Developer Resources

This page contains a collection of resources produced by the Earth Engine developer community. You'll find libraries and modules that extend Earth Engine to new environments, enhance operability, and streamline workflows, as well as tutorials, scripts, blogs, and community-hosted datasets.


Libraries, bindings, and plugins that extend Earth Engine to QGIS, R, and Python Jupyter notebooks.

EarthEngine.jl A Julia programming language interface to Earth Engine.
geemap A Jupyter-based environment that extends and enhances the Earth Engine Python API using folium, ipyleaflet, and ipywidgets. It enables users to analyze and visualize Earth Engine datasets interactively in notebooks.
QGIS Plugin Integrates Google Earth Engine with QGIS using the Python API.
rgee An R binding package for calling the Earth Engine API from within R. Several functions have been implemented to simplify the connection with the R spatial ecosystem.


Code Editor (JavaScript) modules and Python packages to simplify workflows.

Code Editor (JavaScript)

Continuous Degradation Detection (CODED) A system for monitoring forest degradation and deforestation.
ee-palettes A module for generating color palettes in Earth Engine to be applied to mapped data.
gee-ccdc-tools A suite of tools designed for continuous land change monitoring in Google Earth Engine.
LT-GEE Google Earth Engine implementation of the LandTrendr spectral-temporal segmentation algorithm.
Open Earth Engine Library A collection of code goodies for Google Earth Engine.
Open Earth Engine Library Extension A Chrome extension to enhance the Google Earth Engine Code Editor.
snazzy Snazzy basemaps in the Earth Engine Code Editor.
spectral A module for accessing and computing spectral indices from Awesome Spectral Indices inside the Code Editor.


eemont A Python package that extends the Google Earth Engine Python API with pre-processing and processing tools for the most used satellite platforms by adding new methods for different Earth Engine Objects that are friendly with the Python method chaining.
geetools A set of tools for working with the Google Earth Engine Python API that may help to solve or automate some processes.
hydra-floods An open source Python application for downloading, processing, and delivering surface water maps derived from remote sensing data.
restee A package that aims to make plugging Earth Engine computations into downstream Python processing easier.
sankee Visualize classified time series data with interactive Sankey plots in Google Earth Engine.
wxee A Python interface between Earth Engine and xarray for processing weather and climate data.


Community-hosted dataset archives.

Awesome GEE Community Datasets A curated list of community-hosted datasets in Google Earth Engine.

Other resources

Sites that aggregate miscellaneous Earth Engine developer resources.

Awesome Earth Engine A curated list of Google Earth Engine resources.
Earth Engine by Example A Medium blog series on applied Earth Engine examples.
Earth Engine with Amirhossein Ahrari A YouTube series with 50+ Earth Engine tutorials.