not allowed in the same list. This field is required for all customer lists.

  • data_source_type: The data source of the list. The default value is FIRST_PARTY. Allowlisted customers may create third-party sourced customer lists.

The membership_life_span attribute of the user list lets you define the time period, in days, for which a user is considered to be in the list. Customer list types let you set membership_life_span to 10,000 to indicate no expiration.

The membership_status attribute defines whether the list accepts new users.

Code example to create a customer list


private String createCustomerMatchUserList(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId) {
  // Creates the new user list.
  UserList userList =
          .setName("Customer Match list #" + getPrintableDateTime())
          .setDescription("A list of customers that originated from email addresses")
          // Customer Match user lists can use a membership life span of 10,000 to indicate
          // unlimited; otherwise normal values apply.
          // Sets the membership life span to 30 days.
          // Sets the upload key type to indicate the type of identifier that will be used to
          // add users to the list. This field is immutable and required for a CREATE operation.

  // Creates the operation.
  UserListOperation operation = UserListOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(userList).build();

  // Creates the service client.
  try (UserListServiceClient userListServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createUserListServiceClient()) {
    // Adds the user list.
    MutateUserListsResponse response =
            Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));
    // Prints the response.
        "Created Customer Match user list with resource name: %s.%n",
    return response.getResults(0).getResourceName();



private string CreateCustomerMatchUserList(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId)
    // Get the UserListService.
    UserListServiceClient service = client.GetService(Services.V18.UserListService);

    // Creates the user list.
    UserList userList = new UserList()
        Name = $"Customer Match list# {ExampleUtilities.GetShortRandomString()}",
        Description = "A list of customers that originated from email and physical" +
            " addresses",
        // Customer Match user lists can use a membership life span of 10000 to
        // indicate unlimited; otherwise normal values apply.
        // Sets the membership life span to 30 days.
        MembershipLifeSpan = 30,
        CrmBasedUserList = new CrmBasedUserListInfo()
            UploadKeyType = CustomerMatchUploadKeyType.ContactInfo
    // Creates the user list operation.
    UserListOperation operation = new UserListOperation()
        Create = userList

    // Issues a mutate request to add the user list and prints some information.
    MutateUserListsResponse response = service.MutateUserLists(
        customerId.ToString(), new[] { operation });
    string userListResourceName = response.Results[0].ResourceName;
    Console.WriteLine($"User list with resource name '{userListResourceName}' " +
        $"was created.");
    return userListResourceName;


private static function createCustomerMatchUserList(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId
): string {
    // Creates the user list.
    $userList = new UserList([
        'name' => 'Customer Match list #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
        'description' => 'A list of customers that originated from email '
            . 'and physical addresses',
        // Customer Match user lists can use a membership life span of 10000 to
        // indicate unlimited; otherwise normal values apply.
        // Sets the membership life span to 30 days.
        'membership_life_span' => 30,
        'crm_based_user_list' => new CrmBasedUserListInfo([
            // Sets the upload key type to indicate the type of identifier that will be used to
            // add users to the list. This field is immutable and required for a CREATE
            // operation.
            'upload_key_type' => CustomerMatchUploadKeyType::CONTACT_INFO

    // Creates the user list operation.
    $operation = new UserListOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to add the user list and prints some information.
    $userListServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getUserListServiceClient();
    $response = $userListServiceClient->mutateUserLists(
        MutateUserListsRequest::build($customerId, [$operation])
    $userListResourceName = $response->getResults()[0]->getResourceName();
    printf("User list with resource name '%s' was created.%s", $userListResourceName, PHP_EOL);

    return $userListResourceName;


def create_customer_match_user_list(client, customer_id):
    """Creates a Customer Match user list.

        client: The Google Ads client.
        customer_id: The ID for the customer that owns the user list.

        The string resource name of the newly created user list.
    # Creates the UserListService client.
    user_list_service_client = client.get_service("UserListService")

    # Creates the user list operation.
    user_list_operation = client.get_type("UserListOperation")

    # Creates the new user list.
    user_list = user_list_operation.create = f"Customer Match list #{uuid.uuid4()}"
    user_list.description = (
        "A list of customers that originated from email and physical addresses"
    # Sets the upload key type to indicate the type of identifier that is used
    # to add users to the list. This field is immutable and required for a
    # CREATE operation.
    user_list.crm_based_user_list.upload_key_type = (
    # Customer Match user lists can set an unlimited membership life span;
    # to do so, use the special life span value 10000. Otherwise, membership
    # life span must be between 0 and 540 days inclusive. See:
    # Sets the membership life span to 30 days.
    user_list.membership_life_span = 30

    response = user_list_service_client.mutate_user_lists(
        customer_id=customer_id, operations=[user_list_operation]
    user_list_resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name
        f"User list with resource name '{user_list_resource_name}' was created."

    return user_list_resource_name


def create_customer_match_user_list(client, customer_id)
  # Creates the user list.
  operation = client.operation.create_resource.user_list do |ul| = "Customer Match List #{( * 1000).to_i}"
    ul.description = "A list of customers that originated from email and " \
      "physical addresses"
    # Customer Match user lists can use a membership life span of 10000 to
    # indicate unlimited; otherwise normal values apply.
    # Sets the membership life span to 30 days.
    ul.membership_life_span = 30
    ul.crm_based_user_list = client.resource.crm_based_user_list_info do |crm|
      crm.upload_key_type = :CONTACT_INFO

  # Issues a mutate request to add the user list and prints some information.
  response = client.service.user_list.mutate_user_lists(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operations: [operation],

  # Prints out some information about the newly created user list.
  resource_name = response.results.first.resource_name
  puts "User list with resource name #{resource_name} was created."



sub create_customer_match_user_list {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_;

  # Create the user list.
  my $user_list = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V18::Resources::UserList->new({
      name        => "Customer Match list #" . uniqid(),
      description =>
        "A list of customers that originated from email and physical addresses",
      # Customer Match user lists can use a membership life span of 10000 to
      # indicate unlimited; otherwise normal values apply.
      # Set the membership life span to 30 days.
      membershipLifeSpan => 30,
      # Set the upload key type to indicate the type of identifier that will be
      # used to add users to the list. This field is immutable and required for
      # a CREATE operation.
      crmBasedUserList =>
          uploadKeyType => CONTACT_INFO

  # Create the user list operation.
  my $user_list_operation =
      create => $user_list

  # Issue a mutate request to add the user list and print some information.
  my $user_lists_response = $api_client->UserListService()->mutate({
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operations => [$user_list_operation]});
  my $user_list_resource_name =
  printf "User list with resource name '%s' was created.\n",

  return $user_list_resource_name;

Add customer data

The three primary match keys are email address, mailing address, and phone number. You can use user ID and mobile device ID as match keys, but these solutions are less future-proof given their reliance on cookies and device ID. We recommend uploading user contact information—such as email address, mailing address, and phone number—when possible instead of CRM or mobile IDs.

