Rysuj wielokąty na mapie

Obraz przedstawiający rysowanie wielokątów na mapie.

W tym przykładzie rysowane są wielokąty wokół granic geograficznych stanów Nowy Jork i Karolina Północna w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Wielokąt obejmujący Nowy Jork jest narysowany z trójkątnym otworem w środku.


Zanim spróbujesz użyć przykładowego kodu, musisz skonfigurować środowisko programistyczne. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w próbkach kodu Maps SDK na iOS.

Wyświetlanie kodu


import GoogleMaps
import UIKit

final class PolygonsViewController: UIViewController {

  private lazy var mapView: GMSMapView = {
    let cameraPosition = GMSCameraPosition(latitude: 39.13006, longitude: -77.508545, zoom: 4)
    return GMSMapView(frame: .zero, camera: cameraPosition)

  override func loadView() {
    mapView.delegate = self
    view = mapView

  override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    // Create renderer related objects after view appears, so a renderer will be available;
    let polygon = GMSPolygon()
    polygon.path = GMSPath.newYorkState()
    polygon.holes = [GMSPath.newYorkStateHole()]
    polygon.title = "New York"
    polygon.fillColor = UIColor(red: 0.25, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.2)
    polygon.strokeColor = .black
    polygon.strokeWidth = 2
    polygon.isTappable = true
    polygon.map = mapView

    // Copy the existing polygon and its settings and use it as a base for the
    // second polygon.
    let carolina = polygon.copy() as! GMSPolygon
    carolina.title = "North Carolina"
    carolina.path = GMSPath.northCarolina()
    carolina.fillColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 0.25, blue: 0, alpha: 0.5)
    carolina.map = mapView

extension GMSPath {
  static func newYorkState() -> GMSPath {
    let data: [[CLLocationDegrees]] = [
      [42.5142, -79.7624],
      [42.7783, -79.0672],
      [42.8508, -78.9313],
      [42.9061, -78.9024],
      [42.9554, -78.9313],
      [42.9584, -78.9656],
      [42.9886, -79.0219],
      [43.0568, -79.0027],
      [43.0769, -79.0727],
      [43.1220, -79.0713],
      [43.1441, -79.0302],
      [43.1801, -79.0576],
      [43.2482, -79.0604],
      [43.2812, -79.0837],
      [43.4509, -79.2004],
      [43.6311, -78.6909],
      [43.6321, -76.7958],
      [43.9987, -76.4978],
      [44.0965, -76.4388],
      [44.1349, -76.3536],
      [44.1989, -76.3124],
      [44.2049, -76.2437],
      [44.2413, -76.1655],
      [44.2973, -76.1353],
      [44.3327, -76.0474],
      [44.3553, -75.9856],
      [44.3749, -75.9196],
      [44.3994, -75.8730],
      [44.4308, -75.8221],
      [44.4740, -75.8098],
      [44.5425, -75.7288],
      [44.6647, -75.5585],
      [44.7672, -75.4088],
      [44.8101, -75.3442],
      [44.8383, -75.3058],
      [44.8676, -75.2399],
      [44.9211, -75.1204],
      [44.9609, -74.9995],
      [44.9803, -74.9899],
      [44.9852, -74.9103],
      [45.0017, -74.8856],
      [45.0153, -74.8306],
      [45.0046, -74.7633],
      [45.0027, -74.7070],
      [45.0007, -74.5642],
      [44.9920, -74.1467],
      [45.0037, -73.7306],
      [45.0085, -73.4203],
      [45.0109, -73.3430],
      [44.9874, -73.3547],
      [44.9648, -73.3379],
      [44.9160, -73.3396],
      [44.8354, -73.3739],
      [44.8013, -73.3324],
      [44.7419, -73.3667],
      [44.6139, -73.3873],
      [44.5787, -73.3736],
      [44.4916, -73.3049],
      [44.4289, -73.2953],
      [44.3513, -73.3365],
      [44.2757, -73.3118],
      [44.1980, -73.3818],
      [44.1142, -73.4079],
      [44.0511, -73.4367],
      [44.0165, -73.4065],
      [43.9375, -73.4079],
      [43.8771, -73.3749],
      [43.8167, -73.3914],
      [43.7790, -73.3557],
      [43.6460, -73.4244],
      [43.5893, -73.4340],
      [43.5655, -73.3969],
      [43.6112, -73.3818],
      [43.6271, -73.3049],
      [43.5764, -73.3063],
      [43.5675, -73.2582],
      [43.5227, -73.2445],
      [43.2582, -73.2582],
      [42.9715, -73.2733],
      [42.8004, -73.2898],
      [42.7460, -73.2664],
      [42.4630, -73.3708],
      [42.0840, -73.5095],
      [42.0218, -73.4903],
      [41.8808, -73.4999],
      [41.2953, -73.5535],
      [41.2128, -73.4834],
      [41.1011, -73.7275],
      [41.0237, -73.6644],
      [40.9851, -73.6578],
      [40.9509, -73.6132],
      [41.1869, -72.4823],
      [41.2551, -72.0950],
      [41.3005, -71.9714],
      [41.3108, -71.9193],
      [41.1838, -71.7915],
      [41.1249, -71.7929],
      [41.0462, -71.7517],
      [40.6306, -72.9465],
      [40.5368, -73.4628],
      [40.4887, -73.8885],
      [40.5232, -73.9490],
      [40.4772, -74.2271],
      [40.4861, -74.2532],
      [40.6468, -74.1866],
      [40.6556, -74.0547],
      [40.7618, -74.0156],
      [40.8699, -73.9421],
      [40.9980, -73.8934],
      [41.0343, -73.9854],
      [41.3268, -74.6274],
      [41.3583, -74.7084],
      [41.3811, -74.7101],
      [41.4386, -74.8265],
      [41.5075, -74.9913],
      [41.6000, -75.0668],
      [41.6719, -75.0366],
      [41.7672, -75.0545],
      [41.8808, -75.1945],
      [42.0013, -75.3552],
      [42.0003, -75.4266],
      [42.0013, -77.0306],
      [41.9993, -79.7250],
      [42.0003, -79.7621],
      [42.1827, -79.7621],
      [42.5146, -79.7621],
    let path = GMSMutablePath()
    for degrees in data {
      path.addLatitude(degrees[0], longitude: degrees[1])
    return path

