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// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.ads.googleads.examples.reporting;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.google.ads.googleads.examples.utils.ArgumentNames;
import com.google.ads.googleads.examples.utils.CodeSampleParams;
import com.google.ads.googleads.lib.GoogleAdsClient;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.errors.GoogleAdsError;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.errors.GoogleAdsException;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.GoogleAdsServiceClient;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse;
import com.google.api.gax.rpc.ResponseObserver;
import com.google.api.gax.rpc.StreamController;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
* Shows how to download a set of reports from a list of accounts in parallel.
* <p>If you need to obtain a list of accounts, please see the {@link
* com.google.ads.googleads.examples.accountmanagement.GetAccountHierarchy} or {@link
* com.google.ads.googleads.examples.accountmanagement.ListAccessibleCustomers} examples.
public class ParallelReportDownload {
// Adjust as required.
/** Defines the Google Ads Query Language (GAQL) query strings to run for each customer ID. */
private static final List<String> GAQL_QUERY_STRINGS =
"SELECT campaign.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks"
+ " FROM campaign"
+ " WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS",
"SELECT campaign.id, ad_group.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks"
+ " FROM ad_group"
+ " WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS");
private static class ParallelReportDownloadParams extends CodeSampleParams {
names = ArgumentNames.CUSTOMER_IDS,
required = true,
description = "Specify a comma-separated list of customer IDs to downloads reports from.")
List<Long> customerIds;
names = ArgumentNames.LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID,
description =
"Optionally specify the manager account ID which provides access to the customer IDs")
Long loginCustomerId;
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
ParallelReportDownloadParams params = new ParallelReportDownloadParams();
if (!params.parseArguments(args)) {
// Either pass the required parameters for this example on the command line, or insert them
// into the code here. See the parameter class definition above for descriptions.
params.customerIds = ImmutableList.of(Long.valueOf("INSERT CUSTOMER IDS"));
// Optionally specify the login customer ID if your access to the CIDs is via a manager
// account.
// params.loginCustomerId = Long.parseLong("INSERT_LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID");
GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient = null;
try {
GoogleAdsClient.Builder builder = GoogleAdsClient.newBuilder().fromPropertiesFile();
if (params.loginCustomerId != null) {
googleAdsClient = builder.build();
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
"Failed to load GoogleAdsClient configuration from file. Exception: %s%n", fnfe);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.err.printf("Failed to create GoogleAdsClient. Exception: %s%n", ioe);
try {
new ParallelReportDownload().runExample(googleAdsClient, params.customerIds);
} catch (GoogleAdsException gae) {
// GoogleAdsException is the base class for most exceptions thrown by an API request.
// Instances of this exception have a message and a GoogleAdsFailure that contains a
// collection of GoogleAdsErrors that indicate the underlying causes of the
// GoogleAdsException.
"Request ID %s failed due to GoogleAdsException. Underlying errors:%n",
int i = 0;
for (GoogleAdsError googleAdsError : gae.getGoogleAdsFailure().getErrorsList()) {
System.err.printf(" Error %d: %s%n", i++, googleAdsError);
* Runs the example.
* @param googleAdsClient the client library instance for API access.
* @param customerIds the customer IDs to run against.
private void runExample(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, List<Long> customerIds)
throws InterruptedException {
// Creates a single client which can be shared by all threads.
// gRPC handles multiplexing parallel requests to the underlying API connection.
try (GoogleAdsServiceClient serviceClient =
googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
// IMPORTANT: You should avoid hitting the same customer ID in parallel. There are rate limits
// at the customer ID level which are much stricter than limits at the developer token level.
// Hitting these limits frequently enough will significantly reduce throughput as the client
// library will automatically retry with exponential back-off before failing the request.
for (String gaqlQuery : GAQL_QUERY_STRINGS) {
// Uses a list of futures to make sure that we wait for this report to complete on all
// customer IDs before proceeding. The Future data type here is just for demonstration.