Each user list can only contain a single type of customer data as specified by the CrmBasedUserListInfo.upload_key_type field. Furthermore, a UserData object, which represents a single user, can contain up to 20 user identifiers, each of which has its own UserIdentifier object. More than 20 identifiers results in a TOO_MANY_USER_IDENTIFIERS error.

Google Ads only uses a Customer Match user list for targeting if it has met a minimum threshold of active users at the time the ad is served; active users is the number of users on your list who are active on Gmail, Search, YouTube, or Display. Upload at least 5,000 members to increase the chance of having enough matched, active users for targeting.

Upload user contact information

To upload user email addresses, mailing addresses, or phone numbers, set upload_key_type to CONTACT_INFO. Note that contact information must be associated with a Google account in order to be matched, and corporate accounts—such as Google Workspace—cannot be targeted.

For privacy concerns, email addresses, first names, last names, and phone numbers must be hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm before being uploaded. In order to standardize the hash results, prior to hashing one of these values, make sure you perform the following tasks:

  • Remove leading and trailing whitespaces.
  • For names, email addresses, and mailing addresses: Convert text to lowercase.
  • For phone numbers: Convert each phone number to E164 format before hashing. This format represents a phone number as a number up to fifteen digits in length starting with a + sign—for example, +12125650000 or +442070313000. The leading + sign can optionally be omitted.

For email addresses, you don't have to remove all periods (.) preceding the domain name in and email addresses since they're still accepted.

If the contact information is not correctly formatted before hashing, the API still accepts the hashed information, but it can't be matched with a customer.

If you want to upload mailing address data, you must include at least:

  • Country code
  • Postal code
  • Hashed first name
  • Hashed last name

If any of these fields is missing, the address can't be matched.

While customer lists can contain only one upload_key_type, multiple types of contact information can be uploaded for an upload_key_type of CONTACT_INFO. This is recommended for increased match rates.

Upload CRM IDs

To populate the customer list with CRM IDs, set upload_key_type to CRM_ID. CRM IDs are matched from a user ID generated and assigned by the advertiser. This is similar to uploading MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID instances, but you instead populate the third_party_user_id field of the UserIdentifier object.

Upload mobile IDs

Similarly to Customer Match with emails, you can perform customer matching using Identifier for Advertising (IDFA) or Google Advertising ID (AAID) mobile device IDs. To do so, specify the app_id property and set upload_key_type to MOBILE_ADVERTISING_ID prior to using a user list for customer matching with mobile device IDs.

Code example

The following example uses an OfflineUserDataJobOperation to append customer contact information to a customer list.


// Creates a raw input list of unhashed user information, where each element of the list
// represents a single user and is a map containing a separate entry for the keys "email",
// "phone", "firstName", "lastName", "countryCode", and "postalCode". In your application, this
// data might come from a file or a database.
List<Map<String, String>> rawRecords = new ArrayList<>();
// The first user data has an email address and a phone number.
Map<String, String> rawRecord1 =
    ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
        .put("email", "")
        // Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as required. This
        // includes whitespace that will be removed later.
        .put("phone", "+1 800 5550101")
// The second user data has an email address, a mailing address, and a phone number.
Map<String, String> rawRecord2 =
    ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
        // Email address that includes a period (.) before the domain.
        .put("email", "")
        // Address that includes all four required elements: first name, last name, country
        // code, and postal code.
        .put("firstName", "Alex")
        .put("lastName", "Quinn")
        .put("countryCode", "US")
        .put("postalCode", "94045")
        // Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as required.
        .put("phone", "+1 800 5550102")
// The third user data only has an email address.
Map<String, String> rawRecord3 =
    ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().put("email", "").build();
// Adds the raw records to the raw input list.

// Iterates over the raw input list and creates a UserData object for each record.
List<UserData> userDataList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map<String, String> rawRecord : rawRecords) {
  // Creates a builder for the UserData object that represents a member of the user list.
  UserData.Builder userDataBuilder = UserData.newBuilder();
  // Checks if the record has email, phone, or address information, and adds a SEPARATE
  // UserIdentifier object for each one found. For example, a record with an email address and a
  // phone number will result in a UserData with two UserIdentifiers.

  // IMPORTANT: Since the identifier attribute of UserIdentifier
  // ( is a
  // oneof
  // (, you must set only ONE of
  // hashedEmail, hashedPhoneNumber, mobileId, thirdPartyUserId, or addressInfo. Setting more
  // than one of these attributes on the same UserIdentifier will clear all the other members
  // of the oneof. For example, the following code is INCORRECT and will result in a
  // UserIdentifier with ONLY a hashedPhoneNumber.
  // UserIdentifier incorrectlyPopulatedUserIdentifier =
  //     UserIdentifier.newBuilder()
  //         .setHashedEmail("...")
  //         .setHashedPhoneNumber("...")
  //         .build();
  // The separate 'if' statements below demonstrate the correct approach for creating a UserData
  // for a member with multiple UserIdentifiers.

  // Checks if the record has an email address, and if so, adds a UserIdentifier for it.
  if (rawRecord.containsKey("email")) {
    UserIdentifier hashedEmailIdentifier =
            .setHashedEmail(normalizeAndHash(sha256Digest, rawRecord.get("email"), true))
    // Adds the hashed email identifier to the UserData object's list.

  // Checks if the record has a phone number, and if so, adds a UserIdentifier for it.
  if (rawRecord.containsKey("phone")) {
    UserIdentifier hashedPhoneNumberIdentifier =
            .setHashedPhoneNumber(normalizeAndHash(sha256Digest, rawRecord.get("phone"), true))
    // Adds the hashed phone number identifier to the UserData object's list.