  static func newYorkStateHole() -> GMSPath {
    let path = GMSMutablePath()
    path.addLatitude(43.5000, longitude: -76.3651)
    path.addLatitude(43.5000, longitude: -74.3651)
    path.addLatitude(42.0000, longitude: -74.3651)
    return path

  static func northCarolina() -> GMSPath {
    let path = GMSMutablePath()
    let data = [
      [33.7963, -78.4850],
      [34.8037, -79.6742],
      [34.8206, -80.8003],
      [34.9377, -80.7880],
      [35.1019, -80.9377],
      [35.0356, -81.0379],
      [35.1457, -81.0324],
      [35.1660, -81.3867],
      [35.1985, -82.2739],
      [35.2041, -82.3933],
      [35.0637, -82.7765],
      [35.0817, -82.7861],
      [34.9996, -83.1075],
      [34.9918, -83.6183],
      [34.9918, -84.3201],
      [35.2131, -84.2885],
      [35.2680, -84.2226],
      [35.2310, -84.1113],
      [35.2815, -84.0454],
      [35.4058, -84.0248],
      [35.4719, -83.9424],
      [35.5166, -83.8559],
      [35.5512, -83.6938],
      [35.5680, -83.5181],
      [35.6327, -83.3849],
      [35.7142, -83.2475],
      [35.7799, -82.9962],
      [35.8445, -82.9276],
      [35.9224, -82.8191],
      [35.9958, -82.7710],
      [36.0613, -82.6419],
      [35.9702, -82.6103],
      [35.9547, -82.5677],
      [36.0236, -82.4730],
      [36.0669, -82.4194],
      [36.1168, -82.3535],
      [36.1345, -82.2862],
      [36.1467, -82.1461],
      [36.1035, -82.1228],
      [36.1268, -82.0267],
      [36.2797, -81.9360],
      [36.3527, -81.7987],
      [36.3361, -81.7081],
      [36.5880, -81.6724],
      [36.5659, -80.7234],
      [36.5438, -80.2977],
      [36.5449, -79.6729],
      [36.5449, -77.2559],
      [36.5505, -75.7562],
      [36.3129, -75.7068],
      [35.7131, -75.4129],
      [35.2041, -75.4720],
      [34.9794, -76.0748],
      [34.5258, -76.4951],
      [34.5880, -76.8109],
      [34.5314, -77.1378],
      [34.3910, -77.4481],
      [34.0481, -77.7983],
      [33.7666, -77.9260],
      [33.7963, -78.4863],
    for degrees in data {
      path.addLatitude(degrees[0], longitude: degrees[1])
    return path

extension PolygonsViewController: GMSMapViewDelegate {
  func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, didTap overlay: GMSOverlay) {
    // When a polygon is tapped, randomly change its fill color to a new hue.
    guard let polygon = overlay as? GMSPolygon else { return }
    polygon.fillColor = UIColor(
      hue: CGFloat.random(in: 0..<1), saturation: 1, brightness: 1, alpha: 0.5)


