World Settlement Footprint 2015
The World Settlement Footprint (WSF) 2015 is a 10m resolution binary mask outlining the extent of human settlements globally derived by means of 2014-2015 multitemporal Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 imagery (of which ~217,000 and ~107,000 scenes have been processed, respectively). The temporal dynamics of human settlements … landcover landsat-derived sentinel1-derived settlement urban -
GLCF: Landsat Global Inland Water
The Global Inland Water dataset shows inland surface water bodies, including fresh and saline lakes, rivers, and reservoirs. From the GLS 2000 epoch, 3,650,723 km2 of inland water were identified, around three quarters of which were in North America and Asia. Boreal forests and tundra … glcf landsat-derived nasa umd water -
Google Global Landsat-based CCDC Segments (1999-2019)
This collection contains precomputed results from running the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) algorithm on 20 years of Landsat surface reflectance data. CCDC is a break-point finding algorithm that uses harmonic fitting with a dynamic RMSE threshold to detect breakpoints in time-series data. The … change-detection google landcover landsat-derived landuse -
Murray Global Tidal Wetland Change v1.0 (1999-2019)
The Murray Global Tidal Wetland Change Dataset contains maps of the global extent of tidal wetlands and their change. The maps were developed from a three stage classification that sought to (i) estimate the global distribution of tidal wetlands (defined as either tidal marsh, tidal … coastal ecosystem intertidal landsat-derived mangrove murray -
GHSL: Global built-up surface 1975-2030 (P2023A)
This raster dataset depicts the distribution of built-up surfaces, expressed in square metres per 100 m grid cell. The dataset measures: a) the total built-up surface, and b) the built-up surface allocated to grid cells of predominant non-residential (NRES) use. Data are spatially-temporally interpolated or … built built-environment builtup copernicus ghsl jrc -
JRC Global Surface Water Mapping Layers, v1.2 [deprecated]
This dataset contains maps of the location and temporal distribution of surface water from 1984 to 2019 and provides statistics on the extent and change of those water surfaces. For more information see the associated journal article: High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its … geophysical google jrc landsat-derived surface water -
JRC Global Surface Water Mapping Layers, v1.4
This dataset contains maps of the location and temporal distribution of surface water from 1984 to 2021 and provides statistics on the extent and change of those water surfaces. For more information see the associated journal article: High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its … change-detection geophysical google jrc landsat-derived surface -
JRC Global Surface Water Metadata, v1.4
This dataset contains maps of the location and temporal distribution of surface water from 1984 to 2021 and provides statistics on the extent and change of those water surfaces. For more information see the associated journal article: High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its … geophysical google jrc landsat-derived surface water -
JRC Monthly Water History, v1.4
This dataset contains maps of the location and temporal distribution of surface water from 1984 to 2021 and provides statistics on the extent and change of those water surfaces. For more information see the associated journal article: High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its … geophysical google history jrc landsat-derived monthly -
JRC Monthly Water Recurrence, v1.4
This dataset contains maps of the location and temporal distribution of surface water from 1984 to 2021 and provides statistics on the extent and change of those water surfaces. For more information see the associated journal article: High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its … geophysical google history jrc landsat-derived monthly -
JRC Yearly Water Classification History, v1.4
This dataset contains maps of the location and temporal distribution of surface water from 1984 to 2021 and provides statistics on the extent and change of those water surfaces. For more information see the associated journal article: High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its … annual geophysical google history jrc landsat-derived -
Global Mangrove Forests Distribution, v1 (2000)
The database was prepared using Landsat satellite data from the year 2000. More than 1,000 Landsat scenes obtained from the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science Center (EROS) were classified using hybrid supervised and unsupervised digital image classification techniques. This database is the first, most … annual ciesin global landsat-derived mangrove nasa -