  // Checks if the record has all the required mailing address elements, and if so, adds a
  // UserIdentifier for the mailing address.
  if (rawRecord.containsKey("firstName")) {
    // Checks if the record contains all the other required elements of a mailing address.
    Set<String> missingAddressKeys = new HashSet<>();
    for (String addressKey : new String[] {"lastName", "countryCode", "postalCode"}) {
      if (!rawRecord.containsKey(addressKey)) {

    if (!missingAddressKeys.isEmpty()) {
          "Skipping addition of mailing address information because the following required keys"
              + " are missing: %s%n",
    } else {
      // Creates an OfflineUserAddressInfo object that contains all the required elements of a
      // mailing address.
      OfflineUserAddressInfo addressInfo =
                  normalizeAndHash(sha256Digest, rawRecord.get("firstName"), false))
                  normalizeAndHash(sha256Digest, rawRecord.get("lastName"), false))
      UserIdentifier addressIdentifier =
      // Adds the address identifier to the UserData object's list.

  if (!userDataBuilder.getUserIdentifiersList().isEmpty()) {
    // Builds the UserData and adds it to the list.

// Creates the operations to add users.
List<OfflineUserDataJobOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>();
for (UserData userData : userDataList) {


// Creates a raw input list of unhashed user information, where each element of the list
// represents a single user and is a map containing a separate entry for the keys
// "email", "phone", "firstName", "lastName", "countryCode", and "postalCode".
// In your application, this data might come from a file or a database.
List<Dictionary<string, string>> rawRecords = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();

// The first user data has an email address and a phone number.
Dictionary<string, string> rawRecord1 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
rawRecord1.Add("email", "");
// Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as required.
// This includes whitespace that will be removed later.
rawRecord1.Add("phone", "+1 800 5550101");

// The second user data has an email address, a mailing address, and a phone number.
Dictionary<string, string> rawRecord2 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// Email address that includes a period (.) before the Gmail domain.
rawRecord2.Add("email", "");
// Address that includes all four required elements: first name, last name, country
// code, and postal code.
rawRecord2.Add("firstName", "Alex");
rawRecord2.Add("lastName", "Quinn");
rawRecord2.Add("countryCode", "US");
rawRecord2.Add("postalCode", "94045");
// Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as required.
// This includes whitespace that will be removed later.
rawRecord2.Add("phone", "+1 800 5550102");

// The third user data only has an email address.
Dictionary<string, string> rawRecord3 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
rawRecord3.Add("email", "");

// Adds the raw records to the raw input list.

// Iterates over the raw input list and creates a UserData object for each record.
List<UserData> userDataList = new List<UserData>();
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> rawRecord in rawRecords) {
    // Creates a UserData object that represents a member of the user list.
    UserData userData = new UserData();
    // Checks if the record has email, phone, or address information, and adds a
    // SEPARATE UserIdentifier object for each one found.
    // For example, a record with an email address and a phone number will result in a
    // UserData with two UserIdentifiers.

    // IMPORTANT: Since the identifier attribute of UserIdentifier
    // (
    // is a oneof
    // (, you must set
    // only ONE of hashedEmail, hashedPhoneNumber, mobileId, thirdPartyUserId,
    // or addressInfo.
    // Setting more than one of these attributes on the same UserIdentifier will clear
    // all the other members of the oneof.
    // For example, the following code is INCORRECT and will result in a UserIdentifier
    // with ONLY a hashedPhoneNumber.
    // UserIdentifier incorrectlyPopulatedUserIdentifier = new UserIdentifier()
    // {
    //      HashedEmail = "...",
    //      HashedPhoneNumber = "..."
    // };
    // The separate 'if' statements below demonstrate the correct approach for creating
    // a UserData for a member with multiple UserIdentifiers.

    // Checks if the record has an email address, and if so, adds a UserIdentifier
    // for it.
    if (rawRecord.ContainsKey("email")) {
        UserIdentifier hashedEmailIdentifier = new UserIdentifier()
            HashedEmail = NormalizeAndHash(rawRecord["email"], true)


    // Checks if the record has a phone number, and if so, adds a UserIdentifier for it.
    if (rawRecord.ContainsKey("phone")) {
        UserIdentifier hashedPhoneNumberIdentifier = new UserIdentifier()
            HashedPhoneNumber = NormalizeAndHash(rawRecord["phone"], true)

        // Adds the hashed phone number identifier to the UserData object's list.

    // Checks if the record has all the required mailing address elements, and if so,
    // adds a UserIdentifier for the mailing address.
    if (rawRecord.ContainsKey("firstName")) {
        // Checks if the record contains all the other required elements of a mailing
        // address.
        HashSet<string> missingAddressKeys = new HashSet<string>();
        foreach (string addressKey in new string[] {"lastName", "countryCode",
            "postalCode"}) {
        if (!rawRecord.ContainsKey(addressKey)) {

        if (!missingAddressKeys.Any()) {
            $"Skipping addition of mailing address information because the following " +
                "required keys are missing: {missingAddressKeys}");
        } else {
            // Creates an OfflineUserAddressInfo object that contains all the required
            // elements of a mailing address.
            OfflineUserAddressInfo addressInfo = new OfflineUserAddressInfo()
                HashedFirstName = NormalizeAndHash(rawRecord["firstName"]),
                HashedLastName = NormalizeAndHash(rawRecord["lastName"]),
                CountryCode = rawRecord["countryCode"],
                PostalCode = rawRecord["postalCode"]

            UserIdentifier addressIdentifier = new UserIdentifier()
                AddressInfo = addressInfo

            // Adds the address identifier to the UserData object's list.

    if (userData.UserIdentifiers.Any())

// Creates the operations to add the users.
List<OfflineUserDataJobOperation> operations = new List<OfflineUserDataJobOperation>();
foreach(UserData userData in userDataList)
    operations.Add(new OfflineUserDataJobOperation()
        Create = userData


// Creates a raw input list of unhashed user information, where each element of the list
// represents a single user and is a map containing a separate entry for the keys 'email',
// 'phone', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'countryCode', and 'postalCode'. In your application,
// this data might come from a file or a database.
$rawRecords = [];
// The first user data has an email address and a phone number.
$rawRecord1 = [
    // The first user data has an email address and a phone number.
    'email' => '',
    // Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as required. This
    // includes whitespace that will be removed later.
    'phone' => '+1 800 5550101'
$rawRecords[] = $rawRecord1;

// The second user data has an email address, a mailing address, and a phone number.
$rawRecord2 = [
    // Email address that includes a period (.) before the Gmail domain.
    'email' => '',
    // Address that includes all four required elements: first name, last name, country
    // code, and postal code.
    'firstName' => 'Alex',
    'lastName' => 'Quinn',
    'countryCode' => 'US',
    'postalCode' => '94045',
    // Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as required.
    'phone' => '+1 800 5550102',
$rawRecords[] = $rawRecord2;

// The third user data only has an email address.
$rawRecord3 = ['email' => ''];
$rawRecords[] = $rawRecord3;

// Iterates over the raw input list and creates a UserData object for each record.
$userDataList = [];
foreach ($rawRecords as $rawRecord) {
    // Checks if the record has email, phone, or address information, and adds a SEPARATE
    // UserIdentifier object for each one found. For example, a record with an email address
    // and a phone number will result in a UserData with two UserIdentifiers.

