
A channelSection resource contains information about a set of videos that a channel has chosen to feature. For example, a section could feature a channel's latest uploads, most popular uploads, or videos from one or more playlists.

A channel can create a maximum of 10 shelves.


The API supports the following methods for channelSections resources:

Returns a list of channelSection resources that match the API request criteria. Try it now.
Adds a channel section to the authenticated user's channel. A channel can create a maximum of 10 shelves. Try it now.
Updates a channel section. Try it now.
Deletes a channel section. Try it now.

Resource representation

The following JSON structure shows the format of a channelSections resource:

  "kind": "youtube#channelSection",
  "etag": etag,
  "id": string,
  "snippet": {
    "type": string,
    "channelId": string,
    "title": string,
    "position": unsigned integer
  "contentDetails": {
    "playlists": [
    "channels": [


The following table defines the properties that appear in this resource:

kind string
Identifies the API resource's type. The value will be youtube#channelSection.
etag etag
The Etag of this resource.
id string
The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel section.
snippet object
The snippet object contains basic details about the channel section, such as its type and title.
snippet.type string
The channel section's type.

Valid values for this property are:
  • allPlaylists
  • completedEvents
  • liveEvents
  • multipleChannels
  • multiplePlaylists
  • popularUploads
  • recentUploads
  • singlePlaylist
  • subscriptions
  • upcomingEvents
snippet.channelId string
The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel that published the channel section.
snippet.title string
The section's title. You can only set the title of a channel section that has a snippet.type value of either multiplePlaylists or multipleChannels, and, in fact, you must specify a title when inserting or updating either of those types of sections. If you specify a title for other types of channel sections, the value will be ignored.

This property's value has a maximum length of 100 characters and may contain all valid UTF-8 characters except < and >.
snippet.position unsigned integer
The section's position on the channel page. This property uses a 0-based index. A value of 0 identifies the first section that appears on the channel, a value of 1 identifies the second section, and so forth.

If you do not specify a value for this property when inserting a channel section, the default behavior is to display the new section last.
contentDetails object
The contentDetails object contains details about the channel section's content, such as a list of playlists or channels featured in the section.
contentDetails.playlists[] list
A list of one or more playlist IDs that are featured in a channel section. You must specify a list of playlist IDs if the channelSection resource's snippet.type property is either singlePlaylist or multiplePlaylists, and this property should not be specified for other types of sections. If the type is singlePlaylist, this list must specify exactly one playlist ID.
contentDetails.channels[] list
A list of one or more channel IDs that are featured in a channel section. You must specify a list of channel IDs if the channelSection resource's snippet.type property is multipleChannels, and this property should not be specified for other types of sections. You cannot include your own channel in the list.