Enable AR in your iOS app

Enable ARCore in your iOS projects.


ARCore requires a deployment target of 12.0 or higher.

Install the ARCore SDK for iOS

You must build your app with iOS SDK version 15.0 or higher. The SDK can be installed using either CocoaPods or the Swift Package Manager (currently in beta).

Use CocoaPods

Specify the ARCore SDK for iOS in your Podfile to integrate it into your Xcode project:

platform :ios, '12.0'

Valid ARCore subspecs are Geospatial for the Geospatial API, CloudAnchors for the Cloud Anchor API, and AugmentedFaces for Augmented Faces.

Run the following command to install it:

pod install

Use Swift Package Manager

Starting with the 1.36.0 release, ARCore officially supports installation via Swift Package Manager:

  1. Go to File > Add Packages and enter the package URL: https://github.com/google-ar/arcore-ios-sdk
  2. Set the Dependency Rule to be Up to Next Minor Version and select the latest release of ARCore.
  3. Select the desired ARCore libraries to include. Libraries can also be added later via Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries.
  4. Add the flag -ObjC to Other Linker Flags. It is recommended to set Other Linker Flags to $(inherited) -ObjC.
  5. Make sure that the Enable Modules and Link Frameworks Automatically build settings are set to Yes, because ARCore relies on auto-linking.
  6. Make sure that Enable Bitcode is set to No, because ARCore binaries do not contain bitcode.

Create a Google Cloud project and enable the ARCore API

Before you can start using the ARCore Cloud Anchor API or the ARCore Geospatial API, you must first set up the ARCore API in a new or existing Google Cloud project.

Comply with the User Privacy Requirements

Make sure that your app complies with ARCore's User Privacy Requirements.

Next steps