    // IMPORTANT: Since the identifier attribute of UserIdentifier
    // ( is
    // a oneof
    // (, you must set only
    // ONE of 'hashed_email, 'hashed_phone_number', 'mobile_id', 'third_party_user_id', or
    // 'address_info'.
    // Setting more than one of these attributes on the same UserIdentifier will clear all
    // the other members of the oneof. For example, the following code is INCORRECT and will
    // result in a UserIdentifier with ONLY a 'hashed_phone_number'.
    // $incorrectlyPopulatedUserIdentifier = new UserIdentifier();
    // $incorrectlyPopulatedUserIdentifier->setHashedEmail('...');
    // $incorrectlyPopulatedUserIdentifier->setHashedPhoneNumber('...');
    // The separate 'if' statements below demonstrate the correct approach for creating a
    // UserData for a member with multiple UserIdentifiers.

    $userIdentifiers = [];
    // Checks if the record has an email address, and if so, adds a UserIdentifier for it.
    if (array_key_exists('email', $rawRecord)) {
        $hashedEmailIdentifier = new UserIdentifier([
            'hashed_email' => self::normalizeAndHash($rawRecord['email'], true)
        // Adds the hashed email identifier to the user identifiers list.
        $userIdentifiers[] = $hashedEmailIdentifier;

    // Checks if the record has a phone number, and if so, adds a UserIdentifier for it.
    if (array_key_exists('phone', $rawRecord)) {
        $hashedPhoneNumberIdentifier = new UserIdentifier([
            'hashed_phone_number' => self::normalizeAndHash($rawRecord['phone'], true)
        // Adds the hashed email identifier to the user identifiers list.
        $userIdentifiers[] = $hashedPhoneNumberIdentifier;

    // Checks if the record has all the required mailing address elements, and if so, adds a
    // UserIdentifier for the mailing address.
    if (array_key_exists('firstName', $rawRecord)) {
        // Checks if the record contains all the other required elements of a mailing
        // address.
        $missingAddressKeys = [];
        foreach (['lastName', 'countryCode', 'postalCode'] as $addressKey) {
            if (!array_key_exists($addressKey, $rawRecord)) {
                $missingAddressKeys[] = $addressKey;
        if (!empty($missingAddressKeys)) {
                "Skipping addition of mailing address information because the "
                . "following required keys are missing: %s%s",
        } else {
            // Creates an OfflineUserAddressInfo object that contains all the required
            // elements of a mailing address.
            $addressIdentifier = new UserIdentifier([
               'address_info' => new OfflineUserAddressInfo([
                   'hashed_first_name' => self::normalizeAndHash(
                   'hashed_last_name' => self::normalizeAndHash(
                   'country_code' => $rawRecord['countryCode'],
                   'postal_code' => $rawRecord['postalCode']
            // Adds the address identifier to the user identifiers list.
            $userIdentifiers[] = $addressIdentifier;
    if (!empty($userIdentifiers)) {
        // Builds the UserData and adds it to the list.
        $userDataList[] = new UserData(['user_identifiers' => $userIdentifiers]);

// Creates the operations to add users.
$operations = array_map(
    function (UserData $userData) {
        return new OfflineUserDataJobOperation(['create' => $userData]);


def build_offline_user_data_job_operations(client):
    """Creates a raw input list of unhashed user information.

    Each element of the list represents a single user and is a dict containing a
    separate entry for the keys "email", "phone", "first_name", "last_name",
    "country_code", and "postal_code". In your application, this data might come
    from a file or a database.

        client: The Google Ads client.

        A list containing the operations.
    # The first user data has an email address and a phone number.
    raw_record_1 = {
        "email": "",
        # Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as
        # required. This includes whitespace that will be removed later.
        "phone": "+1 800 5550101",

    # The second user data has an email address, a mailing address, and a phone
    # number.
    raw_record_2 = {
        # Email address that includes a period (.) before the email domain.
        "email": "",
        # Address that includes all four required elements: first name, last
        # name, country code, and postal code.
        "first_name": "Alex",
        "last_name": "Quinn",
        "country_code": "US",
        "postal_code": "94045",
        # Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as
        # required.
        "phone": "+1 800 5550102",

    # The third user data only has an email address.
    raw_record_3 = {"email": ""}

    # Adds the raw records to a raw input list.
    raw_records = [raw_record_1, raw_record_2, raw_record_3]

    operations = []
    # Iterates over the raw input list and creates a UserData object for each
    # record.
    for record in raw_records:
        # Creates a UserData object that represents a member of the user list.
        user_data = client.get_type("UserData")

        # Checks if the record has email, phone, or address information, and
        # adds a SEPARATE UserIdentifier object for each one found. For example,
        # a record with an email address and a phone number will result in a
        # UserData with two UserIdentifiers.

        # IMPORTANT: Since the identifier attribute of UserIdentifier
        # (
        # is a oneof
        # (, you
        # must set only ONE of hashed_email, hashed_phone_number, mobile_id,
        # third_party_user_id, or address-info. Setting more than one of these
        # attributes on the same UserIdentifier will clear all the other members
        # of the oneof. For example, the following code is INCORRECT and will
        # result in a UserIdentifier with ONLY a hashed_phone_number:

        # incorrect_user_identifier = client.get_type("UserIdentifier")
        # incorrect_user_identifier.hashed_email = "..."
        # incorrect_user_identifier.hashed_phone_number = "..."