#import "GoogleMapsDemos/Samples/PolygonsViewController.h"

#import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>

@interface PolygonsViewController ()

@property(nonatomic) GMSPolygon *polygonOfNewYork;
@property(nonatomic) GMSPolygon *polygonOfNorthCarolina;


@implementation PolygonsViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  [super viewDidLoad];
  GMSCameraPosition *camera = [GMSCameraPosition cameraWithLatitude:39.13006
  GMSMapView *mapView = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame:CGRectZero camera:camera];
  mapView.delegate = self;  // needed for didTapOverlay delegate method

  self.view = mapView;

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
  [super viewDidAppear:animated];

  // Create renderer related objects after view appears, so a renderer will be available; otherwise,
  // behavior is undefined (may result in null ptr derefs).
  GMSMapView *mapView = (GMSMapView *)self.view;

  // Create the first polygon.
  GMSPolygon *polygon = [[GMSPolygon alloc] init];
  polygon.path = [self pathOfNewYorkState];
  polygon.holes = @[ [self pathOfNewYorkStateHole] ];
  polygon.title = @"New York";
  polygon.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.25 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.2f];
  polygon.strokeColor = [UIColor blackColor];
  polygon.strokeWidth = 2;
  polygon.tappable = YES;
  polygon.map = mapView;
  self.polygonOfNewYork = polygon;

  // Copy the existing polygon and its settings and use it as a base for the second polygon.
  polygon = [polygon copy];
  polygon.title = @"North Carolina";
  polygon.path = [self pathOfNorthCarolina];
  polygon.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0 green:0.25 blue:0 alpha:0.5];
  polygon.map = mapView;
  self.polygonOfNorthCarolina = polygon;

- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapOverlay:(GMSOverlay *)overlay {
  // When a polygon is tapped, randomly change its fill color to a new hue.
  if ([overlay isKindOfClass:[GMSPolygon class]]) {
    GMSPolygon *polygon = (GMSPolygon *)overlay;
    CGFloat hue = (((float)arc4random() / 0x100000000) * 1.0f);
    polygon.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithHue:hue saturation:1 brightness:1 alpha:0.5];

