AnchorNotSupportedForHostingException |
The anchor used for Session.hostCloudAnchor(Anchor) is not a type of
anchor that is currently supported for hosting. |
CameraNotAvailableException |
Camera is not available during Session.resume() or at runtime during
Session.update() . |
CloudAnchorsNotConfiguredException |
Cloud anchors are not configured during Session.hostCloudAnchor(Anchor)
DataInvalidFormatException |
The data passed in for this operation was not in a valid format. |
DataUnsupportedVersionException |
The data passed in for this operation is not supported by this version of the SDK. |
DeadlineExceededException |
Acquire failed because the object being acquired is already released. |
FatalException |
Thrown when ARCore experiences a non-recoverable internal error. |
FineLocationPermissionNotGrantedException |
The Android precise location permission (ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION ) is required, but has not
been granted prior to calling Session.configure(com.google.ar.core.Config) when Config.GeospatialMode is set to Config.GeospatialMode.ENABLED . |
GooglePlayServicesLocationLibraryNotLinkedException |
The Fused
Location Provider for Android library is required, but wasn't found in the client app's
binary prior to calling Session.configure(com.google.ar.core.Config)
when Config.GeospatialMode is set to Config.GeospatialMode.ENABLED . |
ImageInsufficientQualityException |
An image with insufficient quality (e.g., too few features) was attempted to be added to the image database. |
MetadataNotFoundException |
Thrown when camera image metadata tag is not found. |
MissingGlContextException |
Thrown when an operation requires GL context (unchecked). |
NotTrackingException |
Thrown if an operation requires the AR system to be TRACKING (checked). |
NotYetAvailableException |
Acquire failed because the object being acquired is not yet available. |
PlaybackFailedException |
Thrown when playback failed. |
RecordingFailedException |
Thrown when recording failed. |
ResourceExhaustedException |
Acquire failed because there are too many objects already acquired. |
SessionNotPausedException |
Thrown if an operation requires ARCore to be stopped (unchecked). |
SessionPausedException |
Thrown if an operation requires ARCore to be running (unchecked). |
SessionUnsupportedException |
Thrown if the current session with selected features does not support a specific operation. |
TextureNotSetException |
Thrown if a texture name was not set by calling Session.setCameraTextureName(int) before
the first call to Session.update() (unchecked). |
UnavailableApkTooOldException |
Thrown when the installed ARCore APK is too old for the ARCore SDK that this application was compiled using. |
UnavailableArcoreNotInstalledException |
Thrown when the ARCore APK is not installed on this device. |
UnavailableDeviceNotCompatibleException |
Thrown when the device is not currently compatible with ARCore. |
UnavailableException |
Subclasses of this exception are thrown when ARCore is not available. |
UnavailableSdkTooOldException |
Thrown when the ARCore SDK that this application was built with is too old for the installed ARCore APK. |
UnavailableUserDeclinedInstallationException |
Thrown when ArCoreApk.requestInstall(Activity, boolean) is called after the user had
previously cancelled installation. |
UnsupportedConfigurationException |
Thrown if the configuration supplied to Session.configure(Config) is unsupported
(unchecked). |