Penetapan Anggaran Kampanye

Anda dapat menetapkan anggaran ke kampanye, memisahkan anggaran dari kampanye, atau mengambil kampanye yang ditetapkan ke anggaran tertentu.

Menetapkan anggaran ke kampanye

Setelah Anda membuat CampaignBudget dengan CampaignBudgetService atau mengidentifikasi yang sudah ada, Anda harus menggunakan nilai kolom resource_name dalam panggilan berikutnya ke CampaignService. Jika operasi pembuatan anggaran berhasil, tetapi penetapan kampanye gagal, Anda akan memiliki anggaran yang tidak terikat (anggaran yang tidak dikaitkan dengan kampanye mana pun). Sebaiknya gunakan kembali atau hapus anggaran tersebut.

Kampanye baru

Untuk kampanye baru, di CampaignOperation.create, tetapkan kolom campaign_budget dari objek Campaign ke nama resource anggaran, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam contoh kode di bawah.


// Creates the campaign.
Campaign campaign =
        .setName("Interplanetary Cruise #" + getPrintableDateTime())
        // Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent
        // the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added
        // targeting and the ads are ready to serve
        // Sets the bidding strategy and budget.
        // Adds the networkSettings configured above.
        // Optional: Sets the start & end dates.
        .setStartDate(new DateTime().plusDays(1).toString("yyyyMMdd"))
        .setEndDate(new DateTime().plusDays(30).toString("yyyyMMdd"))


// Create the campaign.
Campaign campaign = new Campaign()
    Name = "Interplanetary Cruise #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),
    AdvertisingChannelType = AdvertisingChannelType.Search,

    // Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent
    // the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added
    // targeting and the ads are ready to serve
    Status = CampaignStatus.Paused,

    // Set the bidding strategy and budget.
    ManualCpc = new ManualCpc(),
    CampaignBudget = budget,

    // Set the campaign network options.
    NetworkSettings = new NetworkSettings
        TargetGoogleSearch = true,
        TargetSearchNetwork = true,
        // Enable Display Expansion on Search campaigns. See
        // to learn more.
        TargetContentNetwork = true,
        TargetPartnerSearchNetwork = false

    // Optional: Set the start date.
    StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"),

    // Optional: Set the end date.
    EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"),


$campaign = new Campaign([
    'name' => 'Interplanetary Cruise #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
    'advertising_channel_type' => AdvertisingChannelType::SEARCH,
    // Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent
    // the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added
    // targeting and the ads are ready to serve.
    'status' => CampaignStatus::PAUSED,
    // Sets the bidding strategy and budget.
    'manual_cpc' => new ManualCpc(),
    'campaign_budget' => $budgetResourceName,
    // Adds the network settings configured above.
    'network_settings' => $networkSettings,
    // Optional: Sets the start and end dates.
    'start_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+1 day')),
    'end_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+1 month'))


# Create campaign.
campaign_operation = client.get_type("CampaignOperation")
campaign = campaign_operation.create = f"Interplanetary Cruise {uuid.uuid4()}"
campaign.advertising_channel_type = (

# Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent
# the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added
# targeting and the ads are ready to serve.
campaign.status = client.enums.CampaignStatusEnum.PAUSED

# Set the bidding strategy and budget.
campaign.manual_cpc = client.get_type("ManualCpc")
campaign.campaign_budget = campaign_budget_response.results[0].resource_name

# Set the campaign network options.
campaign.network_settings.target_google_search = True
campaign.network_settings.target_search_network = True
campaign.network_settings.target_partner_search_network = False
# Enable Display Expansion on Search campaigns. For more details see:
campaign.network_settings.target_content_network = True


# Create campaign.
campaign = client.resource.campaign do |c| = "Interplanetary Cruise #{( * 1000).to_i}"
  c.advertising_channel_type = :SEARCH

  # Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent
  # the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added
  # targeting and the ads are ready to serve.
  c.status = :PAUSED

  # Set the bidding strategy and budget.
  c.manual_cpc = client.resource.manual_cpc
  c.campaign_budget = return_budget.results.first.resource_name

  # Set the campaign network options.
  c.network_settings = client.resource.network_settings do |ns|
    ns.target_google_search = true
    ns.target_search_network = true
    # Enable Display Expansion on Search campaigns. See
    # to learn more.
    ns.target_content_network = true
    ns.target_partner_search_network = false

  # Optional: Set the start date.
  c.start_date = DateTime.parse(( + 1).to_s).strftime('%Y%m%d')

  # Optional: Set the end date.
  c.end_date = DateTime.parse(('%Y%m%d')


# Create a campaign.
my $campaign = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Campaign->new({
    name                   => "Interplanetary Cruise #" . uniqid(),
    advertisingChannelType => SEARCH,
    # Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to stop
    # the ads from immediately serving. Set to ENABLED once you've added
    # targeting and the ads are ready to serve.
    status => PAUSED,
    # Set the bidding strategy and budget.
    manualCpc      => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::ManualCpc->new(),
    campaignBudget => $campaign_budgets_response->{results}[0]{resourceName},
    # Set the campaign network options.
    networkSettings =>
        targetGoogleSearch  => "true",
        targetSearchNetwork => "true",
        # Enable Display Expansion on Search campaigns. See
        # to learn more.
        targetContentNetwork       => "true",
        targetPartnerSearchNetwork => "false"
    # Optional: Set the start date. The campaign starts tomorrow.
    startDate => strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24)),
    # Optional: Set the end date. The campaign runs for 30 days.
    endDate => strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30)),

Kampanye yang ada

Untuk mengganti anggaran kampanye yang ada, di CampaignOperation.update, tetapkan kolom campaign_budget objek Campaign ke nama resource anggaran yang ada (beserta kolom kampanye lain yang mungkin ingin Anda tetapkan). Perhatikan bahwa tindakan ini akan mengganti anggaran yang ada yang ditetapkan ke kampanye dengan anggaran yang ditentukan oleh kolom campaign_budget, karena kampanye hanya dapat dikaitkan dengan satu anggaran dalam satu waktu.

Membatalkan tautan anggaran dari kampanye

Kampanye harus selalu dikaitkan dengan anggaran. Anda dapat menghapus anggaran dari kampanye dengan mengubah anggaran yang terkait dengan kampanye, sehingga mengganti anggaran tersebut dengan anggaran lain. Untuk mengidentifikasi kampanye yang menggunakan anggaran tertentu, lanjutkan ke bagian berikutnya.

Mengambil kampanye yang ditetapkan ke anggaran

Mendapatkan daftar kampanye yang menggunakan anggaran yang sama dapat membantu dalam menyeimbangkan penggunaan anggaran. Kueri GAQL berikut akan menampilkan semua kampanye untuk ID anggaran yang ditentukan:

FROM campaign
WHERE = campaign_budget_id