Cast Sender API for iOS

Cast Sender API for iOS
The classes and protocols in Google Cast Sender v4 API for iOS:
 CGCKAdBreakClipInfoA class representing an ad break clip
 CGCKAdBreakClipInfoBuilderA builder object for constructing new or derived GCKAdBreakClipInfo instances
 CGCKAdBreakInfoA class representing an ad break
 CGCKAdBreakInfoBuilderA builder object for constructing new or derived GCKAdBreakInfo instances
 CGCKAdBreakStatusA class representing the ad break status
 CGCKApplicationMetadataInformation about a receiver application
 CGCKCastChannelA virtual communication channel for exchanging messages between a Cast sender and a Cast receiver
 CGCKCastContextA class containing global objects and state for the framework
 CGCKCastContext(UI)A category on GCKCastContext containing UI-specific APIs
 C<GCKCastDeviceStatusListener>A listener protocol for receiving Cast device status change notifications
 CGCKCastOptionsOptions that affect the discovery of Cast devices and the behavior of Cast sessions
 CGCKCastSessionA class that manages a Cast session with a receiver device
 CGCKColorA class that represents an RGBA color
 CGCKCredentialsDataA class to maintain the application specific credentials data to identify and possibly authenticates the user
 CGCKDeviceAn object representing a receiver device
 CGCKDeviceProviderAn abstract base class for performing device discovery and session construction
 CGCKDeviceProvider(Protected)Convenience methods for constructing GCKDevice objects and sending discovery notifications to the framework
 CGCKDiscoveryCriteriaDevice discovery filter criteria
 CGCKDiscoveryManagerA class that manages the device discovery process
 C<GCKDiscoveryManagerListener>The GCKDiscoveryManager listener protocol
 CGCKDynamicDeviceA device object that can be part of a multizone group
 CGCKErrorA subclass of NSError for framework errors
 CGCKGenericChannelA generic GCKCastChannel implementation, suitable for use when subclassing is not desired
 C<GCKGenericChannelDelegate>The GCKGenericChannel delegate protocol
 CGCKHLSSegmentClass that provides helpers to convert between GCKHLSSegmentFormat and NSString
 CGCKHLSVideoSegmentClass that provides helpers to convert between GCKHLSVideoSegmentFormat and NSString
 CGCKImageA class that represents an image that is located on a web server
 CGCKJSONUtilsUtility methods for working with JSON data
 CGCKLaunchOptionsReceiver application launch options
 CGCKLoggerA singleton object used for logging by the framework
 C<GCKLoggerDelegate>The GCKLogger delegate protocol
 CGCKLoggerFilterA class for filtering log messages that are produced using GCKLogger
 CGCKMediaInformationA class that aggregates information about a media item
 CGCKMediaInformationBuilderA builder object for constructing new or derived GCKMediaInformation instances
 CGCKMediaLiveSeekableRangeA class that aggregates information about seekable range of a media stream
 CGCKMediaLoadOptionsOptions for loading media with GCKRemoteMediaClient
 CGCKMediaLoadRequestDataMedia load request data
 CGCKMediaLoadRequestDataBuilderA builder object for constructing new or derived GCKMediaLoadRequestData instances
 CGCKMediaMetadataA container for media metadata
 CGCKMediaQueueA data model representation of a media queue of arbitrary length
 CGCKMediaQueueContainerMetadataAdditional metadata for the media queue container
 CGCKMediaQueueContainerMetadataBuilderA builder object for constructing new or derived GCKMediaQueueContainerMetadata instances
 CGCKMediaQueueDataA class that holds the information of the playing queue or media container
 CGCKMediaQueueDataBuilderA builder object for constructing new or derived GCKMediaQueueData instances
 C<GCKMediaQueueDelegate>The delegate protocol for receiving asynchronous notifications from a GCKMediaQueue
 CGCKMediaQueueItemA class representing a media queue item
 CGCKMediaQueueItemBuilderA builder object for constructing new or derived GCKMediaQueueItem instances
 CGCKMediaQueueLoadOptionsOptions for loading media queue items with GCKRemoteMediaClient
 CGCKMediaRequestItemA class representing a request item sent to Cast receivers
 CGCKMediaSeekOptionsOptions for seeking within media with GCKRemoteMediaClient
 CGCKMediaStatusA class that holds status information about some media
 CGCKMediaTextTrackStyleA class representing a style for a text media track
 CGCKMediaTrackA class representing a media track
 CGCKMultizoneDeviceA member device of a multizone group
 CGCKMultizoneStatusThe status of a multizone group
 CGCKNetworkAddressAn object that represents a network IP address
 CGCKOpenURLOptionsAn object representing options that can be passed to a Cast-enabled application via a deep-link URL
 CGCKRemoteMediaClientA class for controlling media playback on a Cast receiver
 CGCKRemoteMediaClient(Protected)Methods to be called by GCKRemoteMediaClient subclasses only
 C<GCKRemoteMediaClientAdInfoParserDelegate>The delegate protocol for parsing ad break information from a media status
 C<GCKRemoteMediaClientListener>The GCKRemoteMediaClient listener protocol
 CGCKRequestAn object for tracking an asynchronous request
 C<GCKRequestDelegate>The GCKRequest delegate protocol
 CGCKSenderApplicationInfoInformation about a sender application