Global Forest Cover Change (GFCC) Tree Cover Multi-Year Global 30m
The Landsat Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) tree cover layers contain estimates of the percentage of horizontal ground in each 30-m pixel covered by woody vegetation greater than 5 meters in height. The dataset is available for four epochs centered on the years 2000, 2005, 2010 … forest glcf landsat-derived nasa umd -
OpenET DisALEXI Monthly Evapotranspiration v2.0
Atmosphere-Land Exchange Inverse / Disaggregation of the Atmosphere-Land Exchange Inverse (ALEXI/DisALEXI) DisALEXI was recently ported to Google Earth Engine as part of the OpenET framework and the baseline ALEXI/DisALEXI model structure is described by Anderson et al. (2012, 2018). The ALEXI evapotranspiration (ET) model specifically … evapotranspiration gridmet-derived landsat-derived monthly openet water -
OpenET eeMETRIC Monthly Evapotranspiration v2.0
Google Earth Engine implementation of the Mapping Evapotranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration model (eeMETRIC) eeMETRIC applies the advanced METRIC algorithms and process of Allen et al. (2007; 2015) and Allen et al. (2013b), where a singular relationship between the near surface air temperature … evapotranspiration gridmet-derived landsat-derived monthly openet water -
OpenET Ensemble Monthly Evapotranspiration v2.0
The OpenET dataset includes satellite-based data on the total amount of water that is transferred from the land surface to the atmosphere through the process of evapotranspiration (ET). OpenET provides ET data from multiple satellite-driven models, and also calculates a single "ensemble value" from the … evapotranspiration gridmet-derived landsat-derived monthly openet water -
OpenET geeSEBAL Monthly Evapotranspiration v2.0
Implementation of geeSEBAL was recently completed within the OpenET framework and an overview of the current geeSEBAL version can be found in Laipelt et al. (2021), which is based on the original algorithms developed by Bastiaanssen et al. (1998). The OpenET geeSEBAL implementation uses land … evapotranspiration gridmet-derived landsat-derived monthly openet water -
OpenET PT-JPL Monthly Evapotranspiration v2.0
Priestley-Taylor Jet Propulsion Laboratory (PT-JPL) The core formulation of the PT-JPL model within the OpenET framework has not changed from the original formulation detailed in Fisher et al. (2008). However, enhancements and updates to model inputs and time integration for PT-JPL were made to take … evapotranspiration gridmet-derived landsat-derived monthly openet water -
OpenET SIMS Monthly Evapotranspiration v2.0
Satellite Irrigation Management Support The NASA Satellite Irrigation Management Support (SIMS) model was originally developed to support satellite mapping of crop coefficients and evapotranspiration (ET) from irrigated lands and to increase access to this data to support use in irrigation scheduling and regional assessment of … evapotranspiration gridmet-derived landsat-derived monthly openet water -
OpenET SSEBop Monthly Evapotranspiration v2.0
Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) The Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model by Senay et al. (2013, 2017) is a thermal-based simplified surface energy model for estimating actual ET based on the principles of satellite psychrometry (Senay 2018). The OpenET SSEBop implementation uses … evapotranspiration gridmet-derived landsat-derived monthly openet water -
Actual Evapotranspiration for Australia (CMRSET Landsat V2.2)
This dataset provides accurate actual evapotranspiration (AET or ETa) for Australia using the CMRSET algorithm. The AET band (named 'ETa') contains the average daily value from the CMRSET model for all cloud-free Landsat observations in that month (indicated with value 3 in the AET Data … agriculture australia csiro evaporation evapotranspiration landsat-derived -
Primary Humid Tropical Forests
Primary humid tropical forests provide numerous global ecosystem services, but are under continuing threat of clearing from economic drivers. To facilitate national land use planning and balancing the goals of economic development and maintenance of ecosystem services, a primary humid tropical forest map was created … forest global landsat-derived umd -
Hansen Global Forest Change v1.11 (2000-2023)
Results from time-series analysis of Landsat images in characterizing global forest extent and change. The 'first' and 'last' bands are reference multispectral imagery from the first and last available years for Landsat spectral bands corresponding to red, NIR, SWIR1, and SWIR2. Reference composite imagery represents … forest geophysical landsat-derived umd -
IrrMapper Irrigated Lands, Version 1.2
