Places UI Kit (Experimental)

Place Details, Place List, and Elevation components

The Places UI Kit component library lets you bring the familiar Google Maps user experience for Places to your apps and web pages, using the same data that powers the Places API. It includes a set of individual UI components that can be used independently, together, or in conjunction with other Google Maps Platform APIs to deliver a Places-rich experience with minimal cost and code.

The Places UI Kit includes the following HTML elements for rendering Places data:

  • Place Details renders details for a selected place.
  • Place List renders a list of places from a search.
  • Elevation renders elevation data for a single point or a path.
  • Place Details

    The Place Details component is a customizable HTML element that renders details for a selected place, defined either by a Place ID or by a set of latitude and longitude coordinates.

    Small, medium, and large Place Details configurations

    Place List

    The Place List component renders a list of places in response to either a Places Text Search or a Places Nearby Search.

    Place List Standalone Element next to a Google Map


    The Elevation component renders elevation data as a numerical value for a single point, or as a visual plot for a path.

    Elevation Standalone Element and element overlaid on a Google Map

    Key features and capabilities

    • Incorporate Google's trusted experience starting with a single line of code.
    • Bring Google Maps UI for Places to your apps at a lower cost than the Places API.
    • Choose the data and display options that best suit your needs.

    Next step: Get started with the Places UI Kit