- (GMSPath *)pathOfNewYorkState {
  GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path];
  [path addLatitude:42.5142 longitude:-79.7624];
  [path addLatitude:42.7783 longitude:-79.0672];
  [path addLatitude:42.8508 longitude:-78.9313];
  [path addLatitude:42.9061 longitude:-78.9024];
  [path addLatitude:42.9554 longitude:-78.9313];
  [path addLatitude:42.9584 longitude:-78.9656];
  [path addLatitude:42.9886 longitude:-79.0219];
  [path addLatitude:43.0568 longitude:-79.0027];
  [path addLatitude:43.0769 longitude:-79.0727];
  [path addLatitude:43.1220 longitude:-79.0713];
  [path addLatitude:43.1441 longitude:-79.0302];
  [path addLatitude:43.1801 longitude:-79.0576];
  [path addLatitude:43.2482 longitude:-79.0604];
  [path addLatitude:43.2812 longitude:-79.0837];
  [path addLatitude:43.4509 longitude:-79.2004];
  [path addLatitude:43.6311 longitude:-78.6909];
  [path addLatitude:43.6321 longitude:-76.7958];
  [path addLatitude:43.9987 longitude:-76.4978];
  [path addLatitude:44.0965 longitude:-76.4388];
  [path addLatitude:44.1349 longitude:-76.3536];
  [path addLatitude:44.1989 longitude:-76.3124];
  [path addLatitude:44.2049 longitude:-76.2437];
  [path addLatitude:44.2413 longitude:-76.1655];
  [path addLatitude:44.2973 longitude:-76.1353];
  [path addLatitude:44.3327 longitude:-76.0474];
  [path addLatitude:44.3553 longitude:-75.9856];
  [path addLatitude:44.3749 longitude:-75.9196];
  [path addLatitude:44.3994 longitude:-75.8730];
  [path addLatitude:44.4308 longitude:-75.8221];
  [path addLatitude:44.4740 longitude:-75.8098];
  [path addLatitude:44.5425 longitude:-75.7288];
  [path addLatitude:44.6647 longitude:-75.5585];
  [path addLatitude:44.7672 longitude:-75.4088];
  [path addLatitude:44.8101 longitude:-75.3442];
  [path addLatitude:44.8383 longitude:-75.3058];
  [path addLatitude:44.8676 longitude:-75.2399];
  [path addLatitude:44.9211 longitude:-75.1204];
  [path addLatitude:44.9609 longitude:-74.9995];
  [path addLatitude:44.9803 longitude:-74.9899];
  [path addLatitude:44.9852 longitude:-74.9103];
  [path addLatitude:45.0017 longitude:-74.8856];
  [path addLatitude:45.0153 longitude:-74.8306];
  [path addLatitude:45.0046 longitude:-74.7633];
  [path addLatitude:45.0027 longitude:-74.7070];
  [path addLatitude:45.0007 longitude:-74.5642];
  [path addLatitude:44.9920 longitude:-74.1467];
  [path addLatitude:45.0037 longitude:-73.7306];
  [path addLatitude:45.0085 longitude:-73.4203];
  [path addLatitude:45.0109 longitude:-73.3430];
  [path addLatitude:44.9874 longitude:-73.3547];
  [path addLatitude:44.9648 longitude:-73.3379];
  [path addLatitude:44.9160 longitude:-73.3396];
  [path addLatitude:44.8354 longitude:-73.3739];
  [path addLatitude:44.8013 longitude:-73.3324];
  [path addLatitude:44.7419 longitude:-73.3667];
  [path addLatitude:44.6139 longitude:-73.3873];
  [path addLatitude:44.5787 longitude:-73.3736];
  [path addLatitude:44.4916 longitude:-73.3049];
  [path addLatitude:44.4289 longitude:-73.2953];
  [path addLatitude:44.3513 longitude:-73.3365];
  [path addLatitude:44.2757 longitude:-73.3118];
  [path addLatitude:44.1980 longitude:-73.3818];
  [path addLatitude:44.1142 longitude:-73.4079];
  [path addLatitude:44.0511 longitude:-73.4367];
  [path addLatitude:44.0165 longitude:-73.4065];
  [path addLatitude:43.9375 longitude:-73.4079];
  [path addLatitude:43.8771 longitude:-73.3749];
  [path addLatitude:43.8167 longitude:-73.3914];
  [path addLatitude:43.7790 longitude:-73.3557];
  [path addLatitude:43.6460 longitude:-73.4244];
  [path addLatitude:43.5893 longitude:-73.4340];
  [path addLatitude:43.5655 longitude:-73.3969];
  [path addLatitude:43.6112 longitude:-73.3818];
  [path addLatitude:43.6271 longitude:-73.3049];
  [path addLatitude:43.5764 longitude:-73.3063];
  [path addLatitude:43.5675 longitude:-73.2582];
  [path addLatitude:43.5227 longitude:-73.2445];
  [path addLatitude:43.2582 longitude:-73.2582];
  [path addLatitude:42.9715 longitude:-73.2733];
  [path addLatitude:42.8004 longitude:-73.2898];
  [path addLatitude:42.7460 longitude:-73.2664];
  [path addLatitude:42.4630 longitude:-73.3708];
  [path addLatitude:42.0840 longitude:-73.5095];
  [path addLatitude:42.0218 longitude:-73.4903];
  [path addLatitude:41.8808 longitude:-73.4999];
  [path addLatitude:41.2953 longitude:-73.5535];
  [path addLatitude:41.2128 longitude:-73.4834];
  [path addLatitude:41.1011 longitude:-73.7275];
  [path addLatitude:41.0237 longitude:-73.6644];
  [path addLatitude:40.9851 longitude:-73.6578];
  [path addLatitude:40.9509 longitude:-73.6132];
  [path addLatitude:41.1869 longitude:-72.4823];
  [path addLatitude:41.2551 longitude:-72.0950];
  [path addLatitude:41.3005 longitude:-71.9714];
  [path addLatitude:41.3108 longitude:-71.9193];
  [path addLatitude:41.1838 longitude:-71.7915];
  [path addLatitude:41.1249 longitude:-71.7929];
  [path addLatitude:41.0462 longitude:-71.7517];
  [path addLatitude:40.6306 longitude:-72.9465];
  [path addLatitude:40.5368 longitude:-73.4628];
  [path addLatitude:40.4887 longitude:-73.8885];
  [path addLatitude:40.5232 longitude:-73.9490];
  [path addLatitude:40.4772 longitude:-74.2271];
  [path addLatitude:40.4861 longitude:-74.2532];
  [path addLatitude:40.6468 longitude:-74.1866];
  [path addLatitude:40.6556 longitude:-74.0547];
  [path addLatitude:40.7618 longitude:-74.0156];
  [path addLatitude:40.8699 longitude:-73.9421];
  [path addLatitude:40.9980 longitude:-73.8934];
  [path addLatitude:41.0343 longitude:-73.9854];
  [path addLatitude:41.3268 longitude:-74.6274];
  [path addLatitude:41.3583 longitude:-74.7084];
  [path addLatitude:41.3811 longitude:-74.7101];
  [path addLatitude:41.4386 longitude:-74.8265];
  [path addLatitude:41.5075 longitude:-74.9913];
  [path addLatitude:41.6000 longitude:-75.0668];
  [path addLatitude:41.6719 longitude:-75.0366];
  [path addLatitude:41.7672 longitude:-75.0545];
  [path addLatitude:41.8808 longitude:-75.1945];
  [path addLatitude:42.0013 longitude:-75.3552];
  [path addLatitude:42.0003 longitude:-75.4266];
  [path addLatitude:42.0013 longitude:-77.0306];
  [path addLatitude:41.9993 longitude:-79.7250];
  [path addLatitude:42.0003 longitude:-79.7621];
  [path addLatitude:42.1827 longitude:-79.7621];
  [path addLatitude:42.5146 longitude:-79.7621];
  return path;