IrrMapper is an annual classification of irrigation status in the 11 Western United States made at Landsat scale (i.e., 30 m) using the Random Forest algorithm, covering years 1986 - present. While the IrrMapper paper describes classification of four classes (i.e., irrigated, dryland, uncultivated, wetland), … landsat-derived -
Murray Global Intertidal Change Data Mask
The Murray Global Intertidal Change Dataset contains global maps of tidal flat ecosystems produced via a supervised classification of 707,528 Landsat Archive images. Each pixel was classified into tidal flat, permanent water or other with reference to a globally distributed set of training data. The … coastal google intertidal landsat-derived murray tidal-flats -
Murray Global Intertidal Change Classification
The Murray Global Intertidal Change Dataset contains global maps of tidal flat ecosystems produced via a supervised classification of 707,528 Landsat Archive images. Each pixel was classified into tidal flat, permanent water or other with reference to a globally distributed set of training data. The … coastal google intertidal landsat-derived murray tidal-flats -
Murray Global Intertidal Change QA Pixel Count
The Murray Global Intertidal Change Dataset contains global maps of tidal flat ecosystems produced via a supervised classification of 707,528 Landsat Archive images. Each pixel was classified into tidal flat, permanent water or other with reference to a globally distributed set of training data. The … coastal google intertidal landsat-derived murray tidal-flats -
Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) Burn Severity Images
The burn severity mosaics consist of thematic raster images of MTBS burn severity classes for all currently completed MTBS fires for the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Mosaicked burn severity images are compiled annually for each year by US State and the … eros fire forest gtac landcover landsat-derived -
Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) 16-Bit Pan-Sharpened Mosaic
The Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) is a seamless and virtually cloudless mosaic created from processed Landsat 7 ETM+ scenes. This LIMA dataset is the 16-bit Intermediate LIMA. The mosaic consists of pan-sharpened normalized surface reflectance scenes (Landsat ETM+ bands 1, 2, 3, and … antarctica ice landsat-derived lima mosaic sr -
Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) - Processed Landsat Scenes (16 bit)
The Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) is a seamless and virtually cloudless mosaic created from processed Landsat 7 ETM+ scenes. Processed Landsat Scenes (16 bit) are Level 1Gt NLAPS scenes converted to 16 bit, processed with sun-angle correction, and converted to reflectance values (Bindschadler … antarctica ice landsat-derived lima mosaic sr -
Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) - Processed Landsat Scenes (16 bit) Metadata
The Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) is a seamless and virtually cloudless mosaic created from processed Landsat 7 ETM+ scenes. Processed Landsat Scenes (16 bit) are Level 1Gt NLAPS scenes converted to 16 bit, processed with sun-angle correction, and converted to reflectance values (Bindschadler … antarctica ice landsat-derived lima mosaic sr -
USFS Tree Canopy Cover v2021-4 (CONUS and OCONUS)
This product is part of the Tree Canopy Cover (TCC) data suite. It includes modeled TCC, standard error (SE), and National Land Cover Database's (NLCD) TCC data for each year. TCC data produced by the the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USFS) are … forest gtac landsat-derived redcastle-resources sentinel2-derived time-series -
RCMAP Rangeland Component Timeseries (1985-2023), v06
'The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across western North America using Landsat imagery from 1985-2023. The RCMAP product suite consists of ten fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, … climate-change disturbance landsat-derived nlcd rangeland trends -
RCMAP Rangeland Trends for Component Timeseries (1985-2023), v06
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across western North America using Landsat imagery from 1985-2023. The RCMAP product suite consists of ten fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, … climate-change disturbance landsat-derived nlcd rangeland trends -
RCMAP Rangeland Trends Year for Component Timeseries (1985-2023), v06
This collection includes RCMAP yearly products from 1985 through 2023. The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across western North America using Landsat imagery from 1985-2023. The RCMAP product suite consists of ten fractional components: annual … climate-change disturbance landsat-derived nlcd rangeland trends