List<ListenableFuture<ReportSummary>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
// Uses the API to retrieve the report for each customer ID.
for (Long customerId : customerIds) {
// Uses the gRPC asynchronous API to download the reports in parallel. This saves having
// to create/manage our own thread pool.
ResponseCountingObserver responseObserver = new ResponseCountingObserver(customerId);
// Starts the report download in a background thread.
// Stores a future to retrieve the results.
// Waits for all pending requests to the current set of customer IDs to complete.
// This is a naive implementation for illustrative purposes. It is possible to optimize the
// utilization of each customer ID by providing a queue of work (or similar). However, this
// would complicate the example code and so is omitted here.
List<ReportSummary> results = Futures.allAsList(futures).get();
System.out.println("Report results for query: " + gaqlQuery);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
/** An observer which records a simple count of the result rows received. */
private static class ResponseCountingObserver
implements ResponseObserver<SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse> {
private final long customerId;
private final SettableFuture<ReportSummary> future = SettableFuture.create();
private final AtomicLong numResponses = new AtomicLong(0);
ResponseCountingObserver(long customerId) {
this.customerId = customerId;
public void onStart(StreamController controller) {
// Nothing to do here.
public void onResponse(SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse response) {
// Does something useful with the response. In this case we just count the responses, but
// could also write the response to a database/file, pass the response on to another method
// for further processing, etc.
// Note: this method may be called from multiple threads, though responses will always arrive
// in the same order as returned by the API.
public void onError(Throwable t) {
// Notify that this report failed.
notifyResultReady(new ReportSummary(customerId, numResponses.get(), t));
public void onComplete() {
// Notify that this report succeeded.
notifyResultReady(new ReportSummary(customerId, numResponses.get()));
/** Sets the value on the future and unblocks any threads waiting for result. */
private void notifyResultReady(ReportSummary summary) {
/** Gets a {@link ListenableFuture} which represents the result of this stream. */
ListenableFuture<ReportSummary> asFuture() {
return future;
/** Summarizes the result of a reporting API call. */
private static class ReportSummary {
private final Long customerId;
private final long numResponses;
private final Throwable throwable;
ReportSummary(Long customerId, long numResponses, Throwable throwable) {
this.customerId = customerId;
this.throwable = throwable;
this.numResponses = numResponses;
ReportSummary(Long customerId, long numResponses) {
this(customerId, numResponses, null);
boolean isSuccess() {
return throwable == null;
public String toString() {
return "Customer ID '"
+ customerId
+ "' Number of responses: "
+ numResponses
+ " IsSuccess? "
+ (isSuccess() ? "Yes!" : "No :-( Why? " + throwable.getMessage());
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using CommandLine;
using Google.Ads.Gax.Examples;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Lib;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Errors;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Services;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Examples.V17
/// <summary>
/// Shows how to download a set of reports from a list of accounts in parallel. If you need
/// to obtain a list of accounts, please see the GetAccountHierarchy or
/// ListAccessibleCustomers examples.";
/// </summary>
public class ParallelReportDownload : ExampleBase
/// <summary>
/// Command line options for running the <see cref="ParallelReportDownload"/> example.
/// </summary>
public class Options : OptionsBase
/// <summary>
/// The Google Ads customer Id.
/// </summary>
[Option("customerIds", Required = true, HelpText =
"The Google Ads customer IDs for which the call is made.")]
public IEnumerable<long> CustomerIds { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Optional login customer ID if your access to the CIDs is via a manager account.
/// </summary>
[Option("loginCustomerId", Required = false, HelpText =
"Optional login customer ID if your access to the CIDs is via a manager account.")]
public long? LoginCustomerId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Main method, to run this code example as a standalone application.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">The command line arguments.</param>
public static void Main(string[] args)
Options options = ExampleUtilities.ParseCommandLine<Options>(args);
ParallelReportDownload codeExample = new ParallelReportDownload();
codeExample.Run(new GoogleAdsClient(), options.CustomerIds.ToArray(),
// Defines the Google Ads Query Language (GAQL) query strings to run for each customer ID.
