GoogleMaps Framework Reference


extern NSArray<GMSStyleSpan *> *_Nonnull GMSStyleSpans(
    GMSPath *_Nonnull path, NSArray<GMSStrokeStyle *> *_Nonnull styles,
    NSArray<NSNumber *> *_Nonnull lengths, GMSLengthKind lengthKind)

Returns an NSArray of GMSStyleSpan constructed by repeated application of style and length information from styles and lengths along path.

path the path along which the output spans are computed. styles an NSArray of GMSStrokeStyle. Wraps if consumed. Can’t be empty. lengths an NSArray of NSNumber; each entry gives the length of the corresponding style from styles. Wraps if consumed. Can’t be empty. lengthKind the interpretation of values from lengths (geodesic, rhumb or projected).

Example: a polyline with alternating black and white spans:

 GMSMutablePath *path;
 NSArray *styles = @[[GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor whiteColor]],
                     [GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor blackColor]]];
 NSArray *lengths = @[@100000, @50000];
 polyline.path = path;
 polyline.spans = GMSStyleSpans(path, styles, lengths, kGMSLengthRhumb);