Cobertura de límites de Google

Cobertura de límites de Google
Selecciona la plataforma: iOS JavaScript

El visor de cobertura regional te permite buscar límites por nombre. Haz clic en cualquier parte del mapa para seleccionar un polígono. Utiliza el menú para seleccionar diferentes tipos de límites.

En la siguiente tabla, se muestra la cobertura más reciente de polígonos de los límites de Google por país.


La función está disponible en el área.
--- La función no está disponible en esa área.
Código de región País/región País Área administrativa 1 Área administrativa 2 Código postal Localidad Distrito escolar
AD Andorra --- --- ---
AE Emiratos Árabes Unidos --- --- --- --- ---
AF Afganistán --- --- --- ---
AG Antigua y Barbuda --- --- --- ---
IA Anguila --- --- --- --- ---
AL Albania --- --- --- ---
AM Armenia --- --- --- ---
AO Angola --- --- ---
AQ Antártida --- --- --- --- ---
AR Argentina --- --- ---
AS Samoa Americana --- --- ---
AT Austria --- --- ---
AU Australia --- ---
AW Aruba --- --- --- --- ---
AX Islas Åland --- --- --- ---
AZ Azerbaiyán --- --- ---
BA Bosnia y Herzegovina --- --- ---
BB Barbados --- --- --- ---
BD Bangladés --- --- ---
BE Bélgica ---
BF Burkina Faso --- --- ---
BG Bulgaria --- ---
BH Baréin --- --- --- ---
BI Burundi --- --- --- ---
BJ Benín --- --- --- ---
BL San Bartolomé --- --- --- --- ---
BM Bermudas --- --- --- ---
BN Brunei --- --- --- ---
BO Bolivia --- --- ---
BQ Caribe Neerlandés --- --- --- ---
BR Brasil --- --- ---
BS Bahamas --- --- --- ---
BT Bután --- --- --- ---
BV Isla Bouvet --- --- --- --- ---
BW Botsuana --- --- --- ---
BY Bielorrusia --- --- ---
BZ Belice --- --- --- ---
CA Canadá --- --- --- ---
CC Islas Cocos (Keeling) --- --- ---
CD República Democrática del Congo --- --- ---
CF República Centroafricana --- --- ---
CG República del Congo --- --- --- ---
CH Suiza --- ---
CI Costa de Marfil --- --- ---
CK Islas Cook --- --- --- --- ---
CL Chile --- --- ---
CM Camerún --- --- --- ---
CN China --- --- --- ---
CO Colombia --- ---
CR Costa Rica --- --- --- ---
CU Cuba --- --- --- ---
CV Cabo Verde --- --- --- --- ---
CW Curazao --- --- --- --- ---
CX Isla de Navidad --- --- --- ---
CY Chipre --- --- --- --- ---
CZ República Checa --- ---
DE Alemania ---
DJ Yibuti --- --- --- ---
DK Dinamarca --- --- ---
DM Dominica --- --- --- ---
DO República Dominicana --- --- --- ---
DZ Argelia --- --- ---
EC Ecuador --- --- ---
EE Estonia ---
EG Egipto --- --- --- ---
ER Eritrea --- --- --- ---
ES España --- ---
ET Etiopía --- --- --- ---
FI Finlandia --- --- ---
FJ Fiyi --- --- --- ---
FK Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands) --- --- --- --- ---
FM Micronesia --- --- --- ---
FO Islas Faroe --- --- --- ---
FR Francia ---
GA Gabón --- --- --- ---
GB Reino Unido --- ---
GD Granada --- --- --- ---
GE Georgia --- --- --- ---
GF Guayana Francesa --- --- --- ---
GG Guernsey --- --- --- ---
GH Ghana --- --- ---
GI Gibraltar --- --- --- ---
GL Groenlandia --- --- --- ---
GM Gambia --- --- --- ---
GN Guinea --- --- ---
GP Guadalupe --- --- ---
GQ Guinea Ecuatorial --- --- --- ---
GR Grecia --- --- ---
GS Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur --- --- --- ---
GT Guatemala --- --- ---
GU Guam --- --- --- --- ---
GW Guinea-Bisáu --- --- --- ---
GY Guyana --- --- --- ---
HK Hong Kong --- --- ---
HM Islas Heard y McDonald --- --- --- --- ---
HN Honduras --- --- ---
HR Croacia --- --- --- ---
HT Haití --- --- --- ---
HU Hungría --- ---
IC Islas Canarias --- --- --- ---
ID Indonesia --- --- ---
IE Irlanda --- --- ---
IL Israel --- --- --- --- ---
IM Isla de Man --- --- --- ---
IN India ---
IO Territorio Británico del Océano Índico --- --- --- --- ---
IQ Irak --- --- --- ---
IR Irán --- --- --- ---
IS Islandia --- --- ---
IT Italia --- ---
JE Jersey --- --- --- ---
JM Jamaica --- --- --- ---
JO Jordania --- --- --- ---
JP Japón ---
KE Kenia --- --- --- ---
KG Kirguistán --- --- --- ---