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> GAQL_QUERY_STRINGS =
new Dictionary<string, string>()
"Campaign Query",
@"SELECT campaign.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks
FROM campaign
WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS"
"Ad Group Query",
@"SELECT campaign.id, ad_group.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks
FROM ad_group
WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS"
/// <summary>
/// Returns a description about the code example.
/// </summary>
public override string Description =>
"Shows how to download a set of reports from a list of accounts in parallel. If you " +
"need to obtain a list of accounts, please see the GetAccountHierarchy or " +
"ListAccessibleCustomers examples.";
/// <summary>
/// Runs the code example.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerIds">The Google Ads customer Id.</param>
/// <param name="loginCustomerId">Optional login customer ID if your access to the CIDs
/// is via a manager account.</param>
public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long[] customerIds, long? loginCustomerId)
// If a manager ID is supplied, update the login credentials.
if (loginCustomerId.HasValue)
client.Config.LoginCustomerId = loginCustomerId.ToString();
// Get the GoogleAdsService. A single client can be shared by all threads.
GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsService = client.GetService(
// Begin downloading reports and block program termination until complete.
Task task = RunDownloadParallelAsync(googleAdsService, customerIds);
catch (GoogleAdsException e)
Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");
/// <summary>
/// Initiate all download requests, wait for their completion, and report the results.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="googleAdsService">The Google Ads service.</param>
/// <param name="customerIds">The list of customer IDs from which to request data.</param>
/// <returns>The asynchronous operation.</returns>
private async Task RunDownloadParallelAsync(
GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsService, long[] customerIds)
// List of all requests to ensure that we wait for the reports to complete on all
// customer IDs before proceeding.
ConcurrentBag<Task<bool>> tasks =
new ConcurrentBag<Task<bool>>();
// Collection of downloaded responses.
ConcurrentBag<ReportDownload> responses = new ConcurrentBag<ReportDownload>();
// IMPORTANT: You should avoid hitting the same customer ID in parallel. There are rate
// limits at the customer ID level which are much stricter than limits at the developer
// token level. Hitting these limits frequently enough will significantly reduce
// throughput as the client library will automatically retry with exponential back-off
// before failing the request.
Parallel.ForEach(GAQL_QUERY_STRINGS, query =>
Parallel.ForEach(customerIds, customerId =>
Console.WriteLine($"Requesting {query.Key} for CID {customerId}.");
// Issue an asynchronous search request and add it to the list of requests
// in progress.
tasks.Add(DownloadReportAsync(googleAdsService, customerId, query.Key,
query.Value, responses));
Console.WriteLine($"Awaiting results from {tasks.Count} requests...\n");
// Proceed only when all requests have completed.
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
// Give a summary report for each successful download.
foreach (ReportDownload reportDownload in responses)
/// <summary>
/// Initiates one asynchronous report download.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="googleAdsService">The Google Ads service client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The customer ID from which data is requested.</param>
/// <param name="queryKey">The name of the query to be downloaded.</param>
/// <param name="queryValue">The query for the download request.</param>
/// <param name="responses">Collection of all successful report downloads.</param>
/// <returns>The asynchronous operation.</returns>
/// <exception cref="GoogleAdsException">Thrown if errors encountered in the execution of
/// the request.</exception>
private Task<bool> DownloadReportAsync(
GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsService, long customerId, string queryKey,
string queryValue, ConcurrentBag<ReportDownload> responses)
// Issue an asynchronous download request.
customerId.ToString(), queryValue,
delegate (SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse resp)
// Store the results.
responses.Add(new ReportDownload()
CustomerId = customerId,
QueryKey = queryKey,
Response = resp
return Task.FromResult(true);
catch (AggregateException ae)
Console.WriteLine($"Download failed for {queryKey} and CID {customerId}!");
GoogleAdsException gae = GoogleAdsException.FromTaskException(ae);
var download = new ReportDownload()
CustomerId = customerId,
QueryKey = queryKey,
Exception = gae
if (gae != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Message: {gae.Message}");
Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {gae.Failure}");
Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {gae.RequestId}");
download.Exception = gae;
download.Exception = ae;
return Task.FromResult(false);
/// <summary>
/// Stores a result from a reporting API call. In this case we simply report a count of
/// the responses, but one could also write the response to a database/file, pass the
/// response on to another method for further processing, etc.
/// </summary>
private class ReportDownload
internal long CustomerId { get; set; }
internal string QueryKey { get; set; }
internal SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse Response { get; set; }
internal Exception Exception { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
if (Exception != null)
return $"Download failed for {QueryKey} and CID {CustomerId}. " +
$"Exception: {Exception}";
return $"{QueryKey} downloaded for CID {CustomerId}: " +
$"{Response.Results.Count} rows returned.";
This is not applicable to PHP because multi-threading cannot be used in a web server environment.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Shows how to download in parallel a set of reports from a list of accounts.
If you need to obtain a list of accounts, please see the
account_management/get_account_hierarchy.py or
account_management/list_accessible_customers.py examples.
import argparse
from itertools import product
import multiprocessing
import time
from google.ads.googleads.client import GoogleAdsClient
from google.ads.googleads.errors import GoogleAdsException
# Maximum number of processes to spawn.
MAX_PROCESSES = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# Timeout between retries in seconds.
# Maximum number of retries for errors.
def main(client, customer_ids):
"""The main method that creates all necessary entities for the example.
client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
customer_ids: an array of client customer IDs.
# Define the GAQL query strings to run for each customer ID.
campaign_query = """
SELECT campaign.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks
FROM campaign
WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS"""
ad_group_query = """
SELECT campaign.id, ad_group.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks
FROM ad_group
WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS"""
inputs = generate_inputs(
client, customer_ids, [campaign_query, ad_group_query]
with multiprocessing.Pool(MAX_PROCESSES) as pool:
# Call issue_search_request on each input, parallelizing the work
# across processes in the pool.
results = pool.starmap(issue_search_request, inputs)
# Partition our results into successful and failed results.
successes = []
failures = []
for res in results:
if res[0]:
# Output results.
f"Total successful results: {len(successes)}\n"
f"Total failed results: {len(failures)}\n"
print("Successes:") if len(successes) else None
for success in successes:
# success["results"] represents an array of result strings for one
# customer ID / query combination.
result_str = "\n".join(success["results"])
print("Failures:") if len(failures) else None
for failure in failures:
ex = failure["exception"]
f'Request with ID "{ex.request_id}" failed with status '
f'"{ex.error.code().name}" for customer_id '
f'{failure["customer_id"]} and query "{failure["query"]}" and '
"includes the following errors:"
for error in ex.failure.errors:
print(f'\tError with message "{error.message}".')
if error.location:
for (
) in error.location.field_path_elements:
print(f"\t\tOn field: {field_path_element.field_name}")
def issue_search_request(client, customer_id, query):
"""Issues a search request using streaming.
Retries if a GoogleAdsException is caught, until MAX_RETRIES is reached.
client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
customer_id: a client customer ID str.
query: a GAQL query str.
ga_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
retry_count = 0
# Retry until we've reached MAX_RETRIES or have successfully received a
# response.
while True:
stream = ga_service.search_stream(
customer_id=customer_id, query=query
# Returning a list of GoogleAdsRows will result in a
# PicklingError, so instead we put the GoogleAdsRow data
# into a list of str results and return that.
result_strings = []
for batch in stream:
for row in batch.results:
ad_group_id = (
f"Ad Group ID {row.ad_group.id} in "
if "ad_group.id" in query
else ""
result_string = (
f"Campaign ID {row.campaign.id} "
f"had {row.metrics.impressions} impressions "
f"and {row.metrics.clicks} clicks."
return (True, {"results": result_strings})
except GoogleAdsException as ex:
# This example retries on all GoogleAdsExceptions. In practice,
# developers might want to limit retries to only those error codes
# they deem retriable.
if retry_count < MAX_RETRIES:
retry_count += 1
time.sleep(retry_count * BACKOFF_FACTOR)
return (
"exception": ex,
"customer_id": customer_id,
"query": query,
def generate_inputs(client, customer_ids, queries):
"""Generates all inputs to feed into search requests.
A GoogleAdsService instance cannot be serialized with pickle for parallel
processing, but a GoogleAdsClient can be, so we pass the client to the
pool task which will then get the GoogleAdsService instance.
client: An initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
customer_ids: A list of str client customer IDs.
queries: A list of str GAQL queries.
return product([client], customer_ids, queries)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Download a set of reports in parallel from a list of "
# The following argument(s) should be provided to run the example.
help="The Google Ads customer IDs.",
help="The login customer ID (optional).",
args = parser.parse_args()
# GoogleAdsClient will read the google-ads.yaml configuration file in the
# home directory if none is specified.
googleads_client = GoogleAdsClient.load_from_storage(version="v17")
# Override the login_customer_id on the GoogleAdsClient, if specified.
if args.login_customer_id is not None:
googleads_client.login_customer_id = args.login_customer_id
main(googleads_client, args.customer_ids)
# Encoding: utf-8
# Copyright:: Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Shows how to download a set of reports from a list of accounts in parallel.
# If you need to obtain a list of accounts, please see get_account_hierarchy.rb
# or list_accessible_customers.rb examples.
require 'optparse'
require 'google/ads/google_ads'
require 'thread'
def parallel_report_download(customer_ids, login_customer_id)
# GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
# ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::GoogleAdsClient.new
# Optional login customer ID if your access to the CIDs is
# via a manager account.
client.configure do |config|
if login_customer_id
config.login_customer_id = login_customer_id.tr("-", "").to_i
ga_service = client.service.google_ads
query_list = [
"Campaign Query",
SELECT campaign.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks
FROM campaign
WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS
"Ad Group Query",
SELECT campaign.id, ad_group.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks
FROM ad_group
WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS
# Use Queue instead of array, to ensure thread safety.
# (Array in Ruby is not thread safe.)
reports_succeeded = Queue.new()
reports_failed = Queue.new()
# Start all the threads.
# This is a naive implementation for illustrative purposes. It is possible to
# optimize the utilization of each customer ID by providing a queue of work
# (or similar). However, this would complicate the example code and so is
# omitted here.
threads = []
query_list.each do |query_key, query|
customer_ids.each do |cid|
cid = cid.tr("-", "")
# Starts the report download in a background thread.
threads << Thread.new do
puts "Requesting #{query_key} for CID #{cid}"
responses = ga_service.search_stream(
customer_id: cid.tr("-", ""),
query: query,
# Stores the number of rows for each report for illustrative purposes.
# Users of this code example can implement other logic here such as
# storing response to a database/file, pass the response on to
# another method for further processing, etc.
num_rows = 0
responses.each do |response|
response.results.each do |row|
num_rows += 1
reports_succeeded << {
:cid => cid,
:query_key => query_key,
:num_rows => num_rows,
rescue Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Errors::GoogleAdsError => e
error_messages = ""
e.failure.errors.each do |error|
error_messages += error.message
reports_failed << {
:cid => cid,
:query_key => query_key,
:error_messages => error_messages,
puts "Awaiting results from #{threads.size} report download requests..."
# Waits for all pending requests to the current set of customer IDs
# to complete.
threads.each { |thread| thread.join }
puts 'Download completed, results:'
puts 'Successful reports:'
while !reports_succeeded.empty? do
result = reports_succeeded.pop()
puts "Customer ID: #{result[:cid]}, Query Key: #{result[:query_key]}, " \
"Total rows retrieved: #{result[:num_rows]}"
puts 'Failed reports:'
while !reports_failed.empty? do
result = reports_failed.pop()
puts "Customer ID: #{result[:cid]}, Query Key: #{result[:query_key]}, " \
"Error Messages: #{result[:error_messages]}"
puts 'End of results.'
PAGE_SIZE = 1000
options = {}
# The following parameter(s) should be provided to run the example. You can
# either specify these by changing the INSERT_XXX_ID_HERE values below, or on
# the command line.
# Parameters passed on the command line will override any parameters set in
# code.
# Running the example with -h will print the command line usage.
options[:customer_ids] = [
OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.banner = sprintf('Usage: ruby %s [options]', File.basename(__FILE__))
opts.separator ''
opts.separator 'Options:'
opts.on('-C', '--customer-ids CUSTOMER-IDS', String,
'A comma-separated list of Customer IDs to downloads reports in parallel.') do |v|
options[:customer_ids] = v.split(',')
opts.on('-L', '--login-customer-id LOGIN-CUSTOMER-ID', String,
'Optionally specify the manager account ID which provides access to the Customer IDs.') do |v|
options[:login_customer_id] = v
opts.separator ''
opts.separator 'Help:'
opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do
puts opts
rescue Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Errors::GoogleAdsError => e
e.failure.errors.each do |error|
STDERR.printf("Error with message: %s\n", error.message)
if error.location
error.location.field_path_elements.each do |field_path_element|
STDERR.printf("\tOn field: %s\n", field_path_element.field_name)
error.error_code.to_h.each do |k, v|
next if v == :UNSPECIFIED
STDERR.printf("\tType: %s\n\tCode: %s\n", k, v)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2020, Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Shows how to download a set of reports from a list of accounts in parallel.
# If you need to obtain a list of accounts, please see the get_account_hierarchy.pl
# or list_accessible_customers.pl examples.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../../lib";
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Client;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils::GoogleAdsHelper;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils::SearchGoogleAdsIterator;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_help);
use Pod::Usage;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use threads;
# Defines the Google Ads Query Language (GAQL) query strings to run for each
# customer ID.
use constant GAQL_QUERY_STRINGS => [
"SELECT campaign.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks " .
"FROM campaign WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS",
"SELECT campaign.id, ad_group.id, metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks" .
" FROM ad_group WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS"
# The following parameter(s) should be provided to run the example. You can
# either specify these by changing the INSERT_XXX_ID_HERE values below, or on
# the command line.
# Parameters passed on the command line will override any parameters set in
# code.
# Running the example with -h will print the command line usage.
my $customer_id_1 = "INSERT_CUSTOMER_ID_1_HERE";
my $customer_id_2 = "INSERT_CUSTOMER_ID_2_HERE";
my $customer_ids = [];
my $login_customer_id = undef;
sub parallel_report_download {
my ($api_client, $customer_ids) = @_;
# Create a single google ads service which can be shared by all threads.
my $google_ads_service = $api_client->GoogleAdsService();
# IMPORTANT: You should avoid hitting the same customer ID in parallel. There
# are rate limits at the customer ID level which are much stricter than limits
# at the developer token level.
foreach my $search_query (@{+GAQL_QUERY_STRINGS}) {
# Use a list of threads to make sure that we wait for this report to complete
# on all customer IDs before proceeding.
my $threads = [];
# Use the API to retrieve the report for each customer ID.
foreach my $customer_id (@$customer_ids) {
# Start the report download in a background thread.
my $thread =
threads->create(\&download_report, $google_ads_service, $customer_id,
# Store a thread to retrieve the results.
push @$threads, $thread;
# Wait for all pending requests to the current set of customer IDs to complete.
my $results = [map { $_->join() } @$threads];
print "Report results for query: $search_query\n";
foreach my $result (@$results) {
printf "Customer ID '%d' Number of results: %d IsSuccess? %s\n",
$result->{customerId}, $result->{numResults},
defined $result->{errorMessage}
? "No :-( Why? " . $result->{errorMessage}
: "Yes!";
return 1;
# Downloads the report from the specified customer ID.
sub download_report {
my ($google_ads_service, $customer_id, $search_query) = @_;
my $numResults = 0;
my $errorMessage = undef;
# Ideally we should use the search stream request here. But there's a tricky
# issue in the JSON::SL module which is a dependency of SearchStreamHandler:
# This will most likely not work with threads, although one would wonder why
# you would want to use this module across threads.
# Create a search Google Ads request that will retrieve the results using pages
# of the specified page size.
my $search_request =
customerId => $customer_id,
query => $search_query
eval {
my $iterator = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils::SearchGoogleAdsIterator->new({
service => $google_ads_service,
request => $search_request
# Iterate over all rows in all pages to count the number or results.
while ($iterator->has_next) {
my $google_ads_row = $iterator->next;
if ($@) {
$errorMessage = $@ =~ /"message": "([^"]+)"/ ? $1 : "";
return {
customerId => $customer_id,
numResults => $numResults,
errorMessage => $errorMessage
# Don't run the example if the file is being included.
if (abs_path($0) ne abs_path(__FILE__)) {
return 1;
# Get Google Ads Client, credentials will be read from ~/googleads.properties.
my $api_client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Client->new();
# By default examples are set to die on any server returned fault.
# Parameters passed on the command line will override any parameters set in code.
"customer_ids=s" => \@$customer_ids,
"login_customer_id=s" => \$login_customer_id
$customer_ids = [$customer_id_1, $customer_id_2] unless @$customer_ids;
# Print the help message if the parameters are not initialized in the code nor
# in the command line.
pod2usage(2) if not check_params($customer_ids);
$api_client->set_login_customer_id($login_customer_id =~ s/-//gr)
if $login_customer_id;
# Call the example.
parallel_report_download($api_client, [map { $_ =~ s/-//gr } @$customer_ids]);
=head1 NAME
Shows how to download a set of reports from a list of accounts in parallel.
If you need to obtain a list of accounts, please see the get_account_hierarchy.pl
or list_accessible_customers.pl examples.
parallel_report_download.pl [options]
-help Show the help message.
-customer_ids The Google Ads customer IDs.
-login_customer_id [optional] The login customer ID.
Если не указано иное, контент на этой странице предоставляется по лицензии Creative Commons "С указанием авторства 4.0", а примеры кода – по лицензии Apache 2.0. Подробнее об этом написано в правилах сайта. Java – это зарегистрированный товарный знак корпорации Oracle и ее аффилированных лиц.
Последнее обновление: 2025-01-15 UTC.
[[["Прост для понимания","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["Помог мне решить мою проблему","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["Другое","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["Отсутствует нужная мне информация","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["Слишком сложен/слишком много шагов","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["Устарел","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["Проблема с переводом текста","translationIssue","thumb-down"],["Проблемы образцов/кода","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["Другое","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["Последнее обновление: 2025-01-15 UTC."],[[["The code samples demonstrate parallel downloading of Google Ads reports for multiple customer IDs using the Google Ads API and asynchronous programming for efficiency."],["Key functionalities include configuration, query definition, parallel execution, result handling, error management, and console output summarizing the download outcomes."],["Implementations are provided in Java, C#, Python, Ruby, and Perl (with caveats), each leveraging language-specific features for parallel processing."],["Important considerations include Google Ads API rate limits, resource management when using multi-threading/multiprocessing, and data synchronization for shared resources."],["The primary goal is to improve efficiency by dividing the workload into smaller, concurrently executed tasks, while incorporating robust error handling and result aggregation."]]],[]]