- (GMSPath *)pathOfNewYorkStateHole {
  GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path];
  [path addLatitude:43.5000 longitude:-76.3651];
  [path addLatitude:43.5000 longitude:-74.3651];
  [path addLatitude:42.0000 longitude:-74.3651];
  return path;

- (GMSPath *)pathOfNorthCarolina {
  GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path];
  [path addLatitude:33.7963 longitude:-78.4850];
  [path addLatitude:34.8037 longitude:-79.6742];
  [path addLatitude:34.8206 longitude:-80.8003];
  [path addLatitude:34.9377 longitude:-80.7880];
  [path addLatitude:35.1019 longitude:-80.9377];
  [path addLatitude:35.0356 longitude:-81.0379];
  [path addLatitude:35.1457 longitude:-81.0324];
  [path addLatitude:35.1660 longitude:-81.3867];
  [path addLatitude:35.1985 longitude:-82.2739];
  [path addLatitude:35.2041 longitude:-82.3933];
  [path addLatitude:35.0637 longitude:-82.7765];
  [path addLatitude:35.0817 longitude:-82.7861];
  [path addLatitude:34.9996 longitude:-83.1075];
  [path addLatitude:34.9918 longitude:-83.6183];
  [path addLatitude:34.9918 longitude:-84.3201];
  [path addLatitude:35.2131 longitude:-84.2885];
  [path addLatitude:35.2680 longitude:-84.2226];
  [path addLatitude:35.2310 longitude:-84.1113];
  [path addLatitude:35.2815 longitude:-84.0454];
  [path addLatitude:35.4058 longitude:-84.0248];
  [path addLatitude:35.4719 longitude:-83.9424];
  [path addLatitude:35.5166 longitude:-83.8559];
  [path addLatitude:35.5512 longitude:-83.6938];
  [path addLatitude:35.5680 longitude:-83.5181];
  [path addLatitude:35.6327 longitude:-83.3849];
  [path addLatitude:35.7142 longitude:-83.2475];
  [path addLatitude:35.7799 longitude:-82.9962];
  [path addLatitude:35.8445 longitude:-82.9276];
  [path addLatitude:35.9224 longitude:-82.8191];
  [path addLatitude:35.9958 longitude:-82.7710];
  [path addLatitude:36.0613 longitude:-82.6419];
  [path addLatitude:35.9702 longitude:-82.6103];
  [path addLatitude:35.9547 longitude:-82.5677];
  [path addLatitude:36.0236 longitude:-82.4730];
  [path addLatitude:36.0669 longitude:-82.4194];
  [path addLatitude:36.1168 longitude:-82.3535];
  [path addLatitude:36.1345 longitude:-82.2862];
  [path addLatitude:36.1467 longitude:-82.1461];
  [path addLatitude:36.1035 longitude:-82.1228];
  [path addLatitude:36.1268 longitude:-82.0267];
  [path addLatitude:36.2797 longitude:-81.9360];
  [path addLatitude:36.3527 longitude:-81.7987];
  [path addLatitude:36.3361 longitude:-81.7081];
  [path addLatitude:36.5880 longitude:-81.6724];
  [path addLatitude:36.5659 longitude:-80.7234];
  [path addLatitude:36.5438 longitude:-80.2977];
  [path addLatitude:36.5449 longitude:-79.6729];
  [path addLatitude:36.5449 longitude:-77.2559];
  [path addLatitude:36.5505 longitude:-75.7562];
  [path addLatitude:36.3129 longitude:-75.7068];
  [path addLatitude:35.7131 longitude:-75.4129];
  [path addLatitude:35.2041 longitude:-75.4720];
  [path addLatitude:34.9794 longitude:-76.0748];
  [path addLatitude:34.5258 longitude:-76.4951];
  [path addLatitude:34.5880 longitude:-76.8109];
  [path addLatitude:34.5314 longitude:-77.1378];
  [path addLatitude:34.3910 longitude:-77.4481];
  [path addLatitude:34.0481 longitude:-77.7983];
  [path addLatitude:33.7666 longitude:-77.9260];
  [path addLatitude:33.7963 longitude:-78.4863];
  return path;


