
Logging is configured with SLF4J a generic logging library for Java, which allows logs to be directed to many different logging implementations. We provide configuration files for log4j 1.2/2 and Java Util Logging (JUL).

Logging layout and functionality

Requests are logged with a one line summary and the full request/response body and headers.

Log type Log name Success level Failure level
SUMMARY com.google.ads.googleads.lib.request.summary INFO WARN
DETAIL com.google.ads.googleads.lib.request.detail DEBUG INFO

Detail Log Truncation

The detailed logs are truncated by default to avoid creating large logs. To change the length at which logs are truncated, set -Dapi.googleads.maxLogMessageLength=<number>. Setting -1 disables log truncation.

Log4j 2

  1. Add a dependency on the log4j-slf4j-impl library, substituting 2.x.y with the version of Log4j 2 you are using in your project.

  2. (Optional) Create a configuration file in your resources directory, for example, in Maven: src/main/resources. Log4j 2 loads its configuration file from the classpath, not the working directory, so ensure you create in a resources directory.

  3. Run your application, specifying -Dlog4j.configurationFile=<CONFIG_FILE_PATH>. You can specify CONFIG_FILE_PATH=googleads-logging/log4j2.xml to use the default configuration file included with the client libraries.

Log4j 1.2 (legacy)

  1. Add a dependency on the slf4j-log4j12 library, substituting 1.x.y with the version of Log4j 1.2 you are using in your project.

  2. (Optional) Create a configuration file in your projects resources directory, for example, in Maven, path is src/main/resources. Log4j 1.2 loads its configuration file from the classpath, not the working directory, so ensure you copy to a resources directory.

  3. Run your application, specifying -Dlog4j.configuration=<CONFIG_FILE_PATH>. You can specify CONFIG_FILE_PATH=googleads-logging/log4j.properties to use the default configuration file includedwith the client libraries.

Java Util Logging

  1. Add a dependency on the slf4j-jdk14 library.

  2. Create a JUL configuration file on the file system in a path readable from your application (for instance, ./jdk-logger.properties). A template is provided at google-ads/src/main/resources/googleads-logging/jdk-logger.properties. JUL reads from the filesystem only, so do not copy to the resources directory.

  3. Run your application specifying -Djava.util.logging.config.file=./jdk-logger.properties.