Render your AR app using Vulkan with Unity's AR Foundation

Vulkan Rendering is supported with ARCore on Unity's AR Foundation. Follow this guide to enable the Vulkan Graphics API in your Unity project.

Install the correct version of Unity packages

The following package versions are required to use the Vulkan Graphics API for rendering. In Window > Package Manager, ensure that the following packages and their corresponding versions are installed:

  1. AR Foundation 6.1.0-pre.2 or later
  2. Google ARCore XR Plugin 6.1.0-pre.2 or later

Configure your project

To enable the Vulkan Graphics API in your Unity Project, follow these steps:

  1. In Edit > Project Settings > Other > Rendering > Graphics API, add the Vulkan API option.
  2. Vulkan Rendering requires Android API Level 29 or higher. In Unity, go to Edit > Project Settings > Other > Identification >, set the Minimum API to API level 29 or higher.
  3. To use the Vulkan Graphics API with the Universal Render Pipeline, locate your active Universal Renderer asset. In your Project assets, use the search filter t:UniversalRenderPipelineAsset. In its Inspector, add an ARCommandBufferSupportRendererFeature to the list of Renderer Features.