Lokalne uruchamianie pełnej przykładowej aplikacji

Przykładowa aplikacja Maps SDK na iOS jest dostępna jako archiwum do pobraniaGitHub. Aby zainstalować i wypróbować przykładową aplikację Maps SDK na iOS, wykonaj te czynności.

  1. Uruchom git clone https://github.com/googlemaps-samples/maps-sdk-for-ios-samples.git, aby skopiować repozytorium z przykładami do katalogu lokalnego.
  2. Otwórz okno terminala, przejdź do katalogu, w którym sklonowano przykładowe pliki, a potem przejdź do katalogu GoogleMaps:


    cd maps-sdk-for-ios-samples-main/GoogleMaps-Swift
    pod install
    open GoogleMapsSwiftDemos.xcworkspace


    cd maps-sdk-for-ios-samples-main/GoogleMaps
    pod install
    open GoogleMapsDemos.xcworkspace
  3. W Xcode kliknij przycisk kompilacji, aby skompilować aplikację z bieżącym schematem. Kompilacja powoduje błąd i wyświetla prośbę o wpisanie klucza interfejsu API w pliku SDKConstants.swift (w przypadku Swift) lub SDKDemoAPIKey.h (w przypadku Objective-C).
  4. Jeśli nie masz jeszcze klucza interfejsu API, wykonaj te instrukcje, aby skonfigurować projekt w Konsoli Google Cloud i uzyskać klucz interfejsu API. Podczas konfigurowania klucza w konsoli Google Cloud możesz ograniczyć dostęp do niego do identyfikatora pakietu przykładowej aplikacji, aby mieć pewność, że tylko Twoja aplikacja będzie mogła z niego korzystać. Domyślny identyfikator pakietu aplikacji z próbnymi przykładami kodu pakietu SDK to com.example.GoogleMapsDemos.
  5. Zmień plik SDKConstants.swift w przypadku Swifta lub plik SDKDemoAPIKey.h w przypadku Objective-C i wklej klucz interfejsu API w definicji stałej apiKey lub kAPIKey. Na przykład:


    static let apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"


    static NSString *const kAPIKey = @"YOUR_API_KEY";
  6. W pliku SDKConstants.swift (Swift) lub SDKDemoAPIKey.h (Objective-C) usuń ten wiersz, ponieważ służy on do rejestrowania problemów zdefiniowanych przez użytkownika:


    #error (Register for API Key and insert here. Then delete this line.)


    #error Register for API Key and insert here.
  7. Utwórz i uruchom projekt. Pojawi się okno symulatora iOS z listą demo pakietu Maps SDK.
  8. Wybierz jedną z wyświetlonych opcji, aby wypróbować funkcję pakietu SDK Maps na iOS.
  9. Jeśli pojawi się prośba o zezwolenie aplikacji GoogleMapsDemos na dostęp do Twojej lokalizacji, wybierz Zezwól.