KH Camboya --- --- ---
KI Kiribati --- --- --- ---
KM Comoras --- --- --- ---
KN San Cristóbal y Nieves --- --- --- ---
KP Corea del Norte --- --- --- ---
KR Corea del Sur --- --- --- --- ---
KW Kuwait --- --- --- ---
KY Islas Caimán --- --- --- ---
KZ Kazajistán --- --- --- ---
LA Laos --- --- --- ---
LB Líbano --- --- ---
LC Santa Lucía --- --- --- ---
LI Liechtenstein --- --- --- ---
LK Sri Lanka --- --- ---
LR Liberia --- --- --- ---
LS Lesoto --- --- --- ---
LT Lituania --- --- ---
LU Luxemburgo --- --- ---
LV Letonia --- ---
LY Libia --- --- --- ---
MA Marruecos --- --- --- --- ---
MC Mónaco --- --- --- --- ---
MD Moldavia --- --- --- ---
ME Montenegro --- --- ---
MF Isla de San Martín --- --- --- ---
MG Madagascar --- --- --- ---
MH Islas Marshall --- --- --- ---
MK Macedonia del Norte --- --- ---
ML Malí --- --- --- --- ---
MM Myanmar (Birmania) --- --- ---
MN Mongolia --- --- --- ---
MO Macao --- --- --- --- ---
MP Islas Marianas del Norte --- --- ---
MQ Martinica --- --- --- ---
MR Mauritania --- --- --- ---
MS Montserrat --- --- --- ---
MT Malta --- --- --- ---
MU Mauricio --- --- --- ---
MV Maldivas --- --- --- ---
MW Malaui --- --- ---
MX México --- --- ---
MY Malasia --- --- --- ---
MZ Mozambique --- --- --- ---
NA Namibia --- --- --- ---
NC Nueva Caledonia --- --- --- ---
NE Níger --- --- --- ---
NF Isla Norfolk --- --- --- --- ---
NG Nigeria --- --- --- ---
NI Nicaragua --- --- --- ---
NL Países Bajos --- --- ---
NO Noruega --- ---
NP Nepal --- --- ---
NR Nauru --- --- --- ---
NU Niue --- --- --- ---
NZ Nueva Zelanda --- ---
OM Omán --- --- --- ---
PA Panamá --- --- --- ---
PE Perú --- --- ---
PF Polinesia Francesa --- --- --- ---
PG Papúa Nueva Guinea --- --- ---
PH Filipinas --- --- ---
PK Pakistán --- --- --- --- ---
PL Polonia --- --- ---
PM San Pedro y Miquelón --- --- ---
PN Islas Pitcairn --- --- --- ---
PR Puerto Rico --- --- ---
PS Palestina --- --- --- --- ---
PT Portugal --- --- ---
PW Palaos --- --- --- ---
PY Paraguay --- --- --- ---
QA Catar --- --- --- ---
RE Reunión --- --- ---
RO Rumania --- --- ---
RS Serbia --- --- ---
RW Ruanda --- --- ---
SA Arabia Saudita --- --- --- ---
SB Islas Salomón --- --- --- ---
SC Seychelles --- --- --- ---
SD Sudán --- --- --- ---
SE Suecia --- --- ---
SG Singapur --- --- --- --- ---
SH Santa Helena --- --- --- ---
SI Eslovenia ---
SJ Islas Svalbard y Jan Mayen --- --- --- ---
SK Eslovaquia ---
SL Sierra Leona --- --- --- ---
SM San Marino --- --- --- ---
SN Senegal --- --- ---
SO Somalia --- --- --- ---
SR Surinam --- --- --- ---
SS Sudán del Sur --- --- --- --- ---
ST Santo Tomé y Príncipe --- --- --- ---
SU Rusia --- --- --- ---
SV El Salvador --- --- --- ---
SX Isla de San Martín --- --- --- ---
SY Siria --- --- --- ---
SZ Eswatini --- --- --- ---
TC Islas Turcas y Caicos --- --- ---
TD Chad --- --- ---
TF Territorios Australes Franceses --- --- --- --- ---
TG Togo --- --- --- ---
TH Tailandia --- ---
TJ Tayikistán --- --- --- ---
TK Tokelau --- --- --- ---
TL Timor Oriental --- --- --- ---
TM Turkmenistán --- --- --- ---
TN Túnez --- --- --- ---
TO Tonga --- --- --- ---
TR Türkiye --- --- --- ---
TT Trinidad y Tobago --- --- --- ---
TV Tuvalu --- --- --- ---
TW Taiwán --- --- ---
TZ Tanzania --- --- --- ---
UA Ucrania --- --- --- ---
UG Uganda --- --- --- ---
UM Islas Ultramarinas Menores de Estados Unidos --- --- --- --- ---
US Estados Unidos
UY Uruguay --- --- --- ---
UZ Uzbekistán --- --- --- ---
VA Ciudad del Vaticano --- --- --- --- ---
VC San Vicente y las Granadinas --- --- --- ---
VE Venezuela --- --- ---
VG Islas Vírgenes Británicas --- --- --- ---
VI Islas Vírgenes de los EE.UU. --- --- ---
VN Vietnam --- --- --- ---
VU Vanuatu --- --- --- ---
WF Wallis y Futuna --- --- --- ---
WS Samoa --- --- --- ---
XK Kosovo --- --- --- ---
YE Yemen --- --- --- ---
YT Mayotte --- --- --- ---
ZA Sudáfrica --- --- ---
ZM Zambia --- --- --- ---
ZW Zimbabue --- --- --- ---