File GCKSenderApplicationInfo.h
Tetap teratur dengan koleksi
Simpan dan kategorikan konten berdasarkan preferensi Anda.
Platform aplikasi pengirim.
Enumerator |
GCKSenderApplicationInfoPlatformAndroid |
GCKSenderApplicationInfoPlatformiOS |
GCKSenderApplicationInfoPlatformChrome |
GCKSenderApplicationInfoPlatformOSX |
Mac OS X
Dipesan untuk penggunaan di masa mendatang.
Kecuali dinyatakan lain, konten di halaman ini dilisensikan berdasarkan Lisensi Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, sedangkan contoh kode dilisensikan berdasarkan Lisensi Apache 2.0. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Kebijakan Situs Google Developers. Java adalah merek dagang terdaftar dari Oracle dan/atau afiliasinya.
Terakhir diperbarui pada 2023-12-02 UTC.
[[["Mudah dipahami","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["Memecahkan masalah saya","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["Lainnya","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["Informasi yang saya butuhkan tidak ada","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["Terlalu rumit/langkahnya terlalu banyak","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["Sudah usang","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["Masalah terjemahan","translationIssue","thumb-down"],["Masalah kode / contoh","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["Lainnya","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["Terakhir diperbarui pada 2023-12-02 UTC."],[[["This header file, `GCKSenderApplicationInfo.h`, defines the `GCKSenderApplicationInfo` class, which provides information about the sender application in the Google Cast framework."],["It also defines the `GCKSenderApplicationInfoPlatform` enum, specifying the platform of the sender application, such as Android, iOS, Chrome, or OS X."],["The `GCKSenderApplicationInfo` class is crucial for identifying and managing sender applications interacting with the Google Cast ecosystem."],["Developers can use the provided information about the sender application to tailor the Cast experience based on the sender's platform and capabilities."]]],[]]