Add a map

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This topic describes how to add a basic map to an Android app after you have configured the project to use the Maps SDK for Android. After adding a map, you can change the map type and features.


The Maps SDK for Android provides several classes your app can use to manage the lifecycle, functionality, and data of a map. The classes support user interactions based on the Android UI model, such as setting the initial state of the map, and responding to gesture input from the user at runtime.

The main interface and classes for handling maps:

  • GoogleMap — The entry point for managing the underlying map features and data. Your app can only access a GoogleMap object after it has been retrieved from a SupportMapFragment or MapView object.

  • SupportMapFragment — A fragment for managing the lifecycle of a GoogleMap object.

  • MapView — A view for managing the lifecycle of a GoogleMap object.

  • OnMapReadyCallback — A callback interface that handles events and user interaction for the GoogleMap object.

A GoogleMap object automatically performs these operations:

  • Connecting to the Google Maps service.
  • Downloading map tiles.
  • Displaying tiles on the device screen.
  • Displaying various controls such as pan and zoom.
  • Responding to pan and zoom gestures by moving the map and zooming in or out.

To use a GoogleMap object in your app, you must use either a SupportMapFragment or MapView object as a container object for the map and then retrieve the GoogleMap object from the container. Because the container classes derive from either an Android fragment or view, they provide the map with the lifecycle management and UI capabilities of their Android base classes. The SupportMapFragment class is the more modern and common container for a GoogleMap object.

View the code

The following code is from the full Java activity used in this topic when adding a fragment statically. The Android project was created from the Empty project template, and then updated based on the project configuration guide. After performing the steps in this topic, your code may differ based on the project template.

  package com.example.mapsetup;


  import android.os.Bundle;


  // Implement OnMapReadyCallback.
  public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnMapReadyCallback {

      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
          // Set the layout file as the content view.

          // Get a handle to the fragment and register the callback.
          SupportMapFragment mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()


      // Get a handle to the GoogleMap object and display marker.
      public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
          googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                  .position(new LatLng(0, 0))

To add a map

This section describes how to add a basic map by using a fragment as a map container; however, you can use a view instead. For an example, see RawMapViewDemoActivity on Github.

The basic steps:

  1. To get the SDK, obtain an API key, and add the required frameworks, follow the steps in:

    1. Set Up in the Google Cloud Console

    2. Use an API key

    3. Set up an Android Studio project

  2. Add a SupportMapFragment object to the activity that will handle the map. You can add the fragment statically or dynamically.

  3. Implement the OnMapReadyCallback interface.

  4. Set the layout file as the content view.

  5. If you added the fragment statically, get a handle to the fragment.

  6. Register the callback.

  7. Get a handle to the GoogleMap object.

Add a SupportMapFragment object

You can add a SupportMapFragment object to your app statically or dynamically. The simplest way is to add it statically. If you add the fragment dynamically, you can perform additional actions on the fragment, such as removing and replacing it at runtime.

To add a fragment Statically

In the layout file of the activity that will handle the map:

  1. Add a fragment element.
  2. Add the name declaration xmlns:map="". This enables the use of maps custom XML attributes.
  3. In the fragment element, set the android:name attribute to
  4. In the fragment element, add the android:id attribute and set it to the the resource ID (@+id/map).

For example, here's a complete layout file that includes a fragment element:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fragment xmlns:android=""

To add a fragment dynamically

In the activity:

  1. Create a SupportMapFragment instance.
  2. Commit a transaction that adds the fragment to the activity. For more info, see Fragment Transactions.

For example:


val mapFragment = SupportMapFragment.newInstance()
    .add(, mapFragment)



SupportMapFragment mapFragment = SupportMapFragment.newInstance();
    .add(, mapFragment)


Implement the OnMapReadyCallback interface

Update the activity declaration as follows:


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), OnMapReadyCallback {

    // ...



class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnMapReadyCallback {
    // ...


Set the content view

In the onCreate method of your activity, call the setContentView method and set the layout file as the content view.

For example, if the layout file is named main.xml:


override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {



protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {


Get a handle to the fragment and register the callback

  1. To get a handle to the fragment, call the FragmentManager.findFragmentById method and pass it the resource ID of the fragment in your layout file. If you added the fragment dynamically, skip this step because you already retrieved the handle.

  2. Call the getMapAsync method to set the callback on the fragment.

For example, if you added the fragment statically:


val mapFragment = supportFragmentManager
    .findFragmentById( as SupportMapFragment



SupportMapFragment mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()


Get a handle to the GoogleMap object

Use the onMapReady callback method to get a handle to the GoogleMapobject. The callback is triggered when the map is ready to receive user input. It provides a non-null instance of the GoogleMap class that you can use to update the map.

In this example the onMapReady callback retrieves a handle to the GoogleMap object and then a marker is added to the map:


override fun onMapReady(googleMap: GoogleMap) {
            .position(LatLng(0.0, 0.0))



public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
    googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
        .position(new LatLng(0, 0))


Screenshot with the map and marker centered on Null Island.

When you successfully build and run the app, it will display a map with a marker on Null Island (zero degrees latitude and zero degrees longitude).

View the code for the complete activity:

View Complete Activity

What's next

After you complete these steps, you can configure the map settings.