Configure a map

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This topic describes how to configure a map that was added to an Android app using the Maps SDK for Android.


Screenshot of a map of Kyto with map settings configured. After you add a map to your app, you can configure the initial and runtime settings of the map. The initial settings need be configured based on whether you added the map container (SupportMapFragment or MapView) statically or dynamically. If the map container was added statically, you can configure the initial map settings in the layout file. If it was added dynamically, you can configure the initial settings in the OnCreate callback with a GoogleMapOptions object.

For details about adding a map container, see the Add a map.

The initial map settings include the following:

At runtime you can configure these settings and some addition settings by updating the GoogleMap object in the onMapReady callback. The additional settings are configured through the methods of the GoogleMap class, such as those that configure the traffic layer and map padding.


In the example code below and the screenshot above, the map is configured with the following settings.

The initial settings are configured in the layout file:

  • Enable zoom controls.
  • Enable rotate gesture controls.
  • Set the map tilt to 30.

The runtime settings:

  • Center the camera on Kyoto Japan.
  • Enable the hybrid map type.
  • Turn on the traffic layer.

Initial settings

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fragment xmlns:android=""
    map:cameraTilt="30" />

Runtime settings

package com.example.mapsetup;


import android.os.Bundle;


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnMapReadyCallback {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        SupportMapFragment mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()


    // Update the map configuration at runtime.
    public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
        // Set the map coordinates to Kyoto Japan.
        LatLng kyoto = new LatLng(35.00116, 135.7681);
        // Set the map type to Hybrid.
        // Add a marker on the map coordinates.
        googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
        // Move the camera to the map coordinates and zoom in closer.
        // Display traffic.


Before you begin

Before you begin, you can set up a project and add a basic map through the following options:

  • Create an app using the Maps template for Android Studio. The Maps template automatically configures your project and adds a basic map. A fragment is used as the map container and it is added statically. For details, see the quickstart.

  • Manually configure your project for the SDK and add a basic map. This allows you to use any Android template and add a map to an existing app.

Configure a map after adding it statically

This section describes how to set the initial state of the map if you added it statically to your layout file.

The Maps SDK for Android defines a set of custom XML attributes for a SupportMapFragment or a MapView that you can use to configure the initial state of the map directly from the layout file. The following attributes are currently defined:

  • mapType — The type of map to display. Valid values include: none, normal, hybrid, satellite and terrain.

  • cameraTargetLat, cameraTargetLng, cameraZoom, cameraBearing, cameraTilt — The initial camera position. See the camera and views guide for details.

  • uiZoomControls, uiCompass — Specifies whether zoom controls and the compass are displayed. See UiSettings for details.

  • uiZoomGestures, uiScrollGestures, uiRotateGestures, uiTiltGestures — Specifies whether specific gestures are enabled. See UiSettings for details.

  • zOrderOnTop — Indicates whether the surface of the map view is displayed on top of the map window, map controls, and any object in the window. See SurfaceView.setZOrderOnTop(boolean) for details.

  • useViewLifecycle — Only valid with a SupportMapFragment object. Specifies whether the lifecycle of the map should be tied to the fragment's view or the fragment itself. See here for details.

  • liteModetrue to enable lite mode; otherwise, false.

  • mapColorScheme — Specifies the color scheme for a normal and terrain map. Values include light (default), dark, and follow_system meaning use the current system setting based on the device setting for UI_NIGHT_MODE_MASK. For more information, see Map color scheme.

In order to use these custom attributes within your layout file, it must include the following namespace declaration. You can choose any namespace, it doesn't have to be map:


You can then add the attributes with a map: prefix into your layout file.

The following layout file configures a SupportMapFragment object with custom map attributes. The same attributes can be applied to a MapView object as well.

<fragment xmlns:android=""

Configure a map after adding it dynamically

This section describes how to set the initial state of the map if you added it to your app dynamically.

If you added a SupportMapFragment or MapView dynamically, then you can set the initial state of the map in a GoogleMapOptions object. The options available are the same options that are available in the layout file. You can create a GoogleMapOptions as follows:


val options = GoogleMapOptions()



GoogleMapOptions options = new GoogleMapOptions();


And then configure it as follows:







To apply these options when you are creating a map, do one of the following:

Localize your map

When you add a MapView or SupportMapFragment to your app, textual elements on the map are displayed in the appropriate language based on the user's device settings and location. You can restrict the languages used by your app to a subset of all supported languages, by adding a resConfigs item to your Gradle file. This is useful for stripping out unused languages, and also reduces your app's binary size. For example:

defaultConfig {
    resConfigs "en", "fr", "es", "zh", "de", "ja", "ru", "ko", "pt", "in"

Read more about localizing your Android app.

