Newsletter - March 2024

Google for Developers Newsletter March
March 2024
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Google I/O is back!
Join us online on May 14 to discover, innovate, and unlock new possibilities with Google's latest developer tools.
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Featured video
Google for Games Developer Summit
Did you miss the Google for Games Developer Summit this week? We recorded it, so you can watch it on-demand. Hear from teams across Google about Gamer Loyalty, ROI optimization, and Generative AI.
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Featured content
We’re unpacking the latest in Android including foldables, wearables, Gemini Nano, Compose, Android 15 and so much more!
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Featured Event
Google Cloud Next ’24
From April 9-11, 2024, join Google Cloud for visionary keynotes, the latest technology innovations, and live sessions on everything from generative AI to security.
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Product updates and developer solutions
Phasing out third-party cookies
Chrome has begun restricting third-party cookies by default. Currently rolled out to 1% of users, the phase out will ramp up to 100% of all Chrome users from Q3 2024.
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Automatic FedCM migration in April
With third-party cookies phasing out, partners who offer GIS’s One Tap and Automatic Sign-In features will automatically be migrated to FedCM in April. Some custom integrations may require changes.
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Peek at the CES 2024 AR experience
We created a 360° augmented reality (AR) adventure for this year’s CES using Google’s Geospatial Creator. Take a peek behind-the-scenes into the tools we used and how we did it.
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Codelabs and pathways
Get started with Gemini AI
Learn to create text-based prompts with Google AI Studio and write your Gemini AI NodeJS script.
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Introduction to Flame with Flutter
Build a game inspired by a ’70s video classic with Flame, a Flutter-based 2D game engine.
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Create a multi-tier web application
Build a three-tier web app with a Golang backend running on Cloud Run and using a CloudSQL database.
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Build a serverless ecommerce web app
Use Python, Cloud Run, Cloud SQL, and Firebase to build a modern serverless web app.
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Developer community
Women in Tech
Women Techmakers Ambassadors are celebrating International Women’s Day by hosting hundreds of local events around the world – empowering their communities to have courage and dream big.
Meet the ambassadors
Rewards for discovering bugs
Are you good at finding vulnerabilities? There’s money in it for you! We're rewarding developers for reporting bugs in Google’s open source projects. Check out Patch Rewards and Security Subsidies.
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Are you an ML pro?
Flex your machine learning skills and get hands-on experiences in the ML Olympiad community competitions on Kaggle, hosted by the Google ML community.
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Are you on Discord?
Our Google developer community is booming! We followed up DevFest with the Developer Creators and Online Communities Summit this Jan. And we’ll be bringing you Build with AI and I/O events.
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