Class: HlsTimedMetadata



new HlsTimedMetadata()



(non-null Object or undefined)

The "X-" prefix defines a namespace reserved for client-defined attributes. The client-attribute MUST be a legal AttributeName. Clients SHOULD use a reverse-DNS syntax when defining their own attribute names to avoid collisions. The attribute value MUST be a string, a hexadecimal-sequence, or a decimal-floating-point. An example of a client-defined attribute is X-COM-EXAMPLE-AD-ID="XYZ123". These attributes are OPTIONAL.


(number or undefined)

The duration of the Date Range expressed as a decimal-floating-point number of seconds. It MUST NOT be negative. A single instant in time (e.g., crossing a finish line) SHOULD be represented with a duration of 0. This attribute is OPTIONAL.


(string or undefined)

A string containing the ISO-8601 date at which the Date Range ends. It MUST be equal to or later than the value of the START-DATE attribute. This attribute is OPTIONAL.


(boolean or undefined)

A boolean indicating the end of the range containing it is equal to the START-DATE of its Following Range. The Following Range is the Date Range of the same CLASS that has the earliest START-DATE after the START-DATE of the range in question. This attribute is OPTIONAL and defaults to false.


(number or undefined)

The expected duration of the Date Range expressed as a decimal-floating-point number of seconds. It MUST NOT be negative. This attribute SHOULD be used to indicate the expected duration of a Date Range whose actual duration is not yet known. This attribute is OPTIONAL.


(string or undefined)

A client-defined string that specifies some set of attributes and their associated value semantics. All Date Ranges with the same CLASS attribute value MUST adhere to these semantics. This attribute is OPTIONAL.


(string or undefined)

Carries SCTE-35 splice_info_section() data. This attribute is OPTIONAL.


(string or undefined)

Carries SCTE-35 data splice in data. This attribute is OPTIONAL.


(string or undefined)

Carries SCTE-35 data splice out data. This attribute is OPTIONAL.


(string or undefined)

A string containing the ISO-8601 date at which the Date Range begins. This attribute is REQUIRED.