Method: properties.runPivotReport

Returns a customized pivot report of your Google Analytics event data. Pivot reports are more advanced and expressive formats than regular reports. In a pivot report, dimensions are only visible if they are included in a pivot. Multiple pivots can be specified to further dissect your data.

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



A Google Analytics GA4 property identifier whose events are tracked. Specified in the URL path and not the body. To learn more, see where to find your Property ID. Within a batch request, this property should either be unspecified or consistent with the batch-level property.

Example: properties/1234

Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "dimensions": [
      object (Dimension)
  "metrics": [
      object (Metric)
  "dateRanges": [
      object (DateRange)
  "pivots": [
      object (Pivot)
  "dimensionFilter": {
    object (FilterExpression)
  "metricFilter": {
    object (FilterExpression)
  "currencyCode": string,
  "cohortSpec": {
    object (CohortSpec)
  "keepEmptyRows": boolean,
  "returnPropertyQuota": boolean,
  "comparisons": [
      object (Comparison)

object (Dimension)

The dimensions requested. All defined dimensions must be used by one of the following: dimensionExpression, dimensionFilter, pivots, orderBys.


object (Metric)

The metrics requested, at least one metric needs to be specified. All defined metrics must be used by one of the following: metric_expression, metricFilter, orderBys.


object (DateRange)

The date range to retrieve event data for the report. If multiple date ranges are specified, event data from each date range is used in the report. A special dimension with field name "dateRange" can be included in a Pivot's field names; if included, the report compares between date ranges. In a cohort request, this dateRanges must be unspecified.


object (Pivot)

Describes the visual format of the report's dimensions in columns or rows. The union of the fieldNames (dimension names) in all pivots must be a subset of dimension names defined in Dimensions. No two pivots can share a dimension. A dimension is only visible if it appears in a pivot.


object (FilterExpression)

The filter clause of dimensions. Dimensions must be requested to be used in this filter. Metrics cannot be used in this filter.


object (FilterExpression)

The filter clause of metrics. Applied at post aggregation phase, similar to SQL having-clause. Metrics must be requested to be used in this filter. Dimensions cannot be used in this filter.



A currency code in ISO4217 format, such as "AED", "USD", "JPY". If the field is empty, the report uses the property's default currency.


object (CohortSpec)

Cohort group associated with this request. If there is a cohort group in the request the 'cohort' dimension must be present.



If false or unspecified, each row with all metrics equal to 0 will not be returned. If true, these rows will be returned if they are not separately removed by a filter.

Regardless of this keepEmptyRows setting, only data recorded by the Google Analytics (GA4) property can be displayed in a report.

For example if a property never logs a purchase event, then a query for the eventName dimension and eventCount metric will not have a row eventName: "purchase" and eventCount: 0.



Toggles whether to return the current state of this Analytics Property's quota. Quota is returned in PropertyQuota.


object (Comparison)

Optional. The configuration of comparisons requested and displayed. The request requires both a comparisons field and a comparisons dimension to receive a comparison column in the response.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains an instance of RunPivotReportResponse.

Authorization scopes

Requires one of the following OAuth scopes:
