クライアント ライブラリ

クライアント ライブラリには、Google Ads API 機能の概要ビューや基本的な構成要素が用意されているため、アプリを短時間で簡単に開発できます。API を初めて使用する場合は、まず 1 つから始めることをおすすめします。

クライアント ライブラリ ソース 配布 コードの例
Java google-ads-java Maven, tar.gz GitHub で表示
.NET google-ads-dotnet nugettar.gz、zip GitHub で表示
PHP google-ads-php tar.gz GitHub で表示
Python google-ads-python tar.gz、zip GitHub で表示
Ruby google-ads-ruby gem、tar.gz、zip GitHub で表示
Perl google-ads-perl tar.gz、zip GitHub で表示

サポートされている API バージョン

以下の表は、どのクライアント ライブラリがどの API バージョンと連携するかを示しています。


Java 用のクライアント ライブラリ
v16 Min: 30.0.0
Max: -
v15 Min: 28.0.0
Max: -
v14 Min: 26.0.0
Max: 30.0.0


.NET 用のクライアント ライブラリ
v16 Min: 18.1.0
Max: -
v15 Min: 17.1.0
Max: -
v14 Min: 16.1.0
Max: 19.0.1


PHP 用クライアント ライブラリ
v16 Min: 22.1.0
Max: -
v15 Min: 21.1.0
Max: -


Python 用のクライアント ライブラリ
v16 Min: 23.1.0
Max: -
v15 Min: 22.1.0
Max: -


Ruby 用クライアント ライブラリ
v16 Min: 27.0.0
Max: -
v15 Min: 25.0.0
Max: -
v14 Min: 23.0.0
Max: 27.0.0


Perl 用クライアント ライブラリ
v16 Min: 21.0.0
Max: -
v15 Min: 19.0.0
Max: -
v14 Min: 17.0.0
Max: 21.0.0


各 Ads API クライアント ライブラリには、動作をカスタマイズするために使用できるさまざまな設定と読み込みメソッドが用意されています。

すべてのクライアント ライブラリに共通で、構成の設定を行うために読み込める環境変数は次のとおりです。

  • クライアント ライブラリ
  • OAuth2
    • アプリケーション モード
      • GOOGLE_ADS_CLIENT_ID : OAuth2 クライアント ID に設定します。
      • GOOGLE_ADS_CLIENT_SECRET : OAuth2 クライアント シークレットに設定します。
      • GOOGLE_ADS_REFRESH_TOKEN : OAuth2 トークンを再利用する場合は、この値を事前に生成された OAuth2 更新トークンに設定します。この設定は省略可能です。
    • サービス アカウント モード
      • GOOGLE_ADS_JSON_KEY_FILE_PATH : OAuth2 JSON 構成ファイルのパスに設定します。
      • GOOGLE_ADS_IMPERSONATED_EMAIL : 権限を借用するアカウントのメールアドレスに設定します。
  • Google Ads API
    • GOOGLE_ADS_DEVELOPER_TOKEN : 開発者トークンに設定します。
    • GOOGLE_ADS_LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID : リクエストで使用する承認済みお客様のお客様 ID です。ハイフン(-)は不要です。
    • GOOGLE_ADS_LINKED_CUSTOMER_ID : このヘッダーは、Google 広告の管理画面でリンクされたアカウント(Google Ads API の AccountLink リソース)を通じて権限が付与されている場合に、エンティティのリソースを更新するメソッドにのみ必要です。指定したお客様 ID のリソースを更新するデータ プロバイダのお客様 ID をこの値に設定します。ハイフン(-)なしで設定する必要があります。リンクされたアカウントについて詳しくは、ヘルプセンターをご覧ください。

環境変数は通常、$HOME ディレクトリにある .bashrc ファイルや .bash_profile ファイルなどの bash 構成ファイルで定義されます。コマンドラインを使用して定義することもできます。

ターミナルで .bashrc ファイルを使用して環境変数を定義する基本的な手順は次のとおりです。

# Append the line "export GOOGLE_ADS_CLIENT_ID=1234567890" to
# the bottom of your .bashrc file.
echo "export GOOGLE_ADS_CLIENT_ID=1234567890" >> ~/.bashrc

# Update your bash environment to use the most recently updated
# version of your .bashrc file.
src ~/.bashrc

コマンドラインから直接、ターミナル インスタンスに環境変数を設定することもできます。

export GOOGLE_ADS_CLIENT_ID=1234567890


GOOGLE_ADS_CLIENT_ID=1234567890 php /path/to/script/that/uses/envvar.php


GoogleAdsService.Search は通常、結果のページを表示するインタラクティブなアプリで使用されます。

Google のクライアント ライブラリでは、結果を反復処理する際に自動的にページングが実装されます。これにより、結果を順次ダウンロードして一度に処理できます。次に例を示します。


private void runExample(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId) {
  try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
    String query = "SELECT campaign.id, campaign.name FROM campaign ORDER BY campaign.id";
    // Constructs the SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest.
    SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest request =

    // Creates and issues a search Google Ads stream request that will retrieve all campaigns.
    ServerStream<SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse> stream =

    // Iterates through and prints all of the results in the stream response.
    for (SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse response : stream) {
      for (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow : response.getResultsList()) {
            "Campaign with ID %d and name '%s' was found.%n",
            googleAdsRow.getCampaign().getId(), googleAdsRow.getCampaign().getName());


public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId)
    // Get the GoogleAdsService.
    GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsService = client.GetService(

    // Create a query that will retrieve all campaigns.
    string query = @"SELECT
                FROM campaign
                ORDER BY campaign.id";

        // Issue a search request.
        googleAdsService.SearchStream(customerId.ToString(), query,
            delegate (SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse resp)
                foreach (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow in resp.Results)
                    Console.WriteLine("Campaign with ID {0} and name '{1}' was found.",
                        googleAdsRow.Campaign.Id, googleAdsRow.Campaign.Name);
    catch (GoogleAdsException e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");


public static function runExample(GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId)
    $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
    // Creates a query that retrieves all campaigns.
    $query = 'SELECT campaign.id, campaign.name FROM campaign ORDER BY campaign.id';
    // Issues a search stream request.
    /** @var GoogleAdsServerStreamDecorator $stream */
    $stream = $googleAdsServiceClient->searchStream(
        SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest::build($customerId, $query)

    // Iterates over all rows in all messages and prints the requested field values for
    // the campaign in each row.
    foreach ($stream->iterateAllElements() as $googleAdsRow) {
        /** @var GoogleAdsRow $googleAdsRow */
            "Campaign with ID %d and name '%s' was found.%s",


def main(client, customer_id):
    ga_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")

    query = """
        FROM campaign
        ORDER BY campaign.id"""

    # Issues a search request using streaming.
    stream = ga_service.search_stream(customer_id=customer_id, query=query)

    for batch in stream:
        for row in batch.results:
                f"Campaign with ID {row.campaign.id} and name "
                f'"{row.campaign.name}" was found.'


def get_campaigns(customer_id)
  # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
  # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
  client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::GoogleAdsClient.new

  responses = client.service.google_ads.search_stream(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    query: 'SELECT campaign.id, campaign.name FROM campaign ORDER BY campaign.id',

  responses.each do |response|
    response.results.each do |row|
      puts "Campaign with ID #{row.campaign.id} and name '#{row.campaign.name}' was found."


sub get_campaigns {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_;

  # Create a search Google Ads stream request that will retrieve all campaigns.
  my $search_stream_request =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      query      =>
        "SELECT campaign.id, campaign.name FROM campaign ORDER BY campaign.id"

  # Get the GoogleAdsService.
  my $google_ads_service = $api_client->GoogleAdsService();

  my $search_stream_handler =
      service => $google_ads_service,
      request => $search_stream_request

  # Issue a search request and process the stream response to print the requested
  # field values for the campaign in each row.
    sub {
      my $google_ads_row = shift;
      printf "Campaign with ID %d and name '%s' was found.\n",
        $google_ads_row->{campaign}{id}, $google_ads_row->{campaign}{name};

  return 1;


  • 取得するページ数を最適化します。
  • 一度に保存する結果の量を最適化します。
  • 結果ページをダウンロードして特定の順序で処理します。



 * Fetches and prints the results of a page of a search using a cache of page tokens.
 * @param googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client.
 * @param customerId the client customer ID.
 * @param query the search query.
 * @param pageNumber the number of the page to fetch and print results for.
 * @param pageTokens the cache of page tokens to use and update.
private static void fetchAndPrintPageResults(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
    long customerId,
    String query,
    int pageNumber,
    SortedMap<Integer, String> pageTokens) {
  int currentPageNumber;
  // There is no need to fetch the pages we already know the page tokens for.
  if (pageTokens.containsKey(pageNumber)) {
        "The token of the requested page was cached, we will use it to get the results.");
    currentPageNumber = pageNumber;
  } else {
        "The token of the requested page was never cached, we will use the closest page we know"
            + " the token for (page %d) and sequentially get pages from there.%n",
    currentPageNumber = pageTokens.lastKey();

  // Fetches next pages in sequence and caches their tokens until the requested page results
  // are returned.
  while (currentPageNumber <= pageNumber) {
    // Fetches the next page.
    System.out.printf("Fetching page %d...%n", currentPageNumber);
    SearchGoogleAdsRequest request =
            // Uses the page token cached for the current page number.
    try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
        googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
      SearchPagedResponse response = googleAdsServiceClient.search(request);
      cacheNextPageToken(pageTokens, response.getPage(), currentPageNumber + 1);

      // Prints only the results for the requested page.
      if (currentPageNumber == pageNumber) {
        // Prints the results of the requested page.
        System.out.printf("Printing results found for page %d:%n", pageNumber);
        for (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow : response.getPage().getResponse().getResultsList()) {
              "- Campaign with ID %d and name '%s'.%n",
              googleAdsRow.getCampaign().getId(), googleAdsRow.getCampaign().getName());



/// <summary>
/// Fetches and prints the results of a page of a search using a cache of page tokens.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="googleAdsService">The Google Ads API Service client.</param>
/// <param name="request">The request.</param>
/// <param name="pageNumber">The number of the page to fetch and print results for.</param>
/// <param name="pageTokens">The cache of page tokens to use and update.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static void FetchAndPrintPageResults(GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsService,
    SearchGoogleAdsRequest request, int pageNumber, Dictionary<int, string> pageTokens)
    int currentPageNumber = pageNumber;

    // There is no need to fetch the pages we already know the page tokens for.
    if (pageTokens.ContainsKey(pageNumber - 1))
        Console.WriteLine("The token of the requested page was cached, we will use it " +
            "to get the results.");
        currentPageNumber = pageNumber;
        Console.WriteLine("The token of the requested page was never cached, we will " +
            $"use the closest page we know the token for (page #{pageNumber}) and " +
            $"sequentially get pages from there.");
        currentPageNumber = pageNumber;
        while (!pageTokens.ContainsKey(currentPageNumber))

    SearchGoogleAdsResponse response = null;
    // Fetches next pages in sequence and caches their tokens until the requested page
    // results are returned.
    while (currentPageNumber <= pageNumber)
        // Fetches the next page.
        Console.WriteLine($"Fetching page #{currentPageNumber}...");
        request.PageToken = pageTokens[currentPageNumber - 1];
        response = googleAdsService.Search(request)
        CacheNextPageToken(pageTokens, response, currentPageNumber);

    // Prints the results of the requested page.
    Console.WriteLine($"Printing results found for the page #{pageNumber}");
    foreach (GoogleAdsRow row in response.Results)
        Campaign c = row.Campaign;
        Console.WriteLine($" - Campaign with ID {c.Id} and name '{c.Name}'");



 * Fetches and prints the results of a page of a search using a cache of page tokens.
 * @param GoogleAdsServiceClient $googleAdsServiceClient the Google Ads API Service client
 * @param int $customerId the customer ID
 * @param string $searchQuery the search query
 * @param array $searchOptions the search options
 * @param int $pageNumber the number of the page to fetch and print results for
 * @param array &$pageTokens the cache of page tokens to use and update
private static function fetchAndPrintPageResults(
    GoogleAdsServiceClient $googleAdsServiceClient,
    int $customerId,
    string $searchQuery,
    array $searchOptions,
    int $pageNumber,
    array &$pageTokens
) {
    // There is no need to fetch the pages we already know the page tokens for.
    if (isset($pageTokens[$pageNumber])) {
            'The token of the requested page was cached, we will use it to get the results.%s',
        $currentPageNumber = $pageNumber;
    } else {
            'The token of the requested page was never cached, we will use the closest page ' .
            'we know the token for (page #%d) and sequentially get pages from there.%s',
        $currentPageNumber = count($pageTokens);

    // Fetches next pages in sequence and caches their tokens until the requested page results
    // are returned.
    while ($currentPageNumber <= $pageNumber) {
        // Fetches the next page.
        printf('Fetching page #%d...%s', $currentPageNumber, PHP_EOL);
        $response = $googleAdsServiceClient->search(
            (new SearchGoogleAdsRequest(
                $searchOptions + [
                    // Uses the page token cached for the current page number.
                    'page_token' => $pageTokens[$currentPageNumber]
        self::cacheNextPageToken($pageTokens, $response->getPage(), $currentPageNumber);

    // Prints the results of the requested page.
    printf('Printing results found for the page #%d:%s', $pageNumber, PHP_EOL);
    foreach ($response->getPage()->getIterator() as $googleAdsRow) {
        /** @var GoogleAdsRow $googleAdsRow */
            " - Campaign with ID %d and name '%s'.%s",


def fetch_and_print_results(
    client, customer_id, query, page_number, page_tokens
    """Fetches and prints the results of a page using a cache of page tokens.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        query: the search query.
        page_number: the number of the page to fetch and print results for.
        page_tokens: the cache of page tokens to use and update.
    current_page_number = None
    # There is no need to fetch the pages we already know the page tokens for.
    if page_tokens.get(page_number, None):
            "The token of the request page was cached, we will use it to get "
            "the results."
        current_page_number = page_number
        count = len(page_tokens.keys())
            "The token of the requested page was never cached, we will use "
            f"the closest page we know the token for (page {count}) and "
            "sequentially get pages from there."
        current_page_number = count

    googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
    # Fetches next pages in sequence and caches their tokens until the requested
    # page results are returned.
    while current_page_number <= page_number:
        # Fetches the next page.
        print(f"Fetching page {current_page_number}...")
        request = client.get_type("SearchGoogleAdsRequest")
        request.customer_id = customer_id
        request.query = query
        request.page_size = _PAGE_SIZE
        request.return_total_results_count = True
        # Uses the page token cached for the current page number.
        request.page_token = page_tokens[current_page_number]

        response = googleads_service.search(request=request)
        cache_next_page_token(page_tokens, response, current_page_number)
        current_page_number += 1

    # Prints the results of the requested page.
    print(f"Printing results found for the page {page_number}.")
    for row in response.results:
            f" - Campaign with ID {row.campaign.id} and name "


def fetch_and_print_page_results(client, customer_id, query, page_size,
                                 return_total_results_count, page_number, page_tokens)
  if page_tokens.has_key?(page_number)
    puts 'The page token for the request page was cached. Reusing it.'
    current_page = page_number
    puts "The token for the requested page has not been cached yet. We will start " \
      "at page #{page_tokens.size} and request and cache pages until we find it."
    current_page = page_tokens.size

  while current_page <= page_number
    puts page_tokens
    response = client.service.google_ads.search(
      customer_id: customer_id,
      query: query,
      page_size: page_size,
      return_total_results_count: return_total_results_count,
      page_token: page_tokens[current_page],
    cache_next_page_token(page_tokens, response.page, current_page + 1)
    current_page += 1

  puts "Printing results found for page #{page_number}."
  response.page.response.results.each do |result|
    puts "- Campaign with ID #{result.campaign.id} and name #{result.campaign.name}."


# Fetches and prints the results of a page of a search using a cache of page tokens.
sub fetch_and_print_page_results {
  my (
    $api_client,     $customer_id, $query,
    $search_options, $page_number, $page_tokens
  ) = @_;

  my $current_page_number = undef;
  # There is no need to fetch the pages we already know the page tokens for.
  if (exists $page_tokens->{$page_number}) {
    print "The token of the requested page was cached, " .
      "we will use it to get the results.\n";
    $current_page_number = $page_number;
  } else {
    printf "The token of the requested page was never cached, " .
      "we will use the closest page we know the token for (page #%d) " .
      "and sequentially get pages from there.\n", scalar keys %$page_tokens;
    $current_page_number = scalar keys %$page_tokens;

  # Fetch next pages in sequence and cache their tokens until the requested page
  # results are returned.
  my $response = undef;
  while ($current_page_number <= $page_number) {
    # Fetch the next page.
    printf "Fetching page #%d...\n", $current_page_number;
    $response = $api_client->GoogleAdsService()->search({
        customerId => $customer_id,
        query      => $query,
        # Use the page token cached for the current page number.
        pageToken => $page_tokens->{$current_page_number}});
    cache_next_page_token($page_tokens, $response, $current_page_number);

  # Print the results of the requested page.
  printf "Printing results found for the page #%d:\n", $page_number;
  foreach my $google_ads_row (@{$response->{results}}) {
      " - Campaign with ID %d and name '%s'.\n",


Google Ads API の一般的な関数のコードサンプルをご確認ください