Set up the traffic layer

You can display traffic data on your map by enabling the traffic layer. You can enable and disable the traffic layer by calling the setTrafficEnabled() method, and you can determine whether the traffic layer is currently on by calling the isTrafficEnabled() method. The following screenshot displays a map with the traffic layer enabled.

Set the map type

To set the map type, call the setMapType method. For example, to display a satellite map:


// Sets the map type to be "hybrid"
map.mapType = GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_HYBRID



// Sets the map type to be "hybrid"


The following image compares the normal, hybrid and terrain map types:

MapType Comparison

Set up 3D buildings

Many cities, when viewed close up, will have 3D buildings visible, as viewable in the below picture of Vancouver, Canada. You can disable the 3d buildings by calling GoogleMap.setBuildingsEnabled(false).

A map of Vancouver, Canada

Set up indoor map settings

At high zoom levels, the map shows floor plans for indoor spaces such as airports, shopping malls, large retail stores, and transit stations. These floor plans, called indoor maps, are displayed for the 'normal' and 'satellite' map types (GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL and GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE). They are automatically enabled when the user zooms in, and they fade away when the map is zoomed out.

Deprecation notice: In a future release, indoor maps will only be available on the normal map type. From that future release, indoor maps will not be supported on satellite, terrain or hybrid maps. Even where indoor is not supported, isIndoorEnabled() will continue to return the value that has been set via setIndoorEnabled(), as it does now. By default, setIndoorEnabled is true. The release notes will let you know when indoor support becomes unavailable on those map types.

Indoor map example

Here is a summary of the indoor maps functionality in the API:

Set up map padding

This video shows an example of map padding.

A Google map is designed to fill the entire region defined by its container element, typically a MapView or SupportMapFragment. Several aspects of how the map appears and behaves are defined by the dimensions of its container:

  • The camera's target will reflect the center of the padded region.
  • Map controls are positioned relative to the edges of the map.
  • Legal information, such as copyright statements or the Google logo appear along the bottom edge of the map.

You can add padding around the edges of the map using the GoogleMap.setPadding() method. The map will continue to fill the entire container, but text and control positioning, map gestures, and camera movements will behave as if it has been placed in a smaller space. This results in the following changes:

  • Camera movements via API calls or button presses (e.g., compass, my location, zoom buttons) are relative to the padded region.
  • The getCameraPosition method returns the center of the padded region.
  • The Projection and getVisibleRegion methods return the padded region.
  • UI controls are offset from the edge of the container by the specified number of pixels.

Padding can be helpful when designing UIs that overlap some portion of the map. In the following image, the map is padded along the top and right edges. Visible map controls and legal text will be displayed along the edges of the padded region, shown in green, while the map will continue to fill the entire container, shown in blue. In this example, you could float a menu over the right side of the map without obscuring map controls.

Map Padding

Map color scheme

For maps of type normal and terrain, you can set the map color scheme dynamically to dark, light, or to use the current system setting. For example, you can darken or lighten the map color scheme based on the time of day or indoor or outdoor use of the device.

By default, the map uses light mode. The current system setting value is based on the device setting for UI_NIGHT_MODE_MASK.


mapFragment = SupportMapFragment.newInstance(GoogleMapOptions().mapColorScheme(MapColorScheme.DARK).mapId(mapId2))


mapFragment = SupportMapFragment.newInstance(new GoogleMapOptions().mapColorScheme(MapColorScheme.DARK).mapId(mapId2));

You can toggle the color scheme using the GoogleMap.setMapColorScheme() method to set the current style to dark mode, light mode, or follow the system settings.





Configure background color

When working in dark mode or switching between map views, it may be useful to configure the default map background color. This can be achieved by setting the map options backgroundColor property.


private val googleMapOptions: GoogleMapOptions =
    GoogleMapOptions().backgroundColor(Color.argb(255, 255, 0, 0));


private GoogleMapOptions options = new GoogleMapOptions().backgroundColor(Color.argb(255, 255, 0, 0));

You can also use cloud-based maps styling to configure the background color. The background color set in maps styling has a higher priority than the local background color. For more information, see Change the app background color for cloud-based maps styling.