        # The separate 'if' statements below demonstrate the correct approach
        # for creating a UserData object for a member with multiple
        # UserIdentifiers.

        # Checks if the record has an email address, and if so, adds a
        # UserIdentifier for it.
        if "email" in record:
            user_identifier = client.get_type("UserIdentifier")
            user_identifier.hashed_email = normalize_and_hash(
                record["email"], True
            # Adds the hashed email identifier to the UserData object's list.

        # Checks if the record has a phone number, and if so, adds a
        # UserIdentifier for it.
        if "phone" in record:
            user_identifier = client.get_type("UserIdentifier")
            user_identifier.hashed_phone_number = normalize_and_hash(
                record["phone"], True
            # Adds the hashed phone number identifier to the UserData object's
            # list.

        # Checks if the record has all the required mailing address elements,
        # and if so, adds a UserIdentifier for the mailing address.
        if "first_name" in record:
            required_keys = ("last_name", "country_code", "postal_code")
            # Checks if the record contains all the other required elements of
            # a mailing address.
            if not all(key in record for key in required_keys):
                # Determines which required elements are missing from the
                # record.
                missing_keys = record.keys() - required_keys
                    "Skipping addition of mailing address information "
                    "because the following required keys are missing: "
                user_identifier = client.get_type("UserIdentifier")
                address_info = user_identifier.address_info
                address_info.hashed_first_name = normalize_and_hash(
                    record["first_name"], False
                address_info.hashed_last_name = normalize_and_hash(
                    record["last_name"], False
                address_info.country_code = record["country_code"]
                address_info.postal_code = record["postal_code"]

        # If the user_identifiers repeated field is not empty, create a new
        # OfflineUserDataJobOperation and add the UserData to it.
        if user_data.user_identifiers:
            operation = client.get_type("OfflineUserDataJobOperation")
            operation.create = user_data


# Create a list of unhashed user data records that we will format in the
# following steps to prepare for the API.
raw_records = [
  # The first user data has an email address and a phone number.
    email: '',
    # Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as
    # required. This includes whitespace that will be removed later.
    phone: '+1 800 5550100',
  # The second user data has an email address, a phone number, and an address.
    # Email address that includes a period (.) before the Gmail domain.
    email: '',
    # Address that includes all four required elements: first name, last
    # name, country code, and postal code.
    first_name: 'Alex',
    last_name: 'Quinn',
    country_code: 'US',
    postal_code: '94045',
    # Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as
    # required.
    phone: '+1 800 5550102',
  # The third user data only has an email address.
    email: '',

# Create a UserData for each entry in the raw records.
user_data_list = do |record|
  client.resource.user_data do |data|
    if record[:email]
      data.user_identifiers << client.resource.user_identifier do |ui|
        ui.hashed_email = normalize_and_hash(record[:email], true)
    if record[:phone]
      data.user_identifiers << client.resource.user_identifier do |ui|
        ui.hashed_phone_number = normalize_and_hash(record[:phone], true)
    if record[:first_name]
      # Check that we have all the required information.
      missing_keys = [:last_name, :country_code, :postal_code].reject {|key|
      if missing_keys.empty?
        # If nothing is missing, add the address.
        data.user_identifiers << client.resource.user_identifier do |ui|
          ui.address_identifier = client.resource.offline_user_address_info do |address|
            address.hashed_first_name = normalize_and_hash(record[:first_name])
            address.hashed_last_name = normalize_and_hash(record[:last_name])
            address.country_code = record[:country_code]
            address.postal_code = record[:postal_code]
        # If some data is missing, skip this entry.
        puts "Skipping addition of mailing information because the following keys are missing:" \

operations = do |user_data|


  # The first user data has an email address and a phone number.
  my $raw_record_1 = {
    email => '',
    # Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as
    # required. This includes whitespace that will be removed later.
    phone => '+1 800 5550101',

  # The second user data has an email address, a mailing address, and a phone
  # number.
  my $raw_record_2 = {
    # Email address that includes a period (.) before the Gmail domain.
    email => '',
    # Address that includes all four required elements: first name, last
    # name, country code, and postal code.
    firstName   => 'Alex',
    lastName    => 'Quinn',
    countryCode => 'US',
    postalCode  => '94045',
    # Phone number to be converted to E.164 format, with a leading '+' as
    # required.
    phone => '+1 800 5550102',

  # The third user data only has an email address.
  my $raw_record_3 = {email => '',};

  my $raw_records = [$raw_record_1, $raw_record_2, $raw_record_3];

  my $operations = [];
  foreach my $record (@$raw_records) {
    # Check if the record has email, phone, or address information, and adds a
    # SEPARATE UserIdentifier object for each one found. For example, a record
    # with an email address and a phone number will result in a UserData with two
    # UserIdentifiers.
    # IMPORTANT: Since the identifier attribute of UserIdentifier
    # (
    # is a oneof
    # (, you must set
    # only ONE of hashed_email, hashed_phone_number, mobile_id, third_party_user_id,
    # or address-info. Setting more than one of these attributes on the same UserIdentifier
    # will clear all the other members of the oneof. For example, the following code is
    # INCORRECT and will result in a UserIdentifier with ONLY a hashed_phone_number:
    # my $incorrect_user_identifier = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V18::Common::UserIdentifier->new({
    #   hashedEmail => '...',
    #   hashedPhoneNumber => '...',
    # });
    # The separate 'if' statements below demonstrate the correct approach for creating a
    # UserData object for a member with multiple UserIdentifiers.

    my $user_identifiers = [];

    # Check if the record has an email address, and if so, add a UserIdentifier for it.
    if (defined $record->{email}) {
      # Add the hashed email identifier to the list of UserIdentifiers.
            hashedEmail => normalize_and_hash($record->{email}, 1)}));

    # Check if the record has a phone number, and if so, add a UserIdentifier for it.
    if (defined $record->{phone}) {
      # Add the hashed phone number identifier to the list of UserIdentifiers.
            hashedPhoneNumber => normalize_and_hash($record->{phone}, 1)}));