 CGCKSessionAn abstract base class representing a session with a receiver device
 CGCKSession(Protected)Methods to be overridden and called by GCKSession subclasses only
 CGCKSessionManagerA class that manages sessions
 C<GCKSessionManagerListener>The GCKSessionManager listener protocol
 CGCKSessionTraitsAn object describing the traits and capabilities of a session
 CGCKUIButtonA subclass of UIButton that supports custom application states
 CGCKUICastButtonA subclass of UIButton that implements a "Cast" button
 C<GCKUICastButtonDelegate>Use the methods of this protocol to present custom dialog in response to user action
 CGCKUICastContainerViewControllerA view controller which wraps another View Controller and adds a media playback notification area below that controller
 CGCKUIDeviceVolumeControllerA controller for UI views that are used to control or display the volume and mute state of a Cast receiver
 CGCKUIExpandedMediaControlsViewControllerA view controller which implements the expanded controls fullscreen view
 C<GCKUIImageCache>A protocol that defines a means of retrieving and caching images
 CGCKUIImageHintsAn object that provides hints to a GCKUIImagePicker about the type and size of an image to be selected for display in the UI
 C<GCKUIImagePicker>An object used for selecting an image for a given purpose from a GCKMediaMetadata object
 C<GCKUIMediaButtonBarProtocol>The GCKUIMediaButtonBarProtocol delegate protocol
 CGCKUIMediaControllerA controller for UI views that are used to control or display the status of media playback on a Cast receiver
 C<GCKUIMediaControllerDelegate>The GCKUIMediaController delegate protocol
 CGCKUIMediaTrackSelectionViewControllerA view controller that displays a list of the available text and audio tracks for a given media item
 C<GCKUIMediaTrackSelectionViewControllerDelegate>The GCKUIDeviceConnectionViewController delegate protocol
 CGCKUIMiniMediaControlsViewControllerA view controller which implements the "now playing" control bar
 C<GCKUIMiniMediaControlsViewControllerDelegate>The GCKUIMiniMediaControlsViewController delegate protocol
 CGCKUIMultistateButtonA subclass of UIButton that supports multiple states
 CGCKUIPlaybackRateControllerA class that can be used to implement a custom stream playback rate UI
 CGCKUIPlayPauseToggleControllerA class that can be used to implement a custom play/pause toggle UI, in situations where a GCKUIMultistateButton will not suffice
 CGCKUIStreamPositionControllerA class that can be used to implement a custom stream position and/or seek UI, in situations where ordinary UISlider, UIProgressView, and UILabel controls will not suffice
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesA class for controlling the style (colors, fonts, icons) of the default views of the framework
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesCastViewsThe style attributes for the root view group
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesConnectionControllerThe style attributes for the view group representing the connection controller
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesConnectionNavigationThe style attributes for the view group representing the navigation bar of device controller
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesConnectionToolbarThe style attributes for the view group representing the toolbar of device controller
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesDeviceChooserThe style attributes for the view group representing the device chooser
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesDeviceControlThe style attributes for the view group representing all the device control views
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesExpandedControllerThe style attributes for the view group representing the expanded controller
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesGuestModePairingDialogThe style attributes for the view group representing the guest-mode pairing dialog
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesInstructionsThe style attributes for the view group representing the initial instructions overlay
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesMediaControlThe style attributes for the view group representing all the media control views
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesMiniControllerThe style attributes for the view group representing the mini controller
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesNoDevicesAvailableControllerThe style attributes for the view group representing no devices available controller
 CGCKUIStyleAttributesTrackSelectorThe style attributes for the view group representing the media track selector
 CGCKUIUtilsUser interface utility methods
 CGCKVASTAdsRequestA class representing a VAST request for an ad break clip
 CGCKVideoInfoA class representing video format details
 CNSDictionary(GCKAdditions)A category that adds some convenience methods to NSDictionary for safely looking up values of various types
 CNSMutableDictionary(GCKAdditions)A category that adds some convenience methods to NSDictionary for setting values of various types
 CNSTimer(GCKAdditions)A category on NSTimer that adds some useful enhancements