Limits and Quotas on API Requests

Google Analytics is used by millions of sites. We put limits and quotas on API requests to protect the system from receiving more data than it can handle, and to ensure an equitable distribution of the system resources. The limits and quotas are subject to change.

This video discusses the best practices for managing Google Analytics API request quotas.

The following quotas apply to the User Deletion API:

  • 50,000 requests per project per day, which can be increased.
  • 10 queries per second (QPS) per IP address.
    • In the API Console, there is a similar quota referred to as Requests per 100 seconds per user. By default, it is set to 100 requests per 100 seconds per user and can be adjusted to a maximum value of 1,000. But the number of requests to the API is restricted to a maximum of 10 requests per second per user.
    • If your application makes all API requests from a single IP address (for example, on behalf of your users), use the userIP or quotaUser parameter with each request to get full QPS quota for each user. See the standard query parameters summary for details.
  • 1.5 queries per second (QPS) per property or Firebase project
  • 500 queries per day (QPD) per cloud project

Exceeding quota limits

If the quota of requesting a Google Analytics API is exceeded, the API returns an error code 403 or 429 and a message that the account has exceeded the quota. See the terms of service for more information.

Requesting additional quota

You can only request to increase:

  • The number of daily read requests per project (50,000 default).
  • The number of daily write requests per project (50 default).

To view or change usage limits for your project, or to request an increase to your quota, do the following:

  1. If you don't already have a billing account for your project, then create one.
  2. Visit the Enabled APIs page of the API library in the API Console, and select an API from the list.
  3. To view and change quota-related settings, select Quotas. To view usage statistics, select Usage.

To request an increase of the maximum quota amount, use the Analytics API quota request form. Make sure to review the information and follow the instructions in the quota request form before submitting the request.

For more information on quota management and how to fine-tune your application for quota usage, see Monitoring APIs and capping usage.