    # Check if the record has all the required mailing address elements, and if so, add
    # a UserIdentifier for the mailing address.
    if (defined $record->{firstName}) {
      my $required_keys = ["lastName", "countryCode", "postalCode"];
      my $missing_keys  = [];

      foreach my $key (@$required_keys) {
        if (!defined $record->{$key}) {
          push(@$missing_keys, $key);

      if (@$missing_keys) {
"Skipping addition of mailing address information because the following"
          . "keys are missing: "
          . join(",", @$missing_keys);
      } else {
              addressInfo =>
                  # First and last name must be normalized and hashed.
                  hashedFirstName => normalize_and_hash($record->{firstName}),
                  hashedLastName  => normalize_and_hash($record->{lastName}),
                  # Country code and zip code are sent in plain text.
                  countryCode => $record->{countryCode},
                  postalCode  => $record->{postalCode},

    # If the user_identifiers array is not empty, create a new
    # OfflineUserDataJobOperation and add the UserData to it.
    if (@$user_identifiers) {
      my $user_data = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V18::Common::UserData->new({
          userIdentifiers => [$user_identifiers]});
            create => $user_data

Verify list upload and match rate

Once the OfflineUserDataJob has a SUCCESS status, the estimated match rate is available in the operation_metadata.match_rate_range field. If you query this field before the job completes, the value in this field might be zero. To ensure your match rate is ready for verification and the list ready for targeting, we recommend polling the job for completion. It can take as little as 10 minutes or up to 24 hours for the job to complete.

Code example to check job status


private void checkJobStatus(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, String offlineUserDataJobResourceName) {
  try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
    String query =
            "SELECT offline_user_data_job.resource_name, "
                + ", "
                + "offline_user_data_job.status, "
                + "offline_user_data_job.type, "
                + "offline_user_data_job.failure_reason, "
                + "offline_user_data_job.customer_match_user_list_metadata.user_list "
                + "FROM offline_user_data_job "
                + "WHERE offline_user_data_job.resource_name = '%s'",
    // Issues the query and gets the GoogleAdsRow containing the job from the response.
    GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow =
            .search(Long.toString(customerId), query)
    OfflineUserDataJob offlineUserDataJob = googleAdsRow.getOfflineUserDataJob();
        "Offline user data job ID %d with type '%s' has status: %s%n",
        offlineUserDataJob.getId(), offlineUserDataJob.getType(), offlineUserDataJob.getStatus());
    OfflineUserDataJobStatus jobStatus = offlineUserDataJob.getStatus();
    if (OfflineUserDataJobStatus.SUCCESS == jobStatus) {
      // Prints information about the user list.
    } else if (OfflineUserDataJobStatus.FAILED == jobStatus) {
      System.out.printf("  Failure reason: %s%n", offlineUserDataJob.getFailureReason());
    } else if (OfflineUserDataJobStatus.PENDING == jobStatus
        || OfflineUserDataJobStatus.RUNNING == jobStatus) {
          "To check the status of the job periodically, use the following GAQL query with"
              + "",



private static void CheckJobStatusAndPrintResults(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
    string offlineUserDataJobResourceName)
    // Get the GoogleAdsService.
    GoogleAdsServiceClient service = client.GetService(Services.V18.GoogleAdsService);

    string query = "SELECT offline_user_data_job.resource_name, " +
        ", offline_user_data_job.status, " +
        "offline_user_data_job.type, offline_user_data_job.failure_reason " +
        "offline_user_data_job.customer_match_user_list_metadata_user_list " +
        "FROM offline_user_data_job WHERE " +
        $"offline_user_data_job.resource_name = '{offlineUserDataJobResourceName}'";

    // Issues the query and gets the GoogleAdsRow containing the job from the response.
    GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow = service.Search(customerId.ToString(), query).First();

    OfflineUserDataJob offlineUserDataJob = googleAdsRow.OfflineUserDataJob;
    Console.WriteLine($"Offline user data job ID {offlineUserDataJob.Id} with type " +
        $"'{offlineUserDataJob.Type}' has status: {offlineUserDataJob.Status}");

    switch (offlineUserDataJob.Status)
        case OfflineUserDataJobStatus.Success:
            // Prints information about the user list.
            PrintCustomerMatchUserListInfo(client, customerId,

        case OfflineUserDataJobStatus.Failed:
            Console.WriteLine($"  Failure reason: {offlineUserDataJob.FailureReason}");

        case OfflineUserDataJobStatus.Pending:
        case OfflineUserDataJobStatus.Running:
            Console.WriteLine("To check the status of the job periodically, use the " +
                $"following GAQL query with\n\n{query}");


private static function checkJobStatus(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    string $offlineUserDataJobResourceName
) {
    $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();

    // Creates a query that retrieves the offline user data job.
    $query = "SELECT offline_user_data_job.resource_name, "
          . ", "
          . "offline_user_data_job.status, "
          . "offline_user_data_job.type, "
          . "offline_user_data_job.failure_reason, "
          . "offline_user_data_job.customer_match_user_list_metadata.user_list "
          . "FROM offline_user_data_job "
          . "WHERE offline_user_data_job.resource_name = '$offlineUserDataJobResourceName'";

    // Issues a search request to get the GoogleAdsRow containing the job from the response.
    /** @var GoogleAdsRow $googleAdsRow */
    $googleAdsRow =
        $googleAdsServiceClient->search(SearchGoogleAdsRequest::build($customerId, $query))
    $offlineUserDataJob = $googleAdsRow->getOfflineUserDataJob();

    // Prints out some information about the offline user data job.
    $offlineUserDataJobStatus = $offlineUserDataJob->getStatus();
        "Offline user data job ID %d with type '%s' has status: %s.%s",

    if ($offlineUserDataJobStatus === OfflineUserDataJobStatus::SUCCESS) {
        // Prints information about the user list.
    } elseif ($offlineUserDataJobStatus === OfflineUserDataJobStatus::FAILED) {
        printf("  Failure reason: %s.%s", $offlineUserDataJob->getFailureReason(), PHP_EOL);
    } elseif (
        $offlineUserDataJobStatus === OfflineUserDataJobStatus::PENDING
        || $offlineUserDataJobStatus === OfflineUserDataJobStatus::RUNNING
    ) {
            '%1$sTo check the status of the job periodically, use the following GAQL query with'
            . '$s%2$s%1$s',


def check_job_status(client, customer_id, offline_user_data_job_resource_name):
    """Retrieves, checks, and prints the status of the offline user data job.

    If the job is completed successfully, information about the user list is
    printed. Otherwise, a GAQL query will be printed, which can be used to
    check the job status at a later date.

    Offline user data jobs may take 6 hours or more to complete, so checking the
    status periodically, instead of waiting, can be more efficient.

        client: The Google Ads client.
        customer_id: The ID for the customer that owns the user list.
        offline_user_data_job_resource_name: The resource name of the offline
            user data job to get the status of.
    query = f"""
        FROM offline_user_data_job
        WHERE offline_user_data_job.resource_name =
        LIMIT 1"""

    # Issues a search request using streaming.
    google_ads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
    results =, query=query)
    offline_user_data_job = next(iter(results)).offline_user_data_job
    status_name =
    user_list_resource_name = (

        f"Offline user data job ID '{}' with type "
        f"'{}' has status: {status_name}"

    if status_name == "SUCCESS":
            client, customer_id, user_list_resource_name
    elif status_name == "FAILED":
        print(f"\tFailure Reason: {offline_user_data_job.failure_reason}")
    elif status_name in ("PENDING", "RUNNING"):
            "To check the status of the job periodically, use the following "
            f"GAQL query with GoogleAdsService.Search: {query}"


def check_job_status(client, customer_id, offline_user_data_job)
  query = <<~QUERY
      offline_user_data_job.resource_name = '#{offline_user_data_job}'

  row =
    customer_id: customer_id,
    query: query,

  job = row.offline_user_data_job
  puts "Offline user data job ID #{} with type '#{job.type}' has status: #{job.status}."

  case job.status
  when :SUCCESS
    print_customer_match_user_list(client, customer_id, job.customer_match_user_list_metadata.user_list)
  when :FAILED
    puts "  Failure reason: #{job.failure_reason}"
    puts "  To check the status of the job periodically, use the following GAQL " \
      "query with"
    puts query


sub check_job_status() {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $offline_user_data_job_resource_name) = @_;

  my $search_query =
    "SELECT offline_user_data_job.resource_name, " .
    ", offline_user_data_job.status, " .
    "offline_user_data_job.type, offline_user_data_job.failure_reason, " .
    "offline_user_data_job.customer_match_user_list_metadata.user_list " .
    "FROM offline_user_data_job " .
    "WHERE offline_user_data_job.resource_name = " .
    "$offline_user_data_job_resource_name LIMIT 1";

  my $search_request =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      query      => $search_query

  # Get the GoogleAdsService.
  my $google_ads_service = $api_client->GoogleAdsService();

  my $iterator = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils::SearchGoogleAdsIterator->new({
    service => $google_ads_service,
    request => $search_request

  # The results have exactly one row.
  my $google_ads_row        = $iterator->next;
  my $offline_user_data_job = $google_ads_row->{offlineUserDataJob};
  my $status                = $offline_user_data_job->{status};

    "Offline user data job ID %d with type %s has status: %s.\n",

  if ($status eq SUCCESS) {
    print_customer_match_user_list_info($api_client, $customer_id,
  } elsif ($status eq FAILED) {
    print "Failure reason: $offline_user_data_job->{failure_reason}";
  } elsif (grep /$status/, (PENDING, RUNNING)) {
      "To check the status of the job periodically, use the following GAQL " .
      "query with the GoogleAdsService->search() method:\n$search_query\n";

  return 1;

To verify list size, you can query the user_list resource.

Code example to query the user_list resource


try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
    googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
  // Creates a query that retrieves the user list.
  String query =
          "SELECT user_list.size_for_display, user_list.size_for_search "
              + "FROM user_list "
              + "WHERE user_list.resource_name = '%s'",

  // Constructs the SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest.
  SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest request =

  // Issues the search stream request.
  ServerStream<SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse> stream =


 // Get the GoogleAdsService.
 GoogleAdsServiceClient service =

 // Creates a query that retrieves the user list.
 string query =
     "SELECT user_list.size_for_display, user_list.size_for_search " +
     "FROM user_list " +
     $"WHERE user_list.resource_name = '{userListResourceName}'";
 // Issues a search stream request.
 service.SearchStream(customerId.ToString(), query,
    delegate (SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse resp)
        // Display the results.
        foreach (GoogleAdsRow userListRow in resp.Results)
            UserList userList = userListRow.UserList;
            Console.WriteLine("The estimated number of users that the user list " +
                $"'{userList.ResourceName}' has is {userList.SizeForDisplay}" +
                $" for Display and {userList.SizeForSearch} for Search.");


$googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();

// Creates a query that retrieves the user list.
$query =
    "SELECT user_list.size_for_display, user_list.size_for_search " .
    "FROM user_list " .
    "WHERE user_list.resource_name = '$userListResourceName'";

// Issues a search stream request.
/** @var GoogleAdsServerStreamDecorator $stream */
$stream = $googleAdsServiceClient->searchStream(
    SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest::build($customerId, $query)


googleads_service_client = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")

# Creates a query that retrieves the user list.
query = f"""
    FROM user_list
    WHERE user_list.resource_name = '{user_list_resource_name}'"""

# Issues a search request.
search_results =
    customer_id=customer_id, query=query


query = <<~EOQUERY
  SELECT user_list.size_for_display, user_list.size_for_search
  FROM user_list
  WHERE user_list.resource_name = #{user_list}

response = client.service.google_ads.search_stream(
  customer_id: customer_id,
  query: query,


# Create a query that retrieves the user list.
my $search_query =
  "SELECT user_list.size_for_display, user_list.size_for_search " .
  "FROM user_list " .
  "WHERE user_list.resource_name = '$user_list_resource_name'";

# Create a search Google Ads stream request that will retrieve the user list.
my $search_stream_request =
    customerId => $customer_id,
    query      => $search_query,

# Get the GoogleAdsService.
my $google_ads_service = $api_client->GoogleAdsService();

my $search_stream_handler =
    service => $google_ads_service,
    request => $search_stream_request

For privacy purposes, the user list size shows as zero until the list has at least 1,000 members. After that, the size is rounded to the two most significant digits.

Errors during the execution of an OfflineUserDataJob can be fetched through the offline_user_data_job resource using the Google Ads Query Language. Note, however, that this report does not contain information about any failed matches since only hashes are compared when performing matches. Consult the troubleshooting guide if you encounter issues with your customer lists.

Compare to the Google Ads UI

A list could appear smaller than expected when viewed in the Audience Manager from the Google Ads UI. This view shows the number of active users in the list. For more information, see this troubleshooting guide.

