GoogleMobileAds Framework Reference


@interface GADAudioVideoManager : NSObject

Provides audio and video notifications and configurations management.

Don’t create an instance of this class and use the one available from GADMobileAds sharedInstance’s audioVideoManager.

  • Delegate for receiving video and audio updates.



    weak var delegate: (any AudioVideoManagerDelegate)? { get set }


    @property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<GADAudioVideoManagerDelegate> delegate;
  • Indicates whether the application wishes to manage audio session. If set as YES, the Google Mobile Ads SDK will stop managing AVAudioSession during the video playback lifecycle. If set as NO, the Google Mobile Ads SDK will control AVAudioSession. That may include: setting AVAudioSession’s category to AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient when all videos are muted, setting AVAudioSession’s category to AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient when any playing video becomes unmuted, and allowing background apps to continue playing sound when all videos rendered by Google Mobile Ads SDK are muted or have stopped playing. Must be accessed on main thread only.



    var isAudioSessionApplicationManaged: Bool { get set }


    @property (nonatomic) BOOL audioSessionIsApplicationManaged;