Since it can take up to 24 hours for a list to be populated with members, you might see an In Progress status in the Google Ads UI if you upload to an audience list more frequently than once every 12 hours.

Target my list

You can target your list at the ad group level or at the campaign level. The process is similar to other types of targeting criteria in the API.

Code example to target ads in ad group to a user list


private String targetAdsInAdGroupToUserList(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, long adGroupId, String userList) {
  // Creates the ad group criterion targeting members of the user list.
  AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion =
          .setAdGroup(ResourceNames.adGroup(customerId, adGroupId))

  // Creates the operation.
  AdGroupCriterionOperation operation =

  // Creates the ad group criterion service.
  try (AdGroupCriterionServiceClient adGroupCriterionServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAdGroupCriterionServiceClient()) {
    // Adds the ad group criterion.
    MutateAdGroupCriteriaResponse response =
            Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));
    // Gets and prints the results.
    String adGroupCriterionResourceName = response.getResults(0).getResourceName();
        "Successfully created ad group criterion with resource name '%s' "
            + "targeting user list with resource name '%s' with ad group with ID %d.%n",
        adGroupCriterionResourceName, userList, adGroupId);
    return adGroupCriterionResourceName;



private string TargetAdsInAdGroupToUserList(
    GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long adGroupId, string userListResourceName)
    // Get the AdGroupCriterionService client.
    AdGroupCriterionServiceClient adGroupCriterionServiceClient = client.GetService

    // Create the ad group criterion targeting members of the user list.
    AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = new AdGroupCriterion
        AdGroup = ResourceNames.AdGroup(customerId, adGroupId),
        UserList = new UserListInfo
            UserList = userListResourceName

    // Create the operation.
    AdGroupCriterionOperation adGroupCriterionOperation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation
        Create = adGroupCriterion

    // Add the ad group criterion, then print and return the new criterion's resource name.
    MutateAdGroupCriteriaResponse mutateAdGroupCriteriaResponse =
            new[] { adGroupCriterionOperation });

    string adGroupCriterionResourceName =
    Console.WriteLine("Successfully created ad group criterion with resource name " +
        $"'{adGroupCriterionResourceName}' targeting user list with resource name " +
        $"'{userListResourceName}' with ad group with ID {adGroupId}.");
    return adGroupCriterionResourceName;


private static function targetAdsInAdGroupToUserList(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    int $adGroupId,
    string $userListResourceName
): string {
    // Creates the ad group criterion targeting members of the user list.
    $adGroupCriterion = new AdGroupCriterion([
        'ad_group' => ResourceNames::forAdGroup($customerId, $adGroupId),
        'user_list' => new UserListInfo(['user_list' => $userListResourceName])

    // Creates the operation.
    $operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to add an ad group criterion.
    $adGroupCriterionServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAdGroupCriterionServiceClient();
    /** @var MutateAdGroupCriteriaResponse $adGroupCriterionResponse */
    $adGroupCriterionResponse = $adGroupCriterionServiceClient->mutateAdGroupCriteria(
        MutateAdGroupCriteriaRequest::build($customerId, [$operation])

    $adGroupCriterionResourceName =
        "Successfully created ad group criterion with resource name '%s' " .
        "targeting user list with resource name '%s' with ad group with ID %d.%s",

    return $adGroupCriterionResourceName;


def target_ads_in_ad_group_to_user_list(
    client, customer_id, ad_group_id, user_list_resource_name
    """Creates an ad group criterion that targets a user list with an ad group.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a str client customer ID used to create an ad group
        ad_group_id: a str ID for an ad group used to create an ad group
            criterion that targets members of a user list.
        user_list_resource_name: a str resource name for a user list.

        a str resource name for an ad group criterion.
    ad_group_criterion_operation = client.get_type("AdGroupCriterionOperation")
    # Creates the ad group criterion targeting members of the user list.
    ad_group_criterion = ad_group_criterion_operation.create
    ad_group_criterion.ad_group = client.get_service(
    ).ad_group_path(customer_id, ad_group_id)
    ad_group_criterion.user_list.user_list = user_list_resource_name

    ad_group_criterion_service = client.get_service("AdGroupCriterionService")
    response = ad_group_criterion_service.mutate_ad_group_criteria(
        customer_id=customer_id, operations=[ad_group_criterion_operation]
    resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name
        "Successfully created ad group criterion with resource name: "
        f"'{resource_name}' targeting user list with resource name: "
        f"'{user_list_resource_name}' and with ad group with ID "
    return resource_name


def target_ads_in_ad_group_to_user_list(
  # Creates the ad group criterion targeting members of the user list.
  operation = client.operation.create_resource.ad_group_criterion do |agc|
    agc.ad_group = client.path.ad_group(customer_id, ad_group_id)
    agc.user_list = client.resource.user_list_info do |info|
      info.user_list = user_list

  # Issues a mutate request to create the ad group criterion.
  response = client.service.ad_group_criterion.mutate_ad_group_criteria(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operations: [operation],
  ad_group_criterion_resource_name = response.results.first.resource_name
  puts "Successfully created ad group criterion with resource name " \
    "'#{ad_group_criterion_resource_name}' targeting user list with resource name " \
    "'#{user_list}' with ad group with ID #{ad_group_id}"



sub target_ads_in_ad_group_to_user_list {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $ad_group_id, $user_list_resource_name) = @_;

  # Create the ad group criterion targeting members of the user list.
  my $ad_group_criterion =
      adGroup => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V18::Utils::ResourceNames::ad_group(
        $customer_id, $ad_group_id
      userList => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V18::Common::UserListInfo->new({
          userList => $user_list_resource_name

  # Create the operation.
  my $ad_group_criterion_operation =
      create => $ad_group_criterion

  # Add the ad group criterion, then print and return the new criterion's resource name.
  my $ad_group_criteria_response =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operations => [$ad_group_criterion_operation]});

  my $ad_group_criterion_resource_name =
  printf "Successfully created ad group criterion with resource name '%s' " .
    "targeting user list with resource name '%s' with ad group with ID %d.\n",
    $ad_group_criterion_resource_name, $user_list_resource_name, $ad_group_id;

  return $ad_group_criterion_resource_name;

Target multiple customer lists

A crm_based_user_list can only be combined with another crm_based_user_list when using a logical_user_list. All policies for crm_based_user_list apply to the resulting user list.